blob: 0a633d2c0482b19e8cf015f605557fc5a9388052 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains tests for the InspectTree class as well as the associated inspect data.
#include <lib/fpromise/single_threaded_executor.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/reader.h>
#include <lib/inspect/testing/cpp/inspect.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/storage/lib/vfs/cpp/inspect/inspect_tree.h"
using namespace ::testing;
using namespace inspect::testing;
namespace fs_inspect {
namespace {
// Helper functions to create validators that can be used to validate an inspect::Hierarchy against
// the expected node name, properties, and values.
// Ensures that the basic required nodes exist within the filesystem hierarchy. Properties within
// these nodes are not validated (use the matchers below to match specific properties).
::testing::Matcher<const inspect::Hierarchy&> HasExpectedNodeLayout() {
return ChildrenMatch(IsSupersetOf({NodeMatches(NameMatches(kInfoNodeName)),
// Match the given hierarchy against using the given InfoData values.
::testing::Matcher<const inspect::Hierarchy&> NodePropertiesMatch(const InfoData& info) {
// Required properties:
std::vector<::testing::Matcher<const inspect::PropertyValue&>> properties = {
UintIs(InfoData::kPropType, info.type),
UintIs(InfoData::kPropVersionMajor, info.version_major),
UintIs(InfoData::kPropVersionMinor, info.version_minor),
UintIs(InfoData::kPropBlockSize, info.block_size),
UintIs(InfoData::kPropMaxFilenameLength, info.max_filename_length),
// Optional properties:
if (info.oldest_version.has_value()) {
properties.push_back(StringIs(InfoData::kPropOldestVersion, info.oldest_version.value()));
return NodeMatches(
AllOf(NameMatches(kInfoNodeName), PropertyList(UnorderedElementsAreArray(properties))));
// Match the given hierarchy against fs.usage using the given UsageData values.
::testing::Matcher<const inspect::Hierarchy&> NodePropertiesMatch(const UsageData& usage) {
return NodeMatches(AllOf(
PropertyList(UnorderedElementsAre(UintIs(UsageData::kPropTotalBytes, usage.total_bytes),
UintIs(UsageData::kPropUsedBytes, usage.used_bytes),
UintIs(UsageData::kPropTotalNodes, usage.total_nodes),
UintIs(UsageData::kPropUsedNodes, usage.used_nodes)))));
// Match the given hierarchy against fs.fvm using the given FvmData values.
::testing::Matcher<const inspect::Hierarchy&> NodePropertiesMatch(const FvmData& fvm) {
return NodeMatches(
UintIs(FvmData::kPropSizeBytes, fvm.size_info.size_bytes),
UintIs(FvmData::kPropSizeLimitBytes, fvm.size_info.size_limit_bytes),
UintIs(FvmData::kPropAvailableSpaceBytes, fvm.size_info.available_space_bytes),
UintIs(FvmData::kPropOutOfSpaceEvents, fvm.out_of_space_events)))));
} // namespace
// Fake implementation of a filesystem inspect tree for testing purposes. Encapsulates structured
// data and an `fs_inspect::InspectTree` class similar to real filesystems, but with additional
// helpers to support tests.
class FakeInspectTree {
explicit FakeInspectTree(inspect::LazyNodeCallbackFn detail_node = nullptr)
: fs_inspect_nodes_{CreateTree(
inspector_.GetRoot(), NodeCallbacks{.info_callback = [this]() { return info_data_; },
.usage_callback = [this]() { return usage_data_; },
.fvm_callback = [this]() { return fvm_data_; },
.detail_node_callback = std::move(detail_node)})} {}
// Setters to modify the data the tree exposes.
void SetInfoData(const InfoData& info_data) { info_data_ = info_data; }
void SetUsageData(const UsageData& usage_data) { usage_data_ = usage_data; }
void SetFvmData(const FvmData& fvm_data) { fvm_data_ = fvm_data; }
// Pointers to nodes within the hierarchy obtained from the last call to `UpdateSnapshot`.
// Invalidated every time UpdateSnapshot() is called.
const inspect::Hierarchy* RootNode() const { return &snapshot_; }
const inspect::Hierarchy* InfoNode() const { return snapshot_.GetByPath({kInfoNodeName}); }
const inspect::Hierarchy* UsageNode() const { return snapshot_.GetByPath({kUsageNodeName}); }
const inspect::Hierarchy* FvmNode() const { return snapshot_.GetByPath({kFvmNodeName}); }
const inspect::Hierarchy* DetailNode() const { return snapshot_.GetByPath({kDetailNodeName}); }
// Updates the exposed node hierarchy by taking a snapshot of the tree and storing it internally.
// Invalidates any node/hierarchy pointers previously obtained from this object.
void UpdateSnapshot() {
auto snapshot = fpromise::run_single_threaded(inspect::ReadFromInspector(inspector_));
snapshot_ = std::move(snapshot.value());
inspect::Inspector inspector_ = {};
// Structured data to be exposed in the inspect hierarchy.
fs_inspect::InfoData info_data_ = {};
fs_inspect::UsageData usage_data_ = {};
fs_inspect::FvmData fvm_data_ = {};
// Last snapshot taken of the inspect tree.
inspect::Hierarchy snapshot_ = {};
// `fs_inspect_nodes_` should be last as it owns callbacks that reference other data in this
// object.
fs_inspect::FilesystemNodes fs_inspect_nodes_;
// Validates that the root node contains children named "", "fs.usage", and "fs.fvm".
TEST(VfsInspectTree, ValidateNodeHierarchy) {
FakeInspectTree tree;
// Ensure that the tree matches the expected node layout.
ASSERT_NE(tree.RootNode(), nullptr);
ASSERT_THAT(*tree.RootNode(), HasExpectedNodeLayout());
// Ensure that pointers to all common nodes are now valid as well.
EXPECT_NE(tree.InfoNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_NE(tree.UsageNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_NE(tree.FvmNode(), nullptr);
// The detail node should not exist since we did not provide a callback to populate it.
EXPECT_EQ(tree.DetailNode(), nullptr);
// Same as ValidateNodeHierarchy, but also checks "fs.detail" and validates the attached properties.
TEST(VfsInspectTree, AttachDetailNode) {
// Create another tree but with an fs.detail node this time.
auto make_detail = []() {
inspect::Inspector insp;
insp.GetRoot().CreateInt("fake_int", -1, &insp);
insp.GetRoot().CreateString("fake_str", "fake data", &insp);
return fpromise::make_ok_promise(insp);
FakeInspectTree tree_with_detail(make_detail);
// Ensure that the tree matches the expected node layout.
ASSERT_NE(tree_with_detail.RootNode(), nullptr);
ASSERT_THAT(*tree_with_detail.RootNode(), HasExpectedNodeLayout());
// All nodes should exist this time.
EXPECT_NE(tree_with_detail.InfoNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_NE(tree_with_detail.UsageNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_NE(tree_with_detail.FvmNode(), nullptr);
// The detail node should exist, and it's contents should match the callback above.
ASSERT_NE(tree_with_detail.DetailNode(), nullptr);
IntIs("fake_int", -1), StringIs("fake_str", "fake data"))))));
// Validates the layout of the node and ensures that updates to properties are propagated.
TEST(VfsInspectTree, InfoNode) {
FakeInspectTree inspect_tree{};
// Test default-constructed values.
ASSERT_NE(inspect_tree.InfoNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_THAT(*inspect_tree.InfoNode(), NodePropertiesMatch(InfoData{}));
// Set some other values and make sure the tree reflects them.
InfoData info_data = {
.id = 1,
.type = 2,
.name = "fakefs",
.version_major = 3,
.version_minor = 4,
.block_size = 1024,
.max_filename_length = 255,
.oldest_version = "5/6",
ASSERT_NE(inspect_tree.InfoNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_THAT(*inspect_tree.InfoNode(), NodePropertiesMatch(info_data));
info_data = {
.name = "some other name",
.max_filename_length = 64,
// Optional properties should not be present in the resulting tree.
.oldest_version = std::nullopt,
ASSERT_NE(inspect_tree.InfoNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_THAT(*inspect_tree.InfoNode(), NodePropertiesMatch(info_data));
// Validates the layout of the fs.usage node and ensures that updates to properties are propagated.
TEST(VfsInspectTree, UsageNode) {
FakeInspectTree inspect_tree{};
// Test default-constructed values.
ASSERT_NE(inspect_tree.UsageNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_THAT(*inspect_tree.UsageNode(), NodePropertiesMatch(UsageData{}));
// Set some other values and make sure the tree reflects them.
UsageData usage_data = {
.total_bytes = 512, .used_bytes = 256, .total_nodes = 128, .used_nodes = 64};
ASSERT_NE(inspect_tree.UsageNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_THAT(*inspect_tree.UsageNode(), NodePropertiesMatch(usage_data));
usage_data.used_bytes = 512;
ASSERT_NE(inspect_tree.UsageNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_THAT(*inspect_tree.UsageNode(), NodePropertiesMatch(usage_data));
// Validates the layout of the fs.fvm node and ensures that updates to properties are propagated.
TEST(VfsInspectTree, FvmNode) {
FakeInspectTree inspect_tree{};
// Test default-constructed values.
ASSERT_NE(inspect_tree.FvmNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_THAT(*inspect_tree.FvmNode(), NodePropertiesMatch(FvmData{}));
// Set some other values and make sure the tree reflects them.
FvmData fvm_data = {
.size_info =
.size_bytes = 1024,
.size_limit_bytes = 2048,
.available_space_bytes = 0,
.out_of_space_events = 0,
ASSERT_NE(inspect_tree.FvmNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_THAT(*inspect_tree.FvmNode(), NodePropertiesMatch(fvm_data));
fvm_data.size_info.available_space_bytes = 1024;
ASSERT_NE(inspect_tree.FvmNode(), nullptr);
EXPECT_THAT(*inspect_tree.FvmNode(), NodePropertiesMatch(fvm_data));
} // namespace fs_inspect