blob: 95bf110969a42f3e8c2f0acc3c11dda1ffdd41e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/zx/job.h>
#include <lib/zx/process.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <lib/zx/thread.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <src/lib/unwinder/cfi_unwinder.h>
#include <src/lib/unwinder/fp_unwinder.h>
#include <src/lib/unwinder/fuchsia.h>
#include <src/lib/unwinder/unwind.h>
namespace profiler {
struct ThreadTarget {
zx::thread handle;
zx_koid_t tid;
// The unwinding library receives pointers and references. We place the relevant structs together to
// ensure they don't get copied/moved and invalidate the references.
struct UnwinderData {
explicit UnwinderData(const zx::unowned_process& process)
: memory(process->get()), cfi_unwinder(this->modules), fp_unwinder(&this->cfi_unwinder) {}
UnwinderData(const UnwinderData&) = delete;
UnwinderData(UnwinderData&&) = delete;
UnwinderData& operator=(const UnwinderData&) = delete;
UnwinderData& operator=(UnwinderData&&) = delete;
unwinder::FuchsiaMemory memory;
std::vector<unwinder::Module> modules;
// As each process has its own memory, we have an unwinder per process
unwinder::CfiUnwinder cfi_unwinder;
// mutable, because stepping the unwinder causes state to change
mutable unwinder::FramePointerUnwinder fp_unwinder;
struct ProcessTarget {
ProcessTarget(zx::process process, zx_koid_t pid,
std::unordered_map<zx_koid_t, ThreadTarget> threads)
: handle(std::move(process)),
unwinder_data(std::make_unique<UnwinderData>(handle.borrow())) {}
zx::process handle;
zx_koid_t pid;
std::unordered_map<zx_koid_t, ThreadTarget> threads;
std::unique_ptr<UnwinderData> unwinder_data;
struct JobTarget {
explicit JobTarget(zx::job job, zx_koid_t job_id, cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> ancestry)
: job(std::move(job)), job_id(job_id), ancestry(ancestry.begin(), ancestry.end()) {}
JobTarget(zx::job job, zx_koid_t job_id, std::unordered_map<zx_koid_t, ProcessTarget> processes,
std::unordered_map<zx_koid_t, JobTarget> child_jobs,
cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> ancestry)
: job(std::move(job)),
ancestry(ancestry.begin(), ancestry.end()) {}
JobTarget(const JobTarget&) = delete;
JobTarget(JobTarget&&) = default;
zx::job job;
zx_koid_t job_id;
std::unordered_map<zx_koid_t, ProcessTarget> processes;
std::unordered_map<zx_koid_t, JobTarget> child_jobs;
// The list of ancestor jobs encountered while traversing starting at root job to this job.
// Contains the root job, but does not contain this job.
std::vector<const zx_koid_t> ancestry;
// Do a depth first search to call f on each process in the modeled job tree.
zx::result<> ForEachProcess(
const fit::function<zx::result<>(cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> job_path,
const ProcessTarget& target)>& f) const;
// Do a depth first search to call f on each child job in the modeled job tree.
zx::result<> ForEachJob(const fit::function<zx::result<>(const JobTarget& target)>& f) const;
// Add `job` into the job tree as a child to the nested jobs specified by `ancestry`.
// Returns zx::ok if the job was successfully added,
// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND if there is no matching ancestry
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if there is already an existing job at the location with the same job_id
// Note: `ancestry` is the jobs that `job` will be placed under and does not include the job_id of
// `job` itself.
zx::result<> AddJob(cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> ancestry, JobTarget&& job);
// Add `process` into the job tree as a child to the job specified by `job_path`
// Returns zx::ok if the process was successfully added,
// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND if there is no matching job_path
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if there is already an existing process at the location with the same pid
zx::result<> AddProcess(cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> job_path, ProcessTarget&& process);
// Add `thread` into the job tree as a child to process in job specified by `pid` and `job_path`.
// Returns zx::ok if the thread was successfully added,
// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND if there is no matching job_path
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if there is already an existing thread at the location with the same tid
zx::result<> AddThread(cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> job_path, zx_koid_t pid,
ThreadTarget&& thread);
zx::result<> RemoveThread(cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> job_path, zx_koid_t pid, zx_koid_t tid);
// Given a process, create a process target containing it and all its threads
zx::result<profiler::ProcessTarget> MakeProcessTarget(zx::process process);
// Given a job, create a job target containing it, its processes, their threads, and its child jobs.
// Additionally, the created job will be given the ancestry specified by `ancestry`.
zx::result<profiler::JobTarget> MakeJobTarget(zx::job job, cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> ancestry);
// Given a job, create a job target containing it, its processes, their threads, and its child jobs.
// The resulting job will have no parent or ancestors.
zx::result<profiler::JobTarget> MakeJobTarget(zx::job job);
class TargetTree {
TargetTree() = default;
TargetTree(const TargetTree&) = delete;
TargetTree& operator=(const TargetTree&) = delete;
TargetTree(TargetTree&&) = default;
TargetTree& operator=(TargetTree&&) = default;
// Add `job` into top level set of jobs in the tree.
// Returns zx::ok if the job was successfully added,
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if there is already an existing job with the same job_id
zx::result<> AddJob(JobTarget&& job);
// Add `thread` into the tree as a child to the process specified by `pid` with no parent job
// Returns zx::ok if the thread was successfully added,
// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND if there is no process matching `pid`
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if there is already an existing thread at the location
zx::result<> AddThread(zx_koid_t pid, ThreadTarget&& thread);
zx::result<> RemoveThread(zx_koid_t pid, zx_koid_t tid);
// Add `process` into the job tree as a process with no parent job
// Returns zx::ok if the process was successfully added,
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if there is already an existing process with the same pid
zx::result<> AddProcess(ProcessTarget&& process);
// Add `job` into the job tree as a child to the job specified by `ancestry`.
// Returns zx::ok if the job was successfully added,
// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND if there is no matching ancestry
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if there is already an existing job at the location with the same job_id
// Note: `ancestry` is the jobs that `job` will be placed under and does not include the job_id of
// `job` itself.
zx::result<> AddJob(cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> ancestry, JobTarget&& job);
zx::result<> RemoveThread(cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> job_path, zx_koid_t pid, zx_koid_t tid);
// Add `thread` into the job tree as a child to the job specified by `job_path` in the process
// `pid`
// Returns zx::ok if the thread was successfully added,
// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND if there is no matching job_path
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if there is already an existing thread at the location with the same tid
zx::result<> AddThread(cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> job_path, zx_koid_t pid,
ThreadTarget&& thread);
// Add `process` into the job tree as a child in the job by `job_path`.
// Returns zx::ok if the process was successfully added,
// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND if there is no matching job_path
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if there is already an existing thread at the location with the same tid
zx::result<> AddProcess(cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> job_path, ProcessTarget&& process);
void Clear();
// Call `f` on each Job in the TargetTree. The order each job is visited is unspecified. If `f`
// returns an error, the function will short circuit and immediately return the error code without
// visiting any remaining jobs.
zx::result<> ForEachJob(const fit::function<zx::result<>(const JobTarget& target)>& f);
// Call `f` on each top level unparented process as well as every process in each added job. The
// order each process is visited is unspecified. If `f` returns an error, the function will short
// circuit and immediately return the error code without visiting any remaining processes.
zx::result<> ForEachProcess(
const fit::function<zx::result<>(cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> job_path,
const ProcessTarget& target)>& f);
std::unordered_map<zx_koid_t, JobTarget> jobs_;
std::unordered_map<zx_koid_t, ProcessTarget> processes_;
} // namespace profiler