blob: 72858ab8b969799b539019cb88c8bb9da84ee65b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Implementation of chunked-compression library in Rust. Archives can be created by making a new
//! [`ChunkedArchive`] and serializing/writing it. An archive's header can be verified and seek
//! table decoded using [`decode_archive`].
use crc::Hasher32;
use itertools::Itertools;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::ops::Range;
use thiserror::Error;
use zerocopy::byteorder::{LE, U16, U32, U64};
use zerocopy::{AsBytes, FromBytes, FromZeros, NoCell, Ref, Unaligned};
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum ChunkedArchiveError {
#[error("Invalid or unsupported archive version.")]
#[error("Archive header has incorrect magic.")]
#[error("Integrity checks failed (e.g. incorrect CRC, inconsistent header fields).")]
#[error("Value is out of range or cannot be represented in specified type.")]
#[error("Error invoking Zstd function: `{0:?}`.")]
ZstdError(#[source] std::io::Error),
#[error("Error decompressing chunk {index}: `{source:?}`.")]
DecompressionError { index: usize, source: std::io::Error },
#[error("Error compressing chunk {index}: `{source:?}`.")]
CompressionError { index: usize, source: std::io::Error },
/// Validated chunk information from an archive. Compressed ranges are relative to the start of
/// compressed data (i.e. they start after the header and seek table).
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ChunkInfo {
pub decompressed_range: Range<usize>,
pub compressed_range: Range<usize>,
/// Decode a chunked archive header. Returns validated seek table and start of chunk data. Ranges
/// in resulting chunks are relative to start of returned slice. Returns `Ok(None)` if `data` is not
/// large enough to decode the archive header & seek table.
pub fn decode_archive(
data: &[u8],
archive_length: usize,
) -> Result<Option<(Vec<ChunkInfo>, /*archive_data*/ &[u8])>, ChunkedArchiveError> {
match Ref::<_, ChunkedArchiveHeader>::new_unaligned_from_prefix(data) {
Some((header, data)) => header.decode_seek_table(data, archive_length as u64),
None => Ok(None), // Not enough data.
impl ChunkInfo {
fn from_entry(
entry: &SeekTableEntry,
header_length: usize,
) -> Result<Self, ChunkedArchiveError> {
let decompressed_start = entry.decompressed_offset.get() as usize;
let decompressed_size = entry.decompressed_size.get() as usize;
let decompressed_range = decompressed_start
let compressed_offset = entry.compressed_offset.get() as usize;
let compressed_start = compressed_offset
let compressed_size = entry.compressed_size.get() as usize;
let compressed_range = compressed_start
Ok(Self { decompressed_range, compressed_range })
/// Chunked archive header.
#[derive(AsBytes, FromZeros, FromBytes, NoCell, Unaligned, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct ChunkedArchiveHeader {
magic: [u8; 8],
version: U16<LE>,
reserved_0: U16<LE>,
num_entries: U32<LE>,
checksum: U32<LE>,
reserved_1: U32<LE>,
reserved_2: U64<LE>,
/// Chunked archive seek table entry.
#[derive(AsBytes, FromZeros, FromBytes, NoCell, Unaligned, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct SeekTableEntry {
decompressed_offset: U64<LE>,
decompressed_size: U64<LE>,
compressed_offset: U64<LE>,
compressed_size: U64<LE>,
impl ChunkedArchiveHeader {
const CHUNKED_ARCHIVE_MAGIC: [u8; 8] = [0x46, 0x9b, 0x78, 0xef, 0x0f, 0xd0, 0xb2, 0x03];
const CHUNKED_ARCHIVE_MAX_FRAMES: usize = 1023;
fn new(seek_table: &[SeekTableEntry]) -> Result<Self, ChunkedArchiveError> {
let header: ChunkedArchiveHeader = Self {
version: Self::CHUNKED_ARCHIVE_VERSION.into(),
reserved_0: 0.into(),
num_entries: TryInto::<u32>::try_into(seek_table.len())
checksum: 0.into(), // `checksum` is calculated below.
