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// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Job Handling Support
//! # Summary
//! [Jobs] are basic units of work that interfaces in the setting service can specify. In addition
//! to the workload, [Job] definitions also capture information about how the work should be
//! handled. For example, a Job can specify that it would like to run in sequence within a set of
//! similar [Jobs]. This behavior is captured by the [Job]'s execution [Type](execution::Type).
//! Sources are streams that provide jobs from a given source. The lifetime of [Jobs] produced
//! by a source are bound to the source's lifetime. The end of a source stream will lead to any
//! in-flight and pending jobs being cancelled.
//! Job Manager is responsible for managing sources and the jobs they produce. The manager
//! associates and maintains any supporting data for jobs, such as caches.
//! [Jobs]: Job
use crate::service::message;
use crate::{payload_convert, trace};
use core::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};
use core::pin::Pin;
use futures::channel::oneshot;
use futures::lock::Mutex;
use futures::stream::Stream;
use std::any::TypeId;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::future::Future;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub mod manager;
pub mod source;
payload_convert!(Job, Payload);
/// [StoreHandleMapping] represents the mapping from a [Job]'s [Signature] to the [data::Data]
/// store. This store is shared by all [Jobs] with the same [Signature].
/// [Jobs]: Job
pub(super) type StoreHandleMapping = HashMap<Signature, data::StoreHandle>;
type PinStream<T> = Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = T> + Send>>;
type SourceStreamHandle = Arc<Mutex<Option<PinStream<Result<Job, source::Error>>>>>;
/// The data payload that can be sent to the [Job Manager](crate::job::manager::Manager).
pub enum Payload {
/// `Source` represents a new source of [Jobs](Job).
impl Debug for Payload {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Job Payload")
impl PartialEq for Payload {
fn eq(&self, _other: &Self) -> bool {
pub mod data {
//! The data mod provides the components for interacting with information that can be stored and
//! retrieved by a [Job](super::Job) during its execution. [Keys](Key) provide a way to address
//! this data while [Data] defines the type of data that can be stored per entry.
use crate::base::SettingInfo;
use futures::lock::Mutex;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
/// A shared handle to the [Data] mapping.
pub type StoreHandle = Arc<Mutex<HashMap<Key, Data>>>;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Key {
Identifier(&'static str),
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Data {
pub mod work {
use super::{data, Signature};
use crate::service::message;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use fuchsia_trace as ftrace;
pub enum Load {
/// [Sequential] loads are run in order after [Loads](Load) from [Jobs](crate::job::Job)
/// of the same [Signature](crate::job::Signature) that preceded them. These [Loads](Load)
/// share a common data store, which can be used to share information.
Sequential(Box<dyn Sequential + Send + Sync>, Signature),
/// [Independent] loads are run as soon as there is availability to run as dictated by the
/// containing [Job's](crate::job::Job) handler.
Independent(Box<dyn Independent + Send + Sync>),
/// Possible error conditions that can be encountered during work execution.
pub enum Error {
/// The work was canceled.
impl Load {
/// Executes the contained workload, providing the individualized parameters based on type.
/// This function is asynchronous and is meant to be waited upon for workload completion.
/// Workloads are expected to wait and complete all work within the scope of this execution.
/// Therefore, invoking code can safely presume all work has completed after this function
/// returns.
pub(super) async fn execute(
messenger: message::Messenger,
store: Option<data::StoreHandle>,
id: ftrace::Id,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
match self {
Load::Sequential(load, _) => {
store.expect("all sequential loads should have store"),
Load::Independent(load) => {
load.execute(messenger, id).await;
impl std::fmt::Debug for Load {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Load::Sequential(_, _) => f.debug_tuple("Sequential"),
Load::Independent(_) => f.debug_tuple("Independent"),
pub trait Sequential {
/// Called when the [Job](super::Job) processing is ready for the encapsulated
/// [work::Load](super::work::Load) be executed. The provided [StoreHandle](data::StoreHandle)
/// is specific to the parent [Job](super::Job) group.
async fn execute(
self: Box<Self>,
messenger: message::Messenger,
store: data::StoreHandle,
id: ftrace::Id,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
pub trait Independent {
/// Called when a [work::Load](super::work::Load) should run. All workload specific logic should
/// be encompassed in this method.
async fn execute(self: Box<Self>, messenger: message::Messenger, id: ftrace::Id);
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash)]
enum Either<A, B> {
/// An identifier specified by [Jobs](Job) to group related workflows. This is useful for
/// [work::Loads](work::Load) that need to be run sequentially. The [Signature] is used by the job
/// infrastructure to associate resources such as caches.
