blob: b4347787c865b53ca2742436b3f5eed2ff2eeec8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "codec_adapter_vaapi_decoder.h"
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/media/codec_impl/fourcc.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <safemath/checked_math.h>
#include <safemath/safe_conversions.h>
#include <va/va_drmcommon.h>
#include "geometry.h"
#include "h264_accelerator.h"
#include "media/gpu/h264_decoder.h"
#include "media/gpu/vp9_decoder.h"
#include "mjpeg_accelerator.h"
#include "mjpeg_decoder.h"
#include "vp9_accelerator.h"
// This class manages output buffers when the client selects a linear buffer output. Since the
// output is linear the client will have to deswizzle the output from the decoded picture buffer
// (DPB) meaning that we can't directly share the output with the client. The manager will be
// responsible for creating the DPB surfaces used by the decoder and reconstructing them when a mid
// stream configuration change is required. This buffer manager will also be responsible for copying
// the output from the DBPs to the CodecBuffers the client provides us.
class LinearBufferManager : public SurfaceBufferManager {
LinearBufferManager(std::mutex& codec_lock, CodecFailureCallback failure_callback)
: SurfaceBufferManager(codec_lock, std::move(failure_callback)) {}
~LinearBufferManager() override = default;
void AddBuffer(const CodecBuffer* buffer) override { output_buffer_pool_.AddBuffer(buffer); }
void RecycleBuffer(const CodecBuffer* buffer) override {
LinearOutput local_output;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(codec_lock_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(in_use_by_client_.find(buffer) != in_use_by_client_.end());
local_output = std::move(in_use_by_client_[buffer]);
// ~ local_output, which may trigger a buffer free callback.
void DeconfigureBuffers() override {
// First drop all the buffers that are currently in use by the client, this will return them
// back to the ouput_buffer_pool_.
std::map<const CodecBuffer*, LinearOutput> to_drop;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(codec_lock_);
std::swap(to_drop, in_use_by_client_);
// ~to_drop
// Once all the buffers have been returned to the bool, deallocate them
scoped_refptr<VASurface> GetDPBSurface() override {
uint64_t surface_generation;
VASurfaceID surface_id;
gfx::Size pic_size;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(surface_lock_);
if (dpb_surfaces_.empty()) {
return {};
surface_id = dpb_surfaces_.back().release();
surface_generation = surface_generation_;
pic_size = dpb_surface_size_;
// Called once the reference count of the surface hits 0, meaning that it is no longer in use by
// the decoder. If the surface_generation_ is the same as when the surface was created, then we
// transfer ownership back to the |dpb_surfaces_| data structure. If however the surface
// generation parameters have changed then we destroy the surface by calling
// vaDestroySurfaces().
VASurface::ReleaseCB release_cb = [this, surface_generation](VASurfaceID surface_id) {
std::lock_guard lock(surface_lock_);
if (surface_generation_ == surface_generation) {
} else {
auto status =
vaDestroySurfaces(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(), &surface_id, 1);
if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "vaDestroySurfaces failed", FX_KV("error_str", vaErrorStr(status)));
return std::make_shared<VASurface>(surface_id, pic_size, VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420,
std::optional<std::pair<const CodecBuffer*, uint32_t>> ProcessOutputSurface(
scoped_refptr<VASurface> va_surface) override {
const CodecBuffer* buffer = output_buffer_pool_.AllocateBuffer();
// Check to make sure the |output_buffer_pool_| was not canceled.
if (!buffer) {
return std::nullopt;
// If any errors happen, release the buffer back into the pool unless canceled.
auto release_buffer = fit::defer([&]() { output_buffer_pool_.FreeBuffer(buffer->base()); });
// Even though there can be surfaces of varying different resolutions, we can always be
// guaranteed that the current surface will be able to hold the current frame. And we should
// base all calculations based on the current surface and not |dpb_surface_size_|.
const auto& surface_size = va_surface->size();
// Calculate the size of the Y and UV planes for the given surface. We will be populating these
// values into various VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor fields which are of type uint32_t. Ensure
// that the values can be represented as a uint32_t
// We calculating the |aligned_stride_checked| we use the width of the current surface. The
// picture width might be smaller, but we still need the stride of the actual surface in order
// to calculate the correct size. For the Y and UV plane height we use |coded_picture_size_|
// which holds the current picture size since the height is based on the current picture size
// and the width is based on the overall surface stride.
// TODO( We should consider making the created surface only as big
// as needed to hold the image generated by |coded_picture_size_| instead of the the current
// size of the surface. This would require that we inform the client that update |bytes_per_row|
// to reflect the current size of the smaller surface. The below method works fine, we do end up
// create an image backed by a surface that can be larger than |coded_picture_size_| which will
// increase the amount of time to deswizzle and copy to our VMO since we will end up copying
// junk data in the DPB that was not a part of the current decode operation.
auto aligned_stride_checked = safemath::MakeCheckedNum(surface_size.width()).Cast<uint32_t>();
auto aligned_y_height = safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(coded_picture_size_.height());
auto aligned_uv_height = safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(coded_picture_size_.height()) / 2u;
auto y_plane_size_checked =
safemath::CheckMul(aligned_stride_checked, aligned_y_height).Cast<uint32_t>();
auto uv_plane_size_checked =
safemath::CheckMul(aligned_stride_checked, aligned_uv_height).Cast<uint32_t>();
auto total_plane_size_checked = (y_plane_size_checked + uv_plane_size_checked).Cast<uint32_t>();
uint32_t aligned_stride, y_plane_size, total_plane_size;
if (!aligned_stride_checked.IsValid()) {
FX_SLOG(ERROR, "Ouput stride can not be represented as uint32_t");
return std::nullopt;
aligned_stride = aligned_stride_checked.ValueOrDie();
if (!y_plane_size_checked.IsValid()) {
FX_SLOG(ERROR, "Y-Plane size can not be represented as uint32_t");
return std::nullopt;
y_plane_size = y_plane_size_checked.ValueOrDie();
if (!total_plane_size_checked.IsValid()) {
FX_SLOG(ERROR, "Total plane size can not be represented as uint32_t");
return std::nullopt;
total_plane_size = total_plane_size_checked.ValueOrDie();
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(buffer->size() >= total_plane_size,
"Picture size (%u bytes) exceeds buffer size (%zu bytes)", total_plane_size,
zx::vmo vmo_dup;
zx_status_t zx_status = buffer->vmo().duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &vmo_dup);
if (zx_status != ZX_OK) {
FX_SLOG(ERROR, "Failed to duplicate vmo",
FX_KV("error_str", zx_status_get_string(zx_status)));
return std::nullopt;
// For the moment we use DRM_PRIME_2 to represent VMOs.
// To specify the destination VMO, we need two VASurfaceAttrib, one to set the
// VASurfaceAttribMemoryType to VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_DRM_PRIME_2 and one for the
// VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor.
VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor ext_attrib{};
VASurfaceAttrib attrib[2] = {
{.type = VASurfaceAttribMemoryType,
.value = {.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger,
{.type = VASurfaceAttribExternalBufferDescriptor,
.value = {.type = VAGenericValueTypePointer, .value = {.p = &ext_attrib}}},
// VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor width will match the output stride instead of the coded width.
ext_attrib.width = surface_size.width();
ext_attrib.height = coded_picture_size_.height();
ext_attrib.fourcc = VA_FOURCC_NV12; // 2 plane YCbCr
ext_attrib.num_objects = 1;
ext_attrib.objects[0].fd = vmo_dup.release();
ext_attrib.objects[0].drm_format_modifier = fuchsia::sysmem::FORMAT_MODIFIER_LINEAR;
ext_attrib.objects[0].size = static_cast<uint32_t>(buffer->size());
ext_attrib.num_layers = 1;
ext_attrib.layers[0].drm_format = make_fourcc('N', 'V', '1', '2');
ext_attrib.layers[0].num_planes = 2;
// Y plane
ext_attrib.layers[0].object_index[0] = 0;
ext_attrib.layers[0].pitch[0] = aligned_stride;
ext_attrib.layers[0].offset[0] = 0;
// UV Plane
ext_attrib.layers[0].object_index[1] = 0;
ext_attrib.layers[0].pitch[1] = aligned_stride;
ext_attrib.layers[0].offset[1] = y_plane_size;
VAStatus status = vaSyncSurface(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(), va_surface->id());
if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// Get more information of the error, if possible. vaQuerySurfaceError can only be called iff
// vaSyncSurface returns VA_STATUS_ERROR_DECODING_ERROR. If that is the case then we call
// vaQuerySurfaceError which will return an array of macroblock error structures which tells
// us what offending macroblocks caused the error and what type of error was encountered.
bool detailed_query = false;
VASurfaceDecodeMBErrors* decode_mb_errors;
VAStatus query_status = vaQuerySurfaceError(
VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(), va_surface->id(),
VA_STATUS_ERROR_DECODING_ERROR, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&decode_mb_errors));
if (query_status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
detailed_query = true;
FX_SLOG(ERROR, "SyncSurface failed due to the following macroblock errors ...");
// Limit the amount of errors we can display, just to ensure we don't enter an infinite
// loop or spam the log with messages
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxMBErrors = 10u;
uint32_t mb_error_count = 0u;
while ((decode_mb_errors != nullptr) && (decode_mb_errors->status != -1) &&
(mb_error_count < kMaxMBErrors)) {
ERROR, "SyncSurface a macroblock error",
FX_KV("decode_error", (decode_mb_errors->decode_error_type == VADecodeSliceMissing)
? "VADecodeSliceMissing"
: "VADecodeMBError"),
FX_KV("start_mb", decode_mb_errors->start_mb),
FX_KV("end_mb", decode_mb_errors->end_mb),
FX_KV("num_mb", decode_mb_errors->num_mb));
// If the error was not VA_STATUS_ERROR_DECODING_ERROR or vaQuerySurfaceError returned an
// error, just log a generic error message.
if (!detailed_query) {
FX_SLOG(ERROR, "SyncSurface failed", FX_KV("error_str", vaErrorStr(status)));
return std::nullopt;
// Create the surface backed by the destination VMO. Since we are using
// VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor, the width and height of the vaCreateSurfaces() call will be
// overridden by |ext_attrib.width| and |ext_attrib.height|.
VASurfaceID processed_surface_id;
status =
vaCreateSurfaces(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(), VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420,
ext_attrib.width, ext_attrib.height, &processed_surface_id, 1, attrib, 2);
if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "vaCreateSurfaces failed", FX_KV("error_str", vaErrorStr(status)));
return std::nullopt;
ScopedSurfaceID processed_surface(processed_surface_id);
// Set up a VAImage for the destination VMO.
VAImage image;
status =
vaDeriveImage(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(),, &image);
if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "vaDeriveImage failed", FX_KV("error_str", vaErrorStr(status)));
return std::nullopt;
ScopedImageID scoped_image(image.image_id);
// Copy from potentially-tiled surface to output surface. Intel decoders only
// support writing to Y-tiled textures, so this copy is necessary for linear
// output.
status = vaGetImage(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(), va_surface->id(), 0, 0,
surface_size.width(), coded_picture_size_.height(),;
if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "vaGetImage failed", FX_KV("error_str", vaErrorStr(status)));
return std::nullopt;
// ~processed_surface: Clean up the image; the data was already copied to the destination VMO
// above.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(codec_lock_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(in_use_by_client_.count(buffer) == 0);
in_use_by_client_.emplace(buffer, LinearOutput(buffer, this));
// ~guard
// LinearOutput has taken ownership of the buffer.
return std::make_pair(buffer, total_plane_size);
void Reset() override { output_buffer_pool_.Reset(true); }
void StopAllWaits() override { output_buffer_pool_.StopAllWaits(); }
gfx::Size GetRequiredSurfaceSize(const gfx::Size& picture_size) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(surface_lock_);
return GetRequiredSurfaceSizeLocked(picture_size);
bool NeedsKeyframeForBufferAllocation() const override { return false; }
gfx::Size GetRequiredSurfaceSizeLocked(const gfx::Size& picture_size) FXL_REQUIRE(surface_lock_) {
// Given the new picture size and the current surface size, create a surface size that will
// allow us to hold decoded picture without shrinking the dimensions of the current DPB surface.
// Since media-driver does not allow the surfaces to become smaller, ensure that the surface
// dimensions are always at least equal to what they were before this function call.
uint32_t unaligned_surface_width =
safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(std::max(picture_size.width(), dpb_surface_size_.width()));
uint32_t unaligned_surface_height = safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(
std::max(picture_size.height(), dpb_surface_size_.height()));
uint32_t aligned_surface_width = fbl::round_up(
unaligned_surface_width, CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::kLinearSurfaceWidthAlignment);
uint32_t aligned_surface_height = fbl::round_up(
unaligned_surface_height, CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::kLinearSurfaceHeightAlignment);
return {safemath::checked_cast<int>(aligned_surface_width),
void OnSurfaceGenerationUpdatedLocked(size_t num_of_surfaces)
FXL_REQUIRE(surface_lock_) override {
// Clear all existing DPB surfaces that are not currently allocated to a reference frame. Any
// surfaces that are currently being used as a reference frame will still be allocated for as
// long as they are held by the decoder. Once they are no longer referenced they will be
// destroyed instead of being returned back to |dpb_surfaces_|.
// Given the new picture size and the current surface size, create a surface size that will
// allow us to hold decoded picture without shrinking the dimensions of the current DPB surface.