reserved_1: 0.into(),
reserved_2: 0.into(),
Ok(Self { checksum: header.checksum(seek_table).into(), ..header })
/// Calculate the checksum of the header + all seek table entries.
fn checksum(&self, entries: &[SeekTableEntry]) -> u32 {
let mut first_crc = crc::crc32::Digest::new(crc::crc32::IEEE);
let mut crc = crc::crc32::Digest::new_with_initial(crc::crc32::IEEE, first_crc.sum32());
[Self::CHUNKED_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM_OFFSET + self.checksum.as_bytes().len()..],
/// Calculate the total header length of an archive *including* all seek table entries.
fn header_length(num_entries: usize) -> usize {
+ (std::mem::size_of::<SeekTableEntry>() * num_entries)
/// Decode seek table for this archive. Returns validated seek table and start of chunk data.
/// `data` must point to the start of the seek table. Returns `Ok(None)` if `data` is not large
/// enough to decode all seek table entries.
fn decode_seek_table(
data: &[u8],
archive_length: u64,
) -> Result<Option<(Vec<ChunkInfo>, /*chunk_data*/ &[u8])>, ChunkedArchiveError> {
// Deserialize seek table.
let num_entries = self.num_entries.get() as usize;
let Some((entries, chunk_data)) =
Ref::<_, [SeekTableEntry]>::new_slice_unaligned_from_prefix(data, num_entries)
else {
return Ok(None);
let entries: &[SeekTableEntry] = entries.into_slice();
// Validate archive header.
if self.magic != Self::CHUNKED_ARCHIVE_MAGIC {
return Err(ChunkedArchiveError::BadMagic);
if self.version.get() != Self::CHUNKED_ARCHIVE_VERSION {
return Err(ChunkedArchiveError::InvalidVersion);
if self.checksum.get() != self.checksum(entries) {
return Err(ChunkedArchiveError::IntegrityError);
if entries.len() > Self::CHUNKED_ARCHIVE_MAX_FRAMES {
return Err(ChunkedArchiveError::IntegrityError);
// Validate seek table using invariants I0 through I5.
// I0: The first seek table entry, if any, must have decompressed offset 0.
if !entries.is_empty() && entries[0].decompressed_offset.get() != 0 {
return Err(ChunkedArchiveError::IntegrityError);
// I1: The compressed offsets of all seek table entries must not overlap with the header.
let header_length = Self::header_length(entries.len());
if entries.iter().any(|entry| entry.compressed_offset.get() < header_length as u64) {
return Err(ChunkedArchiveError::IntegrityError);
// I2: Each entry's decompressed offset must be equal to the end of the previous frame
// (i.e. to the previous frame's decompressed offset + length).
for (prev, curr) in entries.iter().tuple_windows() {
if (prev.decompressed_offset.get() + prev.decompressed_size.get())
!= curr.decompressed_offset.get()
return Err(ChunkedArchiveError::IntegrityError);
// I3: Each entry's compressed offset must be greater than or equal to the end of the
// previous frame (i.e. to the previous frame's compressed offset + length).
for (prev, curr) in entries.iter().tuple_windows() {
if (prev.compressed_offset.get() + prev.compressed_size.get())
> curr.compressed_offset.get()
return Err(ChunkedArchiveError::IntegrityError);
// I4: Each entry must have a non-zero decompressed and compressed length.
for entry in entries.iter() {
if entry.decompressed_size.get() == 0 || entry.compressed_size.get() == 0 {
return Err(ChunkedArchiveError::IntegrityError);
// I5: Data referenced by each entry must fit within the specified file size.
