blob: 52c676c32614ad8440d953d287fcaeca75a1fca1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/hardware/audio/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <zircon/device/audio.h>
#include <optional>
#include "src/media/audio/drivers/tests/test_base.h"
namespace media::audio::drivers::test {
// BasicTest cases must run in environments where an audio driver may already have an active client.
// For most hardware functions, testing is limited to validating the correctness and consistency of
// the declared capabilities and current state. BasicTest cases CAN _change_ a device's state, but
// only if it fully restores the previous state afterward (as it does when testing SetGain).
// A driver can have only one RingBuffer client connection at any time, so BasicTest avoids any
// usage of the RingBuffer interface. (Note: AdminTest is not limited to RingBuffer cases.)
class BasicTest : public TestBase {
explicit BasicTest(const DeviceEntry& dev_entry) : TestBase(dev_entry) {}
void TearDown() override;
void RequestHealthAndExpectHealthy();
void GetHealthState(fuchsia::hardware::audio::Health::GetHealthStateCallback cb);
void RetrieveProperties();
void ValidateProperties();
void WatchGainStateAndExpectUpdate();
void WatchGainStateAndExpectNoUpdate();
void RequestSetGain();
void WatchPlugStateAndExpectUpdate();
void WatchPlugStateAndExpectNoUpdate();
void ValidatePlugState(const fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugState& plug_state);
void DisplayBaseProperties();
// The union of [CodecProperties, CompositeProperties, DaiProperties, StreamProperties].
struct BaseProperties {
// On codec/composite/dai/stream, member is (o)ptional (r)equired (.)absent
std::optional<bool> is_input; // o.rr
std::optional<std::array<uint8_t, kUniqueIdLength>> unique_id; // oooo
std::optional<std::string> manufacturer; // oooo
std::optional<std::string> product; // oooo
std::optional<uint32_t> clock_domain; // .rrr
plug_detect_capabilities; // r..r
std::optional<bool> can_mute; // ...o
std::optional<bool> can_agc; // ...o
std::optional<float> min_gain_db; // ...r
std::optional<float> max_gain_db; // ...r
std::optional<float> gain_step_db; // ...r
std::optional<BaseProperties> properties_;
// BasicTest cannot permanently change device state. Optionals ensure we fetch initial gain
// state (to later restore it), before calling any method that alters device gain.
std::optional<fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState> initial_gain_state_;
bool set_gain_state_ = false;
} // namespace media::audio::drivers::test