blob: d7dd85d0212012531f6b688ff92f487d0183a4fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::builtin_environment::{BuiltinEnvironment, BuiltinEnvironmentBuilder};
use crate::capability;
use crate::framework::realm::Realm;
use crate::model::component::instance::InstanceState;
use crate::model::component::{ComponentInstance, StartReason};
use crate::model::events::registry::EventSubscription;
use crate::model::events::source::EventSource;
use crate::model::events::stream::EventStream;
use crate::model::model::Model;
use crate::model::testing::mocks::{ControlMessage, MockResolver, MockRunner};
use crate::model::testing::test_hook::TestHook;
use camino::Utf8PathBuf;
use cm_config::RuntimeConfig;
use cm_rust::{
Availability, CapabilityDecl, ChildDecl, ComponentDecl, ConfigValuesData, EventStreamDecl,
NativeIntoFidl, RunnerDecl, UseEventStreamDecl, UseSource,
use cm_types::{Name, Url};
use fidl::endpoints;
use fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, Koid};
use futures::channel::mpsc::Receiver;
use futures::lock::Mutex;
use futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use hooks::HooksRegistration;
use moniker::{ChildName, Moniker};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::sync::Arc;
use vfs::directory::entry::DirectoryEntry;
use vfs::service;
use {
fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomponent, fidl_fuchsia_component_decl as fdecl,
fidl_fuchsia_component_runner as fcrunner, fidl_fuchsia_io as fio,
pub const TEST_RUNNER_NAME: &str = cm_rust_testing::TEST_RUNNER_NAME;
// TODO( remove function wrappers once the routing_test_helpers
// lib has a stable API.
pub fn default_component_decl() -> ComponentDecl {
pub fn component_decl_with_test_runner() -> ComponentDecl {
pub struct ComponentInfo {
pub component: Arc<ComponentInstance>,
pub channel_id: Koid,
impl ComponentInfo {
/// Given a `ComponentInstance` which has been bound, look up the resolved URL
/// and package into a `ComponentInfo` struct.
pub async fn new(component: Arc<ComponentInstance>) -> ComponentInfo {
// The koid is the only unique piece of information we have about
// a component start request. Two start requests for the same
// component URL look identical to the Runner, the only difference
// being the Channel passed to the Runner to use for the
// ComponentController protocol.
let koid = {
.expect("expected component to be running")
.expect("program is unexpectedly missing")
ComponentInfo { component, channel_id: koid }
/// Checks that the component is shut down, panics if this is not true.
pub async fn check_is_shut_down(&self, runner: &MockRunner) {
// Check the list of requests for this component
let request_map = runner.get_request_map();
let unlocked_map = request_map.lock().await;
let request_vec = unlocked_map
.expect("request map didn't have channel id, perhaps the controller wasn't started?");
assert_eq!(*request_vec, vec![ControlMessage::Stop]);
/// Checks that the component has not been shut down, panics if it has.
pub async fn check_not_shut_down(&self, runner: &MockRunner) {
// If the MockController has started, check that no stop requests have
// been received.
let request_map = runner.get_request_map();
let unlocked_map = request_map.lock().await;
if let Some(request_vec) = unlocked_map.get(&self.channel_id) {
assert_eq!(*request_vec, vec![]);
pub async fn execution_is_shut_down(component: &ComponentInstance) -> bool {
/// Returns true if the given child (live or deleting) exists.
pub async fn has_child<'a>(component: &'a ComponentInstance, moniker: &'a str) -> bool {
match *component.lock_state().await {
InstanceState::Resolved(ref s) | InstanceState::Started(ref s, _) => {
s.children().map(|(k, _)| k.clone()).any(|m| m == moniker.try_into().unwrap())
InstanceState::Shutdown(ref state, _) => {
state.children.iter().map(|(k, _)| k.clone()).any(|m| m == moniker.try_into().unwrap())
InstanceState::Destroyed => false,
_ => panic!("not resolved"),
/// Return the incarnation id of the given child.
pub async fn get_incarnation_id<'a>(component: &'a ComponentInstance, moniker: &'a str) -> u64 {
.expect("not resolved")
/// Return all monikers of the live children of the given `component`.
pub async fn get_live_children(component: &ComponentInstance) -> HashSet<ChildName> {
match *component.lock_state().await {
InstanceState::Resolved(ref s) | InstanceState::Started(ref s, _) => {
s.children().map(|(m, _)| m.clone()).collect()
InstanceState::Shutdown(ref s, _) => s.children.iter().map(|(m, _)| m.clone()).collect(),
InstanceState::Destroyed => HashSet::new(),
_ => panic!("not resolved"),
/// Return the child of the given `component` with moniker `child`.
