blob: 14458ffeea2503f7d53493918f7b9840fd5784fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "kernel_sampler.h"
#include <fidl/fuchsia.kernel/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/component/incoming/cpp/protocol.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls-next.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <trace-reader/reader.h>
#include <trace-reader/records.h>
profiler::KernelSamplerSession::CreateAndInit(const zx_sampler_config_t& config) {
auto debug_client_end = component::Connect<fuchsia_kernel::DebugResource>();
if (debug_client_end.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, debug_client_end.error_value()) << "Failed to get connect to debug resource";
return zx::error(debug_client_end.status_value());
auto debug_result = fidl::SyncClient(std::move(*debug_client_end))->Get();
if (!debug_result.is_ok()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << debug_result.error_value() << " Failed to get debug resource";
return zx::error(debug_result.error_value().status());
zx::resource debug_resource = std::move(debug_result->resource());
zx::iob iob;
if (zx_status_t init_status =
zx_sampler_create(debug_resource.get(), 0, &config, iob.reset_and_get_address());
init_status != ZX_OK) {
return zx::error(init_status);
return zx::ok(std::make_unique<profiler::KernelSamplerSession>(std::move(iob)));
zx::result<> profiler::KernelSamplerSession::Start() {
if (running_) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
running_ = true;
return zx::make_result(zx_sampler_start(per_cpu_buffers_.get()));
zx::result<> profiler::KernelSamplerSession::Stop() {
if (!running_) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
running_ = false;
return zx::make_result(zx_sampler_stop(per_cpu_buffers_.get()));
zx::result<> profiler::KernelSamplerSession::AttachThread(const zx::thread& thread) const {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Attaching to thread: " << thread.get();
return zx::make_result(zx_sampler_attach(per_cpu_buffers_.get(), thread.get()));
zx::result<> profiler::KernelSampler::Start(size_t buffer_size_mb) {
// Verify we support the requested samples
// We currently only support 1 samplespec, and that's backtraces via frame pointers
if (sample_specs_.size() != 1) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Kernel sampling currently only supports one sampling approach at a time. ("
<< sample_specs_.size() << " approaches specified)";
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
if (sample_specs_[0].timebase() != fuchsia_cpu_profiler::Counter::WithPlatformIndependent(
fuchsia_cpu_profiler::CounterId::kNanoseconds)) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Sampling currently only supports timer based sampling";
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
if (!sample_specs_[0].sample()->callgraph() ||
!sample_specs_[0].sample()->callgraph()->strategy() ||
sample_specs_[0].sample()->callgraph()->strategy() !=
fuchsia_cpu_profiler::CallgraphStrategy::kFramePointer) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Sampling currently only supports framepointer based sampling";
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
buffer_size_bytes_ = (1 << 20) * buffer_size_mb;
zx_sampler_config_t config{
.period =
.buffer_size = buffer_size_bytes_};
zx::result session_result = KernelSamplerSession::CreateAndInit(config);
if (session_result.is_error()) {
return session_result.take_error();
session_ = std::move(session_result).value();
zx::result known_threads_res = targets_.ForEachProcess(
[this](cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> job_path, const ProcessTarget& p) -> zx::result<> {
for (const auto& [koid, thread] : p.threads) {
if (zx::result res = session_->AttachThread(thread.handle); res.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, res.error_value()) << "failed to set up thread sampling";
return res;
std::vector<const zx_koid_t> saved_path{job_path.begin(), job_path.end()};
auto process_watcher = std::make_unique<ProcessWatcher>(
[saved_path, this](zx_koid_t pid, zx_koid_t tid, zx::thread t) {
AddThread(saved_path, pid, tid, std::move(t));
[saved_path, this](zx_koid_t pid, zx_koid_t tid) {
RemoveThread(saved_path, pid, tid);
auto [it, emplaced] = process_watchers_.emplace(, std::move(process_watcher));
if (emplaced) {
zx::result watch_result = it->second->Watch(dispatcher_);
if (watch_result.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, watch_result.status_value()) << "Failed to watch process: " <<;
return watch_result.take_error();
return zx::ok();
if (known_threads_res.is_error()) {
return known_threads_res;
// If a watched job launches a new process, we want to add it to the set
zx::result watch_result =
targets_.ForEachJob([this](const JobTarget& target) { return WatchTarget(target); });
if (watch_result.is_error()) {
return watch_result;
