blob: 8888c48a84f48f9dcfb6bc443d8631cfab4720cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::diagnostics::{Diagnostics, Event};
use crate::enums::{Role, SampleValidationError, TimeSourceError};
use crate::time_source::{
BoxedPullSource, BoxedPushSource, BoxedPushSourceEventStream, Event as TimeSourceEvent, Sample,
use fidl_fuchsia_time_external::{Status, Urgency};
use fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, TimeoutExt};
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::{FutureExt as _, StreamExt as _};
use std::sync::Arc;
use tracing::{debug, error, info, warn};
/// Sets the maximum rate at which Timekeeper is willing to accept new updates from a time source in
/// order to limit the Timekeeper resource utilization. This value is also used to apply an upper
/// limit on the monotonic age of time updates.
const MIN_UPDATE_DELAY: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_minutes(1);
/// The time to wait before restart after a complete failure of the time source. Many time source
/// failures are likely to repeat so this is useful to limit resource utilization.
const RESTART_DELAY: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_minutes(5);
/// Same as above, except used when *no* valid samples have yet been obtained. This allows us
/// to restart faster in case of initial issues, which if left unhandled would delay setting
/// the UTC clock, and would make programs sensitive to correct UTC time (e.g. those that
/// validate SSL) quite unhappy.
const RESTART_DELAY_INITIAL: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_seconds(10);
/// How frequently a source that declares itself to be healthy needs to produce updates in order to
/// remain selected. Sources are restarted if they fail to produce updates faster than this.
const SOURCE_KEEPALIVE: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_minutes(60);
/// A provider of monotonic times.
pub trait MonotonicProvider: Send + Sync {
/// Returns the current monotonic time.
fn now(&mut self) -> zx::Time;
/// A provider of true monotonic times from the kernel.
pub struct KernelMonotonicProvider();
impl MonotonicProvider for KernelMonotonicProvider {
fn now(&mut self) -> zx::Time {
/// A wrapper that provides a common interface for other time source managers.
/// In the future `TimeSourceManager` will also handle multiple time sources and the selection
/// between them. Meaning it will manage up to three sources.
pub struct TimeSourceManager<D: Diagnostics, M: MonotonicProvider> {
/// Manager for the time source.
manager: TimeManager<D, M>,
enum TimeManager<D: Diagnostics, M: MonotonicProvider> {
Push(PushSourceManager<D, M>),
Pull(PullSourceManager<D, M>),
impl<D: Diagnostics, M: MonotonicProvider> TimeManager<D, M> {
/// Return true if this TimeManager is a pull source.
fn is_pull_source(&self) -> bool {
match self {
TimeManager::Pull(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// A wrapper that launches a time source component, uses PushSource to obtain time samples,
/// validates them from the source, and handles relaunching the source in the case of failures.
struct PushSourceManager<D: Diagnostics, M: MonotonicProvider> {
/// The role of the time source being managed.
role: Role,
/// The backstop time that samples must not come before.
backstop: zx::Time,
/// Whether the time source restart delay and minimum update delay should be enabled.
delays_enabled: bool,
/// A source of monotonic time.
monotonic: M,
/// The time source to be managed.
time_source: BoxedPushSource,
/// A diagnostics implementation for recording events of note.
diagnostics: Arc<D>,
/// The active event stream, present when the source is currently running.
event_stream: Option<BoxedPushSourceEventStream>,
/// The most recent status received from the time source in its current execution.
last_status: Option<Status>,
/// The monotonic time at which the most recently accepted Sample arrived.
last_accepted_sample_arrival: Option<zx::Time>,
impl<D: Diagnostics, M: MonotonicProvider> PushSourceManager<D, M> {
/// Returns the next valid sample from the Push timesource.
async fn next_sample_from_push(&mut self) -> Sample {
loop {
// Extract the event stream from self if one exists and attempt to start one if not.
let mut event_stream = match self.event_stream.take() {
Some(event_stream) => event_stream,
None => match {
Ok(event_stream) => event_stream,
Err(err) => {
error!("Error launching {:?} time source: {:?}", self.role, err);
if self.delays_enabled {
// Try to wait for a valid sample from the event stream, inserting the event stream
// back into self for next time if we're successful.
