blob: c2ed542007d30ceea88853260d45c295a60fd4e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef __Fuchsia__
#error Fuchsia-only Header
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <optional>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <safemath/checked_math.h>
#include "src/lib/digest/digest.h"
#include "src/lib/digest/merkle-tree.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/allocator/extent_reserver.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/allocator/node_reserver.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/blob.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/blobfs.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/compression/blob_compressor.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/compression/streaming_chunked_decompressor.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/delivery_blob.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/delivery_blob_private.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/iterator/block_iterator.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/transaction.h"
#include "src/storage/lib/vfs/cpp/journal/data_streamer.h"
namespace blobfs {
// Data used exclusively during writeback. Upon failures of any public methods, the blob should be
// moved into an error state and removed from the cache so that a client may attempt another write.
class Blob::Writer {
// Construct a new blob writer. `blob` must outlive this object. If `is_delivery_blob` is set,
// data being written must conform to the format specified by RFC 0207.
explicit Writer(const Blob& blob, bool is_delivery_blob);
// Not copyable or movable because merkle_tree_creator_ has a pointer to digest.
Writer(const Writer&) = delete;
Writer& operator=(const Writer&) = delete;
// Prepare `blob` and this writer to accept `data_size` bytes of data. If this is a null blob,
// `WriteNullBlob()` should be called instead. `blob` should be the same object this writer was
// created using.
// *WARNING*: Upon failures of this function the associated blob should be evicted from the cache.
// The failure reason can be obtained again by calling `status()`.
zx::result<> Prepare(Blob& blob, uint64_t data_size);
// Write blob data into memory (or stream to disk) and update Merkle tree. When all data has been
// written, a transaction is scheduled, and information to move `blob` into a readable state.
// `blob` should be the same object this writer was created using.
// *WARNING*: Upon failures of this function the associated blob should be evicted from the cache.
// The failure reason can be obtained again by calling `status()`.
zx::result<std::optional<WrittenBlob>> Write(Blob& blob, const void* data, size_t len,
size_t* actual) __TA_REQUIRES(blob.mutex_);
// Writes out a null blob and returns information to move `blob` into a readable state. This
// skips the normal write path. The digest of the associated `blob` is verified before any
// transactions are scheduled. `blob` should be the same object this writer was created using.
// *WARNING*: Upon failures of this function the associated blob should be evicted from the cache.
// The failure reason can be obtained again by calling `status()`.
zx::result<WrittenBlob> WriteNullBlob(Blob& blob);
// Set the status of this writer. Used by the parent blob to store any errors when moving the blob
// into a readable state.
void set_status(zx::result<> status) { status_ = status; }
// The fused write error. Once writing has failed, we return the same error on subsequent writes
// in case a higher layer dropped the error and returned a short write instead.
zx::result<> status() const { return status_; }
// Amount of data written into this writer so far.
uint64_t total_written() const { return total_written_; }
// Initialize `blob_layout_` and Merkle tree buffers, if required, using specified `blob_size`
// and current `data_size`. Merkle tree buffers will only be initialized on first call such that
// the blob layout can be recalculated without affecting the existing Merkle tree.
zx::result<> Initialize(uint64_t blob_size, uint64_t data_size);
// Initialize seek table and decompressor when streaming precompressed blobs. If not enough data
// is buffered to decode the seek table, returns ZX_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL.
zx::result<> InitializeDecompressor();
// If successful, allocates Blob Node and Blocks (in-memory) and sets `allocated_space_` to true.
// Should not be called if `allocated_space_` is true.
zx::result<> SpaceAllocate();
// Handles writing blob data to disk or caching in memory.
zx::result<std::optional<WrittenBlob>> WriteInternal(Blob& blob, const void* data, size_t len,
size_t* actual) __TA_REQUIRES(blob.mutex_);
// Stream as much outstanding data as possible when performing streaming writes.
zx::result<> StreamBufferedData();
// Write `block_count` blocks at `block_offset` using the data from `producer` into `streamer`.
zx::result<> WriteDataBlocks(uint64_t block_count, uint64_t block_offset,
BlobDataProducer& producer);
// Called by the Vnode once the last write has completed, updating the on-disk metadata.
zx::result<> WriteMetadata(BlobTransaction& transaction);
// When using deprecated blob format with Merkle tree at beginning, ensure outstanding data writes
// have been issued, and reset block iterator. This ensures only the Merkle tree is outstanding.
zx::result<> WriteRemainingDataForDeprecatedFormat();
// Commits (remaining) blob data and the Merkle tree to persistent storage. The blob can be marked
// as readable once this succeeds.
zx::result<> Commit(Blob& blob) __TA_REQUIRES(blob.mutex_);
// Flush blob data to persistent storage, and issue commit of metadata. Only blob data is
// guaranteed to persist on return. Metadata may still remain in cache until next journal flush.
zx::result<> FlushData(Blob& blob) __TA_REQUIRES(blob.mutex_);
// Helper function to decode `header_` and `metadata_` from buffered data.
zx::result<> ParseDeliveryBlob();
// Filesystem backing this blob.
