blob: 5e9d0fe74cb2e1c4bf8ca4b6ed4451f6b2c7b6eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/drivers/tests/basic_test.h"
#include <fuchsia/hardware/audio/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fdio/fdio.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/enum.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/media/audio/drivers/tests/test_base.h"
namespace media::audio::drivers::test {
constexpr bool kLogGainValues = false;
void LogGainState(std::string_view prologue,
const fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState& gain_state) {
if constexpr (kLogGainValues) {
<< prologue
<< (gain_state.has_gain_db() ? std::to_string(gain_state.gain_db()) : "UNSPECIFIED")
<< " dB, muted is "
<< (gain_state.has_muted() ? (gain_state.muted() ? "true" : "false") : "UNSPECIFIED")
<< ", AGC is "
<< (gain_state.has_agc_enabled() ? (gain_state.agc_enabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled")
void BasicTest::TearDown() {
// Restore initial_gain_state_, if we changed the gain in this test case.
if (stream_config().is_bound() && initial_gain_state_ && set_gain_state_) {
LogGainState("Restoring previous gain: ", *initial_gain_state_);
// Requests on protocols that are composesd into StreamConfig/Dai/Codec/Composite.
// We expect a response, and we allow 'healthy' to be either unspecified or TRUE.
void BasicTest::RequestHealthAndExpectHealthy() {
GetHealthState(AddCallback("GetHealthState", [](fuchsia::hardware::audio::HealthState state) {
EXPECT_TRUE(!state.has_healthy() || state.healthy());
void BasicTest::GetHealthState(fuchsia::hardware::audio::Health::GetHealthStateCallback cb) {
if (device_entry().isCodec()) {
} else if (device_entry().isComposite()) {
} else if (device_entry().isDai()) {
} else if (device_entry().isStreamConfig()) {
// Basic (non-privileged) requests
// Request properties including unique ID (which should be unique across instances).
// The FIDL table for properties differs across Codec/Composite/Dai/StreamConfig.
// Extract these into a common struct so that subsequent code can be shared.
void BasicTest::RetrieveProperties() {
// TODO(b/315049103): actually ensure that this differs between input and output.
if (device_entry().isCodec()) {
"Codec::GetProperties", [this](fuchsia::hardware::audio::CodecProperties props) {
properties_ = BaseProperties{};
if (props.has_is_input()) {
properties_->is_input = props.is_input();
if (props.has_unique_id()) {
std::memcpy(properties_->unique_id->data(), props.unique_id().data(), 16);
if (props.has_manufacturer()) {
properties_->manufacturer = props.manufacturer();
if (props.has_product()) {
properties_->product = props.product();
if (props.has_plug_detect_capabilities()) {
properties_->plug_detect_capabilities = props.plug_detect_capabilities();
} else if (device_entry().isComposite()) {
"Composite::GetProperties", [this](fuchsia::hardware::audio::CompositeProperties props) {
properties_ = BaseProperties{};
if (props.has_unique_id()) {
if (props.has_manufacturer()) {
properties_->manufacturer = props.manufacturer();
if (props.has_product()) {
properties_->product = props.product();
if (props.has_clock_domain()) {
properties_->clock_domain = props.clock_domain();
} else if (device_entry().isDai()) {
AddCallback("Dai::GetProperties", [this](fuchsia::hardware::audio::DaiProperties props) {
properties_ = BaseProperties{};
if (props.has_is_input()) {
properties_->is_input = props.is_input();
if (props.has_unique_id()) {
properties_->unique_id = props.unique_id();
if (props.has_manufacturer()) {
properties_->manufacturer = props.manufacturer();
if (props.has_product_name()) { // Note: not 'product'
properties_->product = props.product_name();
if (props.has_clock_domain()) {
properties_->clock_domain = props.clock_domain();
} else if (device_entry().isStreamConfig()) {
"StreamConfig::GetProperties", [this](fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamProperties props) {
properties_ = BaseProperties{};
if (props.has_is_input()) {
properties_->is_input = props.is_input();
if (props.has_unique_id()) {
properties_->unique_id = props.unique_id();
