blob: 5b233cf92a286d5b4af203ce0915cd9d11821be6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use fidl::endpoints::{DiscoverableProtocolMarker, ProtocolMarker, Proxy};
use fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_protocol_at_path;
use fuchsia_sync::RwLock;
use std::sync::Arc;
const SVC_DIR: &str = "/svc";
/// A trait that manages connecting to service.
pub trait Connect {
/// Connect to this FIDL service.
type Proxy: Proxy;
/// Connect to the proxy, or return an error.
fn connect(&self) -> Result<Self::Proxy, anyhow::Error>;
/// A `Connect` implementation that will try to reconnect to a FIDL service if the channel has
/// received a peer closed signal. This means it is possible `ServiceReconnector` to return a
/// closed channel, but it should eventually reconnect once the FIDL service is restarted.
pub struct ServiceReconnector<P>
P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker,
<P as ProtocolMarker>::Proxy: Clone,
inner: Arc<ServiceReconnectorInner<P>>,
impl<P> ServiceReconnector<P>
P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker,
<P as ProtocolMarker>::Proxy: Clone,
/// Return a FIDL service connector at the default service directory in the
/// application's root namespace.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Return a FIDL service connector at the specified service directory in
/// the application's root namespace.
/// The service directory path must be an absolute path.
pub fn with_service_at(service_directory_path: &str) -> Self {
let service_path = format!("{}/{}", service_directory_path, P::PROTOCOL_NAME);
/// Return a FIDL service connector at the specified service path.
pub fn with_service_at_path<S: Into<String>>(service_path: S) -> Self {
let service_path = service_path.into();
Self { inner: Arc::new(ServiceReconnectorInner { proxy: RwLock::new(None), service_path }) }
impl<P> Connect for ServiceReconnector<P>
P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker,
<P as ProtocolMarker>::Proxy: Clone,
type Proxy = P::Proxy;
fn connect(&self) -> Result<Self::Proxy, anyhow::Error> {
struct ServiceReconnectorInner<P>
P: ProtocolMarker,
<P as ProtocolMarker>::Proxy: Clone,
proxy: RwLock<Option<<P as ProtocolMarker>::Proxy>>,
service_path: String,
impl<P> Connect for ServiceReconnectorInner<P>
P: DiscoverableProtocolMarker,
<P as ProtocolMarker>::Proxy: Clone,
type Proxy = P::Proxy;
fn connect(&self) -> Result<Self::Proxy, anyhow::Error> {
if let Some(ref proxy) = * {
// Note: `.is_closed()` only returns true if we've observed a peer
// closed on the channel. So if the caller hasn't tried to interact
// with the proxy, we won't actually know if this proxy is closed.
if !proxy.is_closed() {
return Ok(proxy.clone());
// We didn't connect, so grab the write mutex. Note it's possible we've
// lost a race with another connection, so we need to re-check if the
// proxy was closed.
let mut proxy = self.proxy.write();
if let Some(ref proxy) = *proxy {
if !proxy.is_closed() {
return Ok(proxy.clone());
let p = connect_to_protocol_at_path::<P>(&self.service_path)?;
*proxy = Some(p.clone());
mod tests {
use super::*;
use fidl_test_fidl_connector::{TestMarker, TestRequest, TestRequestStream};
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_component::server::ServiceFs;
use futures::prelude::*;
use std::cell::Cell;
async fn test_service_reconnector() {
let ns = fdio::Namespace::installed().expect("installed namespace");
let service_device_path = "/test/service_connector/svc";
let c = ServiceReconnector::<TestMarker>::with_service_at(service_device_path);
let (service_channel, server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_endpoints();
ns.bind(&service_device_path, service_channel).expect("bind test svc");
// In order to test that we reconnect, we create a mock service that
// closes the connection if the `disconnect` method is called in order
// to test if we created a new connection.
let gen = Cell::new(1);
let mut fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
fs.add_fidl_service(move |mut stream: TestRequestStream| {
let current_gen = gen.get();
gen.set(current_gen + 1);
fasync::Task::local(async move {
while let Some(req) = stream.try_next().await.unwrap_or(None) {
match req {
TestRequest::Ping { responder } => {
responder.send(current_gen).expect("patient client");
TestRequest::Disconnect { responder } => {
// Close the response.
let proxy = c.connect().expect("can connect");
assert_eq!("ping"), 1);
let proxy = c.connect().expect("can connect");
assert_eq!("ping"), 1);
let proxy = c.connect().expect("can connect");
assert_eq!("ping"), 2);