blob: efc19e6a7e9dd69ad10cf1bef831fab637e3ab8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/elfldltl/note.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/string_view.h>
#include <lib/zxdump/task.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/object.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/resource.h>
#include <charconv>
#include <forward_list>
#include <variant>
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <lib/zx/job.h>
#include <lib/zx/process.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include "core.h"
#include "dump-file.h"
#include "job-archive.h"
#include "live-memory-cache.h"
#include "rights.h"
namespace zxdump {
using namespace internal;
namespace {
// The result of parsing an archive member header. The name view may point
// into the original header buffer, so this must live no longer than that.
struct MemberHeader {
std::string_view name;
time_t date;
size_t size;
std::string_view TrimSpaces(std::string_view string) {
auto pos = string.find_last_not_of(' ');
if (pos == std::string_view::npos) {
return {};
return string.substr(0, pos + 1);
template <typename T>
bool ParseHeaderInteger(std::string_view field, T& value) {
field = TrimSpaces(field);
if (field.empty()) {
// Some special members can have wholly blank integer fields and that's OK.
value = 0;
return true;
const char* first =;
const char* last = first + field.size();
auto result = std::from_chars(first, last, value);
return result.ptr == last && != std::errc::result_out_of_range;
// Parse the basic archive header. The name may need additional decoding.
fit::result<Error, MemberHeader> ParseArchiveHeader(ByteView header) {
if (header.size() < sizeof(ar_hdr)) {
return fit::error(Error{"truncated archive", ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE});
static_assert(alignof(ar_hdr) == 1);
auto ar = reinterpret_cast<const ar_hdr*>(;
if (!ar->valid()) {
return CorruptedDump();
MemberHeader member{TrimSpaces({ar->ar_name, sizeof(ar->ar_name)}), 0, 0};
if (!ParseHeaderInteger({ar->ar_date, sizeof(ar->ar_date)}, ||
!ParseHeaderInteger({ar->ar_size, sizeof(ar->ar_size)}, member.size)) {
return CorruptedDump();
return fit::ok(member);
// Update if it's an encoded reference to the long name table.
bool HandleLongName(std::string_view name_table, MemberHeader& member) {
if (, ar_hdr::kLongNamePrefix.size()) == ar_hdr::kLongNamePrefix) {
size_t name_offset = std::string_view::npos;
if (!ParseHeaderInteger(, name_offset)) {
return false;
} = name_table.substr(name_offset);
size_t end =;
if (end == 0 || end == std::string_view::npos) {
return false;
} =, end);
return true;
// If name starts with match, then parse it as a note and store it in the map.
// The successful return value is false if the name didn't match or true if it
// was a valid note that wasn't already in the map.
template <typename Key>
fit::result<Error, std::optional<Key>> JobNoteName(std::string_view match, std::string_view name) {
if (name.size() > match.size() && name[match.size()] == '.' && cpp20::starts_with(name, match)) {
name.remove_prefix(match.size() + 1);
if (name.empty()) {
return CorruptedDump();
Key key = 0;
if (ParseHeaderInteger(name, key)) {
return fit::ok(key);
return fit::ok(std::nullopt);
// Add a note to an info_ or properties_ map. Duplicates are not allowed.
template <typename Key>
fit::result<Error> AddNote(std::map<Key, ByteView>& map, Key key, ByteView data) {
auto [it, unique] = map.insert({key, data});
if (!unique) {
return fit::error(Error{
"duplicate note name in dump",
return fit::ok();
// rapidjson's built-in features require NUL-terminated strings.
// Modeled on rapidjson::StringBuffer from <rapidjson/stringbuffer.h>.
class StringViewStream {
using Ch = char;
explicit StringViewStream(std::string_view data) : data_(data) {}
Ch Peek() const { return data_.empty() ? '\0' : data_.front(); }
Ch Take() {
Ch c = data_.front();
return c;
size_t Tell() const { return data_.size(); }
Ch* PutBegin() {
return 0;
void Put(Ch) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); }
void Flush() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); }
size_t PutEnd(Ch*) {
return 0;
std::string_view data_;
template <class TaskType>
struct LiveTaskHandle {
using type = LiveHandle;
template <class TaskType>
using LiveTask = typename LiveTaskHandle<TaskType>::type;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
template <>
struct LiveTaskHandle<Job> {
using type = zx::job;
template <>
struct LiveTaskHandle<Process> {
using type = zx::process;
template <>
struct LiveTaskHandle<Thread> {
using type = zx::thread;
using InsertChild = std::variant<std::monostate, Job, Process, Thread, Resource>;
} // namespace
// This is the real guts of the zxdump::TaskHolder class.
