blob: 7b1fe1e83ed15518f9b06ad68546819ad2c0f64b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{anyhow, format_err, Context as _, Result};
use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
use fuchsia_hash::Hash;
use fuchsia_pkg::{PackageManifest, PackageManifestList};
use futures::channel::mpsc::{channel, Receiver};
use futures::executor::block_on;
use futures::{SinkExt, Stream};
use notify::{RecommendedWatcher, RecursiveMode};
use notify_batch_watcher::{BatchEvent, BatchWatcher, Error as BatchError};
use std::collections::{hash_map, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use tracing::error;
type BatchResult = Result<BatchEvent, Vec<BatchError>>;
/// How long to buffer up all watcher events.
const DEFAULT_BATCH_WATCHER_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ManifestEvent {
/// When the first package manifest event occurred.
pub start_time: Instant,
/// When the last package manifest event occurred.
pub end_time: Instant,
/// Which package manifests were changed.
pub changed_manifests: HashSet<Utf8PathBuf>,
/// Paths we are no longer watching.
pub unwatched_manifests: HashSet<Utf8PathBuf>,
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct PackageManifestWatcherBuilder {
manifest_paths: HashSet<Utf8PathBuf>,
list_paths: HashSet<Utf8PathBuf>,
batch_timeout: Duration,
impl PackageManifestWatcherBuilder {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
manifest_paths: HashSet::new(),
list_paths: HashSet::new(),
/// Watch a package manifest. The path is not required to exist, but its parent directory must
/// exist.
pub fn package_manifest(mut self, path: Utf8PathBuf) -> Self {
/// Watch an iterator of package manifests. Each path is not required to exist, but its parent
/// directory must exist.
pub fn package_manifests(mut self, paths: impl IntoIterator<Item = Utf8PathBuf>) -> Self {
for path in paths {
self = self.package_manifest(path);
/// Watch a package manifest list. The path is not required to exist, but its parent directory
/// must exist.
pub fn package_list(mut self, path: Utf8PathBuf) -> Self {
/// Watch an iterator of package manifest lists. Each path is not required to exist, but its
/// parent directory must exist.
pub fn package_lists(mut self, paths: impl IntoIterator<Item = Utf8PathBuf>) -> Self {
for path in paths {
self = self.package_list(path);
/// How long to batch up events before we will emit file changes. A larger value will avoid
/// excess events if a file keeps getting modified, but will take longer before the caller
/// observes changes.
pub fn batch_timeout(mut self, batch_timeout: Duration) -> Self {
self.batch_timeout = batch_timeout;
/// Watch paths to package manifests and package manifests lists.
pub fn watch(self) -> Result<PackageManifestWatcher> {
let mut watcher = PackageManifestWatcher::new(self.batch_timeout)?;
for path in self.manifest_paths {
for path in self.list_paths {
/// Watches changes to manifests and manifest list files.
pub struct PackageManifestWatcher {
/// The individual package manifests we are watching.
watched_manifest_paths: HashSet<Utf8PathBuf>,
/// Mapping of the watched package manifest list path to the manifest paths in the list.
watched_list_to_manifests: HashMap<Utf8PathBuf, HashSet<Utf8PathBuf>>,
/// If we get a rescan event, we'll re-load all our manifest data. However, we might still have
/// old messages in the queue. Ignore any events that are older than this time.
last_event_time: Instant,
/// File watcher.
file_watcher: ManifestFileWatcher,
receiver: Receiver<BatchResult>,
impl PackageManifestWatcher {
/// `PackageManifestWatcherBuilder` provides interface to set up the `PackageManifestWatcher`.
pub fn builder() -> PackageManifestWatcherBuilder {
fn new(batch_timeout: Duration) -> Result<Self> {
let (file_watcher, receiver) = ManifestFileWatcher::new(batch_timeout)?;
Ok(Self {
watched_manifest_paths: HashSet::new(),
watched_list_to_manifests: HashMap::new(),
last_event_time: Instant::now(),
/// Watch a package manifest path.
pub fn watch_package_manifest(&mut self, manifest_path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<()> {
// Canonicalize the paths, since that's what notify returns.
