blob: 30b5c1785130eb66e4f79a8200f6d7d8ef5a686f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fdio/vfs.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include "src/storage/lib/vfs/cpp/vfs_types.h"
#include "src/storage/lib/vfs/cpp/vnode.h"
namespace fs {
class Vnode;
// A storage class for a vdircookie which is passed to Readdir. Common vnode implementations may use
// this struct as scratch space, or cast it to an alternative structure of the same size (or
// smaller).
struct VdirCookie {
uint64_t n = 0;
void* p = nullptr;
// The Vfs object contains global per-filesystem state, which may be valid across a collection of
// Vnodes. It dispatches requests to per-file/directory Vnode objects.
// This class can be used on a Fuchsia system or on the host computer where the compilation is done
// (the host builds of the filesystems are how system images are created). Normally Fuchsia builds
// will use the ManagedVfs subclass which handles the FIDL-to-vnode connections.
// The Vfs object must outlive the Vnodes which it serves. This class is thread-safe.
class Vfs {
class OpenResult;
virtual ~Vfs() = default;
// Traverse the path to the target vnode, and create / open it using the underlying filesystem
// functions (lookup, create, open).
// The return value will suggest the next action to take. Refer to the variants in |OpenResult|
// for more information.
OpenResult Open(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, std::string_view path, VnodeConnectionOptions options,
fuchsia_io::Rights connection_rights) __TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
// Implements Unlink for a pre-validated and trimmed name.
virtual zx_status_t Unlink(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, std::string_view name, bool must_be_dir)
// Calls readdir on the Vnode while holding the vfs_lock, preventing path modification operations
// for the duration of the operation.
zx_status_t Readdir(Vnode* vn, VdirCookie* cookie, void* dirents, size_t len, size_t* out_actual)
// Sets whether this file system is read-only.
void SetReadonly(bool value) __TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
// Whether this file system is read-only.
bool ReadonlyLocked() const __TA_REQUIRES(vfs_lock_) { return readonly_; }
// Trim trailing slashes from name before sending it to internal filesystem functions. This also
// validates whether the name has internal slashes and rejects them. Returns failure if the
// resulting name is too long, empty, or contains slashes after trimming.
// Returns true iff name is suffixed with a trailing slash indicating an explicit reference to a
// directory.
static zx::result<bool> TrimName(std::string_view& name);
// Create or lookup an entry with |name| inside of |vndir|. Returns a tuple of the resulting node,
// and a boolean indicating if the returned vnode is open or not.
zx::result<std::tuple<fbl::RefPtr<Vnode>, /*vnode_is_open*/ bool>> CreateOrLookup(
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> vndir, std::string_view name, CreationMode mode,
std::optional<CreationType> type, fuchsia_io::Rights connection_rights)
// A lock which should be used to protect lookup and walk operations
mutable std::mutex vfs_lock_;
// A separate lock to protected vnode registration. The vnodes will call into this class according
// to their lifetimes, and many of these lifetimes are managed from within the VFS lock which can
// result in reentrant locking. This lock should only be held for very short times when mutating
// the registered node tracking information.
mutable std::mutex live_nodes_lock_;
bool readonly_ = false;
class Vfs::OpenResult {
// When this variant is active, the indicated error occurred.
using Error = zx_status_t;
// When this variant is active, the path being opened contains a remote node. |path| is the
// remaining portion of the path yet to be traversed. The caller should forward the remainder of
// this open request to that vnode.
// Used only on Fuchsia.
struct Remote {
fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vnode;
std::string_view path;
// When this variant is active, |Open| has successfully reached a vnode under this filesystem.
// |options| contains options to be used on the new connection, potentially adjusted for
// posix-flag rights expansion.
struct Ok {
fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vnode;
VnodeConnectionOptions options;
// Forwards the constructor arguments into the underlying |std::variant|. This allows |OpenResult|
// to be constructed directly from one of the variants, e.g.
// OpenResult r = OpenResult::Error{ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED};
template <typename T>
OpenResult(T&& v) : variants_(std::forward<T>(v)) {}
// Applies the |visitor| function to the variant payload. It simply forwards the visitor into the
// underlying |std::variant|. Returns the return value of |visitor|. Refer to C++ documentation
// for |std::visit|.
template <class Visitor>
constexpr auto visit(Visitor&& visitor) -> decltype(visitor(std::declval<zx_status_t>())) {
return std::visit(std::forward<Visitor>(visitor), variants_);
Ok& ok() { return std::get<Ok>(variants_); }
bool is_ok() const { return std::holds_alternative<Ok>(variants_); }
Error& error() { return std::get<Error>(variants_); }
bool is_error() const { return std::holds_alternative<Error>(variants_); }
Remote& remote() { return std::get<Remote>(variants_); }
bool is_remote() const { return std::holds_alternative<Remote>(variants_); }
using Variants = std::variant<Error, Remote, Ok>;
Variants variants_;
} // namespace fs