if (props.has_manufacturer()) {
properties_->manufacturer = props.manufacturer();
if (props.has_product()) {
properties_->product = props.product();
if (props.has_clock_domain()) {
properties_->clock_domain = props.clock_domain();
if (props.has_plug_detect_capabilities()) {
properties_->plug_detect_capabilities = props.plug_detect_capabilities();
if (props.has_can_mute()) {
properties_->can_mute = props.can_mute();
if (props.has_can_agc()) {
properties_->can_agc = props.can_agc();
if (props.has_min_gain_db()) {
properties_->min_gain_db = props.min_gain_db();
if (props.has_max_gain_db()) {
properties_->max_gain_db = props.max_gain_db();
if (props.has_gain_step_db()) {
properties_->gain_step_db = props.gain_step_db();
EXPECT_TRUE(properties_.has_value()) << "No GetProperties completion was received";
// For debugging purposes
void BasicTest::DisplayBaseProperties() {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << driver_type() << " is_input: "
<< (properties_->is_input.has_value() ? std::to_string(*properties_->is_input)
: "NONE");
FX_LOGS(INFO) << driver_type() << " manufacturer is "
<< (properties_->manufacturer.has_value() ? "'" + *properties_->manufacturer + "'"
: "NONE");
FX_LOGS(INFO) << driver_type() << " product is "
<< (properties_->product.has_value() ? "'" + *properties_->product + "'" : "NONE");
FX_LOGS(INFO) << driver_type() << " unique_id is " << properties_->unique_id;
FX_LOGS(INFO) << driver_type() << " clock domain is "
<< (properties_->clock_domain.has_value()
? std::to_string(*properties_->clock_domain)
: "NONE");
FX_LOGS(INFO) << driver_type() << " plug_detect is " << properties_->plug_detect_capabilities;
FX_LOGS(INFO) << driver_type() << " min_gain_db is "
<< (properties_->min_gain_db.has_value() ? std::to_string(*properties_->min_gain_db)
: "NONE");
FX_LOGS(INFO) << driver_type() << " max_gain_db is "
<< (properties_->max_gain_db.has_value() ? std::to_string(*properties_->max_gain_db)
: "NONE");
FX_LOGS(INFO) << driver_type() << " gain_step_db is "
<< (properties_->gain_step_db.has_value()
? std::to_string(*properties_->gain_step_db)
: "NONE");
FX_LOGS(INFO) << driver_type() << " can_mute is "
<< (properties_->can_mute.has_value() ? std::to_string(*properties_->can_mute)
: "NONE");
FX_LOGS(INFO) << driver_type() << " can_agc is "
<< (properties_->can_agc.has_value() ? std::to_string(*properties_->can_agc)
: "NONE");
void BasicTest::ValidateProperties() {
// The following fields are optional, but must be non-empty if they are specified.
EXPECT_FALSE(properties_->manufacturer.has_value() && properties_->manufacturer->empty());
EXPECT_FALSE(properties_->product.has_value() && properties_->product->empty());
// Just check that required fields are present
if (device_entry().isCodec()) {
} else if (device_entry().isComposite()) {
} else if (device_entry().isDai()) {
} else if (device_entry().isStreamConfig()) {
// For StreamConfig, we can do additional data validity/range checks.
EXPECT_EQ(*properties_->is_input, driver_type() == DriverType::StreamConfigInput);
ASSERT_TRUE(std::isfinite(*properties_->min_gain_db)) << "irregular min_gain_db";
ASSERT_TRUE(std::isfinite(*properties_->max_gain_db)) << "irregular max_gain_db";
ASSERT_TRUE(std::isfinite(*properties_->gain_step_db)) << "irregular gain_step_db";
EXPECT_LE(*properties_->min_gain_db, *properties_->max_gain_db) << "max_gain_db too small";
EXPECT_GE(*properties_->gain_step_db, 0.0f) << "gain_step_db too small";
EXPECT_LE(*properties_->gain_step_db, *properties_->max_gain_db - *properties_->min_gain_db)
<< "gain_step_db too large";
} else {
FAIL() << "Unknown device type";
// Request that the driver return its gain capabilities and current state, expecting a response.
// TODO(b/315051281): If possible, combine this with the corresponding check of the signalprocessing
// gain element, once that test exists.
void BasicTest::WatchGainStateAndExpectUpdate() {
// We reconnect the stream every time we run a test, and by driver interface definition the driver
// must reply to the first watch request, so we get gain state by issuing a watch FIDL call.