return session_->Start();
zx::result<> profiler::KernelSampler::AddTarget(JobTarget&& target) {
if (session_) {
if (zx::result<> watch_res = WatchTarget(target); watch_res.is_error()) {
return watch_res;
zx::result<> res = target.ForEachProcess(
[this](cpp20::span<const zx_koid_t> job_path, const ProcessTarget& p) -> zx::result<> {
for (const auto& [koid, thread] : p.threads) {
if (zx::result res = session_->AttachThread(thread.handle); res.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, res.error_value()) << "failed Add thread target";
return res;
return zx::ok();
if (res.is_error()) {
return res;
return targets_.AddJob(std::move(target));
zx::result<> profiler::KernelSampler::Stop() {
if (zx::result res = session_->Stop(); res.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGS(WARNING, res.error_value()) << "Failed to stop";
return res;
zx::iob buffers;
if (zx::result buffers_result = session_->GetBuffers(); buffers_result.is_ok()) {
buffers = *std::move(buffers_result);
} else {
return buffers_result.take_error();
zx_info_iob_t info;
zx_status_t res = buffers.get_info(ZX_INFO_IOB, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr);
if (res != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, res) << "Failed to get info about iob";
return zx::error(res);
trace::TraceReader::RecordConsumer consume_record = [this](trace::Record rec) {
if (rec.type() != trace::RecordType::kLargeRecord) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Unhandled record type: " << static_cast<uint64_t>(rec.type());
const trace::LargeRecordData& large_record = rec.GetLargeRecord();
if (large_record.type() != trace::LargeRecordType::kBlob) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Unhandled large record type: "
<< static_cast<uint64_t>(large_record.type());
const trace::LargeRecordData::Blob& blob = large_record.GetBlob();
if (std::holds_alternative<trace::LargeRecordData::BlobAttachment>(blob)) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Unhandled large blob without metadata";
const trace::LargeRecordData::BlobEvent& blob_event =
// The blob we are given is an array of instruction pointers of size blob_size
const uint64_t* read_head = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(blob_event.blob);
const std::vector<uint64_t> stack{read_head,
read_head + blob_event.blob_size / sizeof(uint64_t)};
const zx_koid_t pid = blob_event.process_thread.process_koid();
const zx_koid_t tid = blob_event.process_thread.thread_koid();
samples_[pid].push_back({pid, tid, std::move(stack)});
// TODO(gmtr) figure out how properly measure the overhead of kernel sampling
zx_status_t encountered_error = ZX_OK;
trace::TraceReader::ErrorHandler handle_error = [&encountered_error](fbl::String err) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Encountered malformed data: " << err.c_str();
encountered_error = ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE;
trace::TraceReader reader{std::move(consume_record), std::move(handle_error)};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info.region_count; ++i) {
zx_vaddr_t ptr;
zx_status_t res =
zx::vmar::root_self()->map_iob(ZX_VM_PERM_READ, 0, buffers, i, 0, buffer_size_bytes_, &ptr);
if (res != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(INFO, res) << "Failed to map region";
return zx::error(res);
trace::Chunk data{reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(ptr), buffer_size_bytes_ / 8};
if (!reader.ReadRecords(data)) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Buffer " << i << " corrupted";
encountered_error = ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE;
if (zx_status_t status = zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptr, buffer_size_bytes_);
status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, status) << "Failed to unmap buffer " << i;
return zx::error(status);
return zx::make_result(encountered_error);
void profiler::KernelSampler::AddThread(std::vector<const zx_koid_t> job_path, zx_koid_t pid,
zx_koid_t tid, zx::thread t) {
if (zx::result res = session_->AttachThread(t); res.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, res.status_value()) << "Failed to start sampling thread: " << tid;
// Add the the thread it so we can later grab its address space and module information for
// symbolization purposes.
if (zx::result res =
targets_.AddThread(job_path, pid, ThreadTarget{.handle = std::move(t), .tid = tid});
res.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, res.status_value()) << "Failed to add thread to session: " << tid;
void profiler::KernelSampler::RemoveThread(std::vector<const zx_koid_t> job_path, zx_koid_t pid,
zx_koid_t tid) {
zx::result res = targets_.RemoveThread(job_path, pid, tid);
if (res.is_error()) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, res.status_value()) << "Failed to remove exited thread: " << tid;