// Since media-driver does not allow the surfaces to become smaller, ensure that the surface
// dimensions are always at least equal to what they were before this function call.
dpb_surface_size_ = GetRequiredSurfaceSizeLocked(coded_picture_size_);
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "Increased DPB surface size",
FX_KV("dpb_surface_width", dpb_surface_size_.width()),
FX_KV("dpb_surface_height", dpb_surface_size_.height()));
// Create the new number for requested DBP surfaces at the picture size.
// TODO( Consider only replacing amount of unused surfaces in
// |dpb_surfaces_| and then allocate the replacement surfaces once the old one is destroyed.
// This way reduce the overall memory usage but more information gathering would need to be done
// to show that we would not need to increase the number of DPB surfaces needed todo the decode
// operation, or we can do sysmem incremental allocation and use it here.
VASurfaceAttrib attrib = {.type = VASurfaceAttribPixelFormat,
.value = {.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger,
.value = {.i = make_fourcc('N', 'V', '1', '2')}}};
std::vector<VASurfaceID> va_surfaces(num_of_surfaces, VA_INVALID_SURFACE);
VAStatus va_res =
vaCreateSurfaces(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(), VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420,
dpb_surface_size_.width(), dpb_surface_size_.height(),,
static_cast<uint32_t>(va_surfaces.size()), &attrib, 1);
if (va_res != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "vaCreateSurfaces failed: " << vaErrorStr(va_res);
for (VASurfaceID id : va_surfaces) {
// VA-API outputs are distinct from the DPB and are stored in a regular
// BufferPool, since the hardware doesn't necessarily support decoding to a
// linear format like downstream consumers might need.
class LinearOutput {
LinearOutput() = default;
LinearOutput(const CodecBuffer* buffer, LinearBufferManager* buffer_manager)
: codec_buffer_(buffer), buffer_manager_(buffer_manager) {}
~LinearOutput() {
if (buffer_manager_) {
// Delete copying
LinearOutput(const LinearOutput&) noexcept = delete;
LinearOutput& operator=(const LinearOutput&) noexcept = delete;
// Allow moving
LinearOutput(LinearOutput&& other) noexcept {
codec_buffer_ = other.codec_buffer_;
buffer_manager_ = other.buffer_manager_;
other.buffer_manager_ = nullptr;
LinearOutput& operator=(LinearOutput&& other) noexcept {
codec_buffer_ = other.codec_buffer_;
buffer_manager_ = other.buffer_manager_;
other.buffer_manager_ = nullptr;
return *this;
const CodecBuffer* codec_buffer_ = nullptr;
LinearBufferManager* buffer_manager_ = nullptr;
// The order of output_buffer_pool_ and in_use_by_client_ matters, so that
// destruction of in_use_by_client_ happens first, because those destructing
// will return buffers to output_buffer_pool_.
BufferPool output_buffer_pool_;
std::map<const CodecBuffer*, LinearOutput> in_use_by_client_ FXL_GUARDED_BY(codec_lock_);
// Holds the DPB surfaces that are allocated but not currently in use by the decoder. Once
// GetDPBSurface() is called, the surface is then transferred from the ScopedSurfaceID RAII
// wrapper to the a scoped_refptr<VASurface> wrapper and can not be destroyed until all references
// of the wrapper are released.
std::vector<ScopedSurfaceID> dpb_surfaces_ FXL_GUARDED_BY(surface_lock_) = {};
// This class manages output buffers when the client selects a tiled buffer output. Since the output
// is tiled the client will directly share the output from the decoded picture buffer (DPB). The
// manager will be responsible for creating the DPB surfaces that are backed by CodecBuffers the
// client provides us. The manager is also responsible for reconfiguring surfaces when a mid stream
// configuration change is required.
class TiledBufferManager : public SurfaceBufferManager {
TiledBufferManager(std::mutex& codec_lock, CodecFailureCallback failure_callback)
: SurfaceBufferManager(codec_lock, std::move(failure_callback)) {}
~TiledBufferManager() override = default;
void AddBuffer(const CodecBuffer* buffer) override { output_buffer_pool_.AddBuffer(buffer); }
void RecycleBuffer(const CodecBuffer* buffer) override {
scoped_refptr<VASurface> to_drop;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(codec_lock_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(in_use_by_client_.count(buffer) != 0);
auto map_itr = in_use_by_client_.find(buffer);
to_drop = std::move(map_itr->second);
// ~ to_drop, which may trigger a buffer free callback if the decoder is no longer referencing
// the frame
void DeconfigureBuffers() override {
// Drop all references to buffers referenced by the client but keep the ones referenced by the
// decoder
std::unordered_multimap<const CodecBuffer*, scoped_refptr<VASurface>> to_drop;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(codec_lock_);
std::swap(to_drop, in_use_by_client_);
// ~to_drop
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(surface_lock_);
// Getting a DPB requires that the surface is not in use by the client. This differs from the
// linear version where DPB were not backed by a VMO. This function will block until a buffer is
// recycled by the client or the manager is reset by the codec.
scoped_refptr<VASurface> GetDPBSurface() override {
const CodecBuffer* buffer = output_buffer_pool_.AllocateBuffer();
if (!buffer) {
return {};
// If any errors happen, release the buffer back into the pool
auto release_buffer = fit::defer([&]() { output_buffer_pool_.FreeBuffer(buffer->base()); });
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(surface_lock_);
VASurfaceID vmo_surface_id;
// Check to see if there already is a surface allocated for this buffer
auto map_itr = allocated_free_surfaces_.find(buffer);
if (map_itr != allocated_free_surfaces_.end()) {
vmo_surface_id = map_itr->second.release();
} else {
zx::vmo vmo_dup;
zx_status_t zx_status = buffer->vmo().duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &vmo_dup);
if (zx_status != ZX_OK) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Failed to duplicate vmo",
FX_KV("error_str", zx_status_get_string(zx_status)));
return {};
const auto aligned_stride_checked = GetAlignedStride(dpb_surface_size_);
const auto& [y_plane_checked, uv_plane_checked] = GetSurfacePlaneSizes(dpb_surface_size_);
const auto pic_size_checked = (y_plane_checked + uv_plane_checked).Cast<uint32_t>();
if (!aligned_stride_checked.IsValid()) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Aligned stride overflowed");
return {};
if (!pic_size_checked.IsValid()) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Output picture size overflowed");
return {};
size_t pic_size_bytes = static_cast<size_t>(pic_size_checked.ValueOrDie());
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(buffer->size() >= pic_size_bytes,
"surface size (%zu bytes) exceeds buffer size (%zu bytes)", pic_size_bytes,
// For the moment we use DRM_PRIME_2 to represent VMOs.
// To specify the destination VMO, we need two VASurfaceAttrib, one to set the
// VASurfaceAttribMemoryType to VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_DRM_PRIME_2 and one for the
// VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor.
VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor ext_attrib{};
VASurfaceAttrib attrib[2] = {
{.type = VASurfaceAttribMemoryType,
.value = {.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger,
{.type = VASurfaceAttribExternalBufferDescriptor,
.value = {.type = VAGenericValueTypePointer, .value = {.p = &ext_attrib}}},
// VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor
ext_attrib.width = dpb_surface_size_.width();
ext_attrib.height = dpb_surface_size_.height();
ext_attrib.fourcc = VA_FOURCC_NV12; // 2 plane YCbCr
ext_attrib.num_objects = 1;
ext_attrib.objects[0].fd = vmo_dup.release();
ext_attrib.objects[0].drm_format_modifier =
ext_attrib.objects[0].size = pic_size_checked.ValueOrDie();
ext_attrib.num_layers = 1;
ext_attrib.layers[0].drm_format = make_fourcc('N', 'V', '1', '2');
ext_attrib.layers[0].num_planes = 2;
// Y plane
ext_attrib.layers[0].object_index[0] = 0;
ext_attrib.layers[0].pitch[0] = aligned_stride_checked.ValueOrDie();
ext_attrib.layers[0].offset[0] = 0;
// UV Plane
ext_attrib.layers[0].object_index[1] = 0;
ext_attrib.layers[0].pitch[1] = aligned_stride_checked.ValueOrDie();
ext_attrib.layers[0].offset[1] = y_plane_checked.ValueOrDie();
// Create one surface backed by the destination VMO.
VAStatus status = vaCreateSurfaces(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(),
VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420, dpb_surface_size_.width(),
dpb_surface_size_.height(), &vmo_surface_id, 1, attrib, 2);
if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "vaCreateSurfaces failed", FX_KV("error_str", vaErrorStr(status)));
return {};
gfx::Size dpb_surface_size = dpb_surface_size_;
uint64_t surface_generation = surface_generation_;
// Callback that is called when the ref_count of this new constructed surface hits 0, This
// occurs when the surface is no longer being used in the decoder (aka a new frame has replaced
// us) and is no longer in use by the client (surface has been removed from in_use_by_client_).
// Therefore once the VASurface release callback is called we can return this surface (and
// therefore the VMO backing the surface) back into the pool of available surfaces.
VASurface::ReleaseCB release_cb = [this, buffer, surface_generation](VASurfaceID surface_id) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(surface_lock_);
ZX_ASSERT(surface_to_buffer_.erase(surface_id) == 1);
if (surface_generation_ == surface_generation) {
allocated_free_surfaces_.emplace(buffer, surface_id);
} else {
auto status =
vaDestroySurfaces(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(), &surface_id, 1);
if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "vaDestroySurfaces failed", FX_KV("error_str", vaErrorStr(status)));
// ~guard
ZX_ASSERT(surface_to_buffer_.count(vmo_surface_id) == 0);
surface_to_buffer_.emplace(vmo_surface_id, buffer);
return std::make_shared<VASurface>(vmo_surface_id, dpb_surface_size, VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420,
std::optional<std::pair<const CodecBuffer*, uint32_t>> ProcessOutputSurface(
scoped_refptr<VASurface> va_surface) override {
VAStatus status = vaSyncSurface(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(), va_surface->id());
if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
FX_SLOG(ERROR, "SyncSurface failed", FX_KV("error_str", vaErrorStr(status)));
return std::nullopt;
const CodecBuffer* buffer = nullptr;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(surface_lock_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(surface_to_buffer_.count(va_surface->id()) != 0);
buffer = surface_to_buffer_[va_surface->id()];
if (!buffer) {
return {};
const auto& [y_plane_checked, uv_plane_checked] = GetSurfacePlaneSizes(va_surface->size());
const auto pic_size_checked = (y_plane_checked + uv_plane_checked).Cast<uint32_t>();
if (!pic_size_checked.IsValid()) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Output picture size overflowed");
return {};
// We are about to lend out the surface to the client so store the surface in in_use_by_client_
// multimap so it increments the refcount until the client recycles it
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(codec_lock_);
in_use_by_client_.insert(std::make_pair(buffer, va_surface));
return std::make_pair(buffer, pic_size_checked.ValueOrDie());
void Reset() override { output_buffer_pool_.Reset(true); }
void StopAllWaits() override { output_buffer_pool_.StopAllWaits(); }
gfx::Size GetRequiredSurfaceSize(const gfx::Size& picture_size) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(surface_lock_);
return GetRequiredSurfaceSizeLocked(picture_size);
bool NeedsKeyframeForBufferAllocation() const override { return true; }
gfx::Size GetRequiredSurfaceSizeLocked(const gfx::Size& picture_size) FXL_REQUIRE(surface_lock_) {
// Given the new picture size and the current surface size, create a surface size that will
// allow us to hold decoded picture without shrinking the dimensions of the current DPB surface.
// Since media-driver does not allow the surfaces to become smaller, ensure that the surface
// dimensions are always at least equal to what they were before this function call.
uint32_t unaligned_surface_width =
safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(std::max(picture_size.width(), dpb_surface_size_.width()));
uint32_t unaligned_surface_height = safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(
std::max(picture_size.height(), dpb_surface_size_.height()));
uint32_t aligned_surface_width = fbl::round_up(
unaligned_surface_width, CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::kTileSurfaceWidthAlignment);
uint32_t aligned_surface_height = fbl::round_up(
unaligned_surface_height, CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::kTileSurfaceHeightAlignment);
return {safemath::checked_cast<int>(aligned_surface_width),
void OnSurfaceGenerationUpdatedLocked(size_t num_of_surfaces)
FXL_REQUIRE(surface_lock_) override {
// This will call vaDestroySurface on all surfaces held by this data structure. Don't need to
// reconstruct the surfaces here. They will be reconstructed once GetDPBSurface() is called and
// the buffer has no linked surface.
// Given the new picture size and the current surface size, create a surface size that will
// allow us to hold decoded picture without shrinking the dimensions of the current DPB surface.
