blob: f53b60c1dfd41cad2c62d7592cb802863d21f515 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use darling::{ast, FromDeriveInput, FromField, FromMeta, FromVariant};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
use syn::{parse_macro_input, Ident, Type};
const PATHS_DELIM: &str = ",";
// This wrapper struct so that we can support parsing syn::Lit into Vec<syn::Path>.
// Rust compiler doesn't allow implementing a trait (FromMeta in this case)
// for a class defined externally, so we have to create a wrapper class
// in order to compile.
struct PathSet {
paths: Vec<syn::Path>,
impl PathSet {
pub fn new(paths: Vec<syn::Path>) -> PathSet {
return PathSet { paths };
impl FromMeta for PathSet {
fn from_value(value: &syn::Lit) -> Result<PathSet, darling::Error> {
let value = String::from_value(value)?;
let v = value
.map(|p| syn::Path::from_string(&p))
.collect::<Result<Vec<syn::Path>, darling::Error>>()?;
#[derive(FromVariant, Clone)]
struct EnumVariant {
ident: Ident,
#[derive(FromField, Clone)]
struct StructField {
ident: Option<Ident>,
ty: Type,
// If `#[fidl_decl(default)]` is specified and the field is `None` in FIDL,
// the field will be set to `Default::default()` in the native type.
// NOTE: the `#[darling(default)]` means that the `default` field itself
// should default to `false`.
default: bool,
// Same as `#[fidl_decl(default)]`, except the [NativeIntoFidl] implementation will convert
// this field to `Option<Foo>` instead of `Some(Foo)`. Use this when you want to convert the
// default value back to `None`.
default_preserve_none: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
enum SourcePathOpt {
impl Default for SourcePathOpt {
fn default() -> Self {
impl FromMeta for SourcePathOpt {
fn from_value(v: &syn::Lit) -> Result<Self, darling::Error> {
let v = String::from_value(v)?;
let v = v.as_str();
let v = match v {
"none" => Self::None,
"dictionary" => Self::Dictionary,
"name_only" => Self::NameOnly,
_ => return Err(darling::Error::unknown_value(v)),
#[darling(attributes(fidl_decl), supports(enum_newtype, struct_named))]
struct FidlDeclOpts {
ident: Ident,
data: ast::Data<EnumVariant, StructField>,
fidl_table: Option<PathSet>,
fidl_union: Option<PathSet>,
source_path: SourcePathOpt,
fn fidl_decl_derive_impl(input: syn::DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
let opts = match FidlDeclOpts::from_derive_input(&input) {
Ok(opts) => opts,
Err(e) => return e.write_errors(),
let ts = match {
ast::Data::Enum(variants) => match (opts.fidl_union, opts.fidl_table) {
(Some(ps), None) => {
let mut ts: TokenStream = TokenStream::new();
for p in ps.paths.into_iter() {
let t = generate_enum(
Type::Path(syn::TypePath { qself: None, path: p }),
ts = quote! {
(Some(_), Some(_)) => {
darling::Error::custom("only one of `fidl_union` or `fidl_table` must be set")
_ => darling::Error::custom("missing `fidl_union` attribute")
ast::Data::Struct(fields) => match (opts.fidl_union, opts.fidl_table) {
(None, Some(ps)) => {
let mut ts: TokenStream = TokenStream::new();
for p in ps.paths.into_iter() {
let t = generate_struct(
Type::Path(syn::TypePath { qself: None, path: p }),
ts = quote! {
(Some(_), Some(_)) => {
darling::Error::custom("only one of `fidl_union` or `fidl_table` must be set")
_ => darling::Error::custom("missing `fidl_table` attribute")
match opts.source_path {
SourcePathOpt::Dictionary => {
let ident = opts.ident;
let t = quote! {
impl SourcePath for #ident {
fn source_path(&self) -> BorrowedSeparatedPath<'_> {
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref DOT: RelativePath = RelativePath::dot();
#[cfg(fuchsia_api_level_at_least = "HEAD")]
let dirname = &self.source_dictionary;
#[cfg(fuchsia_api_level_less_than = "HEAD")]
let dirname = &*DOT;
BorrowedSeparatedPath {
basename: &self.source_name,
quote! {
SourcePathOpt::NameOnly => {
let ident = opts.ident;
let t = quote! {
impl SourcePath for #ident {
fn source_path(&self) -> BorrowedSeparatedPath<'_> {
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref DOT: RelativePath = RelativePath::dot();
BorrowedSeparatedPath {
dirname: &*DOT,
basename: &self.source_name,
quote! {
SourcePathOpt::None => ts,
fn generate_enum(
enum_ident: Ident,
fidl_type: syn::Type,
variants: Vec<EnumVariant>,
) -> TokenStream {
let fidl_into_native_lines = variants
.map(|v| {
let ident = &v.ident;
quote_spanned! {ident.span()=>
Self::#ident(inner) => #enum_ident::#ident(inner.fidl_into_native()),
let native_into_fidl_lines = variants
.map(|v| {
let ident = &v.ident;
quote_spanned! {ident.span()=>
Self::#ident(inner) => #fidl_type::#ident(inner.native_into_fidl()),
quote! {
impl FidlIntoNative<#enum_ident> for #fidl_type {
fn fidl_into_native(self) -> #enum_ident {
match self {
_ => panic!("unknown FIDL variant"),
impl NativeIntoFidl<#fidl_type> for #enum_ident {
fn native_into_fidl(self) -> #fidl_type {
match self {
enum WrapperType {
/// The type is not wrapped by anything.
