blob: 178ad0dac384623c9866805dca50a9c1feea92ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "src/lib/pkg_url/fuchsia_pkg_url.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/common/component-context.h"
#include "src/sys/fuzzing/common/runner.h"
namespace fuzzing {
// The `Engine` represents a generic fuzzing engine. Specific engines with specific runners should
// call `RunEngine` with command line arguments and a `Runner` factory method.
class Engine {
virtual ~Engine() = default;
ComponentContext& context() const { return *context_; }
void set_pkg_dir(const std::string& pkg_dir) { pkg_dir_ = pkg_dir; }
// Runs the engine. The given `runner` must not be null.
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT zx_status_t Run(int argc, char** argv, RunnerPtr runner);
Engine(ComponentContextPtr context, const std::string& pkg_dir);
const std::vector<std::string>& args() const { return args_; }
bool fuzzing() const { return fuzzing_; }
std::string url() const { return url_.ToString(); }
zx_status_t Initialize(std::vector<std::string> args);
// Runs the engine in "fuzzing" mode: the engine will serve `fuchsia.fuzzer.ControllerProvider`
// and fulfill `fuchsia.fuzzer.Controller` requests.
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT zx_status_t RunFuzzer();
// Runs the engine in "test" mode: the engine will execute the fuzzer with the set of inputs
// given by seed corpora listed in the fuzzer's command line arguments.
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT zx_status_t RunTest();
ComponentContextPtr context_;
std::vector<std::string> args_;
std::string pkg_dir_;
component::FuchsiaPkgUrl url_;
RunnerPtr runner_;
bool fuzzing_ = false;
Input dictionary_;
// Starts the engine with runner provided by `MakeRunnerPtr`, which should have the signature:
// `ZxResult<RunnerPtr>(ComponentContext&)`.
template <typename RunnerPtrMaker>
zx_status_t RunEngine(int argc, char** argv, RunnerPtrMaker MakeRunnerPtr) {
Engine engine;
auto runner = MakeRunnerPtr(engine.context());
if (runner.is_error()) {
return runner.error();
return engine.Run(argc, argv, runner.take_value());
} // namespace fuzzing