blob: 6b10134b6e70722669ed25dbf3c54baad8b8734c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Generated by garnet/public/rust/fuchsia-bootfs/scripts/
// Manually modified to remove unused constants and structs.
/* automatically generated by rust-bindgen */
use zerocopy::{byteorder::little_endian::U32, FromBytes, FromZeros, NoCell, Unaligned};
pub const ZBI_BOOTFS_PAGE_SIZE: u32 = 4096;
pub const ZBI_BOOTFS_MAGIC: u32 = 2775400441;
pub const ZBI_BOOTFS_MAX_NAME_LEN: u32 = 256;
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, FromZeros, FromBytes, NoCell, Unaligned)]
pub struct zbi_bootfs_header_t {
pub magic: U32,
pub dirsize: U32,
pub reserved0: U32,
pub reserved1: U32,
#[derive(Debug, Default, FromZeros, FromBytes, NoCell, Unaligned)]
pub struct zbi_bootfs_dirent_t {
pub name_len: U32,
pub data_len: U32,
pub data_off: U32,