class TaskHolder::JobTree {
Job& root_job() const { return root_job_; }
Resource& info_resource() { return info_resource_; }
size_t memory_cache_limit() const { return live_memory_cache_.cache_limit(); }
void set_memory_cache_limit(size_t limit) { live_memory_cache_.set_cache_limit(limit); }
LiveMemoryCache& live_memory_cache() { return live_memory_cache_; }
// Insert any number of dumps by reading a core file or an archive.
fit::result<Error> Insert(fbl::unique_fd fd, bool read_memory) {
if (auto result = DumpFile::Open(std::move(fd)); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
} else {
auto& file = *dumps_.front();
auto result = Read(file, read_memory, {0, file.size()});
if (!read_memory) {
if (file.size() == 0) {
return result;
// This implements Job::children(), Job::processes(), and Process::threads().
// If the map is empty in a live task, fill it.
template <zx_object_info_topic_t KoidListTopic, auto KoidMapMember, class Parent>
auto GetChildren(Parent& parent)
-> fit::result<Error, decltype(std::ref(parent.*KoidMapMember))> {
using Child = typename std::decay_t<decltype(parent.*KoidMapMember)>::mapped_type;
if ((parent.*KoidMapMember).empty() && {
// The first time called on a live task (or on repeated calls iff the
// first time there were no children), populate the whole list.
// Start by fetching a fresh list of child KOIDs.
auto koids = parent.template get_info<KoidListTopic>(true);
if (koids.is_error()) {
return koids.take_error();
for (zx_koid_t koid : *koids) {
if (koid == ZX_KOID_INVALID) {
auto live_child = GetLiveChild(parent, koid, kGetChildRights<Child>);
if (live_child.is_error()) {
if (live_child.error_value().status_ == ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND) {
// It's not an error if the child died since we collected the list.
return live_child.take_error();
auto result = PlaceLiveChild<KoidMapMember>(parent, *std::move(live_child));
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
return fit::ok(std::ref(parent.*KoidMapMember));
template <class Parent, auto KoidMapMember>
using ChildType =
typename std::decay_t<decltype(std::declval<Parent>().*KoidMapMember)>::mapped_type;
template <class Parent>
using GetChildRef =
std::reference_wrapper<std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<Parent, Process>, Thread, Task>>;
template <class Parent>
using GetChildResult = fit::result<Error, GetChildRef<Parent>>;
template <auto... KoidMapMember, class Parent>
GetChildResult<Parent> GetChild(Parent& parent, zx_koid_t koid) {
GetChildResult<Parent> result = kChildNotFound;
auto find = [&](auto children) -> bool {
auto found = (parent.*children).find(koid);
if (found == (parent.*children).end()) {
return false;
result = fit::ok(std::ref(found->second));
return true;
if (!(find(KoidMapMember) || ...) && {
result = PlaceLiveChild<KoidMapMember...>(parent, koid);
return result;
fit::result<Error, std::reference_wrapper<Task>> FindChild(Job& job, zx_koid_t koid) {
auto parent = parent_map_.find(koid);
if (parent != parent_map_.end() && &parent->second.get() != &superroot_) {
// This is a known KOID. Go directly to its parent.
return job.get_child(koid);
// The superroot might have live children. Otherwise, if the job is from
// a dump, it's not going to have any new children to find.
if (&job != &superroot_ && ! {
return kChildNotFound;
// First check this job itself for a direct child.
// Ignore the error of just not finding it, but not other errors.
auto result = job.get_child(koid);
if (result.is_ok() || result.error_value().status_ != ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND) {
return result;
auto check_children = [koid, &result](auto list) -> bool {
if (list.is_error()) {
result = list.take_error();
return true;
for (auto& [child_koid, child] : list->get()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(child_koid != koid);
result = child.get_child(koid);
if (result.is_ok() || result.error_value().status_ != ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND) {
return true;
return false;
// Check all the processes first, in case this is a thread KOID.
