blob: 218688b63a4de6e8577e9f54e2d0df17ee47a3dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The following proc macros are related to code under src/storage/fxfs/src/serialized_types.
extern crate quote;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::ToTokens;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream};
use syn::{parse_macro_input, Data, Fields, Result};
/// Holds an open-ended version range like `3..` meaning version 3 and up.
struct PatOpenVersionRange {
lo: syn::LitInt,
dots: syn::token::Dot2,
impl PatOpenVersionRange {
fn lo_value(&self) -> u32 {
impl std::cmp::PartialEq for PatOpenVersionRange {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.lo_value() == other.lo_value()
impl std::cmp::PartialOrd for PatOpenVersionRange {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl Parse for PatOpenVersionRange {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self { lo: input.parse()?, dots: input.parse()? })
impl ToTokens for PatOpenVersionRange {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
/// Holds a "fat arrow" mapping from version range to type. e.g. `3.. => FooV3,`
struct Arm {
pat: PatOpenVersionRange,
_fat_arrow_token: syn::token::FatArrow,
ident: syn::Ident,
impl Parse for Arm {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self { pat: input.parse()?, _fat_arrow_token: input.parse()?, ident: input.parse()? })
struct Input {
arms: Vec<Arm>,
impl Parse for Input {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
arms: input
.parse_terminated::<Arm, syn::token::Comma>(Arm::parse)?
/// Implements traits for versioned structures.
/// Namely:
/// * [Versioned] for all versions.
/// * [VersionedLatest] for the most recent version.
/// * Transitive [From] for any version to a newer version.
pub fn versioned_type(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let input = parse_macro_input!(input as Input);
let arms = input.arms;
let versions: BTreeMap<u32, syn::Ident> =
arms.iter().map(|x| (x.pat.lo_value(), x.ident.clone())).collect();
assert_eq!(arms.len(), versions.len(), "Duplicate version range found.");
let mut out = quote! {};
// The latest version should implement VersionedLatest.
if let Some((major, ident)) = versions.iter().last() {
// Generate some static assertions up front to check the versions are sensible.
let assertions = arms.iter().map(|x| x.pat.lo_value()).map(|v| {
quote! {
static_assertions::const_assert!(#v <= LATEST_VERSION.major);
// We order versions in their original match order.
let match_iter = arms.iter().map(|x| (x.pat.lo_value(), x.ident.clone())).map(|(v, i)| {
quote! { #v.. => Ok(#i::deserialize_from(reader, version)?.into()), }
out = quote! {
impl VersionedLatest for #ident {
fn deserialize_from_version<R>(
reader: &mut R, version: Version) -> anyhow::Result<Self>
where R: std::io::Read, Self: Sized {
assert!(#major <= LATEST_VERSION.major,
"Found version > LATEST_VERSION for {}.", stringify!(#ident));
const FUTURE_VER : u32 = LATEST_VERSION.major + 1;
match version.major {
FUTURE_VER.. => anyhow::bail!(
"Invalid future version {} > {} deserializing {}.",
version, LATEST_VERSION, stringify!(#ident)),
x => anyhow::bail!(
"Unsupported version {} for {}.", x, stringify!(#ident)),
// The [From] ladder is a little tricky because users are free to repeat types
// in their version mapping. We use our sequence of versions.
let mut idents: Vec<&syn::Ident> = versions.values().collect();
let last_ident = idents.pop().unwrap();
for i in 0..idents.len().saturating_sub(1) {
let ident = &idents[i];
let next_ident = &idents[i + 1];
out = quote! {
impl From<#ident> for #last_ident {
fn from(item: #ident) -> Self {
let tmp: #next_ident = item.into();
/// This is just a shorthand for `impl Versioned for Foo {}` which is required for all top-level
/// versioned struct/enum in Fxfs.
pub fn derive_versioned(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let syn::DeriveInput { ident, .. } = parse_macro_input!(input);
TokenStream::from(quote! { impl Versioned for #ident {} })
/// This does nothing by itself, but with the Migrate derive macro, it signals that the struct being
/// migrated to, does not require a Default implementation, since all the fields are available in
/// both.
pub fn migrate_nodefault(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
/// This does nothing by itself, but with the Migrate derive macro, it defines the target to
/// migrate to. Without this, Migrate will make a From impl for IdentVX to Ident.
pub fn migrate_to_version(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
/// Adds a From implementation to help migrate structs or enums. This will support the following
/// migrations:
/// 1. Adding a new member to a struct where the member has a Default implementation.
