blob: 92884412b6580adfcf96fc634da207f872fd0e25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/lib/clock/pid_control.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace media::audio::clock {
#define EXPECT_AUDIO_TEST_DOUBLE_EQ(X, Y) EXPECT_NEAR(X, Y, std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
class PidControlTest : public testing::Test {
static void VerifyProportionalOnly(const double pFactor) {
auto control = PidControl({.proportional_factor = pFactor});
control.TuneForError(zx::time(110), 50);
EXPECT_AUDIO_TEST_DOUBLE_EQ(control.Read(), 50 * pFactor);
control.TuneForError(zx::time(125), -10);
EXPECT_AUDIO_TEST_DOUBLE_EQ(control.Read(), -10 * pFactor);
control.TuneForError(zx::time(130), 20);
EXPECT_AUDIO_TEST_DOUBLE_EQ(control.Read(), 20 * pFactor);
static void VerifyIntegralOnly(const double iFactor) {
auto control = PidControl({.integral_factor = iFactor});
auto expected = 0.0;
zx::time previous_time{0};
auto tune_time = previous_time + zx::duration(10);
// curr_err=50, dur=10: accum_err+=500
control.TuneForError(tune_time, 50);
// From this, we expect error to change by 50*t*I
expected += 50.0 * iFactor * static_cast<double>((tune_time - previous_time).get());
EXPECT_AUDIO_TEST_DOUBLE_EQ(control.Read(), expected);
previous_time = tune_time;
tune_time += zx::duration(15);
// curr_err=-100, dur=15: accum_err-=1500 (now -1000)
control.TuneForError(tune_time, -100);
// From this, we expect error to change by -100*t*I
expected += -100.0 * iFactor * static_cast<double>((tune_time - previous_time).get());
EXPECT_AUDIO_TEST_DOUBLE_EQ(control.Read(), expected);
previous_time = tune_time;
tune_time += zx::duration(25);
// curr_err=40, dur=25: accum_err+=1000 (now 0)
control.TuneForError(tune_time, 40);
// From this, we expect error to change by 0*t*I -- to be zero!
expected += 40.0 * iFactor * static_cast<double>((tune_time - previous_time).get());
EXPECT_AUDIO_TEST_DOUBLE_EQ(control.Read(), expected);
static void VerifyDerivativeOnly(double dFactor) {
auto control = PidControl({.derivative_factor = dFactor});
double error, previous_error;
double error_rate;
zx::time previous_time, tune_time{0};
previous_time = tune_time;
tune_time += zx::duration(10);
previous_error = 0;
error = 50;
// curr_err=50; prev_err=0; delta_err=50; dur=10; err_rate=50/10
control.TuneForError(tune_time, error);
error_rate = (error - previous_error) / static_cast<double>((tune_time - previous_time).get());
// Reset error to 0 at t=10, from here we expect error to change by 5
EXPECT_AUDIO_TEST_DOUBLE_EQ(control.Read(), dFactor * error_rate);
previous_time = tune_time;
tune_time += zx::duration(5);
previous_error = error;
error = 15;
// curr_err=20; prev_err=50; delta_err=-30; dur=5; err_rate=-30/5
control.TuneForError(tune_time, error);
error_rate = (error - previous_error) / static_cast<double>((tune_time - previous_time).get());
// Now we expect error to change by -6
EXPECT_AUDIO_TEST_DOUBLE_EQ(control.Read(), dFactor * error_rate);
previous_time = tune_time;
tune_time += zx::duration(20);
previous_error = error;
error = 30;
// curr_err=30; prev_err=20; delta_err=10; dur=20; err_rate=10/20
control.TuneForError(tune_time, error);
error_rate = (error - previous_error) / static_cast<double>((tune_time - previous_time).get());
// Now we expect error to change by 0.5
EXPECT_AUDIO_TEST_DOUBLE_EQ(control.Read(), dFactor * error_rate);
static void SmoothlyChaseToClockRate(const int32_t rate_adjust_ppm,
const uint32_t num_iterations_limit) {
// These PID factors were determined experimentally, from manual tuning and rule-of-thumb
constexpr double kPfactor = 0.1;
constexpr double kIfactor = kPfactor * 2 / ZX_MSEC(20);