#[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Signature {
key: Either<TypeId, (TypeId, u64)>,
impl Signature {
/// Constructs a new [Signature]. The key provided will group the associated [Job] with other
/// [Jobs](Job) of the same key. The association is scoped to other [Jobs](Job) in the same
/// parent source.
pub(crate) fn new<T>() -> Self
T: 'static + ?Sized,
Self { key: Either::A(TypeId::of::<T>()) }
pub(crate) fn with<T>(key: u64) -> Self
T: 'static + ?Sized,
Self { key: Either::B((TypeId::of::<T>(), key)) }
/// A [Job] is a simple data container that associates a [work::Load] with an [execution::Type]
/// along with metadata, such as the creation time.
pub struct Job {
/// The [work::Load] to be run.
workload: work::Load,
/// The [execution::Type] determining how the [work::Load] will be run.
execution_type: execution::Type,
/// The trigger that can be used to cancel this job. Not all jobs are cancelable.
cancelation_tx: Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>,
impl Job {
pub(crate) fn new(workload: work::Load) -> Self {
let execution_type = match &workload {
work::Load::Sequential(_, signature) => execution::Type::Sequential(*signature),
_ => execution::Type::Independent,
Self { workload, execution_type, cancelation_tx: None }
pub(crate) fn new_with_cancellation(
workload: work::Load,
cancelation_tx: oneshot::Sender<()>,
) -> Self {
let execution_type = match &workload {
work::Load::Sequential(_, signature) => execution::Type::Sequential(*signature),
_ => execution::Type::Independent,
Self { workload, execution_type, cancelation_tx: Some(cancelation_tx) }
pub(crate) fn workload(&self) -> &work::Load {
pub(crate) fn execution_type(&self) -> execution::Type {
/// [Id] provides a unique identifier for a job within its parent space. Unlike
/// [Signatures](Signature), All [Job Ids](Id) will be unique per [Job]. [Ids](Id) should never be
/// directly constructed. An [IdGenerator] should be used instead.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub(super) struct Id {
_identifier: usize,
impl Id {
fn new(identifier: usize) -> Self {
Self { _identifier: identifier }
/// [`IdGenerator`] is responsible for generating unique [Ids](Id).
pub(super) struct IdGenerator {
next_identifier: usize,
impl IdGenerator {
pub(super) fn new() -> Self {
Self { next_identifier: 0 }
/// Produces a [`Id`] that is unique from any [`Id`] that has or will be generated by this
/// [`IdGenerator`] instance.
pub(super) fn generate(&mut self) -> Id {
let return_id = Id::new(self.next_identifier);
self.next_identifier += 1;
/// An enumeration of stages a [Job] can be in.
enum State {
/// The workload associated with the [Job] has not been executed yet.
/// The workload is executing.
/// The workload execution has completed.
/// The workload was canceled before it completed.
/// [Info] is used to capture details about a [Job] once it has been accepted by an entity that will
/// process it. This includes an assigned [Id] and a recording at what time it was accepted.
struct Info {
id: Id,
state: State,
execution_type: execution::Type,
cancelation_tx: Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>,
impl Info {
fn new(id: Id, mut job: Job) -> Self {
let execution_type = job.execution_type;
let cancelation_tx = job.cancelation_tx.take();
Self { id, state: State::Ready(job), execution_type, cancelation_tx }
/// Retrieves the [execution::Type] of the underlying [Job].
fn get_execution_type(&self) -> &execution::Type {
/// Prepares the components necessary for a [Job] to execute and then returns a future to
/// execute the [Job] workload with them. These components include a messenger for communicating
/// with the system and the store associated with the [Job's](Job) group if applicable.
async fn prepare_execution<F: FnOnce(Self) + Send + 'static>(
mut self,
delegate: &mut message::Delegate,
stores: &mut StoreHandleMapping,
callback: F,
) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
// Create a messenger for the workload to communicate with the rest of the setting
// service.
