blob: feb2159c97ceb2dabcdbc8ae93660db346760b9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/>
#include <fidl/>
#include <fidl/fuchsia.media2/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire/client.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/shared/device_config.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/shared/stream_usage.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/v2/graph_types.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/v2/reference_clock.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/v2/usage_volume.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format2/format.h"
namespace media_audio {
// Represents a pipeline of mixer graph nodes that is sourced from a single input device.
class InputDevicePipeline : public std::enable_shared_from_this<InputDevicePipeline> {
struct ProducerArgs {
// Arguments for Graph.CreateProducer. See comments there for descriptions of these fields.
std::string name;
fuchsia_audio::wire::RingBuffer ring_buffer;
fuchsia_audio_mixer::wire::ExternalDelayWatcher external_delay_watcher;
struct DeviceArgs {
// Connection to the mixer service.
std::shared_ptr<fidl::WireSharedClient<fuchsia_audio_mixer::Graph>> graph_client;
// Dispatcher for managing other FIDL connections.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher;
// Args used to create the ProducerNode which represents this device.
ProducerArgs producer;
// Device config.
media::audio::DeviceConfig::InputDeviceProfile config;
// Thread which runs this pipeline.
ThreadId thread;
// Callback invoked after the pipeline is constructed.
fit::callback<void(std::shared_ptr<InputDevicePipeline>)> callback;
struct LoopbackArgs {
// Connection to the mixer service.
std::shared_ptr<fidl::WireSharedClient<fuchsia_audio_mixer::Graph>> graph_client;
// Dispatcher for managing other FIDL connections.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher;
// The SplitterNode which represents this loopback interface.
NodeId splitter_node;
// The format of data produced by `splitter_node`.
Format format;
// Reference clock used by `splitter_node`.
ReferenceClock reference_clock;
// Thread which runs this pipeline.
ThreadId thread;
// Callback invoked after the pipeline is constructed.
fit::callback<void(std::shared_ptr<InputDevicePipeline>)> callback;
// Creates a new pipeline for the given device. This creates a ProducerNode for `args.producer`.
// Construction happens asynchronously. Once complete, `args.callback` is invoked. If construction
// falls, the callback is invoked with `nullptr`.
static void CreateForDevice(DeviceArgs args);
// Creates a new pipeline for a loopback device.
static void CreateForLoopback(LoopbackArgs args);
// Starts the underlying ProducerNode.
// REQUIRED: created with `CreateForDevice`
void Start(fidl::AnyArena& arena, fuchsia_media2::wire::RealTime when,
fuchsia_media2::wire::StreamTime stream_time);
// Stops the underlying ProducerNode.
// REQUIRED: created with `CreateForDevice`
void Stop(fidl::AnyArena& arena, fuchsia_media2::wire::RealOrStreamTime when);
// Destroy this pipeline. All nodes will be asynchronously removed from the mixer graph.
void Destroy();
// Reports if this pipeline supports capturers with the given `usage`.
bool SupportsUsage(media::audio::CaptureUsage usage) const;
// Returns a source node that can accept a destination capturer with the given format. The
// returned node can accept an arbitrarily large number of renderers. Returns `std::nullopt` if
// such a node does not exist yet, in which case the node should be created with
// `CreateSourceNodeForFormat`.
std::optional<NodeId> SourceNodeForFormat(const Format& format) const;
// Creates a source node that can accept a destination capturer with the given format. On success,
// the created node is passed to `callback`. On failure, `callback` receives `std::nullopt`.
void CreateSourceNodeForFormat(const Format& format,
fit::callback<void(std::optional<NodeId>)> callback);
// Returns a volume control for the given usage, or nullptr if `!SupportedUsage(usage)`.
std::shared_ptr<UsageVolume> UsageVolumeForUsage(media::audio::CaptureUsage usage) const;
// Returns the ProducerNode at the root of this pipeline, or std::nullopt for loopback pipelines.
std::optional<NodeId> producer_node() const { return producer_node_; }
// Returns this pipeline's volume curve.
std::shared_ptr<media::audio::VolumeCurve> volume_curve() const { return volume_curve_; }
std::shared_ptr<fidl::WireSharedClient<fuchsia_audio_mixer::Graph>> client,
std::shared_ptr<media::audio::VolumeCurve> volume_curve,
media::audio::StreamUsageSet supported_usages,
std::unordered_map<media::audio::CaptureUsage, std::shared_ptr<UsageVolume>> usage_to_volume,
ThreadId thread, ReferenceClock reference_clock)
: client_(std::move(client)),
reference_clock_(std::move(reference_clock)) {}
const std::shared_ptr<fidl::WireSharedClient<fuchsia_audio_mixer::Graph>> client_;
const std::shared_ptr<media::audio::VolumeCurve> volume_curve_;
const media::audio::StreamUsageSet supported_usages_;
const std::unordered_map<media::audio::CaptureUsage, std::shared_ptr<UsageVolume>>
const ThreadId thread_;
const ReferenceClock reference_clock_;
// If an input pipeline is rooted at an input device, it looks like:
// ```
// ProducerNode
// -> SplitterNode
// +--> {ConsumerNode, ...}
// +--> MixerNode -> SplitterNode -> {ConsumerNode, ...}
// +--> MixerNode -> SplitterNode -> {ConsumerNode, ...}
// ...
// ```
// If an input pipeline is rooted at a loopback device, it looks like:
// ```
// SplitterNode
// +--> {ConsumerNode, ...}
// +--> MixerNode -> SplitterNode -> {ConsumerNode, ...}
// +--> MixerNode -> SplitterNode -> {ConsumerNode, ...}
// ...
// ```
// In both diagrams, a ConsumerNode connects to the SplitterNode which has a compatible format,
// where two formats are "compatible" if they have the same frame rate and channelization, i.e. if
// they are equivalent ignoring `sample_type`. This structure avoids unnecessary recomputation.
// This is the root SplitterNode in the above diagrams.
NodeId root_splitter_;
// This is the ProducerNode if rooted at an input device, or nullopt for loopback devices.
std::optional<NodeId> producer_node_;
// This maps `(channel_count, frames_per_second)` to the SplitterNode which produces that format.
// Using `std::map` instead of `std::unordered_map` because `std::pair` does not have a default
// hash function, plus this should not have very many keys in practice.
std::map<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>, NodeId> splitters_by_format_;
// Pending calls to CreateSourceNodeForFormat.
struct PendingCreate;
std::map<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>, std::shared_ptr<PendingCreate>> pending_creates_;
// All nodes created by this pipeline.
std::unordered_set<NodeId> created_nodes_;
bool started_ = false;
bool pending_start_ = false;
bool pending_stop_ = false;
} // namespace media_audio