let manifest_path = manifest_path.canonicalize_utf8()?;
if !self.watched_manifest_paths.contains(&manifest_path) {
/// Watch a package manifest list path, and each package manifest inside the file.
pub fn watch_package_manifest_list(&mut self, list_path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<()> {
// Canonicalize the paths, since that's what notify returns.
let list_path = list_path.canonicalize_utf8()?;
match self.watched_list_to_manifests.entry(list_path) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => Ok(()),
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
let list_contents = read_package_manifest_list(entry.key())?;
let list_contents = entry.insert(list_contents);
// Also watch all the manifest paths in the list.
for manifest_path in list_contents.iter() {
/// Rescan all the watched files to see if any have changed.
fn rescan(&mut self) -> HashSet<Utf8PathBuf> {
let mut changed_manifest_paths = HashSet::new();
for manifest_path in &self.watched_manifest_paths {
if let Ok(true) = self.file_watcher.update_package_manifest(manifest_path) {
for (list_path, old_manifest_paths) in &mut self.watched_list_to_manifests {
let new_manifest_paths = read_package_manifest_list(list_path).unwrap_or_default();
for manifest_path in &new_manifest_paths {
if changed_manifest_paths.contains(manifest_path) {
if let Ok(true) = self.file_watcher.update_package_manifest(manifest_path) {
*old_manifest_paths = new_manifest_paths;
fn handle_batch_event(&mut self, event: BatchEvent) -> Option<ManifestEvent> {
// Ignore old events.
// The BatchWatcher guarantees that the end time of the previous event (tracked in
// `last_event_time`) will always be less than or equal to the `end_time` of the next event.
// When starting a rescan, however, we set `last_event_time` to the current time, which may
// be larger than the end time of the event that triggered the rescan. This allows us to
// skip any events that were in the queue when the rescan was triggered (since their changes
// have already been addressed by the rescan).
if event.end_time < self.last_event_time {
return None;
let manifest_event = if event.rescan {
// Our underlying watcher had to drop events, so rescan all our manifests.
// Update our `last_event_time` to now so we'll ignore any events that happen to
// come in before we started this scan.
let now = Instant::now();
self.last_event_time = now;
ManifestEvent {
start_time: now,
end_time: now,
changed_manifests: self.rescan(),
unwatched_manifests: HashSet::new(),
} else {
self.last_event_time = event.end_time;
let ManifestEventPaths { changed_manifests, unwatched_manifests } =
ManifestEvent {
start_time: event.start_time,
end_time: event.end_time,
// Don't bother sending along an empty list.
if manifest_event.changed_manifests.is_empty()
&& manifest_event.unwatched_manifests.is_empty()
} else {
// Returns paths of the changed and unwatched package manifest files.
fn handle_changed_paths(&mut self, paths: HashSet<PathBuf>) -> ManifestEventPaths {
let mut changed_manifests = HashSet::new();
let mut unwatched_manifests = HashSet::new();
for path in paths {
let path = match Utf8PathBuf::try_from(path) {
Ok(path) => path,
Err(err) => {
error!("path contains invalid UTF-8: {}", err.as_path().display());
// If the changed file is a package manifest list, update the watched manifests inside
// of it. Otherwise let the caller know which package manifests changed.
if let Some(old_manifests) = self.watched_list_to_manifests.get_mut(&path) {
match self.file_watcher.update_package_manifest_list(&path, old_manifests) {
Ok(manifest_paths) => {
Err(err) => {
error!("error processing list {}: {:?}", path, err);
} else if self.file_watcher.is_watching_manifest(&path) {
// Otherwise, treat it as a package manifest.
match self.file_watcher.update_package_manifest(&path) {
Ok(true) => {
Ok(false) => {}
Err(err) => {
error!("error processing manifest {}: {:?}", path, err);
ManifestEventPaths { changed_manifests, unwatched_manifests }
struct ManifestEventPaths {
changed_manifests: HashSet<Utf8PathBuf>,
unwatched_manifests: HashSet<Utf8PathBuf>,
impl Stream for PackageManifestWatcher {
type Item = ManifestEvent;
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
loop {
match futures::ready!(self.as_mut().project().receiver.poll_next(cx)) {
Some(Ok(event)) => {
if let Some(changed_paths) = self.handle_batch_event(event) {
return Poll::Ready(Some(changed_paths));
Some(Err(errs)) => {
for err in errs {
error!("notify batch watcher error: {err:#?}");
None => {
return Poll::Ready(None);
/// Watches manifest files and provides methods for watching and unwatching them.
