blob: 60cd778700d487afa54a2eb8052f5b4a34939f97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::private::Sealed;
use crate::storage_factory::{DefaultLoader, NoneT};
use crate::UpdateState;
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Context, Error};
use fidl::{persist, unpersist, Persistable, Status};
use fidl_fuchsia_io::DirectoryProxy;
use fuchsia_async::{Task, Time, Timer};
use fuchsia_fs::file::ReadError;
use fuchsia_fs::node::OpenError;
use fuchsia_fs::OpenFlags;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::channel::mpsc::{UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender};
use futures::future::OptionFuture;
use futures::lock::{Mutex, MutexGuard};
use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt};
use std::any::Any;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use zx::Duration;
/// Minimum amount of time between flushing to disk, in milliseconds. The flush call triggers
/// file I/O which is slow.
const MIN_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS: i64 = 500;
const MAX_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS: i64 = 1_800_000; // 30 minutes
const MIN_FLUSH_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_millis(MIN_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS);
pub trait FidlStorageConvertible {
type Storable: Persistable + Any;
type Loader: DefaultDispatcher<Self>
Self: Sized;
const KEY: &'static str;
fn to_storable(self) -> Self::Storable;
fn from_storable(storable: Self::Storable) -> Self;
/// Stores device level settings in persistent storage.
/// User level settings should not use this.
pub struct FidlStorage {
/// Map of [`FidlStorageConvertible`] keys to their typed storage.
typed_storage_map: HashMap<&'static str, TypedStorage>,
typed_loader_map: HashMap<&'static str, Box<dyn Any + Send + Sync + 'static>>,
/// If true, reads will be returned from the data in memory rather than reading from storage.
caching_enabled: bool,
/// If true, writes to the underlying storage will only occur at most every
debounce_writes: bool,
storage_dir: DirectoryProxy,
/// A wrapper for managing all communication and caching for one particular type of data being
/// stored. The actual types are erased.
struct TypedStorage {
/// Sender to communicate with task loop that handles flushes.
flush_sender: UnboundedSender<()>,
/// Cached storage managed through interior mutability.
cached_storage: Arc<Mutex<CachedStorage>>,
/// `CachedStorage` abstracts over a cached value that's read from and written
/// to some backing store.
struct CachedStorage {
/// Cache for the most recently read or written value. The value is stored as the encoded bytes
/// of the persistent fidl.
current_data: Option<Vec<u8>>,
/// File path that will be used to write a temporary file when syncing to disk. After syncing,
/// this file is deleted.
/// The approach used for syncing is:
/// * Write data to temp file
/// * Rename temp file to permanent file
/// * Delete temp file.
/// This ensures that even if there's a power cut, the data in the permanent file is never
/// partially written.
temp_file_path: String,
/// File path to used for permanent file storage on disk.
file_path: String,
impl CachedStorage {
/// Triggers a sync on the file proxy.
async fn sync(&mut self, storage_dir: &DirectoryProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Scope is important. file_proxy needs to be out-of-scope when the directory is renamed.
let file_proxy = fuchsia_fs::directory::open_file(
| OpenFlags::TRUNCATE
.with_context(|| format!("unable to open {:?} for writing", self.temp_file_path))?;
fuchsia_fs::file::write(&file_proxy, self.current_data.as_ref().unwrap())
.context("failed to write data to file")?;
.context("failed to call close on temp file")?
fuchsia_fs::directory::rename(storage_dir, &self.temp_file_path, &self.file_path)
.context("failed to rename temp file to permanent file")?;
.context("failed to call sync on directory after rename")?
// This is only returned when the directory is backed by a VFS, so this is fine to
// ignore.
.or_else(|e| if let zx::Status::NOT_SUPPORTED = e { Ok(()) } else { Err(e) })
.context("failed to sync rename to directory")
impl FidlStorage {
/// Construct a fidl storage from:
/// * The iterable item, which will produce the keys for storage
/// * A generator function that will produce a file proxy for each key. It will return the temp
/// file path and final file path for storing the data for this key.
/// On success, returns the FidlStorage as well as the list of background synchronizing tasks.