// Finally, recurse on all child jobs.
check_children(job.processes()) || check_children(job.children());
return result;
// A live parent is looking for a direct child by KOID.
// Fetch the live child handle and then place it in the parent.
template <auto... KoidMapMember, class Parent>
GetChildResult<Parent> PlaceLiveChild(Parent& parent, zx_koid_t koid) {
constexpr zx_rights_t kRights = (kGetChildRights<ChildType<Parent, KoidMapMember>> | ...);
auto live_child = GetLiveChild(parent, koid, kRights);
if (live_child.is_error()) {
return live_child.take_error();
return PlaceLiveChild<KoidMapMember...>(parent, *std::move(live_child));
// A parent has a new live child to consider. Make sure the handle is kosher
// for one of the parent's lists, and place the new child.
template <auto... KoidMapMember, class Parent>
GetChildResult<Parent> PlaceLiveChild(Parent& parent, LiveHandle live,
std::optional<zx_info_handle_basic_t> info = std::nullopt) {
if (!info) {
zx_status_t status =
live.get_info(ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC, &*info, sizeof(*info), nullptr, nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return fit::error(Error{"invalid live task", status});
GetChildResult<Parent> result = kWrongType;
auto place = [&](auto& children) -> bool {
using Child = typename std::decay_t<decltype(children)>::mapped_type;
if (info->type != kObjType<Child>) {
return false;
auto [it, unique] = children.try_emplace(info->koid, *this);
Child& child = it->second;
if ( && !unique) {
result = fit::error{Error{
"same live task inserted twice",
return false;
// Record the time of the first sample from this task.
// If the task was already inserted from a dump, keep its old stamp.
if (unique || child.date_ == 0) {
child.date_ = time(nullptr);
// Store the basic info we already collected. If the task was already
// inserted from a dump, the new live info will override the past info.
// Other topics with old info from the dump remain, however.
auto buffer = GetBuffer(sizeof(*info));
memcpy(buffer, &*info, sizeof(*info));
ByteView data{buffer, sizeof(*info)};
child.info_.insert_or_assign(ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC, data);
child.live_ = std::move(live);
ReifyTask(child, parent);
result = fit::ok(std::ref(child));
return true;
(place(parent.*KoidMapMember) || ...);
return result;
template <class Parent>
static fit::result<Error, LiveHandle> GetLiveChild(Parent& parent, zx_koid_t koid,
zx_rights_t rights) {
// Use a momentary move to get the object into the right type. This
// has the same in effect as using zx::unowned_* types but doesn't
// require the non-Fuchsia LiveHandle stub to have unowned support.
LiveTask<Parent> live_parent(std::move(;
auto restore_live =
fit::defer([&parent, &live_parent]() { = std::move(live_parent); });
LiveHandle live_child;
zx_status_t status = live_parent.get_child(koid, rights, &live_child);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return fit::error(Error{"zx_object_get_child", status});
return fit::ok(std::move(live_child));
fit::result<Error, std::reference_wrapper<Object>> Insert(LiveHandle live) {
zx_info_handle_basic_t info;
if (zx_status_t status =
live.get_info(ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr);
status != ZX_OK) {
return fit::error(Error{"invalid live handle", status});
switch (info.type) {
return InsertLiveResource(std::move(live), info);
return InsertLiveTask(std::move(live), info);
return kWrongType;
fit::result<Error, std::reference_wrapper<Resource>> InsertLiveResource(
LiveHandle live, const zx_info_handle_basic_t& info) {
zx_info_resource_t resource;
if (zx_status_t status =
live.get_info(ZX_INFO_RESOURCE, &resource, sizeof(resource), nullptr, nullptr);
status != ZX_OK) {
return fit::error(Error{"invalid resource handle", status});
if (resource.kind != ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM && resource.base != ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_INFO_BASE) {
return fit::error{Error{
"only info resource supported",
if ( {
// There's already a live info resource attached.
return fit::error{Error{
"live info resource handle already inserted",
// Clear out any old data from dumps and inject the basic data we have now.