// Since media-driver does not allow the surfaces to become smaller, ensure that the surface
// dimensions are always at least equal to what they were before this function call.
dpb_surface_size_ = GetRequiredSurfaceSizeLocked(coded_picture_size_);
static safemath::internal::CheckedNumeric<uint32_t> GetAlignedStride(const gfx::Size& size) {
auto aligned_stride = fbl::round_up(static_cast<uint64_t>(size.width()),
return safemath::MakeCheckedNum(aligned_stride).Cast<uint32_t>();
static std::pair<safemath::internal::CheckedNumeric<uint32_t>,
GetSurfacePlaneSizes(const gfx::Size& size) {
// Depending on if the output is tiled or not we have to align our planes on tile boundaries
// for both width and height
auto aligned_stride = GetAlignedStride(size);
auto aligned_y_height = static_cast<uint32_t>(size.height());
auto aligned_uv_height = static_cast<uint32_t>(size.height()) / 2u;
aligned_y_height =
fbl::round_up(aligned_y_height, CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::kTileSurfaceHeightAlignment);
aligned_uv_height =
fbl::round_up(aligned_uv_height, CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::kTileSurfaceHeightAlignment);
auto y_plane_size = safemath::CheckMul(aligned_stride, aligned_y_height);
auto uv_plane_size = safemath::CheckMul(aligned_stride, aligned_uv_height);
return std::make_pair(y_plane_size, uv_plane_size);
// Structure that maps allocated buffers shared with the client. Once the buffer is no longer in
// use by the client and the decoder it should be removed from this map and marked as free in the
// output_buffer_pool_.
std::unordered_map<VASurfaceID, const CodecBuffer*> surface_to_buffer_
// Once a surface is allocated it is stored in this map which maps the codec buffer that backs
// the surface. If a resize event happens this structure will have to be invalidated and the
// surfaces will have to be regenerated to match the new surface_size_
std::unordered_map<const CodecBuffer*, ScopedSurfaceID> allocated_free_surfaces_
// Maps the codec buffer to the VA surface being shared to the client. In addition to the
// mapping this data structure holds a reference to the surface being used by the client,
// preventing it from being destructed prior to it being recycled.
// This has to be a multimap because it is possible to lend out the same surface concurrently to
// the client and we don't want the destructor of the VASurface to be called when only one of the
// lent out surfaces is recycled. For example on VP9 if show_existing_frame is marked true, we can
// lend out the same surface concurrently.
std::unordered_multimap<const CodecBuffer*, scoped_refptr<VASurface>> in_use_by_client_
void CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::CoreCodecInit(
const fuchsia::media::FormatDetails& initial_input_format_details) {
if (!initial_input_format_details.has_format_details_version_ordinal()) {
SetCodecFailure("CoreCodecInit(): Initial input format details missing version ordinal.");
// Will always be 0 for now.
input_format_details_version_ordinal_ =
const std::string& mime_type = initial_input_format_details.mime_type();
auto maybe_media_codec = CodecTypeFromMime(mime_type);
if (!maybe_media_codec.has_value()) {
SetCodecFailure("CodecCodecInit(): Unknown mime_type %s\n", mime_type.c_str());
media_codec_ = maybe_media_codec.value();
if (codec_diagnostics_) {
codec_instance_diagnostics_ =
VAConfigAttrib attribs[2] = {
{.type = VAConfigAttribRTFormat, .value = VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420},
{.type = VAConfigAttribDecSliceMode, .value = VA_DEC_SLICE_MODE_NORMAL}};
VAConfigID config_id;
VAEntrypoint va_entrypoint = VAEntrypointVLD;
VAStatus va_status;
VAProfile va_profile;
switch (media_codec_.value()) {
case CodecType::kMJPEG:
if (initial_input_format_details.has_profile() &&
(initial_input_format_details.profile() !=
fuchsia::media::CodecProfile::MJPEG_BASELINE)) {
SetCodecFailure("CodecCodecInit(): MJPEG decoder only supports BASELINE profile");
va_profile = VAProfileJPEGBaseline;
case CodecType::kH264:
if (initial_input_format_details.has_profile() &&
(initial_input_format_details.profile() !=
fuchsia::media::CodecProfile::H264PROFILE_HIGH)) {
SetCodecFailure("CodecCodecInit(): H.264 decoder only supports HIGH profile");
va_profile = VAProfileH264High;
case CodecType::kVP9:
if (initial_input_format_details.has_profile() &&
(initial_input_format_details.profile() !=
fuchsia::media::CodecProfile::VP9PROFILE_PROFILE0)) {
SetCodecFailure("CodecCodecInit(): VP9 decoder only supports PROFILE0 profile");
va_profile = VAProfileVP9Profile0;
SetCodecFailure("CodecCodecInit(): Unknown codec\n");
va_status = vaCreateConfig(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(), va_profile, va_entrypoint,
attribs, std::size(attribs), &config_id);
if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
SetCodecFailure("CodecCodecInit(): Failed to create config: %s", vaErrorStr(va_status));
int max_config_attributes = vaMaxNumConfigAttributes(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display());
std::vector<VAConfigAttrib> config_attributes(max_config_attributes);
int num_config_attributes;
va_status = vaQueryConfigAttributes(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(), config_->id(),
&va_profile, &va_entrypoint,,
if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
SetCodecFailure("CodecCodecInit(): Failed to query attributes: %s", vaErrorStr(va_status));
std::optional<uint32_t> max_height = std::nullopt;
std::optional<uint32_t> max_width = std::nullopt;
for (int i = 0; i < num_config_attributes; i += 1) {
const VAConfigAttrib& attrib = config_attributes[i];
switch (attrib.type) {
case VAConfigAttribMaxPictureHeight:
max_height = attrib.value;
case VAConfigAttribMaxPictureWidth:
max_width = attrib.value;
if (!max_height) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Could not query hardware for max picture height supported. Setting default.");
} else {
max_picture_height_ = max_height.value();
if (!max_width) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Could not query hardware for max picture width supported. Setting default.");
} else {
max_picture_width_ = max_width.value();
zx_status_t result =
input_processing_loop_.StartThread("input_processing_thread_", &input_processing_thread_);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
"CodecCodecInit(): Failed to start input processing thread with "
"zx_status_t: %d",
void CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::CoreCodecStartStream() {
// It's ok for RecycleInputPacket to make a packet free anywhere in this
// sequence. Nothing else ought to be happening during CoreCodecStartStream
// (in this or any other thread).
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(lock_);
is_stream_stopped_ = false;
// If the stream has initialized then reset
if (surface_buffer_manager_) {
TRACE_INSTANT("codec_runner", "Media:Start", TRACE_SCOPE_THREAD);
void CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::CoreCodecResetStreamAfterCurrentFrame() {
// Before we reset the decoder we must ensure that ProcessInputLoop() has exited and has no
// outstanding tasks
// Reconstruct |media_decoder_|
void CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::DecodeAnnexBBuffer(media::DecoderBuffer buffer) {
media_decoder_->SetStream(next_stream_id_++, buffer);
while (true) {
state_ = DecoderState::kDecoding;
auto result = media_decoder_->Decode();
state_ = DecoderState::kIdle;
if (result == media::AcceleratedVideoDecoder::kConfigChange) {
gfx::Size pic_size = media_decoder_->GetPicSize();
gfx::Rect render_size = media_decoder_->GetVisibleRect();
std::string profile = GetProfileName(media_decoder_->GetProfile());
FX_SLOG(INFO, "Detected a configuration change in bitstream",
FX_KV("pic_width", pic_size.width()), FX_KV("pic_height", pic_size.height()),
FX_KV("render_width", render_size.width()),
FX_KV("render_height", render_size.height()), FX_KV("profile", profile.c_str()),
FX_KV("bit_depth", media_decoder_->GetBitDepth()),
FX_KV("required_num_pics", media_decoder_->GetRequiredNumOfPictures()),
FX_KV("num_reference_frames", media_decoder_->GetNumReferenceFrames()));
// We only need to request a output buffer reconfiguration if the current buffers are not able
// to handle the new picture size. If they are able to handle the new picture size then the
// new output format will be sent to the client and the current buffers will be kept. Since
// linear and tiled format modifier effects how the planes are stored on the surface, the
// surface manager is responsible for doing the calculation on how big the buffer needs to be
// in order to store the output.
