blob: abb9d411fce78a548912a740a320e102a3067ad0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_sys2 as fsys, fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_component::client as fclient,
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
info!("cache manager started");
let config = Config::take_from_startup_handle();
if config.cache_clearing_threshold > 100 {
"cache clearing threshold is too high, must be <= 100 but it is {}",
"cache will be cleared when storage passes {}% capacity",
info!("checking storage every {} milliseconds", config.storage_checking_frequency);
let storage_admin = fclient::connect_to_protocol::<fsys::StorageAdminMarker>()
.context("failed opening storage admin")?;
monitor_storage(&storage_admin, config).await;
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
struct StorageState {
total_bytes: u64,
used_bytes: u64,
impl StorageState {
fn percent_used(&self) -> u64 {
if self.total_bytes > 0 {
self.used_bytes * 100 / self.total_bytes
} else {
async fn monitor_storage(storage_admin: &fsys::StorageAdminProxy, config: Config) {
// Sleep for the check interval, then see if we're over the clearing threshold.
// If we are over the threshold, clear the cache. This panics if we lose the
// connect to the StorageAdminProtocol.
"cache will be cleared when storage passes {}% capacity",
info!("checking storage every {} milliseconds", config.storage_checking_frequency);
loop {
let storage_state = {
match get_storage_utilization(&storage_admin).await {
Ok(utilization) => {
if utilization.percent_used() > 100 {
warn!("storage utlization is above 100%, clearing storage.");
Err(e) => match e.downcast_ref::<fidl::Error>() {
Some(fidl::Error::ClientChannelClosed { .. }) => {
"cache manager's storage admin channel closed unexpectedly, \
is component manager dead?"
_ => {
error!("failed getting cache utilization, will try again later: {:?}", e);
// Not enough storage is used, sleep and wait for changes
if storage_state.percent_used() < config.cache_clearing_threshold {
// Clear the cache
info!("storage utilization is at {}%, which is above our threshold of {}%, beginning to clear cache storage", storage_state.percent_used(), config.cache_clearing_threshold);
match clear_cache_storage(&storage_admin).await {
Err(e) => match e.downcast_ref::<fidl::Error>() {
Some(fidl::Error::ClientChannelClosed { .. }) => {
"cache manager's storage admin channel closed while clearing storage \
is component manager dead?"
_ => {
error!("non-fatal error while clearing cache: {:?}", e);
_ => {}
let storage_state_after = match get_storage_utilization(&storage_admin).await {
Err(e) => match e.downcast_ref::<fidl::Error>() {
Some(fidl::Error::ClientChannelClosed { .. }) => {
"cache manager's storage admin channel closed while checking utlization \
after cache clearing, is component manager dead?"
_ => {
error!("non-fatal getting storage utlization {:?}", e);
Ok(u) => u,
if storage_state.percent_used() > config.cache_clearing_threshold {
warn!("storage usage still exceeds threshold after cache clearing, used_bytes={} total_bytes={}", storage_state.used_bytes, storage_state.total_bytes);
if storage_state_after.percent_used() >= storage_state.percent_used() {
warn!("cache manager did not reduce storage pressure");
/// Check the current cache storage utilization. If no components are using cache, the utilization
/// reported by the filesystem is not checked and utlization is reported as zero.
async fn get_storage_utilization(
storage_admin: &fsys::StorageAdminProxy,
) -> Result<StorageState, Error> {
let utilization = match storage_admin.get_status().await? {
Ok(u) => u,
Err(e) => {
return Err(format_err!(
"RPC to get storage status succeeded, but server returned an error: {:?}",
Ok(StorageState {
total_bytes: utilization.total_size.unwrap(),
used_bytes: utilization.used_size.unwrap(),
/// Tries to delete the cache for all components. Failures for individual components are ignored,
/// but if `storage_admin` is closed that is reported as the `fidl::Error::ClientChannelClosed`
/// that it is.
async fn clear_cache_storage(storage_admin: &fsys::StorageAdminProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
.map_err(|err| format_err!("protocol error clearing cache: {:?}", err))
mod tests {
use {
fidl::endpoints::{ClientEnd, ServerEnd},
fidl_fuchsia_sys2 as fsys,
fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, Duration, TestExecutor},
channel::mpsc::{self as mpsc, UnboundedReceiver},
std::{future::Future, pin::Pin},
struct FakeStorageServer {
storage_statuses: Vec<fsys::StorageStatus>,
chan: ServerEnd<fsys::StorageAdminMarker>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum CallType {
impl FakeStorageServer {
/// Run the fake server. The server sends monikers it receives it storage deletion requests
/// over the `moniker_channel`.
