blob: 8646944e9e8ef002605f2b8775112434c06705ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::model::component::{ComponentInstance, WeakComponentInstance};
use ::routing::capability_source::InternalCapability;
use ::routing::component_instance::ComponentInstanceInterface;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use cm_util::TaskGroup;
use errors::CapabilityProviderError;
use fidl::handle::Channel;
use std::sync;
use std::sync::Arc;
use vfs::directory::entry::OpenRequest;
use vfs::execution_scope::ExecutionScope;
use vfs::ToObjectRequest;
use {fidl_fuchsia_io as fio, fuchsia_zircon as zx};
pub type CapabilitySource = ::routing::capability_source::CapabilitySource<ComponentInstance>;
/// The server-side of a capability implements this trait.
/// Multiple `CapabilityProvider` objects can compose with one another for a single
/// capability request. For example, a `CapabilityProvider` can be interposed
/// between the primary `CapabilityProvider and the client for the purpose of
/// logging and testing. A `CapabilityProvider` is typically provided by a
/// corresponding `Hook` in response to the `CapabilityRouted` event.
/// A capability provider is used exactly once as a result of exactly one route.
pub trait CapabilityProvider: Send + Sync {
/// Binds a server end of a zx::Channel to the provided capability. If the capability is a
/// directory, then `flags`, and `relative_path` will be propagated along to open
/// the appropriate directory.
async fn open(
self: Box<Self>,
task_group: TaskGroup,
open_request: OpenRequest<'_>,
) -> Result<(), CapabilityProviderError>;
/// A trait for builtin and framework capabilities. This trait provides an implementation of
/// [CapabilityProvider::open] that wraps the `open` in a vfs service, ensuring that the capability is
/// fully
pub trait InternalCapabilityProvider: Send + Sync {
/// Binds a server end of a zx::Channel to the provided capability, which is assumed to be a
/// protocol capability.
async fn open_protocol(self: Box<Self>, server_end: zx::Channel);
impl<T: InternalCapabilityProvider + 'static> CapabilityProvider for T {
async fn open(
self: Box<Self>,
task_group: TaskGroup,
open_request: OpenRequest<'_>,
) -> Result<(), CapabilityProviderError> {
let this = sync::Mutex::new(Some(self));
let service = vfs::service::endpoint(
move |_scope: ExecutionScope, server_end: fuchsia_async::Channel| {
let mut this = this.lock().unwrap();
let this = this.take().expect("vfs open shouldn't be called more than once");
open_request.open_service(service).map_err(|e| CapabilityProviderError::VfsOpenError(e))
/// Builtin capabilities implement this trait to register themselves with component manager's
/// builtin environment.
pub trait BuiltinCapability: Send + Sync {
/// Returns true if `capability` matches this framework capability.
fn matches(&self, capability: &InternalCapability) -> bool;
/// Returns a [CapabilityProvider] that serves this builtin capability and was
/// requested by `target`.
fn new_provider(&self, target: WeakComponentInstance) -> Box<dyn CapabilityProvider>;
/// Framework capabilities implement this trait to register themselves with component manager's
/// builtin environment.
pub trait FrameworkCapability: Send + Sync {
/// Returns true if `capability` matches this framework capability.
fn matches(&self, capability: &InternalCapability) -> bool;
/// Returns a [CapabilityProvider] that serves this framework capability with `scope`
/// and was requested by `target`.
fn new_provider(
scope: WeakComponentInstance,
target: WeakComponentInstance,
) -> Box<dyn CapabilityProvider>;
/// Opens a connection to a [FrameworkCapability] with scope `instance`. Useful for opening a
/// standalone connection to the capability outside the context of routing.
pub async fn open_framework(
this: &impl FrameworkCapability,
instance: &Arc<ComponentInstance>,
server: Channel,
) -> Result<(), CapabilityProviderError> {
let task_group = instance.nonblocking_task_group();
let weak_instance = instance.as_weak();
let flags = fio::OpenFlags::empty();
let mut object_request = flags.to_object_request(server);
let open_request = OpenRequest::new(
&mut object_request,
this.new_provider(weak_instance.clone(), weak_instance).open(task_group, open_request).await