blob: 7e2ce2d64aab8827c55202257f74478b79830d3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Round `offset` up to next multiple of `block_size`.
/// This function will fail if rounding up leads to an integer overflow.
/// (Note that unstable rust is currently adding the same function
/// `{integer}::checked_next_multiple_of()` behind the "int_roundings" feature.)
pub fn round_up<T: Into<U>, U: Copy + num_traits::PrimInt>(offset: U, block_size: T) -> Option<U> {
let block_size = block_size.into();
let one = block_size / block_size;
Some(round_down(offset.checked_add(&(block_size - one))?, block_size))
/// Round `offset` down to the previous multiple of `block_size`.
pub fn round_down<
T: Into<U>,
U: Copy + std::ops::Rem<U, Output = U> + std::ops::Sub<U, Output = U>,
offset: U,
block_size: T,
) -> U {
let block_size = block_size.into();
offset - offset % block_size
/// Computes the rounded division of `numerator` / `denominator`.
/// Returns None for an arithmetic error (overflow, or divide-by-zero).
pub fn round_div(numerator: u64, denominator: u64) -> Option<u64> {
numerator.checked_add(denominator / 2)?.checked_div(denominator)
/// Returns how many items of a given size are needed to contain a value.
/// TODO( Replace with `{integer}::div_ceil()` when
/// `int_roundings` is available.
pub fn how_many<T: Into<u64>>(value: u64, item_size: T) -> u64 {
let item_size = item_size.into();
let items = value / item_size;
let remainder = value % item_size;
if remainder != 0 {
items + 1
} else {
mod tests {
use crate::round::{how_many, round_div};
fn test_how_many() {
assert_eq!(how_many(0, 3u64), 0);
assert_eq!(how_many(1, 3u64), 1);
assert_eq!(how_many(2, 3u64), 1);
assert_eq!(how_many(3, 3u64), 1);
assert_eq!(how_many(4, 3u64), 2);
assert_eq!(how_many(5, 3u64), 2);
assert_eq!(how_many(6, 3u64), 2);
assert_eq!(how_many(17u64, 3u8), 6u64);
assert_eq!(how_many(u64::MAX, 4096u32), u64::MAX / 4096 + 1);
fn test_round_div() {
assert_eq!(round_div(9, 4), Some(2));
assert_eq!(round_div(10, 4), Some(3));
assert_eq!(round_div(11, 4), Some(3));
assert_eq!(round_div(12, 4), Some(3));
assert_eq!(round_div(13, 4), Some(3));
assert_eq!(round_div(14, 4), Some(4));
assert_eq!(round_div(0, 1), Some(0));
assert_eq!(round_div(100, 0), None);
assert_eq!(round_div(u64::MAX, 2), None);