blob: 5b38b27826654784112602e5db9357c719f1eb09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fpromise/barrier.h>
#include <lib/fpromise/promise.h>
#include <lib/fpromise/sequencer.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include <storage/buffer/blocking_ring_buffer.h>
#include <storage/buffer/ring_buffer.h>
#include <storage/operation/unbuffered_operation.h>
#include "src/storage/lib/vfs/cpp/journal/background_executor.h"
#include "src/storage/lib/vfs/cpp/journal/format.h"
#include "src/storage/lib/vfs/cpp/journal/journal_writer.h"
#include "src/storage/lib/vfs/cpp/journal/superblock.h"
#include "src/storage/lib/vfs/cpp/transaction/transaction_handler.h"
namespace fs {
// This class implements an interface for filesystems to write back data to the underlying
// device. It provides methods for the following functionality:
// - Writing data to the underlying device
// - Writing metadata to the underlying device (journaled or unjournaled)
// - Revoking metadata from the journal
// The journal operates on asynchronous objects: it returns promises corresponding to each
// operation, which may be chained together by the caller, and which may be completed by scheduling
// these promises on the journal's executor via |journal.schedule_task|.
// Journal journal(...);
// auto data_promise = journal.WriteData(vnode_data);
// journal.CommitTransaction({
// .metadata_operations = ...
// });
// // A few moments later...
// journal.schedule_task(Sync().and_then([]() {
// printf("Operation completed successfully!");
// }));
// This class is thread-safe.
class Journal final : public fpromise::executor {
using Promise = fpromise::promise<void, zx_status_t>;
struct Transaction {
// Mandatory; for now, there is no support for data/trim-only transactions.
std::vector<storage::UnbufferedOperation> metadata_operations;
// Optional promise responsible for writing the data.
Promise data_promise;
// Optional trim operations.
std::vector<storage::BufferedOperation> trim;
// Called when metadata has been written and *flushed* to the journal. At that point, any
// subsequent writes (which may or may not involve the journal) are guaranteed to be visible
// *after* this transaction. The primary use case for this is to keep blocks that are freed in
// a transaction as reserved until the transaction is guaranteed to be visible, since prior to
// that, the old data needs to be preserved. Optional.
fit::callback<void()> commit_callback;
// Called when metadata has been written to its final location (but not necessarily flushed), so
// this is after |commit_callback|. Reads to the device after this callback will then return
// metadata from this transaction. Optional.
fit::callback<void()> complete_callback;
// Constructs a Journal with journaling enabled. This is the traditional constructor of Journals,
// where data and metadata are treated separately.
// |journal_superblock| represents the journal info block.
// |journal_buffer| must be the size of the entries (not including the info block).
// |journal_start_block| must point to the start of the journal info block.
Journal(fs::TransactionHandler* transaction_handler, JournalSuperblock journal_superblock,
std::unique_ptr<storage::BlockingRingBuffer> journal_buffer,
std::unique_ptr<storage::BlockingRingBuffer> writeback_buffer,
uint64_t journal_start_block);
// Synchronizes with the background thread to ensure all enqueued work is complete before
// returning.
~Journal() final;
// Transmits operations containing pure data, which may be subject to different atomicity
// guarantees than metadata updates.
// Multiple requests to WriteData are not ordered. If ordering is desired, it should be added
// using a |fpromise::sequencer| object, or by chaining the data writeback promise along an object
// which is ordered.
Promise WriteData(std::vector<storage::UnbufferedOperation> operations);
// Commits a transaction.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t CommitTransaction(Transaction transaction);
// Returns a promise which identifies that all previous committed transcations have completed
// (regardless of success). Additionally, prompt the internal journal writer to update the info
// block, if it isn't already up-to-date.
Promise Sync();
// Schedules a promise to the journals background thread executor.
void schedule_task(fpromise::pending_task task) final {
// See comment below for write_metadata_callback_ for how this might be used.
void set_write_metadata_callback(fit::function<void()> callback) {
write_metadata_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// Returns true if all writeback is "off", and no further data will be written to the
// device.
bool IsWritebackEnabled() const { return writer_.IsWritebackEnabled(); }
// Flushes blocks that have been delayed until we can flush. See related |pending_ below.
void FlushPending();
std::unique_ptr<storage::BlockingRingBuffer> journal_buffer_;
std::unique_ptr<storage::BlockingRingBuffer> writeback_buffer_;
// The number of blocks stuck in the journal buffer that are blocked until we decide to flush.
// This does not include blocks that are in the buffer but currently, or soon will be, in-flight
// i.e. there can be blocks reserved in the journal buffers that are not tracked by this counter,
// but the process to flush them has been initiated and it is just a matter of time before they
// become available.
size_t pending_ = 0;
// Barrier for all outstanding data writes.
fpromise::barrier data_barrier_;
// The journal must enforce the requirement that metadata operations are completed in the order
// they are enqueued. To fulfill this requirement, a sequencer guarantees ordering of internal
// promise structures before they are handed to |executor_|.
fpromise::sequencer journal_sequencer_;
// A promise that we use to block writes to the journal until data writes have been flushed.
fpromise::promise<> journal_data_barrier_;
internal::JournalWriter writer_;
// Intentionally place the executor at the end of the journal. This ensures that during
// destruction, the executor can complete pending tasks operation on the writeback buffers before
// the writeback buffers are destroyed.
BackgroundExecutor executor_;
// The callback will be called synchronously after metadata has been submitted to the underlying
// device. This is after both the writes to the journal ring buffer and the actual metadata
// resting place. This can be used, for example, to perform an fsck at the end of every
// transaction (for testing purposes).
fit::function<void()> write_metadata_callback_;
} // namespace fs