blob: be3b3ab9ba9c25ebd1c69fdb38b9ee829905544a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.fuzzer;
using zx;
/// Maximum length of a sanitizer options environment variable name.
/// `` must be something like "...SAN_OPTIONS". The
/// longest name currently supported on Fuchsia is "UBSAN_OPTIONS". The longest
/// currently supported on any platform is "HWASAN_OPTIONS".
/// Maximum length of a sanitizer options environment variable value.
/// `sanitizer_options.value` is a concatenation of "<key>=<value>" pairs
/// delimited by ':'. AddressSanitizer currently has the most flags, with ~40
/// sanitizer specific ones and ~70 common ones. Most of these are either
/// boolean values or short integers. The only long types of flags are paths,
/// but none these of these are supported on Fuchsia.
/// Corresponds to sanitizer enviroment variables.
/// The options are ignored unless `name` must end in "...SAN_OPTIONS", e.g.
/// "ASAN_OPTIONS". `value` should be a ':'-delimited list of options, e.g.
/// "verbosity=1:malloc_context_size=20".
/// For more details, see the following:
/// *
/// *
type SanitizerOptions = struct {
/// Specifies how a fuzzing engine should configure output streams.
/// Flags may be combined, e.g. `CLOSE_STDOUT | CLOSE_STDERR`. Support for each
/// flag is engine-specific. Specifying an unsupported output mode flag may
/// cause `Controller.Configure` to return `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED`.
type OutputFlags = strict bits {
/// Suppress standard output from the engine process. This is analogous to
/// libFuzzer's `-close_fd_mask=1`.
/// Suppress standard error from the engine process. Use with care: this may
/// remove diagnostic output from the target code (e.g. messages on assert
/// failure). This is analogous to libFuzzer's `-close_fd_mask=2`.
/// Produce more verbose output from the fuzzer engine. The exact meaning of
/// "more verbose" is engine-specific. This is analogous to libFuzzer's
/// `-verbosity=2`.
VERBOSE = 0x4;
/// Produce libFuzzer-style output on standard error. This facilitates
/// integration with systems like ClusterFuzz.
/// See for example output.
/// See `fuchsia.fuzzer.Controller/Configure`.
type Options = table {
/// Perform this many fuzzing runs, then exit normally. If unset (or zero),
/// fuzz indefinitely.
1: runs uint32;
/// If non-zero, fuzz for this duration and then exit normally. If zero,
/// fuzz indefinitely. Defaults to 0.
2: max_total_time zx.Duration;
/// PRNG seed to use when generating inputs. The same seed for the same
/// target should produce the same inputs. If zero, the current ticks will
/// be used. Defaults to 0.
3: seed uint32;
/// If non-zero, limit the maximum size of a test input to this size, in
/// bytes. Use 0 to disable the limit. Defaults to 1 MB.
4: max_input_size uint64;
/// Maximum number of consecutive mutations to apply to an input. Defaults
/// to 5.
5: mutation_depth uint16;
/// If an AFL-style dictionary is supplied using
/// `Controller.WriteDictionary`, include words up to this level. Defaults
/// to 0, i.e. words without an explicit level.
6: dictionary_level uint16;
/// If true, treat instrumented process exits as fuzzing errors. Defaults to
/// false.
7: detect_exits bool;
/// If true, and ASan or LSan are available, try to detect memory leaks.
/// Defaults to false. Leak detection can be expensive, so it is recommended
/// to first develop a corpus that covers a reasonable amount of the code
/// under test before attempting to detect leaks.
8: detect_leaks bool;
/// If non-zero, any run that takes longer than this duration will raise a
/// TIMEOUT error. Use 0 to disable the limit. Defaults to 20 minutes.
9: run_limit zx.Duration;
/// If non-zero, any allocation over this size in bytes will raise a
/// BAD_MALLOC error. Use 0 to disable the limit. Defaults to 2 GB.
10: malloc_limit uint64;
/// If non-zero, any process that uses more than this amount of memory in
/// bytes will raise an OOM error. Use 0 to disable the limit. Defaults to
/// 2 GB.
11: oom_limit uint64;
/// If non-zero, purge the sanitizer's allocator quarantine and reclaim
/// memory periodically between runs after an interval of this many seconds.
/// Use 0 to disable allocator purging. Defaults to 1 second.
12: purge_interval zx.Duration;
/// Exit code used by the instrumented process if it encounters a bad
/// allocation. Set this if the target already uses the default for another
/// reason. Defaults to 2000.
13: malloc_exitcode int32;
/// Exit code used by the instrumented process if it encounters a sanitizer
/// error. Set this if the target already uses the default for another
/// reason. Defaults to 2001.
14: death_exitcode int32;
/// Exit code used by the instrumented process if it encounters a leak. Set
/// this if the target already uses the default for another reason. Defaults
/// to 2002.
15: leak_exitcode int32;
/// Exit code used by the instrumented process if it exceeds the OOM limit.
/// Set this if the target already uses the default for another reason.
/// Defaults to 2003.
16: oom_exitcode int32;
/// If non-zero, the engine will periodically update any added monitors
/// after this duration. Defaults to 20 seconds.
17: pulse_interval zx.Duration;
/// If true, allow a debugger like `zxdb` to be attached to an instrumented
/// process. This may interfere with the engine's ability to detect
/// exceptions and is not recommended when fuzzing. It can be useful when
/// reproducing an error with a known error-causing input. Defaults to
/// false.
18: debug bool;
/// If true, include ClusterFuzz-compatible final statistics in the output
/// of a call to `fuchsia.fuzzer.Controller/WatchArtifact`.
19: print_final_stats bool;
/// If true, also use data flow traces as part of the fuzzing coverage data.
/// See
/// for more details.
20: use_value_profile bool;
/// Sanitizer options. See `SanitizerOptions`.
21: sanitizer_options SanitizerOptions;
/// Output flags. See `OutputFlags`.
22: output_flags OutputFlags;