/// The background tasks can be awaited or detached.
pub(crate) async fn with_file_proxy<I, G>(
iter: I,
storage_dir: DirectoryProxy,
files_generator: G,
) -> Result<(Self, Vec<Task<()>>), Error>
I: IntoIterator<Item = (&'static str, Option<Box<dyn Any + Send + Sync>>)>,
G: Fn(&'static str) -> Result<(String, String), Error>,
let mut typed_storage_map = HashMap::new();
let iter = iter.into_iter();
let mut typed_loader_map = HashMap::new();
let mut sync_tasks = Vec::with_capacity(iter.size_hint().0);
for (key, loader) in iter {
// Generate a separate file proxy for each key.
let (flush_sender, flush_receiver) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded::<()>();
let (temp_file_path, file_path) =
files_generator(key).context("failed to generate file")?;
let cached_storage = Arc::new(Mutex::new(CachedStorage {
current_data: None,
let storage =
TypedStorage { flush_sender, cached_storage: Arc::clone(&cached_storage) };
// Each key has an independent flush queue.
let sync_task = Task::spawn(Self::synchronize_task(
let _ = typed_storage_map.insert(key, storage);
if let Some(loader) = loader {
let _ = typed_loader_map.insert(key, loader);
FidlStorage {
caching_enabled: true,
debounce_writes: true,
async fn synchronize_task(
storage_dir: DirectoryProxy,
cached_storage: Arc<Mutex<CachedStorage>>,
flush_receiver: UnboundedReceiver<()>,
) {
let mut has_pending_flush = false;
// The time of the last flush. Initialized to MIN_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS before the
// current time so that the first flush always goes through, no matter the
// timing.
let mut last_flush: Time = Time::now() - MIN_FLUSH_DURATION;
// Timer for flush cooldown. OptionFuture allows us to wait on the future even
// if it's None.
let mut next_flush_timer: OptionFuture<Timer> = None.into();
let mut next_flush_timer_fuse = next_flush_timer.fuse();
let mut retries = 0;
let mut retrying = false;
let flush_fuse = flush_receiver.fuse();
loop {
futures::select! {
_ = flush_fuse.select_next_some() => {
// Flush currently unable to complete. Don't prevent exponential
// backoff from occurring.
if retrying {
// Received a request to do a flush.
let now = Time::now();
let next_flush_time = if now - last_flush > MIN_FLUSH_DURATION {
// Last flush happened more than MIN_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS ago,
// flush immediately in next iteration of loop.
} else {
// Last flush was less than MIN_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS ago, schedule
// it accordingly. It's okay if the time is in the past, Timer
// will still trigger on the next loop iteration.
has_pending_flush = true;
next_flush_timer = Some(Timer::new(next_flush_time)).into();
next_flush_timer_fuse = next_flush_timer.fuse();
_ = next_flush_timer_fuse => {
// Timer triggered, check for pending syncs.
if has_pending_flush {
let mut cached_storage = cached_storage.lock().await;
// If the sync fails, exponentionally backoff the syncs until a
// maximum wait time.
if let Err(e) = cached_storage.sync(&storage_dir).await {
retrying = true;
let flush_duration = Duration::from_millis(
let next_flush_time = Time::now() + flush_duration;
"Failed to sync write to disk for {:?}, delaying by {:?}, \
caused by: {:?}",
// Reset the timer so we can try again in the future
next_flush_timer = Some(Timer::new(next_flush_time)).into();
next_flush_timer_fuse = next_flush_timer.fuse();
retries += 1;
last_flush = Time::now();
has_pending_flush = false;
retrying = false;
retries = 0;
complete => break,
// TODO( Remove allow once all tests have been migrated to fidl storage.
fn set_caching_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
self.caching_enabled = enabled;
// TODO( Remove allow once all tests have been migrated to fidl storage.