/// This is factored out of [PackageManifestWatcher] to make it easier to work with ownership.
struct ManifestFileWatcher {
batch_watcher: BatchWatcher<RecommendedWatcher>,
/// Hashed by parent dir, and the hash entry is a `HashMap` of file paths to number of clients
/// watching the file in that dir.
watched_paths: HashMap<Utf8PathBuf, HashMap<Utf8PathBuf, usize>>,
/// Mapping from a manifest path to the package manifest's hash, which will be used to see if
/// watched manifests change over time.
manifest_hashes: HashMap<Utf8PathBuf, Option<Hash>>,
impl ManifestFileWatcher {
fn new(batch_timeout: Duration) -> Result<(Self, Receiver<BatchResult>)> {
// We use a batch size of zero so we have back pressure to the batch watcher thread. If the
// stream is taking longer to process the batch watcher will just keep batching more notify
// events into a batch until we're ready to consume it.
let (mut event_tx, event_rx) = channel::<BatchResult>(0);
// Some notify backends can emit multiple events when manipulating files. To reduce churn,
// we'll spawn a background thread to batch up multiple events.
let batch_watcher = BatchWatcher::builder()
// We only care if the event modifies a path.
.event_filter(|event| {
| notify::EventKind::Modify(_)
| notify::EventKind::Remove(_)
.build(batch_timeout, move |result: BatchResult| {
// Send the events along to the receiver. `BatchWatcher` implements back pressure,
// so it's okay if this blocks until the receiver receives it.
if let Err(err) = block_on(event_tx.send(result)) {
if !err.is_disconnected() {
error!("error sending manifest event: {err}");
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("notify error: {:?}", e))?;
Self { batch_watcher, watched_paths: HashMap::new(), manifest_hashes: HashMap::new() },
/// Returns true if we are currently watching this path.
fn is_watching_manifest(&self, path: &Utf8Path) -> bool {
fn watch_path(&mut self, path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<()> {
let Some(parent) = path.parent() else {
return Err(format_err!("path does not have a parent: {path:?}"));
// Add this file to our watch list.
let children = self.watched_paths.entry(parent.into()).or_default();
// We only need to watch this file if we haven't watched it already.
let needs_watch = children.is_empty();
// Increment the reference count.
let count = children.entry(path.to_owned()).or_default();
*count += 1;
if needs_watch {
// Watch the parent path instead of directly watching the file to avoid
//, RecursiveMode::NonRecursive)?;
/// Unwatch a path.
fn unwatch_path(&mut self, path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<bool> {
// Canonicalize the paths, since that's what notify returns.
let path = path.canonicalize_utf8()?;
let Some(parent) = path.parent() else {
return Err(format_err!("path does not have a parent: {path:?}"));
if let Some(ref mut children) = self.watched_paths.get_mut(parent) {
if let Some(count) = children.get_mut(&path) {
*count -= 1;
let path_removed = if *count == 0 {
} else {
if children.is_empty() {
return Ok(path_removed);
/// Update our tracking of the package manifest. Returns true if this file is new, or has
/// changed since we last saw it.
fn update_package_manifest(&mut self, path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<bool> {
let new_hash = read_package_manifest_hash(path)?;
Ok(if let Some(old_hash) = self.manifest_hashes.get_mut(path) {
if *old_hash == new_hash {
} else {
*old_hash = new_hash;
} else {
self.manifest_hashes.insert(path.to_owned(), new_hash);
/// Reads a package manifest list from `path`, watches any new manifests, unwatches any removed
/// manifests, and returns any the new manifests. Returns any added
/// manifests, and any manifests we are unwatching.
fn update_package_manifest_list(
&mut self,
path: &Utf8Path,
old_manifests: &mut HashSet<Utf8PathBuf>,
) -> Result<ManifestEventPaths> {
let new_manifests = read_package_manifest_list(path)?;
let added_manifests =
for path in &added_manifests {
let mut unwatched_manifests = HashSet::new();
for path in old_manifests.difference(&new_manifests) {
if self.unwatch_path(path)? {
// If we actually unwatched the path, we can remove this path from our hashes map,
// so we don't leak space over time.