auto inject = [this](zx_object_info_topic_t topic, auto& info) {
auto buffer = GetBuffer(sizeof(info));
memcpy(buffer, &info, sizeof(info));
info_resource_.info_.emplace(topic, ByteView{buffer, sizeof(info)});
inject(ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC, info);
inject(ZX_INFO_RESOURCE, resource);
info_resource_.live_ = std::move(live);
return fit::ok(std::ref(info_resource_));
fit::result<Error, std::reference_wrapper<Task>> InsertLiveTask(
LiveHandle live, const zx_info_handle_basic_t& info) {
auto place = EnterChild(info.koid);
auto& [is_new, parent] = place;
if (!is_new && parent.type() != ZX_OBJ_TYPE_JOB) {
// Some existing process expects this to be a thread KOID. But we
// already know it's not a thread handle, so something is fishy.
return fit::error{Error{
"live handle matches dangling thread KOID; corrupted dump?",
Job& job = static_cast<Job&>(parent);
return PlaceLiveChild<&Job::children_, &Job::processes_>(job, std::move(live), info);
std::pair<bool, Task&> EnterChild(zx_koid_t koid) {
// If this is a known KOID, find its expectant parent.
// Otherwise, it will be adopted by the superroot.
auto [it, unique] = parent_map_.try_emplace(koid, superroot_);
auto& [parent_koid, parent] = *it;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(parent_koid == koid);
return {unique, parent};
template <auto KoidMapMember, class Child>
fit::result<Error> PlaceDump(Child&& child) {
zx_koid_t koid = child.koid();
auto place = EnterChild(koid);
auto& [new_child, parent_task] = place;
if (!new_child && parent_task.type() != ZX_INFO_JOB) {
return fit::error{Error{
"dumped task KOID matches dangling thread KOID; corrupted dump?",
Job& parent_job = static_cast<Job&>(parent_task);
// Place the new Child into the parent's (children or processes) list.
// This constructs a fresh Child in place because only that constructor is
// public. Then we can move the pending data into the placed object via
// the private move-assignment operator.
auto [it, unique] = (parent_job.*KoidMapMember).try_emplace(koid, *this);
Child& placed_child = it->second;
if (!unique) {
return kDuplicate<Child>;
placed_child = std::forward<Child>(child);
// Reify the task so parent_map_ lists all its children.
ReifyTask(placed_child, parent_job);
return fit::ok();
void AssertIsSuperroot(Object& object) { ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(&object == &superroot_); }
// Unlike generic get_info, the view is always fully aligned for casting.
fit::result<Error, ByteView> GetSuperrootInfo(zx_object_info_topic_t topic) {
auto children_koid_list = [this](auto children, auto& info_children) {
if (!info_children) {
// No value cached.
zx_koid_t* p = new zx_koid_t[(superroot_.*children).size()];
for (const auto& [koid, job] : superroot_.*children) {
*p++ = koid;
return fit::ok(ByteView{
reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(info_children.get()),
switch (topic) {
return children_koid_list(&Job::children_, superroot_info_children_);
return children_koid_list(&Job::processes_, superroot_info_processes_);
return fit::error(Error{"fake root job info", ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED});
// Allocate a buffer saved for the life of this holder.
std::byte* GetBuffer(size_t size) {
std::byte* buffer = new std::byte[size];
return buffer;
void TakeBuffer(std::unique_ptr<std::byte[]> owned_buffer) {
template <typename T>
T GetSystemData(const char* key) const;
uint64_t system_get_page_size() const;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
fit::result<Error> InsertSystem() {
std::string_view version = zx_system_get_version_string();
auto version_string = rapidjson::StringRef(, version.size());
.AddMember("version_string", version_string, system_.GetAllocator())
.AddMember("dcache_line_size", zx_system_get_dcache_line_size(), system_.GetAllocator())
.AddMember("num_cpus", zx_system_get_num_cpus(), system_.GetAllocator())
.AddMember("page_size", zx_system_get_page_size(), system_.GetAllocator())
.AddMember("physmem", zx_system_get_physmem(), system_.GetAllocator());
return fit::ok();
using ParentMap = std::map<zx_koid_t, std::reference_wrapper<Task>>;
template <class Child>
static constexpr auto kDuplicate =
fit::error(Error{"duplicate job KOID", ZX_ERR_IO_DATA_INTEGRITY});
template <>
static constexpr auto kDuplicate<Process> =
fit::error(Error{"duplicate process KOID", ZX_ERR_IO_DATA_INTEGRITY});
static constexpr auto kChildNotFound = fit::error{Error{"zx_object_get_child", ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND}};
static constexpr auto kWrongType =
fit::error{Error{"live handle has wrong type", ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE}};
template <class Child>
static constexpr zx_rights_t kGetChildRights = kChildRights;
template <>
static constexpr zx_rights_t kGetChildRights<Thread> = kThreadRights;
template <class ObjectType>
static constexpr zx_obj_type_t kObjType = ZX_OBJ_TYPE_NONE;
template <>
static constexpr zx_obj_type_t kObjType<Job> = ZX_OBJ_TYPE_JOB;
template <>
static constexpr zx_obj_type_t kObjType<Process> = ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PROCESS;
template <>
static constexpr zx_obj_type_t kObjType<Thread> = ZX_OBJ_TYPE_THREAD;
// This is the actual reader, implemented below.
