blob: 1911f1d795814c06392f67e59bc5ce125aa62b93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/shared/device_id.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/shared/mix_profile_config.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/testing/integration/hermetic_pipeline_test.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/analysis/generators.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/format/audio_buffer.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/test/comparators.h"
using ASF = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat;
namespace media::audio::test {
class AudioCoreThermalTest : public HermeticPipelineTest {
static void SetUpTestSuite() {
HermeticAudioTest::SetTestSuiteRealmOptions([] {
return HermeticAudioRealm::Options{
.audio_core_config_data = MakeAudioCoreConfig({
.output_device_config = R"x(
"device_id": "*",
"supported_stream_types": [
"pipeline": {
"name": "Single MixStage 48k",
"streams": [
"effects": [
"lib": "",
"effect": "doubler_filter",
"name": "doubler",
"config": { "enabled": true }
"lib": "",
"effect": "inversion_filter",
"name": "inverter",
"config": { "enabled": false }
"output_rate": 48000,
"output_channels": 1
.thermal_config = R"x(
"state_number": 0,
"effect_configs": {
"doubler": { "enabled": true },
"inverter": { "enabled": false }
"state_number": 1,
"effect_configs": {
"doubler": { "enabled": false },
"inverter": { "enabled": false }
"state_number": 2,
"effect_configs": {
"doubler": { "enabled": false },
"inverter": { "enabled": true }
"state_number": 3,
"effect_configs": {
"doubler": { "enabled": true },
"inverter": { "enabled": true }
// This is equivalent to, but a simplification of, running HermeticStepTest with parameters:
// .test_name = "audio_core_float32_1chan_48k_thermal" + std::to_string(thermal_state),
// .input_format = Format::Create<ASF::FLOAT>(1, 48000).take_value(),
// .source_step_magnitude = 0.5f,
// .source_step_width_in_frames = 1,
// .path = RenderPath::Media,
// .pipeline = { .ramp_in_width = MixProfileConfig::kDefaultPeriod.to_nsecs()
// * 48000 * 2 / zx::sec(1).to_nsecs(),
// .stabilization_width = 0, .destabilization_width = 0, .decay_width = 0 },
// .thermal_state = thermal_state,
// .output_format = Format::Create<ASF::FLOAT>(1, 48000).take_value(),
// .expected_output_magnitude = 0.5f * gain_factor,
void RunTestCase(uint32_t thermal_state, float gain_factor) {
constexpr auto kStepWidth = 1;
constexpr auto kFrameRate = 48000;
const auto kFormat = Format::Create<ASF::FLOAT>(1, kFrameRate).take_value();
const int64_t kStepPrePadding =
kFrameRate * 2 * MixProfileConfig::kDefaultPeriod.to_nsecs() / zx::sec(1).to_nsecs();
auto num_input_frames = kStepPrePadding + kStepWidth;
auto num_output_frames =
std::max(static_cast<int64_t>(AddSlackToOutputFrames(num_input_frames)), kFrameRate / 2L);
auto device = CreateOutput(AUDIO_STREAM_UNIQUE_ID_BUILTIN_SPEAKERS, kFormat, num_output_frames);
ASSERT_EQ(ConfigurePipelineForThermal(thermal_state), ZX_OK);
auto renderer = CreateAudioRenderer(kFormat, num_input_frames);
auto input_buffer = GenerateSilentAudio(kFormat, kStepPrePadding);
auto signal = GenerateConstantAudio(kFormat, kStepWidth, 0.5f);
auto expected_buffer = AudioBufferSlice(&input_buffer).Clone();
for (auto frame_num = kStepPrePadding; frame_num < expected_buffer.NumSamples(); ++frame_num) {
expected_buffer.samples()[frame_num] *= gain_factor;
auto packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&input_buffer});
renderer->PlaySynchronized(this, device, 0);
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, packets);
auto ring_buffer = device->SnapshotRingBuffer();
if constexpr (!kEnableAllOverflowAndUnderflowChecksInRealtimeTests) {
// In case of underflows, exit NOW (don't assess this buffer).
// TODO( Remove workarounds when underflow conditions are fixed.
if (DeviceHasUnderflows(DeviceUniqueIdToString(AUDIO_STREAM_UNIQUE_ID_BUILTIN_SPEAKERS))) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipping step magnitude checks due to underflows";
CompareAudioBufferOptions opts;
opts.test_label = "check pre-silence";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 0, kStepPrePadding),
AudioBufferSlice(&expected_buffer, 0, kStepPrePadding), opts);
opts.test_label = "check data";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, kStepPrePadding, num_input_frames),
AudioBufferSlice(&expected_buffer, kStepPrePadding, num_input_frames),
opts.test_label = "check post-silence";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, num_input_frames, num_output_frames),
AudioBufferSlice<ASF::FLOAT>(), opts);
// At thermal state 0, we expect our amplitude to be doubled.
TEST_F(AudioCoreThermalTest, Thermal0) { RunTestCase(0, 2.0f); }
// At thermal state 1, no effects are enabled. We expect normal magnitude.
TEST_F(AudioCoreThermalTest, Thermal1) { RunTestCase(1, 1.0f); }
// At thermal state 2, "inverter" is enabled. We expect inverted magnitude.
TEST_F(AudioCoreThermalTest, Thermal2) { RunTestCase(2, -1.0f); }
// At thermal state 3, "doubler" and "inverter" are enabled. We expect doubled inverted magnitude.
TEST_F(AudioCoreThermalTest, Thermal3) { RunTestCase(3, -2.0f); }
} // namespace media::audio::test