AddCallback("WatchGainState", [this](fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState gain_state) {
LogGainState((initial_gain_state_ ? "Received gain update: " : "Storing previous gain: "),
EXPECT_GE(gain_state.gain_db(), *properties_->min_gain_db);
EXPECT_LE(gain_state.gain_db(), *properties_->max_gain_db);
// If we're muted, then we must be capable of muting.
EXPECT_TRUE(!gain_state.has_muted() || !gain_state.muted() || *properties_->can_mute);
// If AGC is enabled, then we must be capable of AGC.
EXPECT_TRUE(!gain_state.has_agc_enabled() || !gain_state.agc_enabled() ||
if (!initial_gain_state_.has_value()) {
initial_gain_state_ = std::move(gain_state);
// Request that the driver return its current gain state, expecting no response (no change).
// TODO(b/315051281): If possible, combine this with the corresponding check of the signalprocessing
// gain element, once that test exists.
void BasicTest::WatchGainStateAndExpectNoUpdate() {
stream_config()->WatchGainState([](fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState gain_state) {
FAIL() << "Unexpected gain update received";
// Determine an appropriate gain state to request, then call other method to request that driver set
// gain. This method assumes that the driver already successfully responded to a GetInitialGainState
// request. If this device's gain is fixed and cannot be changed, then SKIP the test.
// TODO(b/315051281): If possible, combine this with the corresponding check of the signalprocessing
// gain element, once that test exists.
void BasicTest::RequestSetGain() {
ASSERT_TRUE(device_entry().isStreamConfig()) << __func__ << ": device_entry is not StreamConfig";
if (*properties_->max_gain_db == *properties_->min_gain_db && !*properties_->can_mute &&
!*properties_->can_agc) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "*** Audio " << driver_type() << " has fixed gain ("
<< initial_gain_state_->gain_db()
<< " dB) and cannot MUTE or AGC. Skipping SetGain test. ***";
// Ensure we've retrieved initial gain settings, so we can restore them after this test case.
// Base our new gain settings on the old ones, to avoid existing values.
fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState gain_state_to_set;
ASSERT_EQ(initial_gain_state_->Clone(&gain_state_to_set), ZX_OK);
// Base our new gain settings on the old ones: avoid existing values so this Set is a change.
// If we got this far, we know we can change something (even if it isn't gain_db).
// Change to a different gain_db.
*gain_state_to_set.mutable_gain_db() =
(initial_gain_state_->gain_db() == *properties_->min_gain_db ? *properties_->max_gain_db
: *properties_->min_gain_db);
// Toggle muted if we can change it (explicitly set it to false, if we can't).
*gain_state_to_set.mutable_muted() =
*properties_->can_mute && !(gain_state_to_set.has_muted() && gain_state_to_set.muted());
// Toggle AGC if we can change it (explicitly set it to false, if we can't).
*gain_state_to_set.mutable_agc_enabled() =
*properties_->can_agc &&
!(gain_state_to_set.has_agc_enabled() && gain_state_to_set.agc_enabled());
set_gain_state_ = true;
LogGainState("SetGain about to set: ", gain_state_to_set);
// TODO(b/315051014): If possible, combine this with the corresponding plug check of the
// signalprocessing endpoint element, once that test exists.
void BasicTest::ValidatePlugState(const fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugState& plug_state) {
if (!plug_state.plugged()) {
<< "Device reported plug capabilities as HARDWIRED, but now reports as unplugged";
EXPECT_GE(plug_state.plug_state_time(), 0u);
EXPECT_LT(plug_state.plug_state_time(), zx::clock::get_monotonic().get());
// Request that the driver return its current plug state, expecting a valid response.
// TODO(b/315051014): If possible, combine this with the corresponding plug check of the
// signalprocessing endpoint element, once that test exists.
void BasicTest::WatchPlugStateAndExpectUpdate() {
// Since we reconnect to the audio stream every time we run this test and we are guaranteed by
// the audio driver interface definition that the driver will reply to the first watch request,
// we can get the plug state by issuing a watch FIDL call.
fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugState initial_plug_state;
if (device_entry().isCodec()) {
"Codec::WatchPlugState", [&initial_plug_state](fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugState state) {
initial_plug_state = std::move(state);
} else if (device_entry().isStreamConfig()) {
[&initial_plug_state](fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugState state) {
initial_plug_state = std::move(state);
} else {
FAIL() << "Wrong device type for " << __func__;
if (!HasFailure()) {
// Request that the driver return its current plug state, expecting no response (no change).