for entry in entries.iter() {
let compressed_end = entry.compressed_offset.get() + entry.compressed_size.get();
if compressed_end > archive_length {
return Err(ChunkedArchiveError::IntegrityError);
let seek_table = entries
.map(|entry| ChunkInfo::from_entry(entry, header_length))
Ok(Some((seek_table, chunk_data)))
/// In-memory representation of a compressed chunk.
pub struct CompressedChunk {
/// Compressed data for this chunk.
pub compressed_data: Vec<u8>,
/// Size of this chunk when decompressed.
pub decompressed_size: usize,
/// In-memory representation of a compressed chunked archive.
pub struct ChunkedArchive {
/// Chunks this archive contains, in order. Right now we only allow creating archives with
/// contiguous compressed and decompressed space.
chunks: Vec<CompressedChunk>,
/// Size used to chunk input when creating this archive. Last chunk may be smaller than this amount.
chunk_size: usize,
impl ChunkedArchive {
const MAX_CHUNKS: usize = ChunkedArchiveHeader::CHUNKED_ARCHIVE_MAX_FRAMES;
const TARGET_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 32 * 1024;
const COMPRESSION_LEVEL: i32 = 14;
/// Create a ChunkedArchive for `data` compressing each chunk in parallel. This function uses
/// the `rayon` crate for parallelism. By default compression happens in the global thread pool,
/// but this function can also be executed within a locally scoped pool.
pub fn new(data: &[u8], chunk_alignment: usize) -> Result<Self, ChunkedArchiveError> {
let chunk_size = ChunkedArchive::chunk_size_for(data.len(), chunk_alignment);
let mut chunks: Vec<Result<CompressedChunk, ChunkedArchiveError>> = vec![];
.map(|(index, chunk)| {
// Creating and destroying zstd::bulk::Compressor objects is expensive. A single
// `Compressor` is created for each `rayon` thread and is reused across chunks.
thread_local! {
static COMPRESSOR: std::cell::RefCell<zstd::bulk::Compressor<'static>> =
let mut compressor =
let compressed_data = COMPRESSOR.with(|compressor| {
let mut compressor = compressor.borrow_mut();
.map_err(|err| ChunkedArchiveError::CompressionError { index, source: err })
Ok(CompressedChunk { compressed_data, decompressed_size: chunk.len() })
.collect_into_vec(&mut chunks);
let chunks: Vec<_> = chunks.into_iter().try_collect()?;
Ok(ChunkedArchive { chunks, chunk_size })
/// Accessor for compressed chunk data.
pub fn chunks(&self) -> &Vec<CompressedChunk> {
/// The chunk size calculated for this archive during compression. Represents how input data
/// was chunked for compression. Note that the final chunk may be smaller than this amount
/// when decompressed.
pub fn chunk_size(&self) -> usize {
/// Sum of sizes of all compressed chunks.
pub fn compressed_data_size(&self) -> usize {
self.chunks.iter().map(|chunk| chunk.compressed_data.len()).sum()
/// Total size of the archive in bytes.
pub fn serialized_size(&self) -> usize {
ChunkedArchiveHeader::header_length(self.chunks.len()) + self.compressed_data_size()
/// Write the archive to `writer`.
pub fn write(self, mut writer: impl std::io::Write) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let seek_table = self.make_seek_table();
let header = ChunkedArchiveHeader::new(&seek_table).unwrap();
for chunk in self.chunks {
/// Calculate how large chunks must be for a given uncompressed buffer.
fn chunk_size_for(uncompressed_length: usize, chunk_alignment: usize) -> usize {
if uncompressed_length <= (Self::MAX_CHUNKS * Self::TARGET_CHUNK_SIZE) {
// TODO( Replace with
// `{integer}::div_ceil()` when `int_roundings` is available.
let chunk_size =
round_up(uncompressed_length, ChunkedArchive::MAX_CHUNKS) / ChunkedArchive::MAX_CHUNKS;
return round_up(chunk_size, chunk_alignment);
/// Create the seek table for this archive.