fn set_debounce_writes(&mut self, debounce: bool) {
self.debounce_writes = debounce;
async fn inner_write(
key: &'static str,
new_value: Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<UpdateState, Error> {
let typed_storage = self
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Invalid data keyed by {}", key))?;
let mut cached_storage = typed_storage.cached_storage.lock().await;
let bytes;
let cached_value = match cached_storage.current_data.as_ref() {
Some(cached_value) => Some(cached_value),
None => {
let file_proxy = fuchsia_fs::directory::open_file(
bytes = match file_proxy {
Ok(file_proxy) => match fuchsia_fs::file::read(&file_proxy).await {
Ok(bytes) => Some(bytes),
Err(ReadError::Open(OpenError::OpenError(e))) if e == Status::NOT_FOUND => {
Err(e) => {
bail!("failed to get value from fidl storage for {:?}: {:?}", key, e)
Err(OpenError::OpenError(Status::NOT_FOUND)) => None,
Err(e) => bail!("unable to read data on disk for {:?}: {:?}", key, e),
Ok(if|c| *c != new_value).unwrap_or(true) {
cached_storage.current_data = Some(new_value);
if !self.debounce_writes {
// Not debouncing writes for testing, just sync immediately.
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to sync data for key {key:?}"))?;
} else {
typed_storage.flush_sender.unbounded_send(()).with_context(|| {
format!("flush_sender failed to send flush message, associated key is {key}")
} else {
/// Write `new_value` to storage. The write will be persisted to disk at a set interval.
pub async fn write<T>(&self, new_value: T) -> Result<UpdateState, Error>
T: FidlStorageConvertible,
let new_value = persist(&new_value.to_storable())?;
self.inner_write(T::KEY, new_value).await
async fn get_inner(&self, key: &'static str) -> MutexGuard<'_, CachedStorage> {
let typed_storage = self
// TODO( Replace this with an error result.
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Invalid data keyed by {key}"));
let mut cached_storage = typed_storage.cached_storage.lock().await;
if cached_storage.current_data.is_none() || !self.caching_enabled {
if let Some(file_proxy) = match fuchsia_fs::directory::open_file(
Ok(file_proxy) => Some(file_proxy),
Err(OpenError::OpenError(Status::NOT_FOUND)) => None,
// TODO( Replace this with an error result.
Err(e) => panic!("failed to open file for {key:?}: {e:?}"),
} {
let data = match fuchsia_fs::file::read(&file_proxy).await {
Ok(data) => Some(data),
Err(ReadError::ReadError(Status::NOT_FOUND)) => None,
// TODO( Replace this with an error result.
Err(e) => panic!("failed to get fidl data from disk for {key:?}: {e:?}"),
cached_storage.current_data = data;
/// Gets the latest value cached locally, or loads the value from storage.
/// Doesn't support multiple concurrent callers of the same struct.
pub async fn get<T>(&self) -> T
T: FidlStorageConvertible,
match self.get_inner(T::KEY).await.current_data.as_ref().map(|data| {
<T as FidlStorageConvertible>::from_storable(
unpersist(data).expect("Should not be able to save mismatching types in file"),
}) {
Some(data) => data,
None => <T::Loader as DefaultDispatcher<T>>::get_default(self),
pub trait DefaultDispatcher<T>: Sealed
T: FidlStorageConvertible,
fn get_default(_: &FidlStorage) -> T;
impl<T> DefaultDispatcher<T> for NoneT
T: FidlStorageConvertible<Loader = Self>,
T: Default,
fn get_default(_: &FidlStorage) -> T {
impl<T, L> DefaultDispatcher<T> for L
T: FidlStorageConvertible<Loader = L>,
L: DefaultLoader<Result = T> + 'static,
fn get_default(storage: &FidlStorage) -> T {
match storage.typed_loader_map.get(T::KEY) {
Some(loader) => match loader.downcast_ref::<T::Loader>() {
Some(loader) => loader.default_value(),
None => {
panic!("Mismatch key and loader for key {}", T::KEY);
None => panic!("Missing loader for {}", T::KEY),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use fasync::TestExecutor;
use fidl::endpoints::ControlHandle;
use fidl::epitaph::ChannelEpitaphExt;
use fidl_test_storage::{TestStruct, WrongStruct};
use futures::TryStreamExt;
use std::task::Poll;
use test_case::test_case;
use {fidl_fuchsia_io as fio, fuchsia_async as fasync};
const VALUE0: i32 = 3;
const VALUE1: i32 = 33;
const VALUE2: i32 = 128;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct LibTestStruct {
value: i32,
impl FidlStorageConvertible for LibTestStruct {
type Storable = TestStruct;
type Loader = NoneT;
const KEY: &'static str = "testkey";
fn to_storable(self) -> Self::Storable {
TestStruct { value: self.value }
fn from_storable(storable: Self::Storable) -> Self {
Self { value: storable.value }
impl Default for LibTestStruct {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { value: VALUE0 }
fn open_tempdir(tempdir: &tempfile::TempDir) -> fio::DirectoryProxy {
tempdir.path().to_str().expect("tempdir path is not valid UTF-8"),
fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE | fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE,
.expect("failed to open connection to tempdir")
async fn test_get() {
let value_to_get = LibTestStruct { value: VALUE1 };
let tempdir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("failed to create tempdir");
let content = persist(&value_to_get.to_storable()).unwrap();
std::fs::write(&tempdir.path().join("xyz.pfidl"), content).expect("failed to write file");
let storage_dir = open_tempdir(&tempdir);
let (storage, sync_tasks) = FidlStorage::with_file_proxy(
vec![(LibTestStruct::KEY, None)],
move |_| Ok((String::from("xyz_temp.pfidl"), String::from("xyz.pfidl"))),
.expect("should be able to generate file");
for task in sync_tasks {
let result = storage.get::<LibTestStruct>().await;
assert_eq!(result.value, VALUE1);
async fn test_get_default() {
let tempdir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("failed to create tempdir");
let storage_dir = open_tempdir(&tempdir);
let (storage, sync_tasks) = FidlStorage::with_file_proxy(
vec![(LibTestStruct::KEY, None)],
move |_| Ok((String::from("xyz_temp.pfidl"), String::from("xyz.pfidl"))),
.expect("file proxy should be created");
for task in sync_tasks {
let result = storage.get::<LibTestStruct>().await;
assert_eq!(result.value, VALUE0);
/// Proxies directory request to a real directory while allowing for some of the requests to be
/// intercepted.
struct DirectoryInterceptor {
real_dir: fio::DirectoryProxy,
inner: std::sync::Mutex<DirectoryInterceptorInner>,
struct DirectoryInterceptorInner {
sync_notifier: Option<futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender<()>>,
open_interceptor: Box<dyn Fn(&str, bool) -> Option<Status>>,
impl DirectoryInterceptor {
fn new(real_dir: fio::DirectoryProxy) -> (Arc<Self>, fio::DirectoryProxy) {
let (proxy, requests) =
let this = Arc::new(Self {
inner: std::sync::Mutex::new(DirectoryInterceptorInner {
sync_notifier: None,
open_interceptor: Box::new(|_, _| None),
(this.clone(), proxy)
/// Returns a receiver that will be notified after each Sync request to the real directory
/// has completed.
fn install_sync_notifier(&self) -> futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<()> {
let (sender, receiver) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded();
self.inner.lock().unwrap().sync_notifier = Some(sender);
/// Sets a callback to be called on every Open request. If the callback returns an error,
/// then the request will be failed with that error instead of being forwarded to the real
/// directory.
fn set_open_interceptor(&self, interceptor: Box<dyn Fn(&str, bool) -> Option<Status>>) {
self.inner.lock().unwrap().open_interceptor = interceptor;
async fn run(self: Arc<Self>, mut requests: fio::DirectoryRequestStream) {
while let Ok(Some(request)) = requests.try_next().await {
match request {
fio::DirectoryRequest::Open {
control_handle: _,
} => {
match (self.inner.lock().unwrap().open_interceptor)(
) {
Some(status) => {
let (_, control_handle) =
.send_on_open_(status.into_raw(), None)
.expect("failed to send OnOpen event");
None => {
.open(flags, mode, &path, object)
.expect("failed to forward Open request");
fio::DirectoryRequest::Open2 {
control_handle: _,
} => {
let create = if let fio::ConnectionProtocols::Node(protocols) = &protocols {
if let Some(mode) = protocols.mode {
mode == fio::CreationMode::AllowExisting
|| mode == fio::CreationMode::Always
} else {
} else {
match (self.inner.lock().unwrap().open_interceptor)(&path, create) {
Some(status) => {
.expect("failed to send epitaph");
None => {
.open2(&path, &protocols, object_request)
.expect("failed to forward Open2 request");
fio::DirectoryRequest::Sync { responder } => {
let response =
self.real_dir.sync().await.expect("failed to forward Sync request");
responder.send(response).expect("failed to respond to Sync request");
if let Some(sender) = &self.inner.lock().unwrap().sync_notifier {
fio::DirectoryRequest::Rename { src, dst_parent_token, dst, responder } => {
let response = self
.rename(&src, dst_parent_token, &dst)
.expect("failed to forward Rename request");
responder.send(response).expect("failed to respond to Rename request");
fio::DirectoryRequest::GetToken { responder } => {
let response = self
.expect("failed to forward GetToken request");
.send(response.0, response.1)
.expect("failed to respond to GetToken request");
request @ _ => unimplemented!("request: {:?}", request),
/// Repeatedly polls `fut` until it returns `Poll::Ready`. When using a `TestExecutor` with fake
/// time, only `run_until_stalled` can be used but `run_until_stalled` is incompatible with
/// external filesystems. This function bridges the gap by continuously polling the future until
/// the filesystem responds.
