blob: 8731e6186b6893bc005e4d94d6ff1ffedecc574e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO Follow 2018 idioms
// This is needed for the pseudo_directory nesting in crate::model::tests
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
// Printing to stdout and stderr directly is discouraged for component_manager.
// Instead, the tracing library, e.g. through macros like `info!`, and `error!`,
// should be used.
#![cfg_attr(not(test), deny(clippy::print_stdout, clippy::print_stderr,))]
use {
builtin_environment::{BuiltinEnvironment, BuiltinEnvironmentBuilder},
fidl_fuchsia_component_internal as finternal, fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_runtime::{job_default, process_self},
std::{panic, process},
tracing::{error, info},
mod bedrock;
mod bootfs;
mod builtin;
mod builtin_environment;
mod capability;
mod constants;
mod framework;
mod inspect_sink_provider;
mod model;
mod root_stop_notifier;
mod runner;
mod sandbox_util;
mod startup;
extern "C" {
fn dl_set_loader_service(
handle: fuchsia_zircon::sys::zx_handle_t,
) -> fuchsia_zircon::sys::zx_handle_t;
fn main() {
// Set ourselves as critical to our job. If we do not fail gracefully, our
// job will be killed.
if let Err(err) =
job_default().set_critical(JobCriticalOptions::RETCODE_NONZERO, &process_self())
panic!("Component manager failed to set itself as critical: {}", err);
// Close any loader service passed to component manager so that the service session can be
// freed, as component manager won't make use of a loader service such as by calling dlopen.
// If userboot invoked component manager directly, this service was the only reason userboot
// continued to run and closing it will let userboot terminate.
let ldsvc = unsafe {
let args = startup::Arguments::from_args()
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("{}\n{}", err, startup::Arguments::usage()));
let (runtime_config, bootfs_svc) = build_runtime_config(&args);
let mut executor = fasync::SendExecutor::new(runtime_config.num_threads);
match runtime_config.log_destination {
finternal::LogDestination::Syslog => {
finternal::LogDestination::Klog => {
info!("Component manager is starting up...");
if args.boot {
info!("Component manager was started with boot defaults");
let run_root_fut = async move {
let mut builtin_environment = match build_environment(runtime_config, bootfs_svc).await {
Ok(environment) => environment,
Err(error) => {
error!(%error, "Component manager setup failed");
if let Err(error) = builtin_environment.run_root().await {
error!(%error, "Failed to start root component");
/// Loads component_manager's config.
/// This function panics on failure because the logger is not initialized yet.
fn build_runtime_config(args: &startup::Arguments) -> (RuntimeConfig, Option<BootfsSvc>) {
let bootfs_svc =
args.host_bootfs.then(|| BootfsSvc::new().expect("Failed to create Rust bootfs"));
let config_bytes = if let Some(ref bootfs_svc) = bootfs_svc {
// The Rust bootfs VFS has not been brought up yet, so to find the component manager's
// config we must find the config's offset and size in the bootfs VMO, and read from it
// directly.
let canonicalized =
if args.config.starts_with("/boot/") { &args.config[6..] } else { &args.config };
bootfs_svc.read_config_from_uninitialized_vfs(canonicalized).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("Failed to read config from uninitialized vfs with error {}.", err)
} else {
// This is the legacy path where bootsvc is hosting a C++ bootfs VFS,
// and component manager can read its config using standard filesystem APIs.
let path = PathBuf::from(&args.config);
std::fs::read(path).expect("failed to read config file")
let mut config = RuntimeConfig::new_from_bytes(&config_bytes)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Failed to load runtime config: {}", err));
match (config.root_component_url.as_ref(), args.root_component_url.as_ref()) {
(Some(_url), None) => (config, bootfs_svc),
(None, Some(url)) => {
config.root_component_url = Some(url.clone());
(config, bootfs_svc)
(None, None) => {
"`root_component_url` not provided. This field must be provided either as a \
command line argument or config file parameter."
(Some(_), Some(_)) => {
"`root_component_url` set in two places: as a command line argument \
and a config file parameter. This field can only be set in one of those places."
async fn build_environment(
config: RuntimeConfig,
bootfs_svc: Option<BootfsSvc>,
) -> Result<BuiltinEnvironment, Error> {
let mut builder = BuiltinEnvironmentBuilder::new()
if let Some(bootfs_svc) = bootfs_svc {
builder = builder.set_bootfs_svc(bootfs_svc);