match self.next_sample_from_stream(&mut event_stream).await {
Ok(sample) => {
return sample;
Err(failure) => {
self.last_status = None;
if self.delays_enabled {
/// Record a time source failure via diagnostics.
fn record_time_source_failure(&self, error: TimeSourceError) {
self.diagnostics.record(Event::TimeSourceFailed { role: self.role, error });
/// Returns the next valid sample from the supplied stream, or an error if the stream
/// encounters a terminal error. The monotonic provider will be queried exactly once to
/// validate every `TimeSourceEvent::Sample` received.
async fn next_sample_from_stream(
&mut self,
event_stream: &mut BoxedPushSourceEventStream,
) -> Result<Sample, TimeSourceError> {
loop {
// Time sources whose current status is OK must send new samples (or state
// changes) within SOURCE_KEEPALIVE. This doesn't apply to sources that are not
// OK (e.g. those waiting indefinitely for network availability).
let timeout = match self.last_status {
Some(Status::Ok) => zx::Time::after(SOURCE_KEEPALIVE),
_ => zx::Time::INFINITE,
let event = event_stream
.map(|res| res.ok_or(TimeSourceError::StreamFailed))
.on_timeout(timeout, || Err(TimeSourceError::SampleTimeOut))
.map_err(|err| {
warn!("Error polling stream on {:?}: {:?}", self.role, err);
.map_err(|err| {
warn!("Error calling watch on {:?}: {:?}", self.role, err);
match event {
TimeSourceEvent::StatusChange { status } if self.last_status == Some(status) => {
info!("Ignoring repeated {:?} state of {:?}", self.role, status);
TimeSourceEvent::StatusChange { status } => {
info!("{:?} changed state to {:?}", self.role, status);
self.diagnostics.record(Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: self.role, status });
self.last_status = Some(status);
TimeSourceEvent::Sample(sample) => match self.validate_sample(&sample) {
Ok(arrival) => {
debug!("sample arrival: {:?}", &sample);
// The current API leaves the potential for a race condition between a
// source declaring itself OK and sending the first sample. Since the
// non-OK states describe reasons a time source is incapable of sending
// samples, we mark a source as OK if we receive a valid sample from any
// other state.
if self.last_status != Some(Status::Ok) {
info!("{:?} setting state to OK on receipt of valid sample", self.role);
self.diagnostics.record(Event::TimeSourceStatus {
role: self.role,
status: Status::Ok,
self.last_status = Some(Status::Ok);
self.last_accepted_sample_arrival = Some(arrival);
return Ok(sample);
Err(error) => {
error!("Rejected invalid sample from {:?}: {:?}", self.role, error);
self.diagnostics.record(Event::SampleRejected { role: self.role, error });
/// Validates the supplied time sample against the current state. Returns the current
/// monotonic time on success so it may be used as an arrival time.
fn validate_sample(&mut self, sample: &Sample) -> Result<zx::Time, SampleValidationError> {
let current_monotonic =;
let earliest_allowed_arrival = match self.last_accepted_sample_arrival {
Some(previous_arrival) if self.delays_enabled => previous_arrival + MIN_UPDATE_DELAY,
_ => zx::Time::INFINITE_PAST,
if sample.utc < self.backstop {
} else if sample.monotonic > current_monotonic {
} else if sample.monotonic < current_monotonic - MIN_UPDATE_DELAY {
} else if current_monotonic < earliest_allowed_arrival {
} else {
impl<D: Diagnostics> TimeSourceManager<D, KernelMonotonicProvider> {
/// Constructs a new `TimeSourceManager` that reads monotonic times from the kernel.
pub fn new(
backstop: zx::Time,
role: Role,
time_source: TimeSource,
diagnostics: Arc<D>,
) -> Self {
let manager = match time_source {
TimeSource::Push(time_source) => TimeManager::Push(PushSourceManager {
delays_enabled: true,
event_stream: None,
last_accepted_sample_arrival: None,
last_status: None,
monotonic: KernelMonotonicProvider(),
TimeSource::Pull(time_source) => TimeManager::Pull(PullSourceManager {
delays_enabled: true,
monotonic: KernelMonotonicProvider(),
last_sample_request_time: None,
received_sample: false,
first_time_delay_logged: false,
time_sample_delay_logged_count: 0,
sample_error_logged: false,
TimeSourceManager { manager }
/// Returns true if this time source can be suspended. Suspended
/// sources are typically more power-aware than ones that are
/// not.
