blob: ce2d1458e4d0d61172bbc73b46cb29403ff772df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
events::{event_name, EventStream},
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
/// Determines whether an EventGroup allows events to be verified in any order
/// or only in the order specified in the group.
pub enum Ordering {
/// Determines whether an EventGroup requires all observed events to match
/// an EventMatcher in the group, or ignores events that don't match.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Contains {
pub struct EventSequence {
groups: Vec<EventGroup>,
impl EventSequence {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { groups: vec![] }
pub fn then(self, matcher: EventMatcher) -> Self {
self.all_of(vec![matcher], Ordering::Ordered)
/// Adds a group of matchers to verify all following events in the sequence match
/// with the given ordering.
/// The sequence will fail to match if contains events that don't match the group.
pub fn all_of(mut self, events: Vec<EventMatcher>, ordering: Ordering) -> Self {
self.groups.push(EventGroup::new(events, ordering, Contains::All));
/// Adds a group of matchers to verify that the sequence contains a subset of
/// events that match with the given ordering.
/// Events in the sequence that don't match will be ignored. Subsequent matchers
/// outside of this group will not be able to match against ignored events.
pub fn has_subset(mut self, events: Vec<EventMatcher>, ordering: Ordering) -> Self {
self.groups.push(EventGroup::new(events, ordering, Contains::Subset));
/// Verify that the events in this sequence are received from the provided EventStream.
pub async fn expect(self, event_stream: EventStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.expect_and_giveback(event_stream)|_| ())
/// Verify that the events in this sequence are received from the provided EventStream,
/// and gives back the event stream on success.
pub async fn expect_and_giveback(
mut self,
mut event_stream: EventStream,
) -> Result<EventStream, Error> {
while !self.groups.is_empty() {
match {
Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),
Ok(event) => {
let actual_event = EventDescriptor::try_from(&event)?;
let _ =;
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn event_names(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, Error> {
let mut event_names = vec![];
for group in &self.groups {
let mut group_event_names = group.event_names()?;
event_names.append(&mut group_event_names);
/// Tests an EventDescriptor and against the first EventGroup.
/// If an EventGroup has been entirely consumed (no further EventMatchers
/// to match against) then the EventGroup is dropped.
/// Returns an error if the EventSequence have not been entirely consumed,
/// and the incoming EventDescriptor does not match the first sequence.
/// Returns Ok(true) if there is a positive match.
/// Returns Ok(false) if the EventSequence is empty.
pub fn next(&mut self, event: &EventDescriptor) -> Result<(), Error> {
loop {
if self.groups.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let group = &mut self.groups[0];
if {
if group.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
pub struct EventGroup {
events: Vec<EventMatcher>,
ordering: Ordering,
contains: Contains,
impl EventGroup {
pub fn new(events: Vec<EventMatcher>, ordering: Ordering, contains: Contains) -> Self {
Self { events, ordering, contains }
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn event_names(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, Error> {
let mut event_names = vec![];
for event in & {
if let Some(event_type) = &event.event_type {
} else {
return Err(format_err!("No event name or type set for matcher {:?}", event));
/// Returns true if `event` matches an event matcher in this group.
/// If the group ordering is Ordered, the event must match the first matcher.
/// If the group ordering is Unordered, the event can match any matcher in the group.
/// The matcher is removed after a successful match.
/// Returns an error if the event does not match a matcher and the contains
/// policy is All, indicating that the unknown event did not match the group.
/// Returns Ok(true) if there is a positive match.
/// Returns Ok(false) if the EventGroup is empty.
pub fn next(&mut self, event: &EventDescriptor) -> Result<bool, Error> {
if {
return Ok(Contains::Subset == self.contains);
match self.ordering {
Ordering::Ordered => {
let matches =;
if matches.is_ok() {;
} else {
// There was no matcher that matched this event.
// This is an error only if the group expects all events to be matched.
match self.contains {
Contains::All => Err(Error::new(matches.unwrap_err())),
Contains::Subset => Ok(true),
Ordering::Unordered => {
if let Some((index, _)) = self
.find(|&matcher| matcher.1.matches(&event).is_ok())
} else {
match self.contains {
Contains::All => Err(format_err!("Failed to find event: {:?}", event)),
Contains::Subset => Ok(true),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::events::{Event, Started};
use anyhow::Context;
use fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomponent;
use futures::StreamExt;
async fn run_server(
events: Vec<fcomponent::Event>,
mut server: fcomponent::EventStreamRequestStream,
) {
let (tx, mut rx) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded();
for event in events {
// The tests expect the event_stream to terminate once all events have been consumed.