auto output_re_config_required_result = IsBufferReconfigurationNeeded();
if (output_re_config_required_result.is_error()) {
bool output_re_config_required = output_re_config_required_result.value();
FX_SLOG(INFO, "Are new buffers required for bitstream change?",
FX_KV("output_re_config_required", output_re_config_required ? "yes" : "no"));
// TODO( This is a temporary workaround until the new media APIs
// are adopted
if (surface_buffer_manager_ &&
(surface_buffer_manager_->NeedsKeyframeForBufferAllocation() &&
!media_decoder_->IsCurrentFrameKeyframe() && output_re_config_required)) {
"SurfaceManager implementation does not support buffer allocation on non-keyframes");
// If buffer reconfiguration is needed, reset mid_stream_output_buffer_reconfig_finish_ since
// we are going to block the input_processing thread until either the stream is stopped or
// CoreCodecMidStreamOutputBufferReConfigFinish() is called.
if (output_re_config_required) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(lock_);
mid_stream_output_buffer_reconfig_finish_ = false;
if (output_re_config_required) {
// TODO( Calling onCoreCodecMidStreamOutputConstraintsChange()
// with false is now deprecated. Remove the |output_re_config_buffer| parameter.
} else {
// If an output reconfiguration was not needed, we still need to inform the client that the
// output codec format has changed before the next output packet is sent to the client.
if (!context_id_) {
// vaCreateContext's |picture_width| and |picture_height| parameters are only used to ensure
// that they are not negative and do not exceed the maximum size allowed by the hardware.
// Once vaRenderPicture() is called with a VADecPictureParameterBuffer struct as a
// parameter, |picture_width| and |picture_height| parameters provided to vaCreateContext()
// will be overridden.
VAContextID context_id;
VAStatus va_res = vaCreateContext(VADisplayWrapper::GetSingleton()->display(),
config_->id(), pic_size.width(), pic_size.height(),
VA_PROGRESSIVE, nullptr, 0, &context_id);
if (va_res != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
SetCodecFailure("vaCreateContext failed: %s", vaErrorStr(va_res));
// Only wait if an output reconfiguration was required since sysmem will be required to add
// the new buffers before preceding with the stream. Otherwise the buffers will be kept and
// the new output constraints and format will be sent.
if (output_re_config_required) {
// Wait for the stream reconfiguration to finish before continuing to increment the
// surface generation value
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
surface_buffer_manager_cv_.wait(lock, [this]() FXL_REQUIRE(lock_) {
return mid_stream_output_buffer_reconfig_finish_ || is_stream_stopped_;
// If the stream is stopped, exit immediately
if (is_stream_stopped_) {
// Inform |surface_buffer_manager_| of what the current picture size. It is also possible for
// the participants of sysmem to specify more than the min buffer count required by the
// decoder, so use the buffer_count returned for the output buffer collection.
buffer_counts_[kOutputPort].value() >= media_decoder_->GetRequiredNumOfPictures(),
"buffer_count (%u) < Required Number of Pictures (%zu)",
buffer_counts_[kOutputPort].value(), media_decoder_->GetRequiredNumOfPictures());
surface_buffer_manager_->UpdatePictureSize(pic_size, buffer_counts_[kOutputPort].value());
TRACE_INSTANT("codec_runner", "Configuration Change", TRACE_SCOPE_PROCESS, "pic_width",
TA_INT32(pic_size.width()), "pic_height", TA_INT32(pic_size.height()));
} else if (result == media::AcceleratedVideoDecoder::kRanOutOfStreamData) {
// Reset decoder failures on successful decode
decoder_failures_ = 0;
} else {
decoder_failures_ += 1;
if (decoder_failures_ >= kMaxDecoderFailures) {
"Decoder exceeded the number of allowed failures. media_decoder::Decode result: "
} else {
// We allow the decoder to fail a set amount of times, reset the decoder after the current
// frame. We need to stop the input_queue_ from processing any further items before the
// stream reset. The stream control thread is responsible starting the stream once is has
// been successfully reset.
} // ~buffer
std::string_view CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::CodecTypeName(CodecType codec_type) {
switch (codec_type) {
case CodecType::kMJPEG:
return "MJPEG";
case CodecType::kH264:
return "H264";
case CodecType::kVP9:
return "VP9";
std::optional<std::string_view> CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::CodecMimeFromType(CodecType codec_type) {
switch (codec_type) {
case CodecType::kMJPEG:
return kMjpegMimeType;
case CodecType::kH264:
return kH264MimeType;
case CodecType::kVP9:
return kVp9MimeType;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::CodecType> CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::CodecTypeFromMime(
std::string_view mime_type) {
if (mime_type == kMjpegMimeType) {
return CodecType::kMJPEG;
} else if (mime_type == kVp9MimeType) {
return CodecType::kVP9;
} else if (mime_type == kH264MimeType) {
return CodecType::kH264;
} else {
return std::nullopt;
const char* CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::DecoderStateName(DecoderState state) {
switch (state) {
case DecoderState::kIdle:
return "Idle";
case DecoderState::kDecoding:
return "Decoding";
case DecoderState::kError:
return "Error";
template <class... Args>
void CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::SetCodecFailure(const char* format, Args&&... args) {
state_ = DecoderState::kError;
events_->onCoreCodecFailCodec(format, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Calling |onCoreCodecFailCodec()| will result in the closing of the StreamProcessor channel.