let messenger = delegate
.expect("messenger should be available")
let store = self
.map(|signature| stores.entry(*signature).or_insert_with(Default::default).clone());
async move {
let id = fuchsia_trace::Id::new();
trace!(id, c"job execution");
let mut state = State::Executing;
std::mem::swap(&mut state, &mut self.state);
if let State::Ready(job) = state {
self.state = if let Err(work::Error::Canceled) =
job.workload.execute(messenger, store, id).await
} else {
} else {
panic!("job not in the ready state");
pub(super) mod execution {
use super::Signature;
use crate::job;
use futures::channel::oneshot;
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
/// The workload types of a [job::Job]. This enumeration is used to define how a [job::Job] will
/// be treated in relation to other jobs from the same source.
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Type {
/// Independent jobs are executed in isolation from other [Jobs](job::Job). Some
/// functionality is unavailable for Independent jobs, such as caches.
/// Sequential [Jobs](job::Job) wait until all pre-existing [Jobs](job::Job) of the same
/// [Signature] are completed.
impl Type {
pub(super) fn get_signature(&self) -> Option<&Signature> {
if let Type::Sequential(signature) = self {
} else {
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(super) enum GroupError {
#[error("The group is closed, so no new jobs can be added")]
/// A collection of [Jobs](job::Job) which have matching execution types. [Groups](Group)
/// determine how similar [Jobs](job::Job) are executed.
pub(super) struct Group {
group_type: Type,
active: HashMap<job::Id, Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>>,
pending: VecDeque<job::Info>,
canceled: bool,
impl Group {
/// Creates a new [Group] based on the execution [Type].
pub(super) fn new(group_type: Type) -> Self {
Self { group_type, active: HashMap::new(), pending: VecDeque::new(), canceled: false }
/// Returns whether any [Jobs](job::Job) are currently active. Pending [Jobs](job::Job) do
/// not count towards this total.
pub(super) fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns whether there are any [Jobs](job::Job) waiting to be executed.
pub(super) fn has_available_jobs(&self) -> bool {
if self.pending.is_empty() {
return false;
match self.group_type {
Type::Independent => true,
Type::Sequential(_) =>,
pub(super) fn add(&mut self, job_info: job::Info) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
if self.canceled {
} else {
/// Invoked by [Job](super::Job) processing code to retrieve the next [Job](super::Job) to
/// run from this group. If there are no [Jobs](super::Job) ready for execution, None is
/// return. Otherwise, the selected [Job](super::Job) is added to the list of active
/// [Jobs](super::Job) for the group and handed back to the caller.
pub(super) fn promote_next_to_active(&mut self) -> Option<job::Info> {
if !self.has_available_jobs() {
return None;
let mut active_job = self.pending.pop_front();
if let Some(ref mut job) = active_job {
let _ =, job.cancelation_tx.take());
pub(super) fn complete(&mut self, job_info: job::Info) {
let _ =;
pub(super) fn cancel(&mut self) {
self.canceled = true;
for (_, cancelation_tx) in {
if let Some(cancelation_tx) = cancelation_tx.take() {
let _ = cancelation_tx.send(());
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::message::base::MessengerType;
use crate::service::test::Payload;
use crate::service::MessageHub;
use crate::tests::scaffold::workload::Workload;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use rand::Rng;
fn test_id_generation() {
let mut generator = IdGenerator::new();
// Ensure generator creates subsequent ids that don't match.
assert!(generator.generate() != generator.generate());
#[fuchsia::test(allow_stalls = false)]
async fn test_job_functionality() {
// Create delegate for communication between components.
let message_hub_delegate = MessageHub::create_hub();
// Create a top-level receptor to receive communication from the workload.
let mut receptor = message_hub_delegate
.expect("should create receptor")
// Create a messenger to send communication from the workload.
let messenger = message_hub_delegate
.expect("should create messenger")
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
// The value expected to be conveyed from workload to receptor.
let val = rng.gen();
// Create job from workload scaffolding.
let job = Job::new(work::Load::Independent(Workload::new(
let _ = job
.execute(messenger, Some(Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()))), 0.into())
// Confirm received value matches the value sent from workload.
receptor.next_of::<Payload>().await.expect("should return result, not error").0,
Payload::Integer(value) if value == val);