blob: ffc691ab845bb830a385f458eaad8de3692ce2ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This library must remain platform-agnostic because it used by a host tool and within Fuchsia.
use anyhow::Context;
use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
use clonable_error::ClonableError;
use fidl_fuchsia_component_internal as fcomponent_internal;
use moniker::Moniker;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use thiserror::Error;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub mod fidl_convert;
mod instance_id;
pub use instance_id::{InstanceId, InstanceIdError};
/// Component ID index entry, only used for persistence to JSON5 and FIDL..
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct PersistedIndexEntry {
pub instance_id: InstanceId,
pub moniker: Moniker,
/// Component ID index, only used for persistence to JSON5 and FIDL.
/// Unlike [Index], this type is not validated, so may contain duplicate monikers
/// and instance IDs.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct PersistedIndex {
instances: Vec<PersistedIndexEntry>,
/// An index that maps component monikers to instance IDs.
/// Unlike [PersistedIndex], this type is validated to only contain unique instance IDs.
feature = "serde",
derive(Deserialize, Serialize),
serde(try_from = "PersistedIndex", into = "PersistedIndex")
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct Index {
/// Map of a moniker from the index to its instance ID.
moniker_to_instance_id: HashMap<Moniker, InstanceId>,
/// All instance IDs, equivalent to the values of `moniker_to_instance_id`.
instance_ids: HashSet<InstanceId>,
#[derive(Error, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum IndexError {
#[error("failed to read index file '{path}'")]
ReadFile {
err: ClonableError,
path: Utf8PathBuf,
#[error("invalid index")]
ValidationError(#[from] ValidationError),
#[error("could not merge indices")]
MergeError(#[from] MergeError),
#[error("could not convert FIDL index")]
FidlConversionError(#[from] fidl_convert::FidlConversionError),
impl Index {
/// Return an Index parsed from the FIDL file at `path`.
pub fn from_fidl_file(path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<Self, IndexError> {
fn fidl_index_from_file(
path: &Utf8Path,
) -> Result<fcomponent_internal::ComponentIdIndex, anyhow::Error> {
let raw_content = std::fs::read(path).context("failed to read file")?;
let fidl_index = fidl::unpersist::<fcomponent_internal::ComponentIdIndex>(&raw_content)
.context("failed to unpersist FIDL")?;
let fidl_index = fidl_index_from_file(path)
.map_err(|err| IndexError::ReadFile { err: err.into(), path: path.to_owned() })?;
let index = Index::try_from(fidl_index)?;
/// Construct an Index by merging JSON5 source files.
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
pub fn merged_from_json5_files(paths: &[Utf8PathBuf]) -> Result<Self, IndexError> {
fn index_from_json5_file(path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<Index, anyhow::Error> {
let mut file = std::fs::File::open(&path).context("failed to open")?;
let index: Index = serde_json5::from_reader(&mut file).context("failed to parse")?;
let mut ctx = MergeContext::default();
for path in paths {
let index = index_from_json5_file(path)
.map_err(|err| IndexError::ReadFile { err: err.into(), path: path.to_owned() })?;
ctx.merge(path, &index)?;
/// Insert an entry into the index.
pub fn insert(
&mut self,
moniker: Moniker,
instance_id: InstanceId,
) -> Result<(), ValidationError> {
if !self.instance_ids.insert(instance_id.clone()) {
return Err(ValidationError::DuplicateId(instance_id.clone()));
if self.moniker_to_instance_id.insert(moniker.clone(), instance_id).is_some() {
return Err(ValidationError::DuplicateMoniker(moniker));
/// Returns the instance ID for the moniker, if the index contains the moniker.
pub fn id_for_moniker(&self, moniker: &Moniker) -> Option<&InstanceId> {
/// Returns true if the index contains the instance ID.
pub fn contains_id(&self, id: &InstanceId) -> bool {
impl Default for Index {
fn default() -> Self {
Index { moniker_to_instance_id: HashMap::new(), instance_ids: HashSet::new() }
impl TryFrom<PersistedIndex> for Index {
type Error = ValidationError;
fn try_from(value: PersistedIndex) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let mut index = Index::default();
for entry in value.instances.into_iter() {
index.insert(entry.moniker, entry.instance_id)?;
impl From<Index> for PersistedIndex {
fn from(value: Index) -> Self {
let mut instances = value
.map(|(moniker, instance_id)| PersistedIndexEntry { instance_id, moniker })
instances.sort_by(|a, b| a.moniker.cmp(&b.moniker));
Self { instances }
#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ValidationError {
#[error("duplicate moniker: {}", .0)]
#[error("duplicate instance ID: {}", .0)]
#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum MergeError {
#[error("Moniker {}' must be unique but exists in following index files:\n {}\n {}", .moniker, .source1, .source2)]
DuplicateMoniker { moniker: Moniker, source1: Utf8PathBuf, source2: Utf8PathBuf },
#[error("Instance ID '{}' must be unique but exists in following index files:\n {}\n {}", .instance_id, .source1, .source2)]
DuplicateId { instance_id: InstanceId, source1: Utf8PathBuf, source2: Utf8PathBuf },
/// A builder that merges indices into a single accumulated index.
pub struct MergeContext {
/// Index that contains entries accumulated from calls to [`merge()`].
output_index: Index,
// Path to the source index file that contains the moniker.
moniker_to_source_path: HashMap<Moniker, Utf8PathBuf>,
// Path to the source index file that contains the instance ID.
instance_id_to_source_path: HashMap<InstanceId, Utf8PathBuf>,
impl MergeContext {
// Merge `index` into the into the MergeContext.