pub async fn get_live_child<'a>(
component: &'a ComponentInstance,
child: &'a str,
) -> Arc<ComponentInstance> {
.expect("not resolved")
pub async fn list_directory<'a>(root_proxy: &'a fio::DirectoryProxy) -> Vec<String> {
let entries = fuchsia_fs::directory::readdir(&root_proxy).await.expect("readdir failed");
let mut items = entries.iter().map(|entry|<Vec<String>>();
pub async fn list_directory_recursive<'a>(root_proxy: &'a fio::DirectoryProxy) -> Vec<String> {
let entries = fuchsia_fs::directory::readdir_recursive(&root_proxy, /*timeout=*/ None);
let mut items = entries
.expect("readdir failed");
pub async fn write_file<'a>(root_proxy: &'a fio::DirectoryProxy, path: &'a str, contents: &'a str) {
let file_proxy = fuchsia_fs::directory::open_file_no_describe(
fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE | fio::OpenFlags::CREATE,
.expect("Failed to open file.");
let _: u64 = file_proxy
.expect("Unable to write file.")
.expect("Write failed");
/// Create a `DirectoryEntry` and `Channel` pair. The created `DirectoryEntry`
/// provides the service `P`, sending all requests to the returned channel.
pub fn create_service_directory_entry<P>(
) -> (Arc<dyn DirectoryEntry>, futures::channel::mpsc::Receiver<fidl::endpoints::Request<P>>)
P: fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker,
fidl::endpoints::Request<P>: Send,
use futures::sink::SinkExt;
let (sender, receiver) = futures::channel::mpsc::channel(0);
let entry = service::host(move |mut stream: P::RequestStream| {
let mut sender = sender.clone();
async move {
while let Ok(Some(request)) = stream.try_next().await {
(entry, receiver)
/// Wait for a ComponentRunnerStart request, acknowledge it, and return
/// the start info.
/// Panics if the channel closes before we receive a request.
pub async fn wait_for_runner_request(
recv: &mut Receiver<fcrunner::ComponentRunnerRequest>,
) -> fcrunner::ComponentStartInfo {
let fcrunner::ComponentRunnerRequest::Start { start_info, .. } ="Channel closed before request was received.");
/// Contains test model and ancillary objects.
pub struct TestModelResult {
pub model: Arc<Model>,
pub builtin_environment: Arc<Mutex<BuiltinEnvironment>>,
pub realm_proxy: Option<fcomponent::RealmProxy>,
pub mock_runner: Arc<MockRunner>,
pub mock_resolver: Box<MockResolver>,
pub struct TestEnvironmentBuilder {
root_component: String,
components: Vec<(&'static str, ComponentDecl)>,
config_values: Vec<(&'static str, ConfigValuesData)>,
runtime_config: RuntimeConfig,
component_id_index_path: Option<Utf8PathBuf>,
realm_moniker: Option<Moniker>,
hooks: Vec<HooksRegistration>,
front_hooks: Vec<HooksRegistration>,
impl TestEnvironmentBuilder {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
root_component: "root".to_owned(),
components: vec![],
config_values: vec![],
runtime_config: Default::default(),
component_id_index_path: None,
realm_moniker: None,
hooks: vec![],
front_hooks: vec![],
pub fn set_root_component(mut self, root_component: &str) -> Self {
self.root_component = root_component.to_owned();
pub fn set_components(mut self, components: Vec<(&'static str, ComponentDecl)>) -> Self {
self.components = components;
pub fn set_config_values(
mut self,
config_values: Vec<(&'static str, ConfigValuesData)>,
) -> Self {
self.config_values = config_values;
pub fn set_component_id_index_path(mut self, path: Utf8PathBuf) -> Self {
self.component_id_index_path = Some(path);
pub fn set_runtime_config(mut self, runtime_config: RuntimeConfig) -> Self {
self.runtime_config = runtime_config;
pub fn set_realm_moniker(mut self, moniker: Moniker) -> Self {
self.realm_moniker = Some(moniker);
pub fn set_hooks(mut self, hooks: Vec<HooksRegistration>) -> Self {
self.hooks = hooks;
pub fn set_front_hooks(mut self, hooks: Vec<HooksRegistration>) -> Self {
self.front_hooks = hooks;
/// Returns a `Model` and `BuiltinEnvironment` suitable for most tests.