Blobfs& blobfs() const { return blob_.blobfs_; }
// Pointer to the beginning of the Merkle tree. As the tree may overlap with some of the blob's
// data, there will always be at least `block_size_` bytes of padding before the returned pointer.
// Can only be called after `Initialize()` has succeeded.
uint8_t* merkle_tree() const {
return merkle_tree_buffer_.get() + block_size_;
// Pointer within `buffer` where the actual data payload to be persisted on disk starts.
uint8_t* payload() const {
return static_cast<uint8_t*>(buffer_.start()) + header_.header_length;
// Size of the payload to be persisted on disk.
size_t payload_length() const {
return is_delivery_blob_ ? metadata_.payload_length : data_size_;
// Amount of the payload written into `Write()` so far.
size_t payload_written() const {
return safemath::CheckSub(total_written_, header_.header_length).ValueOrDie();
// Blob we're writing. Must outlive this object and be the same blob passed to any public methods.
// *NOTE*: As the shared state of the blob is guarded by mutexes, any modifications to the blob's
// state are done by passing an explicit Blob& reference. This improves readability by making it
// apparent which call sites may modify the Blob's state, and is required in order to statically
// verify that the caller is holding the required locks.
const Blob& blob_;
// Block size being used by the Blobfs instance that this blob is being written to.
const uint64_t block_size_ = blobfs().Info().block_size;
// Format of the data being written/persisted to disk.
CompressionAlgorithm data_format_ = {};
// Mapped VMO which we write incoming data into. When performing streaming writes, we decommit
// pages which are no longer required to save memory (see kCacheFlushThreshold).
fzl::OwnedVmoMapper buffer_ = {};
// Helper to stream data blocks to disk.
std::unique_ptr<fs::DataStreamer> streamer_ = nullptr;
// The extents we reserved for this blob from the filesystem's allocator.
std::vector<ReservedExtent> extents_ = {};
// The nodes we reserved for this blob from the filesystem's allocator.
std::vector<ReservedNode> node_indices_ = {};
// If true, indicates we are streaming the current blob to disk as written. Streaming writes are
// only supported when compression is disabled or we are writing a pre-compressed delivery blob.
bool streaming_write_ = true;
// Block iterator used when writing data to disk.
// *NOTE*: When writing the deprecated blob format, this may not write all blocks in order (i.e.
// we may write the Merkle tree at the beginning after the data has been written).
BlockIterator block_iter_ = BlockIterator{nullptr};
// Total amount of data in bytes we expect to be written for this blob, *including* headers.
uint64_t data_size_ = 0;
// The inode number we reserved for this blob.
uint32_t map_index_ = 0;
// As data is written, we build the merkle tree using the tree creator.
digest::MerkleTreeCreator merkle_tree_creator_ = {};
// The merkle tree creator stores the root digest here.
uint8_t digest_[digest::kSha256Length] = {};
// The merkle tree creator stores the rest of the tree here. The buffer must include at least one
// block's worth of space for padding (see `merkle_tree()` for details).
fbl::Array<uint8_t> merkle_tree_buffer_ = {};
// On-disk layout of the blob itself. Can only be initialized once we know the actual size of the
// blob (i.e. the blob is compressed).
std::unique_ptr<BlobLayout> blob_layout_ = nullptr;
// Bytes of data written into this writer via `Write()` so far, including headers.
// We expect that when `total_written_ == `data_size_` this blob is complete.
uint64_t total_written_ = 0;
// Amount of the payload that has been processed so far.
uint64_t payload_processed_ = 0;
// Bytes of data persisted to disk thus far (always <= `total_written_`). Will always be 0 if
// streaming writes has been disabled.
uint64_t payload_persisted_ = 0;
// True once `SpaceAllocate()` has been called and has succeeded.
bool allocated_space_ = false;
// Seek table of the incoming data if `data_format_` is CompressionAlgorithm::kChunked.
chunked_compression::SeekTable seek_table_;
// Decompressor to use on incoming data if `data_format_` is CompressionAlgorithm::kChunked.
std::unique_ptr<StreamingChunkedDecompressor> streaming_decompressor_ = nullptr;
// Optional compressor used when performing dynamic compression. Only used when compression is
// enabled and incoming data is uncompressed.
std::optional<BlobCompressor> compressor_ = std::nullopt;
// Status of the writer, used to latch any write errors. See `error()` for details.
zx::result<> status_ = zx::ok();
// Delivery Blob (RFC 0207) Related Fields
// True if this is a delivery blob in the format specified by RFC 0207, false otherwise.
const bool is_delivery_blob_;
// True if `header_` and `metadata_` have been decoded, false otherwise.
bool header_complete_ = false;
// Delivery blob header as specified by RFC 0207.
DeliveryBlobHeader header_ = {};
// Delivery blob metadata (currently only type 1 blobs are supported).
MetadataType1 metadata_ = {};
// Buffer to store decompressed data in when we will not save any space persisting compressed data
// to disk (i.e. the decompressed size is smaller than one block). Must be block aligned.
fbl::Array<uint8_t> decompressed_data_ = {};
} // namespace blobfs