fn run_until_ready<F>(executor: &mut TestExecutor, fut: F) -> F::Output
F: std::future::Future,
let mut fut = std::pin::pin!(fut);
loop {
match executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut) {
Poll::Ready(result) => return result,
Poll::Pending => std::thread::yield_now(),
/// Asserts that a file doesn't exist.
fn assert_file_not_found(
executor: &mut TestExecutor,
directory: &fio::DirectoryProxy,
file_name: &str,
) {
let open_fut =
fuchsia_fs::directory::open_file(directory, file_name, OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE);
let result = run_until_ready(executor, open_fut);
assert_matches!(result, Result::Err(e) if e.is_not_found_error());
/// Verifies the contents of a file.
fn assert_file_contents(
executor: &mut TestExecutor,
directory: &fio::DirectoryProxy,
file_name: &str,
expected_contents: TestStruct,
) {
let read_fut = fuchsia_fs::directory::read_file(directory, file_name);
let data = run_until_ready(executor, read_fut).expect("reading file");
let data = fidl::unpersist::<TestStruct>(&data).expect("failed to read file as TestStruct");
assert_eq!(data, expected_contents);
fn test_first_write_syncs_immediately() {
let written_value = VALUE1;
let mut executor = TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time();
let tempdir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("failed to create tempdir");
let storage_dir = open_tempdir(&tempdir);
let (interceptor, storage_dir) = DirectoryInterceptor::new(storage_dir);
let mut sync_receiver = interceptor.install_sync_notifier();
let storage_fut = FidlStorage::with_file_proxy(
vec![(LibTestStruct::KEY, None)],
move |_| Ok((String::from("xyz_temp.pfidl"), String::from("xyz.pfidl"))),
let (storage, _sync_tasks) =
if let Poll::Ready(storage) = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut storage_fut) {
storage.expect("file proxy should be created")
} else {
panic!("storage creation stalled");
// Write to device storage.
let value_to_write = LibTestStruct { value: written_value };
let write_future = storage.write(value_to_write);
// Initial cache check is done if no read was ever performed.
run_until_ready(&mut executor, &mut write_future),
// Storage is not yet ready.
assert_file_not_found(&mut executor, &storage_dir, "xyz.pfidl");
// Wait for the sync task to complete.
run_until_ready(&mut executor,"directory never synced");
// Validate the value matches what was set.
&mut executor,
fn test_second_write_syncs_after_interval() {
let written_value = VALUE1;
let second_value = VALUE2;
let mut executor = TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time();
let tempdir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("failed to create tempdir");
let storage_dir = open_tempdir(&tempdir);
let (interceptor, storage_dir) = DirectoryInterceptor::new(storage_dir);
let mut sync_receiver = interceptor.install_sync_notifier();
let storage_fut = FidlStorage::with_file_proxy(
vec![(LibTestStruct::KEY, None)],
move |_| Ok((String::from("xyz_temp.pfidl"), String::from("xyz.pfidl"))),
let (storage, _sync_tasks) =
if let Poll::Ready(storage) = executor.run_until_stalled(&mut storage_fut) {
storage.expect("file proxy should be created")
} else {
panic!("storage creation stalled");
// Write to device storage.
let value_to_write = LibTestStruct { value: written_value };
let write_future = storage.write(value_to_write);
// Initial cache check is done if no read was ever performed.
run_until_ready(&mut executor, &mut write_future),
// Storage is not yet ready.
assert_file_not_found(&mut executor, &storage_dir, "xyz.pfidl");
// Wait for the sync task to complete.
run_until_ready(&mut executor, &mut"directory never synced");
// Validate that the file has been synced.