pub async fn build(mut self) -> TestModelResult {
let mock_runner = Arc::new(MockRunner::new());
let mut mock_resolver = MockResolver::new();
for (name, decl) in &self.components {
mock_resolver.add_component(name, decl.clone());
for (path, config) in &self.config_values {
mock_resolver.add_config_values(path, config.clone());
self.runtime_config.root_component_url =
Some(Url::new(format!("test:///{}", self.root_component)).unwrap());
self.runtime_config.builtin_capabilities.push(CapabilityDecl::Runner(RunnerDecl {
name: TEST_RUNNER_NAME.parse().unwrap(),
source_path: None,
EventStreamDecl { name: "started".parse().unwrap() },
self.runtime_config.component_id_index_path = self.component_id_index_path;
self.runtime_config.enable_introspection = true;
let mock_resolver = Box::new(mock_resolver);
let builtin_environment = Arc::new(Mutex::new(
.add_resolver("test".to_string(), mock_resolver.clone())
.add_runner(TEST_RUNNER_NAME.parse().unwrap(), mock_runner.clone())
.expect("builtin environment setup failed"),
let model = builtin_environment.lock().await.model.clone();
// Host framework service for `moniker`, if requested.
let realm_proxy = if let Some(moniker) = self.realm_moniker {
let component = model
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("could not look up {}: {:?}", moniker, e));
let host = Realm::new(Arc::downgrade(&model), model.context().runtime_config().clone());
let (realm_proxy, server) =
capability::open_framework(&host, &component, server.into()).await.unwrap();
} else {
TestModelResult { model, builtin_environment, realm_proxy, mock_runner, mock_resolver }
/// A test harness for tests that wish to register or verify actions.
pub struct ActionsTest {
pub model: Arc<Model>,
pub builtin_environment: Arc<Mutex<BuiltinEnvironment>>,
pub test_hook: Arc<TestHook>,
pub realm_proxy: Option<fcomponent::RealmProxy>,
pub runner: Arc<MockRunner>,
pub resolver: Box<MockResolver>,
impl ActionsTest {
pub async fn new(
root_component: &'static str,
components: Vec<(&'static str, ComponentDecl)>,
moniker: Option<Moniker>,
) -> Self {
Self::new_with_hooks(root_component, components, moniker, vec![]).await
pub async fn new_with_hooks(
root_component: &'static str,
components: Vec<(&'static str, ComponentDecl)>,
moniker: Option<Moniker>,
extra_hooks: Vec<HooksRegistration>,
) -> Self {
let test_hook = Arc::new(TestHook::new());
let mut hooks = test_hook.hooks();
let builder = TestEnvironmentBuilder::new()
let builder =
if let Some(moniker) = moniker { builder.set_realm_moniker(moniker) } else { builder };
let TestModelResult { model, builtin_environment, realm_proxy, mock_runner, mock_resolver } =;
Self {
runner: mock_runner,
resolver: mock_resolver,
pub async fn look_up(&self, moniker: Moniker) -> Arc<ComponentInstance> {
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("could not look up {}: {:?}", moniker, e))
pub async fn start(&self, moniker: Moniker) -> Arc<ComponentInstance> {
.start_instance(&moniker, &StartReason::Eager)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("could not start {}: {:?}", moniker, e))
/// Add a dynamic child to the given collection, with the given name to the
/// component that our proxy member variable corresponds to. Passes no
/// `CreateChildArgs`.
pub async fn create_dynamic_child(&self, coll: &str, name: &str) {
self.create_dynamic_child_with_args(coll, name, fcomponent::CreateChildArgs::default())
.expect("failed to create child")
/// Add a dynamic child to the given collection, with the given name to the
/// component that our proxy member variable corresponds to.
pub async fn create_dynamic_child_with_args(
coll: &str,
name: &str,
args: fcomponent::CreateChildArgs,
) -> Result<(), fcomponent::Error> {
let collection_ref = fdecl::CollectionRef { name: coll.to_string() };
let child_decl = ChildDecl {
name: name.parse().unwrap(),
url: format!("test:///{}", name).parse().unwrap(),
startup: fdecl::StartupMode::Lazy,
environment: None,
on_terminate: None,
config_overrides: None,
let res = self
.expect("realm service not started")
.create_child(&collection_ref, &child_decl, args)
res.expect("failed to create child")
/// Create a new event stream for the provided environment.
pub async fn new_event_stream(
builtin_environment: Arc<Mutex<BuiltinEnvironment>>,
events: Vec<Name>,
) -> (EventSource, EventStream) {
let mut event_source =
let event_stream = event_source
.map(|event| EventSubscription {
event_name: UseEventStreamDecl {
source_name: event,
source: UseSource::Parent,
scope: None,
target_path: "/svc/fuchsia.component.EventStream".parse().unwrap(),
filter: None,
availability: Availability::Required,
.expect("subscribe to event stream");
(event_source, event_stream)