*old_manifests = new_manifests;
Ok(ManifestEventPaths { changed_manifests: added_manifests, unwatched_manifests })
/// Read a package manifest. Returns `None` if the manifest file does not exist, or
/// is malformed (which can happen if we read the file while it was being written).
/// If the package doesn't
fn read_package_manifest_hash(path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<Option<Hash>> {
let file = match File::open(path) {
Ok(file) => BufReader::new(file),
Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => return Ok(None),
Err(err) => {
return Err(err.into());
match PackageManifest::from_reader(path, file) {
Ok(manifest) => Ok(Some(manifest.hash())),
Err(_) => Ok(None),
/// Reads `PackageManifestList` from path. Returns the canonical path for each entry, since this is
/// what the `BatchWatcher` returns. Returns an empty set if the file does not exist, or is
/// malformed.
fn read_package_manifest_list(path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<HashSet<Utf8PathBuf>> {
let file = match File::open(path) {
Ok(file) => BufReader::new(file),
Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => return Ok(HashSet::new()),
Err(err) => {
return Err(err.into());
let list = match PackageManifestList::from_reader(path, file) {
Ok(list) => list,
Err(_) => {
return Ok(HashSet::new());
let parent = path.parent().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("path does not have a parent {path}"))?;
// Paths in the package manifest list are relative to the location of the list.
let list = list
.map(|path| {
parent.join(&path).canonicalize_utf8().with_context(|| format!("canonicalizing {path}"))
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::test_utils;
use fuchsia_async::TimeoutExt;
use fuchsia_pkg::PackageBuilder;
use futures::StreamExt as _;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
const TEST_BATCH_WATCHER_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100);
async fn create_watcher(builder: PackageManifestWatcherBuilder) -> PackageManifestWatcher {
fn create_populated_manifest_list<'a>(
dir: &Utf8Path,
name: &str,
manifests: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a Utf8Path>,
) -> Utf8PathBuf {
let manifest_list = dir.join(name);
create_manifest_list(&manifest_list, manifests);
fn create_package_manifest(dir: &Utf8Path, i: u32) -> Utf8PathBuf {
let package_name = format!("pkg{i}");
let pkg_dir = dir.join(&package_name);
let (_meta_far_path, manifest) =
test_utils::make_package_manifest(&package_name, pkg_dir.as_std_path(), Vec::new());
let manifest_path = pkg_dir.join(format!("{package_name}.manifest"));
serde_json::to_writer(std::fs::File::create(&manifest_path).unwrap(), &manifest).unwrap();
fn create_package_manifest_with_content(dir: &Utf8Path, i: u32, content: &str) -> Utf8PathBuf {
let package_name = format!("pkg{i}");
let pkg_dir = dir.join(&package_name);
let mut builder = PackageBuilder::new(
// ABI revision for API level 7
.add_contents_as_blob(format!("bin/{package_name}"), content.as_bytes(), &pkg_dir)
let meta_far_path = pkg_dir.join("meta.far");
let manifest =, meta_far_path).unwrap();
let manifest_path = pkg_dir.join(format!("{package_name}.manifest"));
serde_json::to_writer(std::fs::File::create(&manifest_path).unwrap(), &manifest).unwrap();
fn create_manifest_list<'a>(
file_path: &Utf8Path,
manifests: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a Utf8Path>,
) {
let file = File::create(file_path).unwrap();
let parent = file_path.parent().unwrap();
manifests.into_iter().map(|path| path.strip_prefix(parent).unwrap().into()),
fn update_manifest_list<'a>(
file_path: &Utf8Path,
manifests: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a Utf8Path>,
) {
let file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new().write(true).truncate(true).open(file_path).unwrap();
let parent = file_path.parent().unwrap();
manifests.into_iter().map(|path| path.strip_prefix(parent).unwrap()).map(Into::into),
// TODO( use #[track_caller] when stabilized.