/// The type is Option<T>.
/// The type is Vec<T>.
/// Finds the wrapper type for the given type. This is used to find out whether the
/// type is an Option<T>, Vec<T>, or just T.
/// This is NOT fool-proof. If the type appears as std::vec::Vec<T> for instance, it
/// won't be recognized. That is one of the reasons this macro is not exported beyond
/// `cm_rust`.
fn wrapper_type(ty: &Type) -> WrapperType {
if let Type::Path(pt) = ty {
if pt.qself.is_none() && pt.path.leading_colon.is_none() && pt.path.segments.len() == 1 {
let segment = &pt.path.segments[0];
if let syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(params) = &segment.arguments {
if params.args.len() == 1 {
if let syn::GenericArgument::Type(_) = &params.args[0] {
if segment.ident == "Option" {
return WrapperType::Option;
} else if segment.ident == "Vec" {
return WrapperType::Vec;
fn generate_struct(struct_ident: Ident, fidl_type: Type, fields: Vec<StructField>) -> TokenStream {
let mut fidl_into_native_lines = Vec::new();
let mut native_into_fidl_lines = Vec::new();
enum DefaultOption {
for field in fields {
let default = match (field.default, field.default_preserve_none) {
(true, true) => {
"#[fidl_decl(default)] and #[fidl_decl(default_preserve_none)] \
can't both be set"
(true, false) => DefaultOption::Default,
(false, true) => DefaultOption::DefaultPreserveNone,
(false, false) => DefaultOption::Off,
let field_ident = field.ident.unwrap();
match (wrapper_type(&field.ty), default) {
(WrapperType::Raw, DefaultOption::Off) => {
fidl_into_native_lines.push(quote_spanned! {field_ident.span()=>
#field_ident: self.#field_ident.unwrap().fidl_into_native()
native_into_fidl_lines.push(quote_spanned! {field_ident.span()=>
#field_ident: Some(self.#field_ident.native_into_fidl())
(WrapperType::Raw, DefaultOption::Default) => {
fidl_into_native_lines.push(quote_spanned! {field_ident.span()=>
native_into_fidl_lines.push(quote_spanned! {field_ident.span()=>
#field_ident: Some(self.#field_ident.native_into_fidl())
(WrapperType::Raw, DefaultOption::DefaultPreserveNone) => {
fidl_into_native_lines.push(quote_spanned! {field_ident.span()=>
native_into_fidl_lines.push(quote_spanned! {field_ident.span()=>
#field_ident: self.#field_ident.native_into_fidl()
(WrapperType::Option, DefaultOption::Off) => {
fidl_into_native_lines.push(quote_spanned! {field_ident.span()=>
native_into_fidl_lines.push(quote_spanned! {field_ident.span()=>
(WrapperType::Option, _) => {
panic!("fidl_decl(default) attribute cannot be used with Option types")
(WrapperType::Vec, DefaultOption::Off) => {
fidl_into_native_lines.push(quote_spanned! {field_ident.span()=>
#field_ident: self
native_into_fidl_lines.push(quote_spanned! {field_ident.span()=>
#field_ident: if self.#field_ident.is_empty() {
} else {
(WrapperType::Vec, _) => {
panic!("fidl_decl(default) attribute cannot be used with Vec types")
quote! {
impl FidlIntoNative< #struct_ident > for #fidl_type {
fn fidl_into_native(self) -> #struct_ident {
#struct_ident {
#( #fidl_into_native_lines, )*
impl NativeIntoFidl< #fidl_type > for #struct_ident {
fn native_into_fidl(self) -> #fidl_type {
#fidl_type {
#( #native_into_fidl_lines, )*
/// A derive-macro that generates implementations of `NativeIntoFidl` and `FidlIntoNative`.
