blob: ddfe1b9f5eb96bb7c347755df3f851be1d656ce1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <thread>
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <lib/zx/job.h>
#include <lib/zx/process.h>
#include <lib/zx/resource.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
namespace zxdump {
// Forward declaration.
class PipedCommand;
namespace testing {
// This manages a command-line tool process to be run in a sandbox (on Fuchsia)
// or from the build directory (on other hosts) with specified input and output
// files and fully captured stdin/stdout/stderr.
class TestToolProcess {
class File {
static constexpr std::string_view kZstdSuffix = ".zst";
File() = default;
File(const File&) = delete;
File(File&&) = default;
const std::string& tmp_path() const { return owner_->tmp_path(); }
// Return the name of the file as seen by the tool run by Start.
// This is used in composing the arguments to pass to Start.
std::string name() const { return owner_->FilePathForTool(*this); }
// Create the file so it can be written and used as input to the tool.
// This is used before Start, with name() used to compose the arguments.
fbl::unique_fd CreateInput();
// Same, but fills the file with the given contents.
void CreateInput(std::string_view text);
// Read the file after it's been written by the tool.
// This is used after Finish.
fbl::unique_fd OpenOutput();
// Uses OpenOutput to read the whole file.
std::string OutputContents();
// Don't expect this file to be created.
File NoFile();
// This immediately takes the existing file already written and runs
// the zstd tool to compress it into a file of the same name + ".zst".
File& ZstdCompress() const;
// This immediately takes the existing file ending in ".zst" and uses
// the zstd tool to decompress it into a file of the same name - ".zst".
File& ZstdDecompress() const;
TestToolProcess* owner_ = nullptr;
friend TestToolProcess;
std::string name_;
TestToolProcess(const TestToolProcess&) = delete;
TestToolProcess(TestToolProcess&&) = default;
// This creates a new isolated tmp directory.
void Init();
// This uses an existing tmp directory shared with another TestToolProcess.
void Init(std::string_view tmp_path);
// Return a file name that can be passed to the tool via its Start arguments.
// The file name will include the given name string for debugging purposes,
// but will be unique among all MakeFileName calls on this TestToolProcess.
// It will always end with the precise suffix given, if any. Whether these
// are input files the test code writes for the tool to read, or output files
// the tool writes and the test code checks afterwards, they will be cleaned
// up when the TestToolProcess object is destroyed.
File& MakeFile(std::string_view name, std::string_view suffix = "");
// Return the name to access the file in this test program.
std::string FilePathForRunner(const File& file) const;
// Return the name to access the file in the child tool program.
std::string FilePathForTool(const File& file) const;
// Start the tool running. This throws gtest assertions for problems. The
// tool name is "gcore" or the like, and is found in the appropriate place.
void Start(const std::string& tool, const std::vector<std::string>& args);
// Wait for the tool to finish and yield what it passed to exit(). This uses
// a negative synthetic exit code if the tool process crashed and throws
// gtest assertions for unexpected problems aside from the process dying.
void Finish(int& exit_status);
// These give separate pipe ends to write to the tool's stdin or read from
// its stdout or stderr. After Start, these can be reset to close the pipe
// so the tool under test sees EOF or EPIPE. Before Start, these can be set
// to redirect the tool to use another fd; then Start will not make a pipe.
fbl::unique_fd& tool_stdin() { return tool_stdin_; }
fbl::unique_fd& tool_stdout() { return tool_stdout_; }
fbl::unique_fd& tool_stderr() { return tool_stderr_; }
// This spawns a worker thread to feed the contents into the tool's stdin.
// It resets tool_stdin() and moves ownership of the pipe end to the worker.
void SendStdin(std::string contents);
// These spawn worker threads that take ownership of the tool_stdin() or
// tool_stdout() pipe and collect everything written into memory until Finish
// returns. Then collected_stdout() and collected_stderr() return them.
void CollectStdout();
void CollectStderr();
std::string collected_stdout();
std::string collected_stderr();
const std::string& tmp_path() const { return tmp_path_; }
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
void set_job(zx::unowned_job job) { job_ = job; }
void set_resource(zx::unowned_resource resource) { resource_ = std::move(resource); }
class SandboxLoop;
std::string FilePathForRunner(const std::string& name) const;
void SandboxCommand(PipedCommand& command);
std::string tmp_path_;
bool clear_tmp_ = false;
std::list<File> files_;
std::string collected_stdout_, collected_stderr_;
std::thread stdin_thread_, stdout_thread_, stderr_thread_;
fbl::unique_fd tool_stdin_, tool_stdout_, tool_stderr_;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
zx::process process_;
zx::unowned_job job_ = zx::job::default_job();
zx::unowned_resource resource_;
std::unique_ptr<SandboxLoop> sandbox_loop_;
int process_ = -1;
std::string ToolPath(std::string tool);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace zxdump