blob: b07d12c219fd5eaf7d1788b958a2d9de7dfbb8db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.fuzzer;
using zx;
/// Collects VMOs used to share code coverage from instrumented target processes.
/// The instrumented target processes act as clients to this protocol, which is implemented by
/// test_manager's fuzz_coverage component. The protocol coordinates feedback collection and other
/// diagnostics with target processes under test. The connection should be established very early in
/// a target process's lifecycle, i.e. before `main` begins.
closed protocol CoverageDataCollector {
/// Registers the instrumented target process.
/// This method is called once per connection to set up:
/// * The eventpair used to synchronize the start and end of code coverage collection.
/// * The process Handle used to monitor the target process for errors.
/// This method must be called before the target process can call `AddLlvmModule`.
/// It returns the currently set options; see `fuchsia.fuzzer.Controller/Configure`.
/// Certain options determine sanitizer behaviors before `main` is called, and cannot
/// subsequently be changed while the target process is running. This is the root cause of the
/// constraint in `Controller` against modifying options during "long-running workflows", i.e
/// those that spawn target processes.
/// The channel is closed on FIDL error. Clients should not attempt to reconnect.
strict Initialize(resource struct {
eventpair zx.Handle:EVENTPAIR;
process zx.Handle:PROCESS;
}) -> (struct {
options Options;
/// Adds a VMO with the code coverage of an LLVM module.
/// The VMO used to share inline 8-bit code-coverage edge counters for a single LLVM module in
/// an instrumented target process.
/// Its ZX_PROP_NAME property must be set, and client and server implementations must agree on
/// how to use it to uniquely identify the module. If the same module is added more than once by
/// different processes, the module identifiers must match so that the code counters can be
/// combined.
/// Its ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE property must be set to the actual number of counters present.
/// It is an error to call this method without first calling |Initialize|.
/// The channel is closed on FIDL error. Clients should not attempt to reconnect.
/// See also:
strict AddInline8bitCounters(resource struct {
inline_8bit_counters zx.Handle:VMO;
}) -> ();
/// Represents an instrumented target process under test.
/// This struct wraps the eventpair and process provided to `CoverageDataCollector.Initialize` and
/// associates it with a unique per-`CoverageDataCollector`-client target id.
type InstrumentedProcess = resource struct {
eventpair zx.Handle:EVENTPAIR;
process zx.Handle:PROCESS;
/// Represents an instrumented target process or the code coverage it is sharing.
type CoverageData = resource struct {
// Unique per-`CoverageDataCollector`-client target id.
target_id uint64;
data flexible resource union {
/// An instrumented target process under test.
1: instrumented InstrumentedProcess;
/// See
2: inline_8bit_counters zx.Handle:VMO;
/// Maximum length of a vector of CoverageData structs.
/// This value matches the maximum number of LLVM modules libFuzzer can track.
const MAX_COVERAGE_DATA uint64 = 4096;
/// Provides the process Handles and VMOs used to share code coverage to the fuzzing engine.
/// This protocol is implemented by `test_manager`'s `fuzz_coverage` component. The fuzzing engine
/// acts as a client, although it does not connect directly. Instead the `fuzz_test_runner` makes
/// the connection and passes it off to fuzzing engine on process start. It allows the engine to
/// retrieve the coverage-related Handles published by instrumented target processes.
/// The channel is closed on FIDL error. Clients should exit and not attempt to reconnect.
closed protocol CoverageDataProvider {
/// Sets the options to be returned by `fuchsia.fuzzer.CoverageDataCollector/Initialize`.
strict SetOptions(struct {
options Options;
/// Provides coverage data collected from multiple processes.
/// Returns a vector of `CoverageData` structs containing the information provided by clients of
/// `fuchsia.fuzzer.CoverageDataCollector`. This method uses the "hanging get" pattern: The
/// initial call will immediately return whatever data is available, up to `MAX_COVERAGE_DATA`.
/// If no fuzzed components have been started yet, this be an empty vector. If there are more
/// than `MAX_COVERAGE_DATA` elements available, the remainder are retained for subsequent
/// calls. If there is no more data available, subsequent calls will block until new coverage
/// data is available.
/// The channel is closed on FIDL error. Clients should exit and not attempt to reconnect.
strict WatchCoverageData() -> (resource struct {
coverage_data vector<CoverageData>:MAX_COVERAGE_DATA;