blob: 5212fc81352198c88ae55bf335556a5b3694f812 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/storage/f2fs/test/compatibility/compatibility.h"
namespace f2fs {
namespace {
using DirSlowCompatibilityTest = F2fsGuestTest;
TEST_F(DirSlowCompatibilityTest, DirSlowWidthTestLinuxToFuchsia) {
// Mkdir on Linux
constexpr int kDirWidth = 10000;
const std::string dirname_prefix = "dir";
const size_t num_digits = std::to_string(kDirWidth - 1).size();
auto umount = fit::defer([&] { GetEnclosedGuest().GetLinuxOperator().Umount(); });
std::string dir_name = std::string(kLinuxPathPrefix) + dirname_prefix + "{00.." +
std::to_string(kDirWidth - 1) + "}";
GetEnclosedGuest().GetLinuxOperator().Mkdir(dir_name, 0644);
// Check on Fuchsia
auto umount = fit::defer([&] { GetEnclosedGuest().GetFuchsiaOperator().Umount(); });
for (int width = 0; width < kDirWidth; ++width) {
std::string width_string = std::to_string(width);
int leading_zero = num_digits - std::min(num_digits, width_string.size());
std::string dir_name = dirname_prefix + std::string(leading_zero, '0') + width_string;
auto dir =
GetEnclosedGuest().GetFuchsiaOperator().Open(dir_name, O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY, 0644);
TEST_F(DirSlowCompatibilityTest, DirSlowWidthTestFuchsiaToLinux) {
// Mkdir on Fuchsia
constexpr int kDirWidth = 10000;
const std::string dirname_prefix = "dir";
const size_t num_digits = std::to_string(kDirWidth - 1).size();
auto umount = fit::defer([&] { GetEnclosedGuest().GetFuchsiaOperator().Umount(); });
for (int width = 0; width < kDirWidth; ++width) {
std::string width_string = std::to_string(width);
int leading_zero = num_digits - std::min(num_digits, width_string.size());
std::string dir_name = dirname_prefix + std::string(leading_zero, '0') + width_string;
GetEnclosedGuest().GetFuchsiaOperator().Mkdir(dir_name, 0644);
// Check on Linux
auto umount = fit::defer([&] { GetEnclosedGuest().GetLinuxOperator().Umount(); });
const std::string common_command = "find " +
GetEnclosedGuest().GetLinuxOperator().ConvertPath("//") +
" -type d -name \"" + dirname_prefix + "*\"";
// Check created number of children
std::string command = common_command + " | wc -l | tr -d \"\\n\"";
std::string result;
GetEnclosedGuest().GetLinuxOperator().ExecuteWithAssert({command}, &result);
ASSERT_EQ(result, std::to_string(kDirWidth));
// Check name of the first child after sort
int leading_zero = num_digits - std::min(num_digits, std::to_string(0).size());
std::string dir_name = std::string(kLinuxPathPrefix) + dirname_prefix +
std::string(leading_zero, '0') + std::to_string(0);
command = common_command + " | sort | head -n 1 | tr -d \"\\n\"";
GetEnclosedGuest().GetLinuxOperator().ExecuteWithAssert({command}, &result);
ASSERT_EQ(result, GetEnclosedGuest().GetLinuxOperator().ConvertPath(dir_name));
// Check name of the last child after sort
dir_name = std::string(kLinuxPathPrefix) + dirname_prefix + std::to_string(kDirWidth - 1);
command = common_command + " | sort | tail -n 1 | tr -d \"\\n\"";
GetEnclosedGuest().GetLinuxOperator().ExecuteWithAssert({command}, &result);
ASSERT_EQ(result, GetEnclosedGuest().GetLinuxOperator().ConvertPath(dir_name));
} // namespace
} // namespace f2fs