blob: aee3fd04940be7ddddb84cc5cb829c25b7e23f21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::block_wrapper::{FileLike, WrappedBlockDevice};
use anyhow::{Context, Error};
use gpt::disk::LogicalBlockSize;
use gpt::partition_types::{OperatingSystem, Type as PartitionType};
use gpt::GptConfig;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use tracing::info;
/// Size of the misc partition on the ramdisk, in bytes.
pub const MISC_SIZE: u64 = 64 * 1024;
/// Minimum amount of extra size the FVM needs beyond the size of the sparse FVM.
/// This number is not exact, but should be enough to account for extra overhead from the FVM
/// format, and a little bit of space for minfs.
pub const FVM_MINIMUM_PADDING: u64 = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
const FVM_TYPE_GUID: &str = "41d0e340-57e3-954e-8c1e-17ecac44cff5";
const MISC_TYPE_GUID: &str = "1d75395d-f2c6-476b-a8b7-45cc1c97b476";
pub fn write_ramdisk<'a, T: FileLike + 'a>(ramdisk: T) -> Result<gpt::DiskDeviceObject<'a>, Error> {
let wrapper = Box::new(WrappedBlockDevice::new(ramdisk, 512));
let mut disk = GptConfig::new()
.create_from_device(wrapper, None)?;
disk.update_partitions(BTreeMap::new()).context("initialising disk")?;
let misc_type =
PartitionType { guid: MISC_TYPE_GUID, os: OperatingSystem::Custom("Fuchsia".to_owned()) };
let fvm_type =
PartitionType { guid: FVM_TYPE_GUID, os: OperatingSystem::Custom("Fuchsia".to_owned()) };
let sectors = disk.find_free_sectors();
assert!(sectors.len() == 1);
let block_size: u64 = disk.logical_block_size().clone().into();
let available_space = block_size * sectors[0].1 as u64;
disk.add_partition("fuchsia-fvm", available_space - MISC_SIZE, fvm_type, 0, None)
.context("adding fvm partition")?;
disk.add_partition("misc", MISC_SIZE, misc_type, 0, None).context("adding misc partition")?;
info!("free sectors: {:?}", disk.find_free_sectors());
info!("partitions: {:?}", disk.partitions());
info!("disk header: {:?}", disk.primary_header().unwrap());
Ok(disk.write().context("Writing GPT")?)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::io::Cursor;
// TODO(simonshields): enable this once is in the Fuchsia tree.
async fn test_write_ramdisk() {
// 512K disk
let mut fake_disk = Vec::with_capacity(512 * 1024);
fake_disk.resize(512 * 1024, 0);
let cursor = Cursor::new(fake_disk);
let disk = write_ramdisk(Box::new(cursor)).unwrap();
let gpt = GptConfig::new()
.expect("parse GPT ok");
let partitions = gpt.partitions();
assert_eq!(partitions.len(), 2);
let fvm = partitions.get(&0).unwrap();
let header = gpt.primary_header().unwrap();
assert_eq!(fvm.first_lba, 37);
assert_eq!(fvm.last_lba, header.last_usable - (1 + MISC_SIZE / 512));
//assert_eq!(fvm.part_type_guid.guid, Cow::Owned(FVM_TYPE_GUID.to_owned().to_uppercase()) as Cow<'_, str>);
let misc = partitions.get(&1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(misc.first_lba, fvm.last_lba + 1);
assert_eq!(misc.last_lba, header.last_usable);
//assert_eq!(misc.part_type_guid.guid, Cow::Owned(MISC_TYPE_GUID.to_owned().to_uppercase()) as Cow<'_, str>);