fit::result<Error> Read(DumpFile& file, bool read_memory, FileRange where, time_t date = 0);
fit::result<Error> ReadElf(DumpFile& file, FileRange where, time_t date, ByteView header,
bool read_memory);
fit::result<Error> ReadArchive(DumpFile& file, FileRange archive, ByteView header,
bool read_memory);
fit::result<Error> ReadSystemNote(ByteView data);
const rapidjson::Value* GetSystemJsonData(const char* key) const;
// Reify a freshly-inserted task. This populates parent_map_ with all its
// child KOIDs. Threads have nothing to do.
void ReifyTask(Thread& thread, Process& parent) {
// This handles a new live thread. For a thread in a dump (from ReadElf),
// the parent object will be moved so this pointer will become invalid.
// ReifyTask<Process> below will fix these up.
thread.process_ = &parent;
void ReifyTask(Process& process, Job& parent) {
ReifyChildren<ZX_INFO_PROCESS_THREADS, &Process::threads_>(process);
// Now that the Process has been moved into its final place, the
// Thread::process_ back-pointers can be set properly.
for (auto& [koid, thread] : process.threads_) {
thread.process_ = &process;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
process.dump_machine_ = elfldltl::ElfMachine::kNative;
// Fix the proper page size even before any memory is actually read.
// The dumper relies on this to do layout alignment. When reading
// from a previous dump to dump again, it's always set by observed
// PT_LOAD p_align fields or by a system note--and in a dump where
// neither system notes nor any PT_LOAD segments are present (i.e. a
// process with no memory at all, since they are present for all
// mappings whether or not that memory is in the dump) nobody cares
// what the value is since there is no memory to contemplate anyway.
process.dump_page_size_ = zx_system_get_page_size();
void ReifyTask(Job& job, Job& parent) {
// Reify both lists.
ReifyChildren<ZX_INFO_JOB_CHILDREN, &Job::children_>(job);
ReifyChildren<ZX_INFO_JOB_PROCESSES, &Job::processes_>(job);
// That might have moved some child tasks out of the superroot if they were
// inserted before the new job. The new job might also be the sole child
// of the superroot so it should become the new root.
template <zx_object_info_topic_t Topic, auto KoidMapMember, class Parent>
void ReifyChildren(Parent& parent) {
auto children = parent.template get_info<Topic>();
if (children.is_ok()) {
for (zx_koid_t koid : *children) {
// Put each child's KOID into the parent map so that it can be matched
// up when PlaceLiveChild or PlaceDump encounters the same task.
auto [it, unique] = parent_map_.try_emplace(koid, parent);
// If it was already there, the child has already been seen. If it's
// actually already reified in a different parent, that's a bogus
// situation but harmless enough to ignore. More likely it was reified
// as child of the superroot when it was seen as an orphan. Move it
// from the superroot's child list to the proper parent's list.
if constexpr (Topic != ZX_INFO_PROCESS_THREADS) {
if (!unique && &it->second.get() == &superroot_) {
auto& parent_children = parent.*KoidMapMember;
auto& superroot_children = superroot_.*KoidMapMember;
auto found = superroot_children.find(koid);
if (found != superroot_children.end()) {
// Snap the root job pointer to the sole job or back to the superroot.
// Also clear the cached get_info lists so they'll be regenerated on demand.
void Reroot() {
if (superroot_.processes_.empty() && superroot_.children_.size() == 1) {
auto& [koid, job] = *superroot_.children_.begin();
root_job_ = std::ref(job);
} else if (&root_job_.get() == &superroot_) {
// Don't clear the caches if nothing is changing.
