blob: 88c38e09e4b5c2e3c4025029d4e986effd613412 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Error};
use fidl_fuchsia_io::{DirectoryProxy, NodeAttributes, OpenFlags};
use fuchsia_fs::directory::{open_directory, open_file, readdir, DirentKind};
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::future::BoxFuture;
use futures::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
pub async fn register_migration_status(root: &fuchsia_inspect::Node, status: zx::Status) {
match status {
zx::Status::OK => {
root.record_uint("migration_status:success", 1);
zx::Status::NO_SPACE => {
root.record_uint("migration_status:out_of_space", 1);
_ => {
root.record_uint("migration_status:other_error", 1);
pub async fn register_stats(root: &fuchsia_inspect::Node, data_dir: DirectoryProxy) {
root.record_lazy_child("data_stats", move || {
let data_dir = Clone::clone(&data_dir);
async move {
let inspector = fuchsia_inspect::Inspector::default();
let root = inspector.root();
// Filesystem info stats
let stats_node = root.create_child("stats");
record_filesystem_info(&stats_node, &data_dir).await?;
// Tree size stats
let tree_size_node = root.create_child("data");
record_tree_size(tree_size_node.clone_weak(), data_dir).await?;
.or_else(|e: Error| async move {
let inspector = fuchsia_inspect::Inspector::default();
let root = inspector.root();
format!("Failed to collect fshost inspect metrics: {:?}", e),
/// Records filesystem information
async fn record_filesystem_info(
stats_node: &fuchsia_inspect::Node,
data_dir: &DirectoryProxy,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let (status, info_wrapped) =
data_dir.query_filesystem().await.context("Transport error on query_filesystem")?;
zx::Status::ok(status).context("query_filesystem failed")?;
let info = info_wrapped.ok_or(anyhow!("failed to get filesystem info"))?;
stats_node.record_uint("fvm_free_bytes", info.free_shared_pool_bytes);
stats_node.record_uint("allocated_inodes", info.total_nodes);
stats_node.record_uint("used_inodes", info.used_nodes);
// Total bytes is the size of the partition plus the size it could conceivably grow into.
// TODO( Remove this misleading metric.
stats_node.record_uint("total_bytes", info.total_bytes + info.free_shared_pool_bytes);
stats_node.record_uint("allocated_bytes", info.total_bytes);
stats_node.record_uint("used_bytes", info.used_bytes);
/// Records metrics for the size of each file/directory in the data filesystem's directory hierarchy
fn record_tree_size(
node: fuchsia_inspect::Node,
dir_proxy: DirectoryProxy,
) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<TreeSize, Error>> {
async move {
let mut total: TreeSize = Default::default();
for dir_entry in readdir(&dir_proxy).await?.iter() {
match dir_entry.kind {
DirentKind::File => {
let child = node.create_child(&;
let file_proxy =
open_file(&dir_proxy, &, OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE).await?;
let attrs = file_proxy
.map(|(status, attrs)| zx::Status::ok(status).map(|_| attrs))??;
let size: TreeSize = attrs.into();
total += size;
DirentKind::Directory => {
let child = node.create_child(&;
let directory_proxy =
open_directory(&dir_proxy, &, OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE)
.context("open_directory failed")?;
let size = record_tree_size(child.clone_weak(), directory_proxy).await?;
total += size;
_ => continue,
struct TreeSize {
content_size: u64,
storage_size: u64,
impl TreeSize {
// NOTE: Use caution when changing the names of these Inspect properties, there may be out of
// tree users depending on these values.
const CONTENT_SIZE_PROP_NAME: &'static str = "size";
const STORAGE_SIZE_PROP_NAME: &'static str = "storage_size";
fn record(&self, node: &fuchsia_inspect::Node) {
node.record_uint(Self::CONTENT_SIZE_PROP_NAME, self.content_size);
node.record_uint(Self::STORAGE_SIZE_PROP_NAME, self.storage_size);
impl From<NodeAttributes> for TreeSize {
fn from(value: NodeAttributes) -> Self {
Self { content_size: value.content_size, storage_size: value.storage_size }
impl std::ops::AddAssign for TreeSize {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
self.content_size += rhs.content_size;
self.storage_size += rhs.storage_size;