pub fn is_suspendable_source(&self) -> bool {
/// Constructs a new `TimeSourceManager` that reads monotonic times from the kernel and has
/// the restart delay and minimum update delay set to zero. This makes the behavior more
/// amenable to use in tests.
pub fn new_with_delays_disabled(
backstop: zx::Time,
role: Role,
time_source: TimeSource,
diagnostics: Arc<D>,
) -> Self {
let mut manager = Self::new(backstop, role, time_source, diagnostics);
match &mut manager.manager {
TimeManager::Push(m) => m.delays_enabled = false,
TimeManager::Pull(m) => m.delays_enabled = false,
impl<D: Diagnostics, M: MonotonicProvider> TimeSourceManager<D, M> {
/// Returns the `Role` of the time source being managed.
/// Note: This method is viable while the `TimeSourceManager` is managing a single time source.
/// Once fallback and gating sources are added role will be moved to a property of each
/// time sample and this method will be removed.
pub fn role(&self) -> Role {
match &self.manager {
TimeManager::Push(m) => m.role,
TimeManager::Pull(m) => m.role,
/// Returns the next valid sample from the time source.
pub async fn next_sample(&mut self) -> Sample {
match &mut self.manager {
TimeManager::Push(m) => m.next_sample_from_push().await,
TimeManager::Pull(m) => m.next_sample_from_pull().await,
/// A wrapper that launches a time source component, uses PushSource to obtain time samples,
/// validates them from the source, and handles relaunching the source in the case of failures.
struct PullSourceManager<D: Diagnostics, M: MonotonicProvider> {
/// The role of the time source being managed.
role: Role,
/// The backstop time that samples must not come before.
backstop: zx::Time,
/// Whether the time source restart delay and minimum update delay should be enabled.
delays_enabled: bool,
/// A source of monotonic time.
monotonic: M,
/// The time source to be managed.
time_source: BoxedPullSource,
/// A diagnostics implementation for recording events of note.
diagnostics: Arc<D>,
/// The monotonic time at which the last sample was requested.
last_sample_request_time: Option<zx::Time>,
/// If the manager ever received a sample.
received_sample: bool,
/// Set if the first time delay log message has been already logged.
/// Used to reduce log spam.
first_time_delay_logged: bool,
/// The number of times we logged the time sample delay.
/// Used to reduce log spam.
time_sample_delay_logged_count: u32,
/// Set if sample error was already logged.
sample_error_logged: bool,
impl<D: Diagnostics, M: MonotonicProvider> PullSourceManager<D, M> {
/// Returns the next valid sample from the Pull timesource.
/// This function will await until it obtains a valid sample from the clock.
/// This await may be a long time if the network is not established, and delays
/// can make the software depending on correct UTC time very unhappy.
/// The current pull sampling method will try to sample every
/// `RESTART_DELAY_INITIAL` for the initial sample, and will then start
/// using a longer delay.
async fn next_sample_from_pull(&mut self) -> Sample {
loop {
let sample = loop {
self.last_sample_request_time = Some(;
let urgency = if self.received_sample { Urgency::Medium } else { Urgency::High };
match self.time_source.sample(&urgency).await {
Ok(sample) => break sample,
Err(err) => {
// Logging once, so that `err` gets logged somewhere.
if !self.sample_error_logged {
// This is usually something timekeeper can recover from on its own.
// However, there may be knock-on effects for other programs if the
// time sample is indefinitely delayed.
warn!("Error obtaining time sample on {:?}: {:?}", self.role, err);
self.sample_error_logged = true;
} else {
debug!("Error obtaining time sample on {:?}: {:?}", self.role, err);
if self.delays_enabled {
let delay = if self.received_sample {
} else {
if !self.first_time_delay_logged {
warn!("First time pull sample is delayed, this may affect UTC-sensitive programs");
self.first_time_delay_logged = true;
if self.time_sample_delay_logged_count < 2 {
info!("Time sample delay: {:?}", delay);
self.time_sample_delay_logged_count += 1;
match self.validate_sample(&sample) {
Ok(_) => {
info!("{:?} received valid sample", self.role);
self.received_sample = true;
return sample;
Err(error) => {
error!("Rejected invalid sample from {:?}: {:?}", self.role, error);
self.diagnostics.record(Event::SampleRejected { role: self.role, error });
/// Validates the supplied time sample against the current state.
fn validate_sample(&mut self, sample: &Sample) -> Result<(), SampleValidationError> {
let current_monotonic =;
if sample.utc < self.backstop {
} else if sample.monotonic > current_monotonic {
} else if self.last_sample_request_time.map_or(true, |time| sample.monotonic < time) {
// If the sample wasn't requested or represents time before the sample request.