// This method can be called multiple times to merge multiple indices.
// The resulting index can be accessed with output().
pub fn merge(&mut self, source_index_path: &Utf8Path, index: &Index) -> Result<(), MergeError> {
for (moniker, instance_id) in &index.moniker_to_instance_id {
self.output_index.insert(moniker.clone(), instance_id.clone()).map_err(
|err| match err {
ValidationError::DuplicateMoniker(moniker) => {
let previous_source_path =
MergeError::DuplicateMoniker {
source1: previous_source_path,
source2: source_index_path.to_owned(),
ValidationError::DuplicateId(instance_id) => {
let previous_source_path = self
MergeError::DuplicateId {
source1: previous_source_path,
source2: source_index_path.to_owned(),
.insert(instance_id.clone(), source_index_path.to_owned());
self.moniker_to_source_path.insert(moniker.clone(), source_index_path.to_owned());
// Return the accumulated index from calls to merge().
pub fn output(self) -> Index {
impl Default for MergeContext {
fn default() -> Self {
MergeContext {
output_index: Index::default(),
instance_id_to_source_path: HashMap::new(),
moniker_to_source_path: HashMap::new(),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use anyhow::Result;
fn merge_empty_index() {
let ctx = MergeContext::default();
assert_eq!(ctx.output(), Index::default());
fn merge_single_index() -> Result<()> {
let mut ctx = MergeContext::default();
let mut index = Index::default();
let moniker = vec!["foo"].try_into().unwrap();
let instance_id = InstanceId::new_random(&mut rand::thread_rng());
index.insert(moniker, instance_id).unwrap();
ctx.merge(Utf8Path::new("/random/file/path"), &index)?;
assert_eq!(ctx.output(), index.clone());
fn merge_duplicate_id() -> Result<()> {
let source1 = Utf8Path::new("/a/b/c");
let source2 = Utf8Path::new("/d/e/f");
let id = InstanceId::new_random(&mut rand::thread_rng());
let index1 = {
let mut index = Index::default();
let moniker = vec!["foo"].try_into().unwrap();
index.insert(moniker, id.clone()).unwrap();
let index2 = {
let mut index = Index::default();
let moniker = vec!["bar"].try_into().unwrap();
index.insert(moniker, id.clone()).unwrap();
let mut ctx = MergeContext::default();
ctx.merge(source1, &index1)?;
let err = ctx.merge(source2, &index2).unwrap_err();
MergeError::DuplicateId {
instance_id: id,
source1: source1.to_owned(),
source2: source2.to_owned()
fn merge_duplicate_moniker() -> Result<()> {
let source1 = Utf8Path::new("/a/b/c");
let source2 = Utf8Path::new("/d/e/f");
let moniker: Moniker = vec!["foo"].try_into().unwrap();
let index1 = {
let mut index = Index::default();
let id = InstanceId::new_random(&mut rand::thread_rng());
index.insert(moniker.clone(), id).unwrap();
let index2 = {
let mut index = Index::default();
let id = InstanceId::new_random(&mut rand::thread_rng());
index.insert(moniker.clone(), id).unwrap();
let mut ctx = MergeContext::default();
ctx.merge(source1, &index1)?;
let err = ctx.merge(source2, &index2).unwrap_err();
MergeError::DuplicateMoniker {
source1: source1.to_owned(),
source2: source2.to_owned()
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
fn merged_from_json5_files() {
use std::io::Write;
let mut index_file_1 = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
// Here is a comment.
instances: [
instance_id: "fb94044d62278b37c221c7fdeebdcf1304262f3e11416f68befa5ef88b7a2163",
moniker: "/a/b"
let mut index_file_2 = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
// Here is a comment.
instances: [
instance_id: "4f915af6c4b682867ab7ad2dc9cbca18342ddd9eec61724f19d231cf6d07f122",
moniker: "/c/d"
let expected_index = {
let mut index = Index::default();
// only checking that we parsed successfully.
let files = [
assert_eq!(expected_index, Index::merged_from_json5_files(&files).unwrap());
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
fn serialize_deserialize() -> Result<()> {
let expected_index = {
let mut index = Index::default();
for i in 0..5 {
let moniker: Moniker = vec![i.to_string().as_str()].try_into().unwrap();
let instance_id = InstanceId::new_random(&mut rand::thread_rng());
index.insert(moniker, instance_id).unwrap();
let json_index = serde_json5::to_string(&expected_index)?;
let actual_index = serde_json5::from_str(&json_index)?;
assert_eq!(expected_index, actual_index);