macro_rules! check_no_events_were_emitted {
($watcher:expr) => {{
async {
let result = $;
panic!("should not have received: {result:?}");
.on_timeout(TEST_BATCH_WATCHER_TIMEOUT * 10, || ())
/// Read changed paths from the watcher. It's possible events can be distributed across batches,
/// so try to coalesce them.
async fn check_changed_manifests(
watcher: &mut PackageManifestWatcher,
expected: HashSet<Utf8PathBuf>,
) {
let mut actual = HashSet::new();
let deadline = Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(10);
while let Some(duration) = deadline.checked_duration_since(Instant::now()) {
if let Some(event) = watcher
.on_timeout(duration, || {
panic!("timed out fetching event: got {actual:#?}, expected {expected:#?}")
if actual.len() >= expected.len() {
} else {
panic!("received unexpected end of stream")
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
async fn wait_for_manifests_to_be_unwatched(
watcher: &mut PackageManifestWatcher,
mut expected: HashSet<Utf8PathBuf>,
) {
let deadline = Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(10);
while let Some(duration) = deadline.checked_duration_since(Instant::now()) {
if let Some(event) = watcher
.on_timeout(duration, || {
panic!("timed out waiting for paths to be unwatched: {expected:#?}");
for path in event.unwatched_manifests {
if expected.is_empty() {
} else {
panic!("received unexpected end of stream")
async fn test_should_not_observe_unwatched_files() {
let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let dir = Utf8Path::from_path(tmp.path()).unwrap().canonicalize_utf8().unwrap();
// Initialize a watcher with some files.
let manifest_path = create_package_manifest(&dir, 1);
let list_path =
create_populated_manifest_list(&dir, "pkg-manifest-list", [manifest_path.as_path()]);
let mut watcher =
// Creating files next to the watched files should not be observed.
let unwatched_manifest_path = create_package_manifest(&dir, 2);
let _unwatched_list_path = create_populated_manifest_list(
// Make sure we don't read any events from the stream.
check_no_events_were_emitted!(&mut watcher);
async fn test_should_not_observe_changes_with_identical_content() {
let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let dir = Utf8Path::from_path(tmp.path()).unwrap().canonicalize_utf8().unwrap();
// Initialize a watcher with some files.
let manifest_path = create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 1, "1");
let list_path =
create_populated_manifest_list(&dir, "pkg-manifest-list", [manifest_path.as_path()]);
let mut watcher =
// Overwrite the package with the same content. This should not be
// observed because the contents were not changed.
create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 1, "1");
// Make sure we don't read any events from the stream.
check_no_events_were_emitted!(&mut watcher);
// Overwrite the package with the same content. This should be observed
// because the contents changed.
create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 1, "2");
check_changed_manifests(&mut watcher, HashSet::from([manifest_path])).await;
async fn test_create_modify_remove_recreate_manifest() {
let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let dir = Utf8Path::from_path(tmp.path()).unwrap().canonicalize_utf8().unwrap();
let manifest_path1 = create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 1, "1");
let manifest_path2 = create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 2, "1");
let mut watcher = create_watcher(
// Next, write to the file and make sure we observe an event
create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 1, "2");
check_changed_manifests(&mut watcher, HashSet::from([manifest_path1.clone()])).await;
// Next, write to another file and make sure we observe an event.
create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 2, "2");
check_changed_manifests(&mut watcher, HashSet::from([manifest_path2.clone()])).await;
// Next, delete a file and make sure we observe an event.
check_changed_manifests(&mut watcher, HashSet::from([manifest_path2.clone()])).await;
// Next, re-create a file and make sure we observe an event.
create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 2, "2");
check_changed_manifests(&mut watcher, HashSet::from([manifest_path2.clone()])).await;
async fn test_updating_manifest_lists() {
let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let dir = Utf8Path::from_path(tmp.path()).unwrap().canonicalize_utf8().unwrap();
// We'll start out watching some empty package manifest lists.
let list_path1 = create_populated_manifest_list(&dir, "pkg-manifest-list1", []);
let list_path2 = create_populated_manifest_list(&dir, "pkg-manifest-list2", []);
let mut watcher = create_watcher(
// Add the packages to one of the lists, which should be observed.