constexpr double kDfactor = kPfactor * ZX_MSEC(20) / 16;
auto control = PidControl({.proportional_factor = kPfactor,
.integral_factor = kIfactor,
.derivative_factor = kDfactor});
constexpr auto kIterationTimeslice = zx::msec(10);
const auto ref_rate = static_cast<double>(1'000'000 + rate_adjust_ppm) / 1'000'000;
zx::time rate_change_mono_time = zx::time(0) + zx::sec(1);
zx::time rate_change_ref_time = zx::time(0) + zx::sec(11);
control.TuneForError(rate_change_mono_time, 0);
auto num_iterations = 0u;
uint32_t first_accurate_prediction = UINT32_MAX;
uint32_t consecutive_prediction = UINT32_MAX;
bool previous_prediction_accurate = false;
zx::time previous_ref_time = rate_change_ref_time;
for (zx::time mono_time = rate_change_mono_time + zx::msec(10);
mono_time < (zx::time(0) + zx::sec(2)); mono_time += kIterationTimeslice) {
auto predict_ppm = static_cast<int64_t>(round(control.Read()));
predict_ppm = std::clamp<int64_t>(predict_ppm, -1000, +1000);
if (predict_ppm == rate_adjust_ppm) {
if (previous_prediction_accurate && consecutive_prediction > num_iterations) {
consecutive_prediction = num_iterations;
previous_prediction_accurate = true;
if (first_accurate_prediction > num_iterations) {
first_accurate_prediction = num_iterations;
} else {
previous_prediction_accurate = false;
zx::time predict_ref_time =
previous_ref_time + (kIterationTimeslice * (1'000'000 + predict_ppm)) / 1'000'000;
zx::time ref_time =
rate_change_ref_time +
static_cast<double>((mono_time - rate_change_mono_time).get()) * ref_rate));
control.TuneForError(mono_time, static_cast<double>((ref_time - predict_ref_time).get()));
previous_ref_time = predict_ref_time;
EXPECT_LE(first_accurate_prediction, num_iterations_limit - 3)
<< "PidControl took too long to initially settle";
EXPECT_LE(consecutive_prediction, num_iterations_limit)
<< "PidControl took too long to finally settle";
// Validate default ctor sends PID coefficients of 0
TEST_F(PidControlTest, DefaultCoefficients) {
auto control = PidControl();
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 0);
// Even after injecting an error, the PID should return an error of zero.
control.TuneForError(zx::time(125), 500);
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 0);
// By default, all error and time factors are zero.
// Reset clears any error values and unsets the control's last-tuned time.
TEST_F(PidControlTest, DefaultAndReset) {
auto control = PidControl({.derivative_factor = 1.0});
// start_time is unset, so the PID will not be tuned.
control.TuneForError(zx::time(50), 100);
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 0);
// Expect (200-100)/(100-50) = 2
control.TuneForError(zx::time(100), 200);
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 2);
// Reset clears error factors and last-tuned time. The next tune only establishes tune_time.
control.TuneForError(zx::time(150), 200);
// Without Reset this would be (200-100)/(150-100) = 2. Instead only tune_time is set (to 150).
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 0);
// Expect (350-200)/(200-150) = 3
control.TuneForError(zx::time(200), 350);
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 3);
// Start resets error values to zero and sets the control's last-tuned time.
TEST_F(PidControlTest, Start) {
auto control = PidControl({.derivative_factor = 1.0});
// start_time is 0, so control.Read will base its value on an error of 150 and a time
// delta of 150, thus control.Read() == (150-0)/(150-0) == 1.
control.TuneForError(zx::time(150), 150);
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 1);
// This clears any error factors and sets the last-tuned time to 100.