} else {
/// Record a time source failure via diagnostics.
fn record_time_source_failure(&self, error: TimeSourceError) {
self.diagnostics.record(Event::TimeSourceFailed { role: self.role, error });
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::diagnostics::FakeDiagnostics;
use crate::enums::{SampleValidationError as SVE, TimeSourceError as TSE};
use crate::time_source::{FakePullTimeSource, FakePushTimeSource};
use anyhow::anyhow;
const BACKSTOP_FACTOR: i64 = 100;
const TEST_ROLE: Role = Role::Monitor;
const STD_DEV: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_millis(22);
macro_rules! assert_push_manager {
($manager:expr) => {{
if let TimeManager::Push(m) = $manager.manager {
} else {
panic!("Expected TimeManager::Push.")
macro_rules! assert_pull_manager {
($manager:expr) => {{
if let TimeManager::Pull(m) = $manager.manager {
} else {
panic!("Expected TimeManager::Pull.")
/// A provider of artificial monotonic times that increment by a fixed duration each call.
struct FakeMonotonicProvider {
increment: zx::Duration,
last_time: zx::Time,
impl FakeMonotonicProvider {
/// Constructs a new `FakeMonotonicProvider` that increments by `increment` on each call.
pub fn new(increment: zx::Duration) -> Self {
FakeMonotonicProvider { increment, last_time: zx::Time::ZERO }
impl MonotonicProvider for FakeMonotonicProvider {
fn now(&mut self) -> zx::Time {
self.last_time += self.increment;
/// Create a new `TimeSourceManager` from PushSource using the standard backstop time and role,
/// a monotonic time that increments by `MIN_UPDATE_DELAY` per sample, and the supplied time
/// source and diagnostics.
fn create_manager_from_push(
time_source: FakePushTimeSource,
diagnostics: Arc<FakeDiagnostics>,
) -> TimeSourceManager<FakeDiagnostics, FakeMonotonicProvider> {
let manager = TimeManager::Push(PushSourceManager {
role: TEST_ROLE,
delays_enabled: true,
monotonic: FakeMonotonicProvider::new(MIN_UPDATE_DELAY),
time_source: Box::new(time_source),
event_stream: None,
last_status: None,
last_accepted_sample_arrival: None,
TimeSourceManager { manager }
/// Create a new `TimeSourceManager` from PullSource using the standard backstop time and role,
/// a monotonic time that increments by `MIN_UPDATE_DELAY` per sample, and the supplied time
/// source and diagnostics.
fn create_manager_from_pull(
time_source: FakePullTimeSource,
diagnostics: Arc<FakeDiagnostics>,
) -> TimeSourceManager<FakeDiagnostics, FakeMonotonicProvider> {
let manager = TimeManager::Pull(PullSourceManager {
role: TEST_ROLE,
delays_enabled: true,
monotonic: FakeMonotonicProvider::new(MIN_UPDATE_DELAY),
time_source: Box::new(time_source),
last_sample_request_time: None,
received_sample: false,
first_time_delay_logged: false,
time_sample_delay_logged_count: 0,
sample_error_logged: false,
TimeSourceManager { manager }
/// Create a new `TimeSourceManager` using the standard backstop time and role, a monotonic time
/// that increments by `MIN_UPDATE_DELAY` per sample, and the supplied time source and
/// diagnostics. Restart and min update delays are disabled.