// TODO(b/315051014): If possible, combine this with the corresponding plug check of the
// signalprocessing endpoint element, once that test exists.
void BasicTest::WatchPlugStateAndExpectNoUpdate() {
if (device_entry().isCodec()) {
codec()->WatchPlugState([](fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugState state) {
FAIL() << "Codec::WatchPlugState: unexpected plug update received";
} else if (device_entry().isStreamConfig()) {
stream_config()->WatchPlugState([](fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugState state) {
FAIL() << "StreamConfig::WatchPlugState: unexpected plug update received";
} else {
FAIL() << "Wrong device type for " << __func__;
class CLASS_NAME : public BasicTest { \
public: \
explicit CLASS_NAME(const DeviceEntry& dev_entry) : BasicTest(dev_entry) {} \
void TestBody() override { CODE } \
// Test cases that target each of the various Stream channel commands
// Verify the driver responds to the GetHealthState query.
DEFINE_BASIC_TEST_CLASS(Health, { RequestHealthAndExpectHealthy(); });
// Verify a valid unique_id, manufacturer, product and gain capabilities is successfully received.
// Verify the initial WatchGainState responses are successfully received.
// Verify that no response is received, for a subsequent WatchGainState request.
DEFINE_BASIC_TEST_CLASS(WatchGainSecondTimeNoResponse, {
// Verify valid set gain responses are successfully received.
// Verify that format-retrieval responses are successfully received and are complete and valid.
// Verify that format-retrieval responses are successfully received and are complete and valid.
// Verify that a valid initial plug detect response is successfully received.
// Someday: determine how to trigger the driver's internal hardware-detect mechanism, so it
// emits unsolicited PLUG/UNPLUG events -- otherwise driver plug detect updates are not fully
// testable.
// Verify that no response is received, for a subsequent WatchPlugState request.
DEFINE_BASIC_TEST_CLASS(WatchPlugSecondTimeNoResponse, {
// Verify that a valid toplogy is successfully received.
DEFINE_BASIC_TEST_CLASS(Topology, { RequestTopologies(); });
// Register separate test case instances for each enumerated device
// See googletest/docs/ for details
{ \
testing::RegisterTest("BasicTest", TestNameForEntry(#CLASS_NAME, DEVICE).c_str(), nullptr, \
DevNameForEntry(DEVICE).c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__, \
[&]() -> BasicTest* { return new CLASS_NAME(DEVICE); }); \
void RegisterBasicTestsForDevice(const DeviceEntry& device_entry) {
if (device_entry.isCodec()) {
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(Health, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(GetProperties, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(DaiFormats, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(GetInitialPlugState, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(WatchPlugSecondTimeNoResponse, device_entry);
} else if (device_entry.isComposite()) {
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(Health, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(Topology, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(GetProperties, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(RingBufferFormats, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(DaiFormats, device_entry);
} else if (device_entry.isDai()) {
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(Health, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(GetProperties, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(RingBufferFormats, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(DaiFormats, device_entry);
} else if (device_entry.isStreamConfig()) {
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(Health, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(GetProperties, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(GetInitialGainState, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(WatchGainSecondTimeNoResponse, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(SetGain, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(RingBufferFormats, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(GetInitialPlugState, device_entry);
REGISTER_BASIC_TEST(WatchPlugSecondTimeNoResponse, device_entry);
} else {
FAIL() << "Unknown device type for entry '" << device_entry.filename << "'";
// TODO( Add testing for Composite protocol methods.
// TODO(b/302704556): Add tests for Watch-while-still-pending (specifically WatchGainState,
// WatchPlugState, WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo, WatchDelayInfo, WatchElementState and
// WatchTopology).
// TODO( Add testing for SignalProcessing methods.
// Proposed test cases for listed below:
// BasicTest cases:
// SignalProcessingSupport
// SignalProcessingConnector::SignalProcessingConnect returns and does not close channel.