&mut executor,
// Write second time to device storage.
let value_to_write2 = LibTestStruct { value: second_value };
let write_future = storage.write(value_to_write2);
// Initial cache check is done if no read was ever performed.
run_until_ready(&mut executor, &mut write_future),
// Storage is not yet ready, should still equal old value.
&mut executor,
// Move executor to just before sync interval.
executor.set_fake_time(Time::from_nanos(MIN_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS * 1_000_000 - 1));
// Move executor to just after sync interval. It should run now.
executor.set_fake_time(Time::from_nanos(MIN_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS * 1_000_000));
run_until_ready(&mut executor, &mut"directory never synced");
// Validate that the file has been synced.
&mut executor,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Debug)]
struct LibWrongStruct;
impl FidlStorageConvertible for LibWrongStruct {
type Storable = WrongStruct;
type Loader = NoneT;
const KEY: &'static str = "WRONG_STRUCT";
fn to_storable(self) -> Self::Storable {
fn from_storable(_: Self::Storable) -> Self {
// Test that attempting to write two kinds of structs to a storage instance that only supports
// one results in a failure.
async fn test_write_with_mismatch_type_returns_error() {
let tempdir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("failed to create tempdir");
let storage_dir = open_tempdir(&tempdir);
let (storage, sync_tasks) = FidlStorage::with_file_proxy(
vec![(LibTestStruct::KEY, None)],
move |_| Ok((String::from("xyz_temp.pfidl"), String::from("xyz.pfidl"))),
.expect("file proxy should be created");
for task in sync_tasks {
// Write successfully to storage once.
let result = storage.write(LibTestStruct { value: VALUE2 }).await;
// Write to device storage again with a different type to validate that the type can't
// be changed.
let result = storage.write(LibWrongStruct).await;
assert_matches!(result, Err(e) if e.to_string() == "Invalid data keyed by WRONG_STRUCT");
// Test that multiple writes to FidlStorage will cause a write each time, but will only
// sync to the fs at an interval.
fn test_multiple_write_debounce() {
// Custom executor for this test so that we can advance the clock arbitrarily and verify the
// state of the executor at any given point.
let mut executor = TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time();
let tempdir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("failed to create tempdir");
let storage_dir = open_tempdir(&tempdir);
let (interceptor, storage_dir) = DirectoryInterceptor::new(storage_dir);
let mut sync_receiver = interceptor.install_sync_notifier();
let storage_fut = FidlStorage::with_file_proxy(
vec![(LibTestStruct::KEY, None)],
move |_| Ok((String::from("xyz_temp.pfidl"), String::from("xyz.pfidl"))),
let (storage, _sync_tasks) =
run_until_ready(&mut executor, storage_fut).expect("file proxy should be created");
let first_value = VALUE1;
let second_value = VALUE2;
let third_value = VALUE0;
// First write finishes immediately.
let value_to_write = LibTestStruct { value: first_value };
// Initial cache check is done if no read was ever performed.
let result = run_until_ready(&mut executor, storage.write(value_to_write));
assert_matches!(result, Result::Ok(UpdateState::Updated));
// Storage is not yet ready.
assert_file_not_found(&mut executor, &storage_dir, "xyz.pfidl");
// Wake the initial time without advancing the clock. Confirms that the first write is
// "immediate".
run_until_ready(&mut executor,"directory never synced");
// Validate that the file has been synced.
&mut executor,
// Write second time to device storage.
let value_to_write2 = LibTestStruct { value: second_value };
let result = run_until_ready(&mut executor, storage.write(value_to_write2));
// Value is marked as updated after the write.
assert_matches!(result, Result::Ok(UpdateState::Updated));
// Validate the updated values are still returned from the storage cache.
let data = run_until_ready(&mut executor, storage.get::<LibTestStruct>());
assert_eq!(data, value_to_write2);
// But the data has not been persisted to disk.