/// The macro supports the following top-level attributes:
/// - `#[fidl_decl(fidl_table = "path::to::fidl::Table")]`: Generates implementations to convert
/// between this struct and a FIDL table of the given name.
/// - `#[fidl_decl(fidl_union = "path::to::fidl::Union")]`: Generates implementations to convert
/// between this enum and a FIDL union of the given name.
/// The names of the fields/variants are mapped to those of the FIDL table/union, so they must be
/// the same.
/// A field/variant can be omitted, in which case the conversion impl panics when the FIDL
/// table/union has that field/variant present.
#[proc_macro_derive(FidlDecl, attributes(fidl_decl))]
pub fn fidl_decl_derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
struct DeclCommonOpts {
ident: Ident,
fn use_decl_common_derive_impl(input: syn::DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
let struct_ident = match DeclCommonOpts::from_derive_input(&input) {
Ok(opts) => opts.ident,
Err(e) => return e.write_errors(),
quote! {
impl SourceName for #struct_ident {
fn source_name(&self) -> &Name {
impl UseDeclCommon for #struct_ident {
fn source(&self) -> &UseSource {
fn availability(&self) -> &Availability {
/// A derive-macro that generates an implementation of `UseDeclCommon`. Use this for
/// the inner structs of each variant of `UseDecl`.
pub fn use_decl_common_derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
fn offer_decl_common_derive_impl(input: syn::DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
let struct_ident = match DeclCommonOpts::from_derive_input(&input) {
Ok(opts) => opts.ident,
Err(e) => return e.write_errors(),
quote! {
impl SourceName for #struct_ident {
fn source_name(&self) -> &Name {
impl OfferDeclCommon for #struct_ident {
fn target_name(&self) -> &Name {
fn source(&self) -> &OfferSource {
fn target(&self) -> &OfferTarget {
fn availability(&self) -> &Availability {
/// A derive-macro that generates an implementation of `OfferDeclCommon`. Use this for
/// the inner structs of each variant of `OfferDecl`.
pub fn offer_decl_common_derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
fn offer_decl_common_derive_availability_required_impl(input: syn::DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
let struct_ident = match DeclCommonOpts::from_derive_input(&input) {
Ok(opts) => opts.ident,
Err(e) => return e.write_errors(),
quote! {
impl SourceName for #struct_ident {
fn source_name(&self) -> &Name {
impl OfferDeclCommon for #struct_ident {
fn target_name(&self) -> &Name {
fn source(&self) -> &OfferSource {
fn target(&self) -> &OfferTarget {
fn availability(&self) -> &Availability {
/// A derive-macro that generates an implementation of `OfferDeclCommon`. Use this for
/// the inner structs of each variant of `OfferDecl` that do not have an `availability` field.
pub fn offer_decl_common_derive_availability_required(
input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
fn expose_decl_common_derive_impl(input: syn::DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
let struct_ident = match DeclCommonOpts::from_derive_input(&input) {
Ok(opts) => opts.ident,
Err(e) => return e.write_errors(),
quote! {
impl SourceName for #struct_ident {
fn source_name(&self) -> &Name {
impl ExposeDeclCommon for #struct_ident {
fn target_name(&self) -> &Name {
fn source(&self) -> &ExposeSource {
fn target(&self) -> &ExposeTarget {
fn availability(&self) -> &Availability {
/// A derive-macro that generates an implementation of `ExposeDeclCommon`. Use this
/// for the inner structs of each variant of `ExposeDecl` that supports specifying availability.
pub fn expose_decl_common_derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
fn expose_decl_common_availability_always_required_derive_impl(
input: syn::DeriveInput,
) -> TokenStream {
let struct_ident = match DeclCommonOpts::from_derive_input(&input) {
Ok(opts) => opts.ident,
Err(e) => return e.write_errors(),
quote! {
impl SourceName for #struct_ident {
fn source_name(&self) -> &Name {
impl ExposeDeclCommon for #struct_ident {
fn target_name(&self) -> &Name {
fn source(&self) -> &ExposeSource {
fn target(&self) -> &ExposeTarget {
fn availability(&self) -> &Availability {
/// A derive-macro that generates an implementation of `ExposeDeclCommon`. Use this
/// for inner structs of each variant of `ExposeDecl` whose availability is always required.
pub fn expose_decl_common_with_availability_derive(
input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {