blob: c3dbf3dbb190f2a3cb39d9067b3985e75b20ce41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.fxfs/cpp/wire.h>
#include <fidl/>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire/channel.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <map>
#include <ostream>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include "src/storage/lib/fs_management/cpp/component.h"
#include "src/storage/lib/fs_management/cpp/format.h"
#include "src/storage/lib/fs_management/cpp/options.h"
namespace fs_management {
// RAII wrapper for a binding of a `` into the local namespace.
class NamespaceBinding {
static zx::result<NamespaceBinding> Create(const char* path,
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> dir);
NamespaceBinding() = default;
NamespaceBinding(const NamespaceBinding&) = delete;
NamespaceBinding& operator=(const NamespaceBinding&) = delete;
NamespaceBinding(NamespaceBinding&& o) noexcept : path_(std::move(o.path_)) { o.path_.clear(); }
NamespaceBinding& operator=(NamespaceBinding&& o) noexcept {
path_ = std::move(o.path_);
return *this;
// Unbinds the path from the local namespace and resets the internal state of this object to a
// default uninitialized state.
void Reset();
// Resets this object without unbinding the path from the local namespace. Returns the path of
// the binding (if it was set).
std::string Release();
std::string_view path() { return path_; }
explicit NamespaceBinding(std::string path) : path_(std::move(path)) {}
std::string path_;
// A filesystem with a single logical volume has a few additional pieces of functionality.
class __EXPORT SingleVolumeFilesystemInterface {
virtual ~SingleVolumeFilesystemInterface() = 0;
// Returns a connection to the data root (i.e. the directory which contains user data).
virtual zx::result<fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory>> DataRoot() const = 0;
// Returns the connection to the export root of the filesystem.
virtual const fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory>& ExportRoot() const = 0;
// Unmounts and shuts down the filesystem. Leaves this object in an indeterminate state.
virtual zx::result<> Unmount() = 0;
/// Manages a started filesystem instance (i.e. one started by [`fuchsia.fs.startup.Start`]).
class __EXPORT StartedSingleVolumeFilesystem : public SingleVolumeFilesystemInterface {
StartedSingleVolumeFilesystem() = default;
explicit StartedSingleVolumeFilesystem(fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> export_root)
: export_root_(std::move(export_root)) {}
StartedSingleVolumeFilesystem(StartedSingleVolumeFilesystem&& o) noexcept
: export_root_(std::move(o.export_root_)) {
StartedSingleVolumeFilesystem& operator=(StartedSingleVolumeFilesystem&& o) noexcept {
export_root_ = std::move(o.export_root_);
return *this;
~StartedSingleVolumeFilesystem() override;
// Unmounts and shuts down the filesystem. Leaves this object in an indeterminate state.
zx::result<> Unmount() override;
// Takes the filesystem connection, so the filesystem won't automatically be shut down when this
// object goes out of scope. Some filesystems will automatically shut down when the last
// connection to goes out of scope; others will never shut down.
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> Release();
// Returns a connection to the data root (i.e. the directory which contains user data).
zx::result<fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory>> DataRoot() const override;
// Returns the connection to the service directory offered by the filesystem.
const fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory>& ExportRoot() const override { return export_root_; }
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> export_root_;
/// Manages a started volume within a filesystem instance (i.e. one opened or created by
/// [`fuchsia.fxfs.Volumes`]).
class MountedVolume {
MountedVolume() = default;
explicit MountedVolume(fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> export_root)
: export_root_(std::move(export_root)) {}
MountedVolume(MountedVolume&& o) noexcept : export_root_(std::move(o.export_root_)) {
MountedVolume& operator=(MountedVolume&& o) noexcept {
export_root_ = std::move(o.export_root_);
return *this;
// Returns a connection to the data root (i.e. the directory which contains user data).
zx::result<fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory>> DataRoot() const;
// Returns the connection to the export root of the volume.
const fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory>& ExportRoot() const { return export_root_; }
// Takes the volume connection, so the volume won't automatically be unmounted when this
// object goes out of scope. Some volumes will unmount down when the last connection to goes out
// of scope; others will never unmount.
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> Release();
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> export_root_;
/// Manages a started multi-volume filesystem instance (i.e. one started by
/// [`fuchsia.fs.startup.Start`]).
class __EXPORT StartedMultiVolumeFilesystem {
StartedMultiVolumeFilesystem() = default;
explicit StartedMultiVolumeFilesystem(fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> exposed_dir)
: exposed_dir_(std::move(exposed_dir)) {}
StartedMultiVolumeFilesystem(StartedMultiVolumeFilesystem&& o) noexcept
: exposed_dir_(std::move(o.exposed_dir_)), volumes_(std::move(o.volumes_)) {
StartedMultiVolumeFilesystem& operator=(StartedMultiVolumeFilesystem&& o) noexcept {
exposed_dir_ = std::move(o.exposed_dir_);
volumes_ = std::move(o.volumes_);
return *this;
// Takes the filesystem connection and all volume connections, so the filesystem won't
// automatically be shut down when this object goes out of scope. Some filesystems will
// automatically shut down when the last connection to goes out of scope; others will never shut
// down.
std::map<std::string, fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory>>>
// Unmounts and shuts down the filesystem. Leaves this object in an indeterminate state.
zx::result<> Unmount();
// Returns the connection to the service directory offered by the filesystem.
const fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory>& ServiceDirectory() const { return exposed_dir_; }
// Opens the volume if present. |options.crypt| is an optional connection to a crypt service used
// to unlock the volume; if unset, the volume is assumed to be unencrypted.
// Returns a pointer to the volume if it was opened. The lifetime of the pointer is less than
// this object.
zx::result<MountedVolume*> OpenVolume(std::string_view name,
fuchsia_fxfs::wire::MountOptions options);
// Creates and mounts a volume. |options.crypt| is an optional connection to a crypt service used
// to unlock the volume; if unset, the volume is assumed to be unencrypted.
// Returns a pointer to the volume if it was created. The lifetime of the pointer is less than
// this object.
zx::result<MountedVolume*> CreateVolume(std::string_view name,
fuchsia_fxfs::wire::MountOptions options);
// Verifies the integrity of a volume. |crypt_client| is an optional connection to a crypt
// service used to unlock the volume; if unset, the volume is assumed to be unencrypted.
zx::result<> CheckVolume(std::string_view name, zx::channel crypt_client);
// Returns whether the given volume name exists.
bool HasVolume(std::string_view name);
// Returns a pointer to the given volume, if it is already open. The lifetime of the pointer is
// less than this object.
__EXPORT const MountedVolume* GetVolume(const std::string& volume) const {
auto iter = volumes_.find(volume);
if (iter == volumes_.end()) {
return nullptr;
return &iter->second;
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> exposed_dir_;
std::map<std::string, MountedVolume, std::less<>> volumes_;
// A special case of a multi-volume filesystem where we only ever operate on one volume. Implements
// the `SingleVolumeFilessystemInterface` interface. Useful for testing.
class __EXPORT StartedSingleVolumeMultiVolumeFilesystem : public SingleVolumeFilesystemInterface {
StartedSingleVolumeMultiVolumeFilesystem() = default;
StartedSingleVolumeMultiVolumeFilesystem(fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> exposed_dir,
MountedVolume volume)
: exposed_dir_(std::move(exposed_dir)), volume_(std::move(volume)) {}
StartedSingleVolumeMultiVolumeFilesystem(StartedSingleVolumeMultiVolumeFilesystem&& o) noexcept
: exposed_dir_(std::move(o.exposed_dir_)), volume_(std::move(o.volume_)) {
StartedSingleVolumeMultiVolumeFilesystem& operator=(
StartedSingleVolumeMultiVolumeFilesystem&& o) noexcept {
exposed_dir_ = std::move(o.exposed_dir_);
volume_ = std::move(o.volume_);
return *this;
~StartedSingleVolumeMultiVolumeFilesystem() override;
// Takes the filesystem connection, so the filesystem won't automatically be shut down when this
// object goes out of scope. Some filesystems will automatically shut down when the last
// connection to goes out of scope; others will never shut down.
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> Release();
// Unmounts and shuts down the filesystem. Leaves this object in an indeterminate state.
zx::result<> Unmount() override;
// Returns a connection to the data root (i.e. the directory which contains user data).
zx::result<fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory>> DataRoot() const override {
return volume_ ? volume_->DataRoot() : zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
// Returns the connection to the export root of the filesystem.
const fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory>& ExportRoot() const override { return exposed_dir_; }
__EXPORT const std::optional<MountedVolume>& volume() const { return volume_; }
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> exposed_dir_;
std::optional<MountedVolume> volume_;
// Mounts a filesystem.
// device_fd : the device containing the filesystem.
// df : the format of the filesystem.
// options : mount options.
// See //src/storage/docs/ for more information.
zx::result<StartedSingleVolumeFilesystem> Mount(
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_block::Block> device, FsComponent& component,
const MountOptions& options);
// Mounts a multi-volume filesystem.
// device_fd : the device containing the filesystem.
// df : the format of the filesystem.
// options : mount options.
// See //src/storage/docs/ for more information.
zx::result<StartedMultiVolumeFilesystem> MountMultiVolume(
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_block::Block> device, FsComponent& component,
const MountOptions& options);
// Mounts a multi-volume filesystem using a default singular volume. Generally this is used for
// testing and production use should favour |MountMultiVolume|.
// device_fd : the device containing the filesystem.
// df : the format of the filesystem.
// options : mount options.
// volume_name : the volume to open.
// See //src/storage/docs/ for more information.
zx::result<StartedSingleVolumeMultiVolumeFilesystem> MountMultiVolumeWithDefault(
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_block::Block> device, FsComponent& component,
const MountOptions& options, const char* volume_name = "default");
// Shuts down a filesystem.
// This method takes a directory protocol to the service directory and assumes that we
// can find the fuchsia.fs.Admin protocol there.
zx::result<> Shutdown(fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> svc_dir);
} // namespace fs_management