/// 2. Changing the type of a member with the same name, where all the fields implement From.
/// Default is not needed in this case by including the the migrate_nodefault attribute.
/// 3. Changing an enum variant's fields where the all the fields implement From.
/// This will also work if a new variant is added to an enum, but if that's the only change, and
/// it's added to the end of the existing variants, it will automatically be backward compatible
/// because it won't affect how bincode serializes the old variants. There are some other changes
/// that can be made that are safe with bincode serialization, such as converting from Option to
/// Vec.
pub fn derive_migrate(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let input: syn::DeriveInput = parse_macro_input!(input);
let ident = input.ident;
let target = if let Some(attr) = input.attrs.iter().find(|a| { == syn::AttrStyle::Outer
&& a.path.get_ident().is_some()
&& a.path.get_ident().unwrap().to_string() == "migrate_to_version"
}) {
match attr.parse_args::<syn::Type>() {
Ok(ident) => ident.into_token_stream(),
Err(error) => error.into_compile_error(),
} else {
match format!("{}", ident).rsplit_once('V') {
Some((ident, _)) => format_ident!("{}", ident).into_token_stream(),
None => syn::Error::new(
"struct or enum must have V in the name to be migrated.",
let out = match {
Data::Enum(e) => {
let mut arms = quote! {};
for variant in e.variants {
let var_ident = variant.ident;
let (fields, result) = match variant.fields {
Fields::Named(fields) => {
let field_names: Vec<_> = fields.named.iter().map(|f| &f.ident).collect();
quote! { { #(#field_names),* } },
quote! {
#target::#var_ident { #(#field_names: #field_names.into()),* }
Fields::Unnamed(fields) => {
let len = fields.unnamed.len();
let field_names: Vec<_> =
(0..len).map(|i| format_ident!("f{}", i)).collect();
quote! { (#(#field_names),*) },
quote! { #target::#var_ident(#(#field_names.into()),*) },
Fields::Unit => (quote! {}, quote! { #target::#var_ident }),
arms.extend(quote! {
#ident::#var_ident #fields => #result,
quote! {
impl From<#ident> for #target {
fn from(from: #ident) -> Self {
match from {
Data::Struct(s) => {
let field_names = s.fields.iter().map(|f| &f.ident);
let default_string = if input
.filter(|a| { == syn::AttrStyle::Outer
&& a.path.get_ident().is_some()
&& a.path.get_ident().unwrap().to_string() == "migrate_nodefault"
quote! {
} else {
quote! {}
quote! {
impl From<#ident> for #target {
fn from(from: #ident) -> Self {
#target {
#(#field_names: from.#field_names.into()),*,
_ => unimplemented!(),
// eprintln!("TOKENS: {}", out);
pub fn derive_to_weak_node(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let input: syn::DeriveInput = parse_macro_input!(input);
let node = input.ident;
quote! {
impl crate::node::ToWeakNode for #node {
fn to_weak_node(self: Arc<Self>) -> crate::node::WeakNode {
use {
crate::node::{FxNode, ToWeakNode, WeakNode, WeakNodeVTable},
sync::{Arc, Weak},
unsafe fn drop(ptr: *const ()) {
Weak::from_raw(ptr as *const #node);
unsafe fn type_id() -> TypeId {
unsafe fn upgrade(ptr: *const ()) -> Option<Arc<dyn FxNode>> {
ManuallyDrop::new(Weak::from_raw(ptr as *const #node))
.map(|a| a as Arc<dyn FxNode>)
static VTABLE: WeakNodeVTable = WeakNodeVTable::new(drop, type_id, upgrade);
// SAFETY: We've implemented `drop`, `type_id` and `upgrade` correctly. The code in
// `` requires us to use `Weak::into_raw` here.
unsafe { WeakNode::new(&VTABLE, Arc::downgrade(&self).into_raw() as *const ()) }