blob: 7654789aa297fce161dc76bb34bca98572790c21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/codec/codecs/vaapi/avcc_processor.h"
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <limits>
#define LOG(x, ...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
void AvccProcessor::ProcessOobBytes(const fuchsia::media::FormatDetails& format_details) {
if (!format_details.has_oob_bytes())
const auto& oob = format_details.oob_bytes();
if (oob.empty()) {
// We need to deliver Annex B style SPS/PPS to this core codec, regardless of
// what format the oob_bytes is in.
// The oob_bytes can be in two different forms, which can be detected by
// the value of the first byte:
// 0 - Annex B form already. The 0 is the first byte of a start code.
// 1 - AVCC form, which we'll convert to Annex B form. AVCC version 1. There
// is no AVCC version 0.
// anything else - fail.
// In addition, we need to know if AVCC or not since we need to know whether
// to add start code emulation prevention bytes or not. And if it's AVCC,
// how many bytes long the pseudo_nal_length field is - that field is before
// each input NAL.
// We already checked empty() above.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(oob.size() >= 1);
switch ((oob)[0]) {
case 0:
is_avcc_ = false;
case 1: {
// This applies to both the oob data and the input packet payload data.
// Both are AVCC, or both are AnnexB.
is_avcc_ = true;
AVCC OOB data layout (bits):
[0] (8) - version 1
[1] (8) - h264 profile #
[2] (8) - compatible profile bits
[3] (8) - h264 level (eg. 31 == "3.1")
[4] (6) - reserved, can be set to all 1s
(2) - pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ - 1
[5] (3) - reserved, can be set to all 1s
(5) - sps_count
(16) - sps_bytes
(8*sps_bytes) - SPS nal_unit_type (that byte) + SPS data as RBSP.
(8) - pps_count
(16) - pps_bytes
(8*pps_bytes) - PPS nal_unit_type (that byte) + PPS data as RBSP.
// We accept 0 SPS and/or 0 PPS, but typically there's one of each. At
// minimum the oob buffer needs to be large enough to contain both the
// sps_count and pps_count fields, which is a min of 7 bytes.
if (oob.size() < 7) {
LOG(ERROR, "oob->size() < 7");
// All pseudo-NALs in input packet payloads will use the
// parsed count of bytes of the length field. Convert SPS/PPS inline to AnnexB format so we
// can return it directly, as ParseVideo won't be called on this data.
pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ = ((oob)[4] & 0x3) + 1;
uint32_t sps_count = (oob)[5] & 0x1F;
uint32_t offset = 6;
std::vector<uint8_t> accumulation;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sps_count; ++i) {
if (offset + 2 > oob.size()) {
LOG(ERROR, "offset + 2 > oob->size()");
uint32_t sps_length = (oob)[offset] * 256 + (oob)[offset + 1];
if (offset + 2 + sps_length > oob.size()) {
LOG(ERROR, "offset + 2 + sps_length > oob->size()");
offset += 2; // sps_bytes
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sps_length; i++) {
accumulation.push_back([offset + i]);
offset += sps_length;
if (offset + 1 > oob.size()) {
LOG(ERROR, "offset + 1 > oob->size()");
uint32_t pps_count = (oob)[offset++];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pps_count; ++i) {
if (offset + 2 > oob.size()) {
LOG(ERROR, "offset + 2 > oob->size()");
uint32_t pps_length = (oob)[offset] * 256 + (oob)[offset + 1];
if (offset + 2 + pps_length > oob.size()) {
LOG(ERROR, "offset + 2 + pps_length > oob->size()");
offset += 2; // pps_bytes
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pps_length; i++) {
accumulation.push_back([offset + i]);
offset += pps_length;
bool returned_buffer = false;
auto return_input_packet =
fit::defer_callback(fit::closure([&returned_buffer] { returned_buffer = true; }));
media::DecoderBuffer(accumulation, nullptr, 0u, std::move(return_input_packet)));
LOG(ERROR, "unexpected first oob byte");
std::vector<uint8_t> AvccProcessor::ParseVideoAvcc(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size) const {
if (data_size > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
return {};
const uint32_t length = static_cast<uint32_t>(data_size);
// So far, the "avcC"/"AVCC" we've seen has emulation prevention bytes on it
// already. So we don't add those here. But if we did need to add them, we'd
// add them here.
// For now we assume the heap is pretty fast and doesn't mind the size thrash,
// but maybe we'll want to keep a buffer around (we'll optimize only if/when
// we determine this is actually a problem). We only actually use this buffer
// if is_avcc_ (which is not uncommon).
// We do parse more than one pseudo_nal per input packet.
// No splitting NALs across input packets, for now.
// TODO(dustingreen): Allow splitting NALs across input packets (not a small
// change). Probably also move into a source_set for sharing with other
// CodecAdapter(s).
// Count the input pseudo_nal(s)
uint32_t pseudo_nal_count = 0;
uint32_t i = 0;
while (i < length) {
if (i + pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ > length) {
LOG(ERROR, "i + pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ > length");
return {};
// Read pseudo_nal_length field, which is a field which can be 1-4 bytes
// long because AVCC/avcC.
uint32_t pseudo_nal_length = 0;
for (uint32_t length_byte = 0; length_byte < pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_; ++length_byte) {
pseudo_nal_length = pseudo_nal_length * 256 + data[i + length_byte];
i += pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_;
if (i + pseudo_nal_length > length) {
LOG(ERROR, "i + pseudo_nal_length > length");
return {};
i += pseudo_nal_length;
static constexpr uint32_t kStartCodeBytes = 4;
uint32_t local_length = length - pseudo_nal_count * pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ +
pseudo_nal_count * kStartCodeBytes;
std::vector<uint8_t> local_buffer(local_length);
uint8_t* local_data =;
i = 0;
uint32_t o = 0;
while (i < length) {
if (i + pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ > length) {
LOG(ERROR, "i + pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ > length");
return {};
uint32_t pseudo_nal_length = 0;
for (uint32_t length_byte = 0; length_byte < pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_; ++length_byte) {
pseudo_nal_length = pseudo_nal_length * 256 + data[i + length_byte];
i += pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_;
if (i + pseudo_nal_length > length) {
LOG(ERROR, "i + pseudo_nal_length > length");
return {};
local_data[o++] = 0;
local_data[o++] = 0;
local_data[o++] = 0;
local_data[o++] = 1;
memcpy(&local_data[o], &data[i], pseudo_nal_length);
o += pseudo_nal_length;
i += pseudo_nal_length;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(o == local_length);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(i == length);
return local_buffer;