// This task will be posted on the stream control thread, so it is possible that the channel will
// not immediately be closed and therefore the call to |CoreCodecStopStream()| might have a slight
// delay. The caller is expecting |SetCodecFailure()| to prevent further processing to be done
// since it is possible the reason why the caller is failing is because it has detected an
// unrecoverable error and wants to stops all video decoding processing. To handle this
// gracefully, we will stop all waits on |input_queue_|. This will exit the |ProcessInputLoop()|
// task which will cancel all pending and future operations. While it does not prevent the
// enqueuing of new data, the call to |CoreCodecStopStream()| will happen in the near future,
// which will clear out any operations that were enqueued in that time.
void CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::ConstructDecoder() {
switch (media_codec_.value()) {
case CodecType::kMJPEG:
media_decoder_ =
case CodecType::kH264:
media_decoder_ = std::make_unique<media::H264Decoder>(std::make_unique<H264Accelerator>(this),
case CodecType::kVP9:
media_decoder_ = std::make_unique<media::VP9Decoder>(std::make_unique<VP9Accelerator>(this),
fit::result<std::string, bool> CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::IsBufferReconfigurationNeeded() const {
// After issuing a kConfigChange, the media decoder picture size will now reflect what size
// the current stream needs in order to proceed
gfx::Size pic_size = media_decoder_->GetPicSize();
gfx::Rect visible_rect = media_decoder_->GetVisibleRect();
uint32_t coded_width = safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(pic_size.width());
uint32_t coded_height = safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(pic_size.height());
uint32_t display_width = safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(visible_rect.width());
uint32_t display_height = safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(visible_rect.height());
// Ensure that the new picture size is within the allowed hardware requirements
if (coded_height > max_picture_height_) {
FX_SLOG(ERROR, "coded_height exceeds max_picture_height_", FX_KV("coded_height", coded_height),
FX_KV("max_picture_height_", max_picture_height_));
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Requested picture height " << coded_height
<< " exceeds max hardware supported height of " << max_picture_height_;
return fit::error(oss.str());
if (coded_width > max_picture_width_) {
FX_SLOG(ERROR, "coded_width exceeds max_picture_width_", FX_KV("coded_width", coded_width),
FX_KV("max_picture_width_", max_picture_width_));
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Requested picture width " << coded_width << " exceeds max hardware supported width of "
<< max_picture_width_;
return fit::error(oss.str());
// Ensure that we have buffers already configured, if not then a reconfiguration is always needed
if (!surface_buffer_manager_ || !buffer_settings_[kOutputPort].has_value()) {
return fit::ok(true);
auto surface_size = surface_buffer_manager_->GetRequiredSurfaceSize(pic_size);
// TODO( This isn't the correct calculation as it does not factor in
// alignment for tiled surfaces
auto total_plane_size_checked =
((safemath::MakeCheckedNum(surface_size.GetArea()) * 3) / 2).Cast<uint32_t>();
// The check above should ensure that we never get to an unsupported hardware size, but
// better safe than sorry when calling ValueOrDie()
if (!total_plane_size_checked.IsValid()) {
FX_SLOG(ERROR, "Surface size exceeds the max hardware supported size");
return fit::error("Surface size exceeds the max hardware supported size");
uint32_t total_plane_size = total_plane_size_checked.ValueOrDie();
// Ensure the size of the buffers can hold the new plane size
if (total_plane_size > *buffer_settings_[kOutputPort]->buffer_settings()->size_bytes()) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "total_plane_size > buffer_size_bytes",
FX_KV("total_plane_size", total_plane_size),
return fit::ok(true);
const auto& image_constraints = *buffer_settings_[kOutputPort]->image_format_constraints();
if (display_width % image_constraints.display_rect_alignment()->width() != 0u) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "display_width not divisible by display_width_divisor",
FX_KV("display_width", display_width),
FX_KV("display_width_divisor", image_constraints.display_rect_alignment()->width()));
// These will fail, but let them fail when trying to re-negotiate sysmem buffers.
return fit::ok(true);
if (display_height % image_constraints.display_rect_alignment()->height() != 0u) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "display_height not divisible by display_height_divisor",
FX_KV("display_height", display_height),
FX_KV("display_height_divisor", image_constraints.display_rect_alignment()->height()));
// These will fail, but let them fail when trying to re-negotiate sysmem buffers.
return fit::ok(true);
auto coded_area_checked = safemath::CheckMul(coded_width, coded_height).Cast<uint32_t>();
if (!coded_area_checked.IsValid()) {
FX_SLOG(ERROR, "Surface size exceeds uint32_t", FX_KV("coded_width", coded_width),
FX_KV("coded_height", coded_height));
return fit::error("Surface size exceeds uint32_t");
uint32_t coded_area = coded_area_checked.ValueOrDie();
if (coded_area > *image_constraints.max_width_times_height()) {
DEBUG, "coded_area > max_coded_width_times_coded_height", FX_KV("coded_area", coded_area),
FX_KV("max_coded_width_times_coded_height", *image_constraints.max_width_times_height()));
// These will very likely fail, but let them fail when trying to re-negotiate sysmem buffers.
return fit::ok(true);
if (coded_width % image_constraints.size_alignment()->width() != 0u) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "coded_width not divisible by coded_width_divisor",
FX_KV("coded_width", coded_width),
FX_KV("coded_width_divisor", image_constraints.size_alignment()->width()));
// These will fail, but let them fail when trying to re-negotiate sysmem buffers.
return fit::ok(true);
if (coded_height % image_constraints.size_alignment()->height() != 0u) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "coded_height not divisible by coded_height_divisor",
FX_KV("coded_height", coded_height),
FX_KV("coded_height_divisor", image_constraints.size_alignment()->height()));
// These will fail, but let them fail when trying to re-negotiate sysmem buffers.
return fit::ok(true);
if (coded_width < image_constraints.min_size()->width()) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "coded_width < min_coded_width", FX_KV("coded_width", coded_width),
FX_KV("min_coded_width", image_constraints.min_size()->width()));
return fit::ok(true);
if (coded_width > image_constraints.max_size()->width()) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "coded_width > max_coded_width", FX_KV("coded_width", coded_width),
FX_KV("max_coded_width", image_constraints.max_size()->width()));
return fit::ok(true);
if (coded_height < image_constraints.min_size()->height()) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "coded_height < min_coded_height", FX_KV("coded_height", coded_height),
FX_KV("min_coded_height", image_constraints.min_size()->height()));
return fit::ok(true);
if (coded_height > image_constraints.max_size()->height()) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "coded_height > max_coded_height", FX_KV("coded_height", coded_height),
FX_KV("max_coded_height", image_constraints.max_size()->height()));
return fit::ok(true);
uint32_t stride = safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(surface_size.width());
if (stride < *image_constraints.min_bytes_per_row()) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "stride < min_bytes_per_row", FX_KV("stride", stride),
FX_KV("min_bytes_per_row", *image_constraints.min_bytes_per_row()));
return fit::ok(true);
if (stride > *image_constraints.max_bytes_per_row()) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "stride > max_bytes_per_row", FX_KV("stride", stride),
FX_KV("max_bytes_per_row", *image_constraints.max_bytes_per_row()));
return fit::ok(true);
// This check only makes sense if the output is linear since tiled formats don't really have a
// concept of bytes per row divisor
if (!IsOutputTiled()) {
if (stride % *image_constraints.bytes_per_row_divisor() != 0u) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "stride not divisible by bytes_per_row_divisor", FX_KV("stride", stride),
FX_KV("bytes_per_row_divisor", *image_constraints.bytes_per_row_divisor()));
// These will fail, but let them fail when trying to re-negotiate sysmem buffers.