// child protocol channel stays bound if supported, and closes with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if
// not.
// SignalProcessingElements
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// If GetElements closes channel with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// Else set a static var for this driver instance that SignalProcessing is supported.
// GetElements returns a vector with [1,64] entries.
// Implies that GetTopologies must return a non-empty vector.
// For each element:
// id and type are required.
// ElementType matches the TypeSpecificElement.
// Save the elements in a set, for recognition in later cases.
// SignalProcessingTopologies
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// If GetTopologies closes channel with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// Else set a static var for this driver instance that SignalProcessing is supported.
// GetTopologies returns a vector with [1,64] entries
// Implies that GetElements must return a non-empty vector.
// WatchTopology returns a value that is in the range returned by GetTopologies.
// For each topology element:
// id and processing_elements_edge_pairs are required.
// For each processing_elements_edge_pairs entry:
// processing_element_id_from and processing_element_id_to are both known (in elements
// set).
// WatchTopologyWhilePending
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// If GetTopologies closes channel with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// Else set a static var for this driver instance that SignalProcessing is supported.
// GetTopologies returns a vector with [1,64] entries
// WatchTopology returns a value that is in the range returned by GetTopologies.
// WatchTopology (again) closes the protocol channel with ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE
// InitialElementState
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// If WatchElementState closes channel with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other
// error. Else set a static var for this driver instance that SignalProcessing is supported.
// WatchElementState immediately returns when initially called.
// Callback contains a valid complete ElementState that matches the ElementType.
// WatchElementStateBadId
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// Retrieve elements. If closes with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// WatchElementState(badId) returns ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS and does not close. Fail on other
// error.
// WatchElementStateWhilePending
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// If WatchElementState closes channel with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other
// error. Else set a static var for this driver instance that SignalProcessing is supported.
// WatchElementState immediately returns when initially called.
// WatchElementState (again) closes the protocol channel with ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE
// AdminTest cases:
// SetTopologySupported
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// Retrieve topologies. If closes with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// Else set a static var for this driver instance that SignalProcessing is supported.
// SetTopology returns callback.
// WatchTopology acknowledges the change made by SetTopology.
// SetTopologyBadId
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// Retrieve topologies. If closes with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// SetTopology(badId) returns ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, does not close channel. Fail on other error.
// WatchTopology does not return.
// SetTopologyInvalidated
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// Retrieve topologies. If closes with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// First make a change that invalidates the SignalProcessing configuration, then
// WatchTopology should ... return ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE and not close channel?
// SetTopology should return ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE and not close channel.
// SetTopologyReconfigured
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// First invalidate the SignalProcessing configuration, then retrieve the new topologies.
// SetTopology returns callback (does not fail or close channel).
// WatchTopology acknowledges the change made by SetTopology.
// SetElementState
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// If SetElementState closes channel with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// Else set a static var for this driver instance that SignalProcessing is supported.
// SetElementState returns callback. Any other observable state?
// SetElementStateElementSpecific
// Detailed checks of specific input or output fields that are unique to the element type.
// ... likely multiple test cases here, one for each ElementType
// SetElementStateNoChange
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// If SetElementState closes channel with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// Else set a static var for this driver instance that SignalProcessing is supported.
// SetElementState does not returns callback, trigger WatchElementStateChange or close channel.
// SetElementStateBadId
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// Retrieve elements. If closes with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// SetElementState(badId) returns ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, not close channel. Fail on other error.
// SetElementStateBadValues
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// Retrieve elements. If closes with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// SetElementState(badVal) returns ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, not close channel. Fail on other error.
// SetElementStateInvalidated
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// Retrieve elements. If closes with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// First make a change that invalidates the SignalProcessing configuration, then
// SetElementState should return ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE and not close channel.
// SetElementStateReconfigured
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// First invalidate the SignalProcessing configuration, then retrieve new elements/topologies.
// SetElementState returns callback (does not fail or close channel).
// WatchElementStateChange
// If SignalProcessingConnect not supported earlier, SKIP.
// Retrieve elements. If closes with ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, SKIP. Fail on any other error.
// Else set a static var for this driver instance that SignalProcessing is supported.
// WatchElementState pends until SetElementState is called.
// Upon change, returns callback with values that match SetElementState.
} // namespace media::audio::drivers::test