// start_time is 100, so control.Read will base its value on an error of 150 and a time delta of
// 50, thus control.Read() == (150-0)/(150-100) == 3.
control.TuneForError(zx::time(150), 150);
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 3);
// If only Proportional, after each Tune we predict exactly that that error.
TEST_F(PidControlTest, Proportional) {
// If only Integral, after each Tune we predict based on accumulated error over time
TEST_F(PidControlTest, Integral) {
// If only Derivative, after each Tune we predict based on the change in error
TEST_F(PidControlTest, Derivative) {
// Briefly validate PI with literal values
TEST_F(PidControlTest, ProportionalIntegral) {
auto control = PidControl({.proportional_factor = 1.0, .integral_factor = 1.0});
// Expect 0, was 50: curr_err_=50, dur=10: accum_err+=500 (now 500)
control.TuneForError(zx::time(10), 50);
// From this we expect error (50+500)=550
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 550);
// Expect 550, was 500: curr_err=-50, dur=15: accum_err-=750 (now -250)
control.TuneForError(zx::time(25), -50);
// From this, we expect error -50-250)=-300
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), -300);
// Expect -300, was -250: curr_err=50, dur=25: accum_err+=1250 (now 1000)
control.TuneForError(zx::time(50), 50);
// From this, we expect error 50+1000=1050
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 1050);
// Briefly validate full PID with literal values
TEST_F(PidControlTest, FullPid) {
auto control =
PidControl({.proportional_factor = 1.0, .integral_factor = 1.0, .derivative_factor = 1.0});
// curr_err_=50, dur=10: accum_err+=500 (now 500)
// prev_err=0; delta_err=50; err_rate=50/10=5
control.TuneForError(zx::time(10), 50);
// Now expect error 50+500+5
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 555); // 50 + 500 + 5
// curr_err=-200 (for example, expected output 600 but actual 400), dur=10:
// accum_err-=2000 (now -1500) prev_err=50; delta_err=-250; err_rate=-250/10=-25
control.TuneForError(zx::time(20), -200);
// Now expect error -200-1500-25
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), -1725); // -200 + -1500 - 25
// curr_err=50, dur=25: accum_err+=1250 (now -250)
// prev_err=-200; delta_err=250; err_rate= 250/25=10
control.TuneForError(zx::time(45), 50);
// Now expect error 50-1000+10
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), -190); // 50 - 250 + 10
TEST_F(PidControlTest, RealWorld) {
SmoothlyChaseToClockRate(+1, 6);
SmoothlyChaseToClockRate(-1, 6);
SmoothlyChaseToClockRate(+10, 10);
SmoothlyChaseToClockRate(-10, 10);
SmoothlyChaseToClockRate(+100, 20);
SmoothlyChaseToClockRate(-100, 20);
SmoothlyChaseToClockRate(+950, 55);
SmoothlyChaseToClockRate(-950, 55);
// Ignore TuneForError if its timestamp is less than that of Start or a previous TuneForError.
TEST_F(PidControlTest, PastTimestampsAreIgnored) {
auto control =
PidControl({.proportional_factor = 1.0, .integral_factor = 1.0, .derivative_factor = 1.0});
ASSERT_EQ(control.Read(), 0);
// This TuneForError in the past should be ignored; pid should read the same as previously.
control.TuneForError(zx::time(50), -1000.0);
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 0);
// curr_err_=20, dur=10: accum_err+=200 (now 200)
// prev_err=0; delta_err=20; err_rate=20/10=2
control.TuneForError(zx::time(110), 20.0);
// We expect error 20+200+2
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 222);
// This TuneForError in the past should be ignored; pid should read the same as previously.
control.TuneForError(zx::time(105), -1000.0);
EXPECT_EQ(control.Read(), 222);
} // namespace media::audio::clock