blob: 3aca88c83faf98265955b804977002338697adcc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zxdump/task.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/object.h>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace zxdump::testing {
// TestDataHolder<T...> holds data from get_info and get_property calls.
// Each T is InfoTraits<...> or PropertyTraits<...>. Get<T>() yields a
// TestDataItem<T>, defined below. Data can be easily checked against
// another identically-typed data holder, or individual items can be
// checked against other like items.
template <class Traits>
class TestDataItem;
template <class... ItemTraits>
class TestDataHolder {
// Get the TestDataItem for the given InfoTraits<...> or PropertyTraits<...>.
template <class Item>
decltype(auto) Get() {
return std::get<TestDataItem<Item>>(items_);
template <class Item>
decltype(auto) Get() const {
return std::get<TestDataItem<Item>>(items_);
template <class Item>
void Check(const TestDataItem<Item>& other) const {
// Check each item.
void Check(const TestDataHolder& other) const { (Check(other.Get<ItemTraits>()), ...); }
// This fills each item using get_info / get_property.
void Fill(zxdump::Object& object) { (Get<ItemTraits>().Fill(object), ...); }
std::tuple<TestDataItem<ItemTraits>...> items_;
// This gets instantiated with the InfoTraits<...> or PropertyTraits<...>
// type so it can be specialized on those. The partial specializations below
// just instantiate this again with the Traits::type. This default
// instantiation works for simple types where EXPECT_EQ works. It also works
// when the constexpr variable kTestDataValueStruct<T> is specialized to
// return a tuple of T::* member pointers.
template <typename T>
struct TestDataValueType {
using type = T;
static constexpr bool kIsVector = false;
static void Check(std::string_view name, const type& old_value, const type& new_value) {
EXPECT_EQ(old_value, new_value) << name;
// When Traits::type is a span, this default specialization just checks for
// matching elements by instantiating again on the element type.
template <typename T>
struct TestDataValueType<cpp20::span<const T>> {
using type = std::vector<T>;
static constexpr bool kIsVector = true;
static void Check(std::string_view name, cpp20::span<const T> old_value,
cpp20::span<const T> new_value) {
ASSERT_EQ(old_value.size(), new_value.size()) << name;
for (size_t i = 0; i < old_value.size(); ++i) {
TestDataValueType<T>::Check(std::string(name) + "[" + std::to_string(i) + "]", old_value[i],
// If not specialized on a specific InfoTraits<...>, instantiate for the data
// type.
template <uint32_t Topic>
struct TestDataValueType<InfoTraits<Topic>>
: public TestDataValueType<typename InfoTraits<Topic>::type> {};
// If not specialized on a specific PropertyTraits<...>, instantiate for the
// data type.
template <uint32_t Property>
struct TestDataValueType<PropertyTraits<Property>>
: public TestDataValueType<typename PropertyTraits<Property>::type> {};
// TestDataItem looks a little like a smart pointer to Traits::type. When
// Traits::type is a span<T>, it acts like a smart pointer to std::vector<T>.
template <class Traits>
class TestDataItem {
const auto& operator*() const { return value_; }
const auto* operator->() const { return &value_; }
// This fills the item with an explicit value, which might be a span.
void Fill(const typename Traits::type& value) {
if constexpr (TestDataValueType<Traits>::kIsVector) {
value_ = typename TestDataValueType<Traits>::type(value.begin(), value.end());
} else {
value_ = value;
// This fills the item using get_info / get_property.
void Fill(zxdump::Object& object) {
auto result = GetData{}(object);
ASSERT_TRUE(result.is_ok()) << result.error_value();
// Check a new value against this value. For thread and process items this
// is usually just doing EXPECT_EQ, expecting both samples to be taken
// while the process is suspended and so nothing changes. For job and
// kernel values that keep changing, it checks for the new value being
// plausible for a sample taken later, e.g. EXPECT_GE for statistics.
void Check(const TestDataItem& new_item) const { Check(*new_item); }
// Check a new raw value rather than another identical TestDataItem.
// This has specializations for all the traits types.
void Check(const typename Traits::type& new_value) const {
ItemValueType::Check(Traits::kName, value_, new_value);
using ItemValueType = TestDataValueType<Traits>;
// This is a separate template on Traits so it can be specialized.
template <class T = Traits>
struct GetData;
template <uint32_t Topic>
struct GetData<InfoTraits<Topic>> {
auto operator()(zxdump::Object& object) const { return object.get_info<Topic>(); }
template <uint32_t Property>
struct GetData<PropertyTraits<Property>> {
auto operator()(zxdump::Object& object) const { return object.get_property<Property>(); }
typename TestDataValueType<Traits>::type value_;
template <>
struct TestDataValueType<zx_info_cpu_stats_t> {
using type = zx_info_cpu_stats_t;
static constexpr bool kIsVector = false;
static void Check(std::string_view name, const type& old_value, const type& new_value);
template <>
struct TestDataValueType<zx_info_kmem_stats_t> {
using type = zx_info_kmem_stats_t;
static constexpr bool kIsVector = false;
static void Check(std::string_view name, const type& old_value, const type& new_value);
template <>
struct TestDataValueType<zx_arm64_info_guest_stats_t> {
using type = zx_arm64_info_guest_stats_t;
static constexpr bool kIsVector = false;
static void Check(std::string_view name, const type& old_value, const type& new_value);
template <>
struct TestDataValueType<zx_riscv64_info_guest_stats_t> {
using type = zx_riscv64_info_guest_stats_t;
static constexpr bool kIsVector = false;
static void Check(std::string_view name, const type& old_value, const type& new_value);
template <>
struct TestDataValueType<zx_x86_64_info_guest_stats_t> {
using type = zx_x86_64_info_guest_stats_t;
static constexpr bool kIsVector = false;
static void Check(std::string_view name, const type& old_value, const type& new_value);
} // namespace zxdump::testing