fn make_seek_table(&self) -> Vec<SeekTableEntry> {
let header_length = ChunkedArchiveHeader::header_length(self.chunks.len());
let mut seek_table = vec![];
let mut compressed_size: usize = 0;
let mut decompressed_offset: usize = 0;
for chunk in &self.chunks {
seek_table.push(SeekTableEntry {
decompressed_offset: (decompressed_offset as u64).into(),
decompressed_size: (chunk.decompressed_size as u64).into(),
compressed_offset: ((header_length + compressed_size) as u64).into(),
compressed_size: (chunk.compressed_data.len() as u64).into(),
compressed_size += chunk.compressed_data.len();
decompressed_offset += chunk.decompressed_size;
/// Streaming decompressor for chunked archives. Example:
/// ```
/// // Create a chunked archive:
/// let data: Vec<u8> = vec![3; 1024];
/// let compressed = ChunkedArchive::new(&data, /*block_size*/ 8192).serialize().unwrap();
/// // Verify the header + decode the seek table:
/// let (seek_table, archive_data) = decode_archive(&compressed, compressed.len())?.unwrap();
/// let mut decompressed: Vec<u8> = vec![];
/// let mut on_chunk = |data: &[u8]| { decompressed.extend_from_slice(data); };
/// let mut decompressor = ChunkedDecompressor(seek_table);
/// // `on_chunk` is invoked as each slice is made available. Archive can be provided as chunks.
/// decompressor.update(archive_data, &mut on_chunk);
/// assert_eq!(data.as_slice(), decompressed.as_slice());
/// ```
pub struct ChunkedDecompressor {
seek_table: Vec<ChunkInfo>,
buffer: Vec<u8>,
data_written: usize,
curr_chunk: usize,
total_compressed_size: usize,
decompressor: zstd::bulk::Decompressor<'static>,
decompressed_buffer: Vec<u8>,
impl ChunkedDecompressor {
/// Create a new decompressor to decode an archive from a validated seek table.
pub fn new(seek_table: Vec<ChunkInfo>) -> Result<Self, ChunkedArchiveError> {
let total_compressed_size =
seek_table.last().map(|last_chunk| last_chunk.compressed_range.end).unwrap_or(0);
let decompressed_buffer =
vec![0u8; seek_table.first().map(|c| c.decompressed_range.len()).unwrap_or(0)];
let decompressor =
Ok(Self {
buffer: vec![],
data_written: 0,
curr_chunk: 0,
pub fn seek_table(&self) -> &Vec<ChunkInfo> {
fn finish_chunk(
&mut self,
data: &[u8],
chunk_callback: &mut impl FnMut(&[u8]) -> (),
) -> Result<(), ChunkedArchiveError> {
debug_assert_eq!(data.len(), self.seek_table[self.curr_chunk].compressed_range.len());
let chunk = &self.seek_table[self.curr_chunk];
let decompressed_size = self
.decompress_to_buffer(data, self.decompressed_buffer.as_mut_slice())
.map_err(|err| ChunkedArchiveError::DecompressionError {
index: self.curr_chunk,
source: err,
if decompressed_size != chunk.decompressed_range.len() {
return Err(ChunkedArchiveError::IntegrityError);
self.curr_chunk += 1;
pub fn update(
&mut self,
mut data: &[u8],
chunk_callback: &mut impl FnMut(&[u8]) -> (),
) -> Result<(), ChunkedArchiveError> {
// Caller must not provide too much data.
if self.data_written + data.len() > self.total_compressed_size {
return Err(ChunkedArchiveError::OutOfRange);
self.data_written += data.len();
// If we had leftover data from a previous read, append until we've filled a chunk.
if !self.buffer.is_empty() {
let to_read = std::cmp::min(
if self.buffer.len() == self.seek_table[self.curr_chunk].compressed_range.len() {
// Take self.buffer temporarily (so we don't have to split borrows).
