blob: f299ecf5563fc4277d3e10affe2784cf15d97251 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fpromise/promise.h>
#include <utility>
#include <storage/operation/unbuffered_operation.h>
#include <storage/operation/unbuffered_operations_builder.h>
#include "src/storage/lib/vfs/cpp/journal/journal.h"
namespace fs {
// A class which helps callers write streaming data operations to the underlying device.
// This class provides the following value over calling "Journal::WriteData" directly:
// Client-side coalescing.
// This class groups together contiguous operations, only transmitting them to the writeback
// subsystem once necessary.
// Avoids blocking for large operations.
// For operations which are larger than the underlying writeback buffer, caution must be taken to
// avoid blocking on "Journal::WriteData", which creates a reservation, but does not begin
// execution of the underlying data. To mitigate, this class begins execution of these data writes
// if they are larger than an internal threshold (which is smaller than the entire writeback
// buffer).
// Allows ordering control over "all data", but not between intermediate data writes.
// Typically, when data operations are issued, the caller cares that they all occur before a
// following action, but the order between those data operations themselves does not matter. This
// class enables callers to |Flush()| all prior data requests, without imposing an ordering on the
// data requests issued by |StreamData()|.
// This class is thread-compatible.
class DataStreamer {
DataStreamer(fs::Journal* journal, size_t writeback_capacity)
: journal_(journal), writeback_capacity_(writeback_capacity) {}
// Issues |operation| to the underlying writeback subsystem (eventually).
// May cache the operation locally, issuing it to the underlying writeback buffer and executor as
// necessary. To identify completion, refer to |Flush()|.
// Multiple invocations of |StreamData()| are not ordered with respect to each other.
// Promises generated by |StreamData()| are ordered before invocations of |Flush()|.
void StreamData(storage::UnbufferedOperation operation);
// Ensures all operations sent to |StreamData| are issued to the executor, and returns a promise
// representing when all those writes have completed.
fs::Journal::Promise Flush();
// Issues locally buffered operations to the executor, and track the resulting promise in
// |promises_|. The completion of all issued operations can be achieved by invoking |Flush()|.
void IssueOperations();
fs::Journal* journal_;
const size_t writeback_capacity_;
// Operations which have been sent to |StreamData|, but which have not been sent to the executor.
storage::UnbufferedOperationsBuilder operations_;
// Operations which have been sent to the executor.
std::vector<fpromise::promise<void, zx_status_t>> promises_;
} // namespace fs