fn create_manager_delays_disabled(
time_source: FakePushTimeSource,
diagnostics: Arc<FakeDiagnostics>,
) -> TimeSourceManager<FakeDiagnostics, FakeMonotonicProvider> {
let manager = TimeManager::Push(PushSourceManager {
role: TEST_ROLE,
delays_enabled: false,
monotonic: FakeMonotonicProvider::new(MIN_UPDATE_DELAY),
time_source: Box::new(time_source),
event_stream: None,
last_status: None,
last_accepted_sample_arrival: None,
TimeSourceManager { manager }
/// Creates a new time sample from the supplied times. Both UTC and Monotonic are supplied as
/// a factor to multiply by MIN_UPDATE_DELAY, which is the minimum interval the manager would
/// accept between samples.rate at hence the rate we choose our fake monotonic clock to tick at.
fn create_sample(utc_factor: i64, monotonic_factor: i64) -> Sample {
Sample {
utc: zx::Time::ZERO + (MIN_UPDATE_DELAY * utc_factor),
monotonic: zx::Time::ZERO + (MIN_UPDATE_DELAY * monotonic_factor),
std_dev: STD_DEV,
fn push_role_accessor() {
let time_source = FakePushTimeSource::failing();
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
let manager = create_manager_from_push(time_source, diagnostics);
assert_eq!(manager.role(), TEST_ROLE);
fn pull_role_accessor() {
let time_source = FakePullTimeSource::failing();
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
let manager = create_manager_from_pull(time_source, diagnostics);
assert_eq!(manager.role(), TEST_ROLE);
#[fuchsia::test(allow_stalls = false)]
async fn event_in_future() {
let time_source = FakePushTimeSource::events(vec![
TimeSourceEvent::StatusChange { status: Status::Ok },
TimeSourceEvent::from(create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 1, 1)),
// Should be ignored since monotonic is in the future
TimeSourceEvent::from(create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 2, 20)),
TimeSourceEvent::from(create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 3, 3)),
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
let mut manager = create_manager_from_push(time_source, Arc::clone(&diagnostics));
assert_eq!(manager.next_sample().await, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 1, 1));
assert_eq!(manager.next_sample().await, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 3, 3));
let push_manager = assert_push_manager!(manager);
Some(zx::Time::ZERO + MIN_UPDATE_DELAY * 3)
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Ok },
Event::SampleRejected { role: TEST_ROLE, error: SVE::MonotonicInFuture },
#[fuchsia::test(allow_stalls = false)]
async fn event_in_future_pull_source() {
let time_source = FakePullTimeSource::samples(vec![
(Urgency::High, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 1, 1)),
// Should be ignored since monotonic is in the future
(Urgency::Medium, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 2, 20)),
(Urgency::Medium, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 3, 5)),
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
let mut manager = create_manager_from_pull(time_source, Arc::clone(&diagnostics));
assert_eq!(manager.next_sample().await, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 1, 1));
assert_eq!(manager.next_sample().await, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 3, 5));
let pull_manager = assert_pull_manager!(manager);
assert_eq!(pull_manager.received_sample, true);
diagnostics.assert_events(&[Event::SampleRejected {
role: TEST_ROLE,
error: SVE::MonotonicInFuture,
#[fuchsia::test(allow_stalls = false)]
async fn sample_implies_ok() {
let time_source = FakePushTimeSource::events(vec![
// Should be accepted even though time source is not currently OK.
TimeSourceEvent::from(create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 1, 1)),
// Should not be recorded since we moved the source to OK on receiving the sample.
TimeSourceEvent::StatusChange { status: Status::Ok },
TimeSourceEvent::StatusChange { status: Status::Network },
// Should be accepted even though time source is not curently OK.
TimeSourceEvent::from(create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 2, 2)),
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
let mut manager = create_manager_from_push(time_source, Arc::clone(&diagnostics));
assert_eq!(manager.next_sample().await, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 1, 1));
assert_eq!(manager.next_sample().await, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 2, 2));
let push_manager = assert_push_manager!(manager);
assert_eq!(push_manager.last_status, Some(Status::Ok));
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Ok },
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Network },
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Ok },
async fn restart_on_watch_error() {
let time_source = FakePushTimeSource::result_collections(vec![
Ok(TimeSourceEvent::StatusChange { status: Status::Ok }),
Ok(TimeSourceEvent::from(create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 1, 1))),
Err(anyhow!("Walked through wet cement")),
// Should be ignored since Err caused restart.