let manifest_path1 = create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 1, "1");
let manifest_path2 = create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 2, "1");
update_manifest_list(&list_path1, [manifest_path1.as_path(), manifest_path2.as_path()]);
&mut watcher,
HashSet::from([manifest_path1.clone(), manifest_path2.clone()]),
// Add files to both lists, which should be observed. pkg1 and pkg2 should not be observed
// because they were removed.
let manifest_path3 = create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 3, "1");
let manifest_path4 = create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 4, "1");
update_manifest_list(&list_path1, [manifest_path3.as_path()]);
update_manifest_list(&list_path2, [manifest_path4.as_path()]);
&mut watcher,
HashSet::from([manifest_path3.clone(), manifest_path4.clone()]),
// We should only observe a single change if we change one package.
create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 3, "2");
check_changed_manifests(&mut watcher, HashSet::from([manifest_path3.clone()])).await;
// Updating multiple manifests files should be observed.
create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 3, "3");
create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 4, "3");
check_changed_manifests(&mut watcher, HashSet::from([manifest_path3, manifest_path4]))
async fn test_remove_manifest_list_stops_watching_manifests() {
let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let dir = Utf8Path::from_path(tmp.path()).unwrap().canonicalize_utf8().unwrap();
let manifest_path1 = create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 1, "1");
let manifest_path2 = create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 2, "1");
let list_path1 = create_populated_manifest_list(
[manifest_path1.as_path(), manifest_path2.as_path()],
let mut watcher =
// Remove the manifest list.
// We should observe the package manifests were unwatched.
&mut watcher,
HashSet::from([manifest_path1, manifest_path2.clone()]),
// Next, write to manifest file which is no longer watched.
create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 1, "2");
// Next, remove manifest file which is no longer watched.
// Try to read from the stream. This should not return anything since there were no
// updates to files watched.
check_no_events_were_emitted!(&mut watcher);
async fn test_delete_and_recreate_manifest_list() {
let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let dir = Utf8Path::from_path(tmp.path()).unwrap().canonicalize_utf8().unwrap();
let manifest_path1 = create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 1, "1");
let manifest_path2 = create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 2, "1");
// We'll start out watching some empty package manifest lists.
let list_path =
create_populated_manifest_list(&dir, "pkg-manifest-list1", [manifest_path1.as_path()]);
let mut watcher =
// Delete the manifest list.
// We should observe the package manifest being unwatched.
wait_for_manifests_to_be_unwatched(&mut watcher, HashSet::from([manifest_path1])).await;
// Next, recreate manifest list and make sure we observe an event.
create_manifest_list(&list_path, [manifest_path2.as_path()]);
check_changed_manifests(&mut watcher, HashSet::from([manifest_path2.clone()])).await;
// Next, write to now-watched file and make sure we observe an event.
create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 2, "2");
check_changed_manifests(&mut watcher, HashSet::from([manifest_path2.clone()])).await;
async fn test_same_package_manifest_in_multiple_lists() {
let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let dir = Utf8Path::from_path(tmp.path()).unwrap().canonicalize_utf8().unwrap();
let manifest_path = create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 1, "1");
// Write the manifest in both lists.
let list_path1 =
create_populated_manifest_list(&dir, "pkg-manifest-list1", [manifest_path.as_path()]);
let list_path2 =
create_populated_manifest_list(&dir, "pkg-manifest-list2", [manifest_path.as_path()]);
let mut watcher = create_watcher(
// Delete first manifest list. We shouldn't observe an event because the
// file is still watched in the second list.
check_no_events_were_emitted!(&mut watcher);
// Next, write to shared file and make sure we observe an event.
create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 1, "2");
check_changed_manifests(&mut watcher, HashSet::from([manifest_path.clone()])).await;
// Delete second manifest list and make sure we observe an event.
wait_for_manifests_to_be_unwatched(&mut watcher, HashSet::from([manifest_path])).await;
// Next, write to shared file, which should not be observed.
create_package_manifest_with_content(&dir, 1, "3");
check_no_events_were_emitted!(&mut watcher);