pub fn run_server(
mut self,
call_chan: mpsc::UnboundedSender<CallType>,
) -> Pin<Box<impl Future<Output = ()>>> {
let server = async move {
let mut req_stream = self.chan.into_stream().unwrap();
while let Ok(request) = req_stream.try_next().await {
match request {
Some(fsys::StorageAdminRequest::DeleteAllStorageContents { responder }) => {
let _ = responder.send(Ok(()));
Some(fsys::StorageAdminRequest::GetStatus { responder }) => {
// note that we can panic here, but that is okay because if more
// status values are requested than expect that is also an error
let status = self.storage_statuses.remove(0);
let _ = responder.send(Ok(&status));
None => return,
_ => panic!("unexpected call not supported by fake server"),
fn common_setup(
server: Option<FakeStorageServer>,
client: ClientEnd<fsys::StorageAdminMarker>,
) -> (UnboundedReceiver<CallType>, TestExecutor, Duration, fsys::StorageAdminProxy, Config)
let (calls_tx, calls_rx) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded::<CallType>();
let exec = TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time();
let time_step = Duration::from_millis(5000);
let config = Config {
cache_clearing_threshold: 20,
storage_checking_frequency: time_step.clone().into_millis().try_into().unwrap(),
if let Some(server) = server {
let client = client.into_proxy().unwrap();
(calls_rx, exec, time_step, client, config)
/// Advance the TestExecutor by |time_step| and wake expired timers.
fn advance_time_and_wake(exec: &mut TestExecutor, time_step: &Duration) {
let new_time =
fasync::Time::from_nanos( + time_step.clone().into_nanos());
fn test_typical_case() {
let (client_end, server_end) =
// Create a take storage server with the canned call responses for
// GetStatus that we want.
let server = FakeStorageServer {
storage_statuses: vec![
fsys::StorageStatus {
total_size: Some(100),
used_size: Some(10),
fsys::StorageStatus {
total_size: Some(100),
used_size: Some(50),
fsys::StorageStatus {
total_size: Some(100),
used_size: Some(0),
fsys::StorageStatus {
total_size: Some(100),
used_size: Some(0),
chan: server_end,
let (mut calls_rx, mut exec, time_step, client, config) =
common_setup(Some(server), client_end);
let mut monitor = Box::pin(monitor_storage(&client, config));
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut monitor);
// We expect no query sent to the capability provider since it sleeps first
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Err(()));
// Move forward to the first check
advance_time_and_wake(&mut exec, &time_step);
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut monitor);
// We expect a status check
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Ok(Some(CallType::Status)));
// Since the reported usage is below the threshold, the monitor should do nothing.
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Err(()));
// Move forward to the next check
advance_time_and_wake(&mut exec, &time_step);
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut monitor);
// Expect a check, where we'll report we're above the cache clearing threshold
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Ok(Some(CallType::Status)));
// Expect that the monitor tries to clear storage
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Ok(Some(CallType::Delete)));
// Monitor checks after clearing storage
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Ok(Some(CallType::Status)));
// No call is expected until the timer goes off
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Err(()));
// advance time
advance_time_and_wake(&mut exec, &time_step);
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut monitor);
// Monitor checks again and we'll respond that usage is below the threshold
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Ok(Some(CallType::Status)));
// There should be no call until the next check
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Err(()));
/// Test the scenario where clearing storage doesn't lower utilization below the clearing
/// threshold. In this case we expect the call behavior to be the same as "normal" operrations.
fn test_utilization_stays_above_threshold() {
let (client_end, server_end) =
// Create a take storage server with the canned call responses for
// GetStatus that we want.
let server = FakeStorageServer {
storage_statuses: vec![
fsys::StorageStatus {
total_size: Some(100),
used_size: Some(10),
fsys::StorageStatus {
total_size: Some(100),
used_size: Some(50),
fsys::StorageStatus {
total_size: Some(100),
used_size: Some(50),
fsys::StorageStatus {
total_size: Some(100),
used_size: Some(50),
fsys::StorageStatus {
total_size: Some(100),
used_size: Some(50),
chan: server_end,
let (mut calls_rx, mut exec, time_step, client, config) =
common_setup(Some(server), client_end);
let mut monitor = Box::pin(monitor_storage(&client, config));
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut monitor);
// We expect no query sent to the capability provider since it sleeps first
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Err(()));
// Move forward to the first check
advance_time_and_wake(&mut exec, &time_step);
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut monitor);
// We expect a status check
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Ok(Some(CallType::Status)));
// Since the reported usage is below the threshold, the monitor should do nothing.
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Err(()));
// Move forward to the next check
advance_time_and_wake(&mut exec, &time_step);
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut monitor);
// Expect a check, where we'll report we're above the cache clearing threshold
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Ok(Some(CallType::Status)));
// Expect that the monitor tries to clear storage
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Ok(Some(CallType::Delete)));
// Monitor checks after clearing storage
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Ok(Some(CallType::Status)));
// No call is expected until the timer goes off
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Err(()));
// advance time
advance_time_and_wake(&mut exec, &time_step);
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut monitor);
// Monitor checks again and we'll respond that usage is below the threshold
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Ok(Some(CallType::Status)));
// Expect that the monitor tries to clear storage again on the next run
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Ok(Some(CallType::Delete)));
// Monitor checks after clearing storage
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Ok(Some(CallType::Status)));
// There should be no call until the next check
assert_eq!(calls_rx.try_next().map_err(|_| ()), Err(()));
fn test_channel_closure_panics() {
let (client_end, server_end) =
let (mut _calls_rx, mut exec, time_step, client, config) = common_setup(None, client_end);
let mut monitor = Box::pin(monitor_storage(&client, config));
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut monitor);
// Move forward to the first check
advance_time_and_wake(&mut exec, &time_step);
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut monitor);