Ok(TimeSourceEvent::from(create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 2, 2))),
Ok(TimeSourceEvent::StatusChange { status: Status::Ok }),
Ok(TimeSourceEvent::from(create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 3, 2))),
Ok(TimeSourceEvent::from(create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 4, 3))),
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
let mut manager = create_manager_delays_disabled(time_source, Arc::clone(&diagnostics));
assert_eq!(manager.next_sample().await, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 1, 1));
assert_eq!(manager.next_sample().await, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 3, 2));
assert_eq!(manager.next_sample().await, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 4, 3));
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Ok },
Event::TimeSourceFailed { role: TEST_ROLE, error: TSE::CallFailed },
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Ok },
async fn restart_on_channel_close() {
let time_source = FakePushTimeSource::event_collections(vec![
TimeSourceEvent::StatusChange { status: Status::Ok },
TimeSourceEvent::from(create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 1, 1)),
TimeSourceEvent::StatusChange { status: Status::Ok },
TimeSourceEvent::from(create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 2, 2)),
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
let mut manager = create_manager_delays_disabled(time_source, Arc::clone(&diagnostics));
assert_eq!(manager.next_sample().await, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 1, 1));
assert_eq!(manager.next_sample().await, create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR + 2, 2));
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Ok },
Event::TimeSourceFailed { role: TEST_ROLE, error: TSE::StreamFailed },
Event::TimeSourceStatus { role: TEST_ROLE, status: Status::Ok },
async fn restart_on_launch_failure() {
let time_source = FakePushTimeSource::failing();
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
let mut manager = TimeSourceManager::new(
// Calling next sample on this manager with the restart delay enabled should lead to
// failed launch and then a few minute cooldown period before relaunch. We test for this by
// verifying a short timeout triggered.
.map(|_| true)
.on_timeout(zx::Time::after(zx::Duration::from_millis(50)), || false)
diagnostics.assert_events(&[Event::TimeSourceFailed {
role: TEST_ROLE,
error: TSE::LaunchFailed,
async fn restart_on_launch_failure_pull_source() {
let time_source = FakePullTimeSource::failing().into();
let diagnostics = Arc::new(FakeDiagnostics::new());
let mut manager = TimeSourceManager::new(
// Calling next sample on this manager with the restart delay enabled should lead to
// failed launch and then a few minute cooldown period before relaunch. We test for this by
// verifying a short timeout triggered.
.map(|_| true)
.on_timeout(zx::Time::after(zx::Duration::from_millis(50)), || false)
diagnostics.assert_events(&[Event::TimeSourceFailed {
role: TEST_ROLE,
error: TSE::LaunchFailed,
fn validate_sample_failures() {
let manager = create_manager_from_push(
let mut push_manager = assert_push_manager!(manager);
push_manager.last_status = Some(Status::Ok);
// The monotonic our manager sees will start at a factor of 1 and increment by 1 each time
// we try to validate a sample.
push_manager.validate_sample(&create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR, 1)),
push_manager.validate_sample(&create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR - 1, 2)),
push_manager.validate_sample(&create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR, 0)),
push_manager.validate_sample(&create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR, 100)),
// On the next call the monontonic should be a factor of 5, trick the manager into thinking
// it already accepted an update at 4.5
push_manager.last_accepted_sample_arrival =
Some(zx::Time::from_nanos(MIN_UPDATE_DELAY.into_nanos() / 2 * 9));
push_manager.validate_sample(&create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR, 5)),
// But if we disable delays an accepted update of 5.5 at a monotonic of 6 is accepted.
push_manager.delays_enabled = false;
push_manager.last_accepted_sample_arrival =
Some(zx::Time::from_nanos(MIN_UPDATE_DELAY.into_nanos() / 2 * 11));
push_manager.validate_sample(&create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR, 6)),
Ok(zx::Time::ZERO + MIN_UPDATE_DELAY * 6)
fn validate_sample_failures_pull_source() {
let manager = create_manager_from_pull(
let mut pull_manager = assert_pull_manager!(manager);
pull_manager.last_sample_request_time = Some(zx::Time::ZERO);
// The monotonic our manager sees will start at a factor of 1 and increment by 1 each time
// we try to validate a sample.
assert_eq!(pull_manager.validate_sample(&create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR, 1)), Ok(()));
pull_manager.validate_sample(&create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR - 1, 2)),
pull_manager.validate_sample(&create_sample(BACKSTOP_FACTOR, 100)),