// This behavior does not match that of component_manager but is needed for negative
// proof tests (such as the event_stream does NOT contain a given event).
while let Some(Ok(request)) = {
match request {
fcomponent::EventStreamRequest::GetNext { responder } => {
if let Some(event) = {
} else {
fcomponent::EventStreamRequest::WaitForReady { responder } => {
async fn make_event_stream(
events: Vec<fcomponent::Event>,
) -> Result<(EventStream, fuchsia_async::Task<()>), Error> {
let (proxy, server) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<fcomponent::EventStreamMarker>()
.context("failed to make EventStream proxy")?;
fuchsia_async::Task::spawn(run_server(events, server.into_stream()?)),
// Returns a successful Started event for the given moniker.
fn make_event<M: Into<String>>(moniker: M) -> fcomponent::Event {
fcomponent::Event {
header: Some(fcomponent::EventHeader {
event_type: Some(fcomponent::EventType::Started),
moniker: Some(moniker.into()),
payload: Some(fcomponent::EventPayload::Started(fcomponent::StartedPayload::default())),
// Returns a matcher for a successful Started event for the given moniker.
fn make_matcher<M: Into<String>>(moniker: M) -> EventMatcher {
async fn event_sequence_empty() {
let (event_stream, _server) =
make_event_stream(vec![]).await.expect("failed to make event stream");
.expect("event sequence did not match expected");
async fn event_sequence_then() {
let moniker = "./foo:0";
let (event_stream, _server) = make_event_stream(vec![make_event(moniker)])
.expect("failed to make event stream");
.expect("event sequence did not match expected");
async fn event_sequence_all_of_ordered_ok() {
let monikers = vec!["./foo:0", "./bar:0", "./baz:0"];
let events = monikers.iter().copied().map(make_event).collect();
let matchers = monikers.iter().copied().map(make_matcher).collect();
let (event_stream, _server) =
make_event_stream(events).await.expect("failed to make event stream");
.all_of(matchers, Ordering::Ordered)
.expect("event sequence did not match expected");
async fn event_sequence_all_of_ordered_fail_order() {
let monikers = vec!["./foo:0", "./bar:0", "./baz:0"];
// Events are in reverse order of the matchers.
let events = monikers.iter().rev().copied().map(make_event).collect();
let matchers = monikers.iter().copied().map(make_matcher).collect();
let (event_stream, _server) =
make_event_stream(events).await.expect("failed to make event stream");
.all_of(matchers, Ordering::Ordered)
async fn event_sequence_all_of_ordered_fail_missing_event() {
let monikers = vec!["./foo:0", "./bar:0", "./baz:0"];
// The first event is missing.
let events = monikers.iter().skip(1).copied().map(make_event).collect();
let matchers = monikers.iter().copied().map(make_matcher).collect();
let (event_stream, _server) =
make_event_stream(events).await.expect("failed to make event stream");
.all_of(matchers, Ordering::Ordered)
async fn event_sequence_all_of_ordered_fail_missing_matcher() {
let monikers = vec!["./foo:0", "./bar:0", "./baz:0"];
let events = monikers.iter().copied().map(make_event).collect();
// The first matcher is missing, so the first event is unmatched.
let matchers = monikers.iter().skip(1).copied().map(make_matcher).collect();
let (event_stream, _server) =
make_event_stream(events).await.expect("failed to make event stream");
.all_of(matchers, Ordering::Ordered)
async fn event_sequence_all_of_unordered_ok_reversed() {
let monikers = vec!["./foo:0", "./bar:0", "./baz:0"];
// Events are in reverse order of the matchers.
let events = monikers.iter().rev().copied().map(make_event).collect();
let matchers = monikers.iter().copied().map(make_matcher).collect();
let (event_stream, _server) =
make_event_stream(events).await.expect("failed to make event stream");
.all_of(matchers, Ordering::Unordered)
.expect("event sequence did not match expected");
async fn event_sequence_has_subset_ordered_ok() {
let monikers = vec!["./foo:0", "./bar:0", "./baz:0"];
let events = monikers.iter().copied().map(make_event).collect();
// The first matcher is missing, so the first event is ignored.
let matchers = monikers.iter().skip(1).copied().map(make_matcher).collect();
let (event_stream, _server) =
make_event_stream(events).await.expect("failed to make event stream");
.has_subset(matchers, Ordering::Ordered)
.expect("event sequence did not match expected");
async fn event_sequence_has_subset_ordered_missing_event() {
let monikers = vec!["./foo:0", "./bar:0", "./baz:0"];
// The first two events are missing.
let events = monikers.iter().skip(2).copied().map(make_event).collect();
// The first matcher is missing, so the first event is ignored.
let matchers = monikers.iter().skip(1).copied().map(make_matcher).collect();
// Matching should fail because the matcher for "./bar:0" can't find the event.
let (event_stream, _server) =
make_event_stream(events).await.expect("failed to make event stream");
.has_subset(matchers, Ordering::Ordered)
async fn event_sequence_has_subset_unordered_ok_reversed() {
let monikers = vec!["./foo:0", "./bar:0", "./baz:0"];
// Events are in reverse order of the matchers.
let events = monikers.iter().rev().copied().map(make_event).collect();
// The first matcher is missing, so the first event is ignored.
let matchers = monikers.iter().skip(1).copied().map(make_matcher).collect();
let (event_stream, _server) =
make_event_stream(events).await.expect("failed to make event stream");
.has_subset(matchers, Ordering::Unordered)
.expect("event sequence did not match expected");