// That way we don't have to re-commit the pages we've already used in the buffer
// for next time.
let full_chunk = std::mem::take(&mut self.buffer);
self.finish_chunk(&full_chunk[..], chunk_callback)?;
self.buffer = full_chunk;
// Draining the buffer will set the length to 0 but keep the capacity the same.
data = &data[to_read..];
// Decode as many full chunks as we can.
while !data.is_empty()
&& self.curr_chunk < self.seek_table.len()
&& self.seek_table[self.curr_chunk].compressed_range.len() <= data.len()
let len = self.seek_table[self.curr_chunk].compressed_range.len();
self.finish_chunk(&data[..len], chunk_callback)?;
data = &data[len..];
// Buffer the rest for the next call.
if !data.is_empty() {
debug_assert!(self.curr_chunk < self.seek_table.len());
debug_assert!(self.data_written < self.total_compressed_size);
self.data_written < self.total_compressed_size
|| self.curr_chunk == self.seek_table.len()
/// TODO( Replace with
/// `{integer}::checked_next_multiple_of()` when `int_roundings` is available.
fn round_up(value: usize, multiple: usize) -> usize {
let remainder = value % multiple;
if remainder > 0 {
value.checked_add(multiple - remainder).unwrap()
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use rand::Rng;
use std::matches;
const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 8192;
/// Create a compressed archive and ensure we can decode it as a valid archive that passes all
/// required integrity checks.
fn compress_simple() {
let data: Vec<u8> = vec![0; 32 * 1024 * 16];
let archive = ChunkedArchive::new(&data, BLOCK_SIZE).unwrap();
// This data is highly compressible, so the result should be smaller than the original.
let mut compressed: Vec<u8> = vec![];
archive.write(&mut compressed).unwrap();
assert!(compressed.len() <= data.len());
// We should be able to decode and verify the archive's integrity in-place.
assert!(decode_archive(&compressed, compressed.len()).unwrap().is_some());
/// Generate a header + seek table for verifying invariants/integrity checks.
fn generate_archive(
num_entries: usize,
) -> (ChunkedArchiveHeader, Vec<SeekTableEntry>, /*archive_length*/ u64) {
let mut seek_table = vec![];
let header_length = ChunkedArchiveHeader::header_length(num_entries) as u64;
const COMPRESSED_CHUNK_SIZE: u64 = 1024;
const DECOMPRESSED_CHUNK_SIZE: u64 = 2048;
for n in 0..(num_entries as u64) {
seek_table.push(SeekTableEntry {
compressed_offset: (header_length + (n * COMPRESSED_CHUNK_SIZE)).into(),
compressed_size: COMPRESSED_CHUNK_SIZE.into(),
decompressed_offset: (n * DECOMPRESSED_CHUNK_SIZE).into(),
decompressed_size: DECOMPRESSED_CHUNK_SIZE.into(),
let header = ChunkedArchiveHeader::new(&seek_table).unwrap();
let archive_length: u64 = header_length + (num_entries as u64 * COMPRESSED_CHUNK_SIZE);
(header, seek_table, archive_length)
fn should_validate_self() {
let (header, seek_table, archive_length) = generate_archive(4);
let serialized_table = seek_table.as_slice().as_bytes();
assert!(header.decode_seek_table(serialized_table, archive_length).unwrap().is_some());
fn should_validate_empty() {
let (header, _, archive_length) = generate_archive(0);
assert!(header.decode_seek_table(&[], archive_length).unwrap().is_some());
fn should_detect_bad_magic() {
let (header, seek_table, archive_length) = generate_archive(4);
let mut corrupt_magic = ChunkedArchiveHeader::CHUNKED_ARCHIVE_MAGIC;
corrupt_magic[0] = !corrupt_magic[0];
let bad_magic = ChunkedArchiveHeader { magic: corrupt_magic, ..header };
let serialized_table = seek_table.as_slice().as_bytes();
bad_magic.decode_seek_table(serialized_table, archive_length).unwrap_err(),
fn should_detect_wrong_version() {
let (header, seek_table, archive_length) = generate_archive(4);
let wrong_version = ChunkedArchiveHeader {
version: (ChunkedArchiveHeader::CHUNKED_ARCHIVE_VERSION + 1).into(),
let serialized_table = seek_table.as_slice().as_bytes();
wrong_version.decode_seek_table(serialized_table, archive_length).unwrap_err(),
fn should_detect_corrupt_checksum() {
