blob: 601164f7242ac4e88403c20a33a11ee671742d8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unordered_set>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/storage/f2fs/f2fs.h"
namespace f2fs {
struct TestOptions {
uint64_t block_count = 819200;
uint64_t block_size = kDefaultSectorSize;
MkfsOptions mkfs_options{};
std::vector<std::pair<MountOption, size_t>> mount_options;
bool run_fsck = true;
class F2fsFakeDevTestFixture : public testing::Test {
F2fsFakeDevTestFixture(const TestOptions &options = TestOptions());
~F2fsFakeDevTestFixture() = default;
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
void DisableFsck() { run_fsck_ = false; }
uint64_t block_count_;
uint64_t block_size_;
MkfsOptions mkfs_options_{};
MountOptions mount_options_{};
bool run_fsck_;
std::unique_ptr<f2fs::BcacheMapper> bc_;
std::unique_ptr<F2fs> fs_;
fbl::RefPtr<Dir> root_dir_;
async::Loop loop_ = async::Loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigAttachToCurrentThread);
class SingleFileTest : public F2fsFakeDevTestFixture {
SingleFileTest(umode_t mode = S_IFREG, const TestOptions &options = TestOptions())
: F2fsFakeDevTestFixture(options), mode_(mode) {}
void SetUp() override {
zx::result file = root_dir_->CreateWithMode("FileCacheTest", mode_);
ASSERT_TRUE(file.is_ok()) << file.status_string();
test_file_ = std::move(*file);
void TearDown() override {
LockedPage GetPage(pgoff_t index) {
LockedPage page;
ZX_ASSERT(vnode().GrabCachePage(index, &page) == ZX_OK);
return page;
void CloseVnode() {
if (test_file_) {
template <typename T = VnodeF2fs>
T &vnode() {
return *fbl::RefPtr<T>::Downcast(test_file_);
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> test_file_;
umode_t mode_ = S_IFREG;
class FileTester {
static void MkfsOnFakeDev(std::unique_ptr<BcacheMapper> *bc, uint64_t block_count = 819200,
uint32_t block_size = kDefaultSectorSize, bool btrim = true);
static void MkfsOnFakeDevWithOptions(std::unique_ptr<BcacheMapper> *bc,
const MkfsOptions &options, uint64_t block_count = 819200,
uint32_t block_size = kDefaultSectorSize, bool btrim = true);
static void MountWithOptions(async_dispatcher_t *dispatcher, const MountOptions &options,
std::unique_ptr<BcacheMapper> *bc, std::unique_ptr<F2fs> *fs);
static void Unmount(std::unique_ptr<F2fs> fs, std::unique_ptr<BcacheMapper> *bc);
static void SuddenPowerOff(std::unique_ptr<F2fs> fs, std::unique_ptr<BcacheMapper> *bc);
static void CreateRoot(F2fs *fs, fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs> *out);
static void Lookup(VnodeF2fs *parent, std::string_view name, fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> *out);
static void CreateChild(Dir *vn, umode_t mode, std::string_view name);
static void DeleteChild(Dir *vn, std::string_view name, bool is_dir = true);
static void RenameChild(fbl::RefPtr<Dir> &old_vnode, fbl::RefPtr<Dir> &new_vnode,
std::string_view oldname, std::string_view newname);
static void CreateChildren(F2fs *fs, std::vector<fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs>> &vnodes,
std::vector<uint32_t> &inos, fbl::RefPtr<Dir> &parent,
std::string name, uint32_t inode_cnt);
static void DeleteChildren(std::vector<fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs>> &vnodes, fbl::RefPtr<Dir> &parent,
uint32_t inode_cnt);
static void VnodeWithoutParent(F2fs *fs, umode_t mode, fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs> &vnode);
static void CheckInlineDir(VnodeF2fs *vn);
static void CheckNonInlineDir(VnodeF2fs *vn);
static void CheckInlineFile(VnodeF2fs *vn);