return fit::ok(true);
// The current buffers meet all conditions, output reconfiguration is not needed
return fit::ok(false);
void CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::ProcessInputLoop() {
std::optional<CodecInputItem> maybe_input_item;
while ((maybe_input_item = input_queue_.WaitForElement())) {
CodecInputItem input_item = std::move(maybe_input_item.value());
if (input_item.is_format_details()) {
const std::string& mime_type = input_item.format_details().mime_type();
const auto allow_mime_type = CodecMimeFromType(media_codec_.value());
if (!allow_mime_type.has_value() || (allow_mime_type.value() != mime_type)) {
"CodecCodecInit(): Can not switch codec type after setting it in CoreCodecInit(). "
"Attempting to switch it to %s\n",
if (media_codec_.value() == CodecType::kH264) {
} else if (input_item.is_end_of_stream()) {
if (media_codec_.value() == CodecType::kH264) {
constexpr uint8_t kEndOfStreamNalUnitType = 11;
// Force frames to be processed.
std::vector<uint8_t> end_of_stream_delimiter{0, 0, 1, kEndOfStreamNalUnitType};
media::DecoderBuffer buffer(end_of_stream_delimiter);
media_decoder_->SetStream(next_stream_id_++, buffer);
state_ = DecoderState::kDecoding;
auto result = media_decoder_->Decode();
state_ = DecoderState::kIdle;
if (result != media::AcceleratedVideoDecoder::kRanOutOfStreamData) {
SetCodecFailure("Unexpected media_decoder::Decode result for end of stream: %d", result);
bool res = media_decoder_->Flush();
if (!res) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "media decoder flush failed");
} else if (input_item.is_packet()) {
auto* packet = input_item.packet();
if (packet->has_timestamp_ish()) {
stream_to_pts_map_.emplace_back(next_stream_id_, packet->timestamp_ish());
constexpr size_t kMaxPtsMapSize = 64;
if (stream_to_pts_map_.size() > kMaxPtsMapSize)
const uint8_t* buffer_start = packet->buffer()->base() + packet->start_offset();
size_t buffer_size = packet->valid_length_bytes();
bool returned_buffer = false;
auto return_input_packet =
fit::defer_callback(fit::closure([this, &input_item, &returned_buffer] {
returned_buffer = true;
if ((media_codec_.value() == CodecType::kH264) && avcc_processor_.is_avcc()) {
// TODO( Remove this copy.
auto output_avcc_vec = avcc_processor_.ParseVideoAvcc(buffer_start, buffer_size);
media::DecoderBuffer buffer(output_avcc_vec, packet->buffer(), packet->start_offset(),
} else {
media::DecoderBuffer buffer({buffer_start, buffer_size}, packet->buffer(),
packet->start_offset(), std::move(return_input_packet));
// Ensure that the decode buffer has been destroyed and the input packet has been returned
if (media_codec_.value() == CodecType::kH264) {
constexpr uint8_t kAccessUnitDelimiterNalUnitType = 9;
constexpr uint8_t kPrimaryPicType = 1 << (7 - 3);
// Force frames to be processed. TODO( Key on
// known_end_access_unit.
std::vector<uint8_t> access_unit_delimiter{0, 0, 1, kAccessUnitDelimiterNalUnitType,
media::DecoderBuffer buffer(access_unit_delimiter);
media_decoder_->SetStream(next_stream_id_++, buffer);
state_ = DecoderState::kDecoding;
auto result = media_decoder_->Decode();
state_ = DecoderState::kIdle;
if (result != media::AcceleratedVideoDecoder::kRanOutOfStreamData) {
SetCodecFailure("Unexpected media_decoder::Decode result for delimiter: %d", result);
void CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::CleanUpAfterStream() {
if (media_codec_.value() == CodecType::kH264) {
// Force frames to be processed.
std::vector<uint8_t> end_of_stream_delimiter{0, 0, 1, 11};
media::DecoderBuffer buffer(end_of_stream_delimiter);
media_decoder_->SetStream(next_stream_id_++, buffer);
auto result = media_decoder_->Decode();
if (result != media::AcceleratedVideoDecoder::kRanOutOfStreamData) {
SetCodecFailure("Unexpected media_decoder::Decode result for end of stream: %d", result);
bool res = media_decoder_->Flush();
if (!res) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "media decoder flush failed");
// Given that there are no more operations pending on this stream, we should reset the media
// decoder. This will also release any DPB surfaces under the decoder's ownership. This is
// specifically useful for the tiling case since the decoder references surfaces that are backed
// by buffers from sysmem. |CodecImpl| can call |CoreCodecEnsureBuffersNotConfigured()| for
// the output buffers and will expect that since |CoreCodecStopStream()| was called the buffers
// can be deconfigured.
void CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::CoreCodecMidStreamOutputBufferReConfigFinish() {
// Currently once the surface_buffer_manager_ has been constructed, it can not be destructed until
// the end of the stream. This means once the client have chosen a format modifier, it can not be
// changed
if (!surface_buffer_manager_) {
auto failure_callback = SurfaceBufferManager::CodecFailureCallback(
[this](const std::string& failure_message) { SetCodecFailure(failure_message.c_str()); });
if (IsOutputTiled()) {
surface_buffer_manager_ =
std::make_unique<TiledBufferManager>(lock_, std::move(failure_callback));
} else {
surface_buffer_manager_ =
std::make_unique<LinearBufferManager>(lock_, std::move(failure_callback));
// Signal that we are done with the mid stream output buffer configuration to other threads
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(lock_);
mid_stream_output_buffer_reconfig_finish_ = true;
bool CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::ProcessOutput(scoped_refptr<VASurface> va_surface,
int bitstream_id) {
auto maybe_processed_surface =
if (!maybe_processed_surface) {
return true;
auto& [codec_buffer, pic_size_bytes] = maybe_processed_surface.value();
auto release_buffer = fit::defer([this, codec_buffer = codec_buffer]() {
std::optional<CodecPacket*> maybe_output_packet = free_output_packets_.WaitForElement();
if (!maybe_output_packet) {
// Wait will succeed unless we're dropping all remaining frames of a stream.
return true;
auto output_packet = maybe_output_packet.value();
auto pts_it =
std::find_if(stream_to_pts_map_.begin(), stream_to_pts_map_.end(),
[bitstream_id](const auto& pair) { return pair.first == bitstream_id; });
if (pts_it != stream_to_pts_map_.end()) {
} else {
return true;
scoped_refptr<VASurface> CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::GetVASurface() {
return surface_buffer_manager_->GetDPBSurface();