let (header, seek_table, archive_length) = generate_archive(4);
let corrupt_checksum =
ChunkedArchiveHeader { checksum: (!header.checksum.get()).into(), ..header };
let serialized_table = seek_table.as_slice().as_bytes();
corrupt_checksum.decode_seek_table(serialized_table, archive_length).unwrap_err(),
fn should_reject_too_many_entries() {
let (too_many_entries, seek_table, archive_length) =
generate_archive(ChunkedArchiveHeader::CHUNKED_ARCHIVE_MAX_FRAMES + 1);
let serialized_table = seek_table.as_slice().as_bytes();
too_many_entries.decode_seek_table(serialized_table, archive_length).unwrap_err(),
fn invariant_i0_first_entry_zero() {
let (header, mut seek_table, archive_length) = generate_archive(4);
assert_eq!(seek_table[0].decompressed_offset.get(), 0);
seek_table[0].decompressed_offset = 1.into();
let serialized_table = seek_table.as_slice().as_bytes();
header.decode_seek_table(serialized_table, archive_length).unwrap_err(),
fn invariant_i1_no_header_overlap() {
let (header, mut seek_table, archive_length) = generate_archive(4);
let header_end = ChunkedArchiveHeader::header_length(seek_table.len()) as u64;
assert!(seek_table[0].compressed_offset.get() >= header_end);
seek_table[0].compressed_offset = (header_end - 1).into();
let serialized_table = seek_table.as_slice().as_bytes();
header.decode_seek_table(serialized_table, archive_length).unwrap_err(),
fn invariant_i2_decompressed_monotonic() {
let (header, mut seek_table, archive_length) = generate_archive(4);
seek_table[0].decompressed_offset.get() + seek_table[0].decompressed_size.get(),
seek_table[1].decompressed_offset = (seek_table[1].decompressed_offset.get() - 1).into();
let serialized_table = seek_table.as_slice().as_bytes();
header.decode_seek_table(serialized_table, archive_length).unwrap_err(),
fn invariant_i3_compressed_monotonic() {
let (header, mut seek_table, archive_length) = generate_archive(4);
(seek_table[0].compressed_offset.get() + seek_table[0].compressed_size.get())
<= seek_table[1].compressed_offset.get()
seek_table[1].compressed_offset = (seek_table[1].compressed_offset.get() - 1).into();
let serialized_table = seek_table.as_slice().as_bytes();
header.decode_seek_table(serialized_table, archive_length).unwrap_err(),
fn invariant_i4_nonzero_compressed_size() {
let (header, mut seek_table, archive_length) = generate_archive(4);
assert!(seek_table[0].compressed_size.get() > 0);
seek_table[0].compressed_size = 0.into();
let serialized_table = seek_table.as_slice().as_bytes();
header.decode_seek_table(serialized_table, archive_length).unwrap_err(),
fn invariant_i4_nonzero_decompressed_size() {
let (header, mut seek_table, archive_length) = generate_archive(4);
assert!(seek_table[0].decompressed_size.get() > 0);
seek_table[0].decompressed_size = 0.into();
let serialized_table = seek_table.as_slice().as_bytes();
header.decode_seek_table(serialized_table, archive_length).unwrap_err(),
fn invariant_i5_within_archive() {
let (header, mut seek_table, archive_length) = generate_archive(4);
let last_entry = seek_table.last_mut().unwrap();
(last_entry.compressed_offset.get() + last_entry.compressed_size.get())
<= archive_length
last_entry.compressed_offset = (archive_length + 1).into();
let serialized_table = seek_table.as_slice().as_bytes();
header.decode_seek_table(serialized_table, archive_length).unwrap_err(),
fn max_chunks() {
ChunkedArchive::MAX_CHUNKS * ChunkedArchive::TARGET_CHUNK_SIZE,
ChunkedArchive::MAX_CHUNKS * ChunkedArchive::TARGET_CHUNK_SIZE + 1,
fn test_decompressor_empty_archive() {
let mut compressed: Vec<u8> = vec![];
ChunkedArchive::new(&[], BLOCK_SIZE)
.write(&mut compressed)
.expect("write archive");
let (seek_table, chunk_data) =
decode_archive(&compressed, compressed.len()).unwrap().unwrap();
let mut decompressor = ChunkedDecompressor::new(seek_table).unwrap();
let mut chunk_callback = |_chunk: &[u8]| panic!("Archive doesn't have any chunks.");
// Stream data into the decompressor in small chunks to exhaust more edge cases.