&mut executor,
// Now write a third time before advancing the clock.
let value_to_write3 = LibTestStruct { value: third_value };
let result = run_until_ready(&mut executor, storage.write(value_to_write3));
// Value is marked as updated after the write.
assert_matches!(result, Result::Ok(UpdateState::Updated));
// Validate the updated values are still returned from the storage cache.
let data = run_until_ready(&mut executor, storage.get::<LibTestStruct>());
assert_eq!(data, value_to_write3);
// But the data has still not been persisted to disk.
&mut executor,
// Move clock to just before sync interval.
executor.set_fake_time(Time::from_nanos(MIN_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS * 1_000_000 - 1));
// And validate that the data has still not been synced to disk.
&mut executor,
// Move executor to just after sync interval.
executor.set_fake_time(Time::from_nanos(MIN_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS * 1_000_000));
run_until_ready(&mut executor,"directory never synced");
// Validate that the file has finally been synced.
&mut executor,
// Tests that syncing can recover after a failed write. The test cases list the number of failed
// attempts and the maximum amount of time waited from the previous write.
#[test_case(1, 500)]
#[test_case(2, 1_000)]
#[test_case(3, 2_000)]
#[test_case(4, 4_000)]
#[test_case(5, 8_000)]
#[test_case(6, 16_000)]
#[test_case(7, 32_000)]
#[test_case(8, 64_000)]
#[test_case(9, 128_000)]
#[test_case(10, 256_000)]
#[test_case(11, 512_000)]
#[test_case(12, 1_024_000)]
#[test_case(13, 1_800_000)]
#[test_case(14, 1_800_000)]
fn test_exponential_backoff(retry_count: usize, max_wait_time: usize) {
let mut executor = TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time();
let tempdir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("failed to create tempdir");
let storage_dir = open_tempdir(&tempdir);
let (interceptor, storage_dir) = DirectoryInterceptor::new(storage_dir);
let attempts = std::sync::Mutex::new(0);
interceptor.set_open_interceptor(Box::new(move |path, create| {
let mut attempts_guard = attempts.lock().unwrap();
if path == "abc_tmp.pfidl" && create && *attempts_guard < retry_count {
*attempts_guard += 1;
} else {
let mut sync_receiver = interceptor.install_sync_notifier();
let expected_data = vec![1];
let cached_storage = Arc::new(Mutex::new(CachedStorage {
current_data: Some(expected_data.clone()),
temp_file_path: "abc_tmp.pfidl".to_owned(),
file_path: "abc.pfidl".to_owned(),
let (sender, receiver) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded();
// Call spawn in a future since we have to be in an executor context to call spawn.
let task = fasync::Task::spawn(FidlStorage::synchronize_task(
sender.unbounded_send(()).expect("can send flush signal");
assert_eq!(executor.run_until_stalled(&mut task), Poll::Pending);
let mut clock_nanos = 0;
// (2^i) * 500 = exponential backoff.
// 1,000,000 = convert ms to ns.
for new_duration in (0..retry_count).map(|i| {
(2_i64.pow(i as u32) * MIN_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS).min(max_wait_time as i64) * 1_000_000
- (i == retry_count - 1) as i64
}) {
// Task should not complete while retrying.
assert_eq!(executor.run_until_stalled(&mut task), Poll::Pending);
// Check that files don't exist.
assert_file_not_found(&mut executor, &storage_dir, "abc_tmp.pfidl");
assert_file_not_found(&mut executor, &storage_dir, "abc.pfidl");
clock_nanos += new_duration;
// At this point the clock should be 1ns before the timer, so it shouldn't wake.
assert_eq!(executor.run_until_stalled(&mut task), Poll::Pending);
// Check that files don't exist.
assert_file_not_found(&mut executor, &storage_dir, "abc_tmp.pfidl");
assert_file_not_found(&mut executor, &storage_dir, "abc.pfidl");
// Now pass the timer where we can read the result.
clock_nanos += 1;
assert_eq!(executor.run_until_stalled(&mut task), Poll::Pending);
run_until_ready(&mut executor,"directory never synced");
// Check that the file now matches what was in the cache.
let read_fut = fuchsia_fs::directory::read_file(&storage_dir, "abc.pfidl");
let data = run_until_ready(&mut executor, read_fut).expect("reading file");
assert_eq!(data, expected_data);
// Ensure the task can properly exit.
run_until_ready(&mut executor, task);