static void CheckNonInlineFile(VnodeF2fs *vn);
static void CheckDataExistFlagSet(VnodeF2fs *vn);
static void CheckDataExistFlagUnset(VnodeF2fs *vn);
static void CheckChildrenFromReaddir(Dir *dir, std::unordered_set<std::string> childs);
static void CheckChildrenInBlock(Dir *vn, uint64_t bidx, std::unordered_set<std::string> childs);
static std::string GetRandomName(unsigned int len);
static void AppendToInline(File *file, const void *data, size_t len);
static void AppendToFile(File *file, const void *data, size_t len);
static void ReadFromFile(File *file, void *data, size_t len, size_t off);
static zx_status_t Read(File *file, void *data, size_t len, size_t off, size_t *out_actual);
static zx_status_t Write(File *file, const void *data, size_t len, size_t offset,
size_t *out_actual);
static zx_status_t Append(File *file, const void *data, size_t len, size_t *out_end,
size_t *out_actual);
class MapTester {
static void CheckNodeLevel(F2fs *fs, VnodeF2fs *vn, uint32_t level);
static void CheckNidsFree(F2fs *fs, std::unordered_set<nid_t> &nids);
static void CheckNidsInuse(F2fs *fs, std::unordered_set<nid_t> &nids);
static void CheckBlkaddrsFree(F2fs *fs, std::unordered_set<block_t> &blkaddrs);
static void CheckBlkaddrsInuse(F2fs *fs, std::unordered_set<block_t> &blkaddrs);
static void CheckDnodePage(NodePage &page, nid_t exp_nid);
static void DoWriteNat(F2fs *fs, nid_t nid, block_t blkaddr, uint8_t version);
static void DoWriteSit(F2fs *fs, CursegType type, uint32_t exp_segno, block_t *new_blkaddr);
static void RemoveTruncatedNode(NodeManager &node_manager, std::vector<nid_t> &nids)
static bool IsCachedNat(NodeManager &node_manager, nid_t n)
static void RemoveAllNatEntries(NodeManager &manager) __TA_EXCLUDES(manager.nat_tree_lock_);
static nid_t ScanFreeNidList(NodeManager &manager) __TA_EXCLUDES(manager.free_nid_tree_lock_);
static void GetCachedNatEntryBlockAddress(NodeManager &manager, nid_t nid, block_t &out)
static void SetCachedNatEntryBlockAddress(NodeManager &manager, nid_t nid, block_t address)
static void SetCachedNatEntryCheckpointed(NodeManager &manager, nid_t nid)
static nid_t GetNextFreeNidInList(NodeManager &manager)
__TA_EXCLUDES(manager.free_nid_tree_lock_) {
std::lock_guard nat_lock(manager.free_nid_tree_lock_);
return manager.free_nid_tree_.empty() ? 0 : *manager.free_nid_tree_.begin();
static void GetNatCacheEntryCount(NodeManager &manager, size_t &num_tree, size_t &num_clean,
size_t &num_dirty) __TA_EXCLUDES(manager.nat_tree_lock_) {
std::lock_guard nat_lock(manager.nat_tree_lock_);
num_tree = manager.nat_cache_.size();
num_clean = manager.clean_nat_list_.size_slow();
num_dirty = manager.dirty_nat_list_.size_slow();
static void SetNatCount(NodeManager &manager, uint32_t count) {
manager.nat_entries_count_ = count;
static pgoff_t GetCurrentNatAddr(NodeManager &manager, nid_t start) {
return manager.CurrentNatAddr(start);
class MkfsTester {
static GlobalParameters &GetGlobalParameters(MkfsWorker &mkfs) { return mkfs.params_; }
static zx_status_t InitAndGetDeviceInfo(MkfsWorker &mkfs);
static zx::result<std::unique_ptr<BcacheMapper>> FormatDevice(MkfsWorker &mkfs);
class GcTester {
static zx_status_t DoGarbageCollect(GcManager &manager, uint32_t segno, GcType gc_type);
static zx_status_t GcDataSegment(GcManager &manager, const SummaryBlock &sum_blk,
unsigned int segno, GcType gc_type);
class DeviceTester {
using Hook = std::function<zx_status_t(const block_fifo_request_t &request, const zx::vmo *vmo)>;
static void SetHook(F2fs *fs, Hook hook);
} // namespace f2fs