.for_each(|data| decompressor.update(data, &mut chunk_callback).unwrap());
fn test_decompressor() {
const UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH: usize = 3_000_000;
let data: Vec<u8> = {
let range = rand::distributions::Uniform::<u8>::new_inclusive(0, 255);
let mut compressed: Vec<u8> = vec![];
ChunkedArchive::new(&data, BLOCK_SIZE)
.write(&mut compressed)
.expect("write archive");
let (seek_table, chunk_data) =
decode_archive(&compressed, compressed.len()).unwrap().unwrap();
// Make sure we have multiple chunks for this test.
let num_chunks = seek_table.len();
assert!(num_chunks > 1);
let mut decompressor = ChunkedDecompressor::new(seek_table).unwrap();
let mut decoded_chunks: usize = 0;
let mut decompressed_offset: usize = 0;
let mut chunk_callback = |decompressed_chunk: &[u8]| {
== &data[decompressed_offset..decompressed_offset + decompressed_chunk.len()]
decompressed_offset += decompressed_chunk.len();
decoded_chunks += 1;
// Stream data into the decompressor in small chunks to exhaust more edge cases.
.for_each(|data| decompressor.update(data, &mut chunk_callback).unwrap());
assert_eq!(decoded_chunks, num_chunks);
fn test_decompressor_corrupt_decompressed_size() {
let data = vec![0; 3_000_000];
let mut compressed: Vec<u8> = vec![];
ChunkedArchive::new(&data, BLOCK_SIZE)
.write(&mut compressed)
.expect("write archive");
let (mut seek_table, chunk_data) =
decode_archive(&compressed, compressed.len()).unwrap().unwrap();
// Corrupt the decompressed size of the chunk.
seek_table[0].decompressed_range =
seek_table[0].decompressed_range.start..seek_table[0].decompressed_range.end + 1;
let mut decompressor = ChunkedDecompressor::new(seek_table).unwrap();
decompressor.update(&chunk_data, &mut |_chunk| {}),
fn test_decompressor_corrupt_compressed_size() {
let data = vec![0; 3_000_000];
let mut compressed: Vec<u8> = vec![];
ChunkedArchive::new(&data, BLOCK_SIZE)
.write(&mut compressed)
.expect("write archive");
let (mut seek_table, chunk_data) =
decode_archive(&compressed, compressed.len()).unwrap().unwrap();
// Corrupt the compressed size of the chunk.
seek_table[0].compressed_range =
seek_table[0].compressed_range.start..seek_table[0].compressed_range.end - 1;
let mut decompressor = ChunkedDecompressor::new(seek_table).unwrap();
decompressor.update(&chunk_data, &mut |_chunk| {}),
Err(ChunkedArchiveError::DecompressionError { index: 0, .. })