} else {
root_job_ = std::ref(superroot_);
fit::result<Error> ReadKernelNote(zx_object_info_topic_t topic, ByteView data) {
info_resource_.info_.try_emplace(topic, data);
return fit::ok();
std::forward_list<std::unique_ptr<DumpFile>> dumps_;
std::forward_list<std::unique_ptr<std::byte[]>> buffers_;
rapidjson::Document system_;
// The superroot holds all the orphaned jobs and processes that haven't been
// claimed by a parent job.
Job superroot_{*this};
// This records task KOID ever encountered: either a task that's already in
// the holder; or a task whose KOID was listed on its (presumed) parent's
// children, processes, or threads list, but is not yet in the holder. Each
// KOID is associated with the parent Job or Process that has this KOID on
// one of its lists.
ParentMap parent_map_;
// These are the buffers for the synthetic ZX_INFO_JOB_CHILDREN and
// ZX_INFO_JOB_PROCESSES results returned by get_info calls on the superroot.
// They are regenerated on demand, and cleared when new tasks are inserted.
std::unique_ptr<zx_koid_t[]> superroot_info_children_, superroot_info_processes_;
// The root job is either the superroot or its only child.
std::reference_wrapper<Job> root_job_{superroot_};
// The only resource we hold is the info resource.
Resource info_resource_{*this};
// Shared cache of pages read from process memory (see live-memory-cache.h).
LiveMemoryCache live_memory_cache_;
// JobTree is an incomplete type outside this translation unit. Some methods
// on TaskHolder et al need to access tree_, so they are defined here.
TaskHolder::TaskHolder() { tree_ = std::make_unique<JobTree>(); }
TaskHolder::~TaskHolder() = default;
Job& TaskHolder::root_job() const { return tree_->root_job(); }
Resource& TaskHolder::info_resource() const { return tree_->info_resource(); }
Resource& Object::info_resource() { return tree().info_resource(); }
fit::result<Error> TaskHolder::Insert(fbl::unique_fd fd, bool read_memory) {
return tree_->Insert(std::move(fd), read_memory);
fit::result<Error, std::reference_wrapper<Object>> TaskHolder::Insert(LiveHandle obj) {
return tree_->Insert(std::move(obj));
Object::~Object() = default;
Task::~Task() = default;
Job::~Job() = default;
Process::~Process() = default;
Thread::~Thread() = default;
Resource::~Resource() = default;
fit::result<Error, std::reference_wrapper<zxdump::Job::JobMap>> Job::children() {
return tree().GetChildren<ZX_INFO_JOB_CHILDREN, &Job::children_>(*this);
fit::result<Error, std::reference_wrapper<zxdump::Job::ProcessMap>> Job::processes() {
return tree().GetChildren<ZX_INFO_JOB_PROCESSES, &Job::processes_>(*this);
fit::result<Error, std::reference_wrapper<zxdump::Process::ThreadMap>> Process::threads() {
return tree().GetChildren<ZX_INFO_PROCESS_THREADS, &Process::threads_>(*this);
std::byte* Object::GetBuffer(size_t size) { return tree().GetBuffer(size); }
void Object::TakeBuffer(std::unique_ptr<std::byte[]> buffer) {
fit::result<Error, ByteView> Object::GetSuperrootInfo(zx_object_info_topic_t topic) {
if (this == &(tree().info_resource())) {
return fit::error{
Error{"no kernel information recorded", ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED},
return tree_.get().GetSuperrootInfo(topic);
fit::result<Error, ByteView> Object::get_info_aligned( //
zx_object_info_topic_t topic, size_t record_size, size_t align, bool refresh_live) {
ByteView bytes;
if (auto result = get_info(topic, refresh_live, record_size); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
} else {
bytes = result.value();
void* ptr = const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(;
size_t space = bytes.size();
if (std::align(align, space, ptr, space)) {
// It's already aligned.
return fit::ok(bytes);
// Allocate a buffer with alignment slop and make the holder hold onto it.
space = bytes.size() + align - 1;
ptr = tree_.get().GetBuffer(space);
// Copy the data into the buffer with the right alignment.
void* aligned_ptr = std::align(align, bytes.size(), ptr, space);
memcpy(aligned_ptr,, bytes.size());
// Return the aligned data in the buffer now held in the holder and replace
// the cached data with the aligned copy for the next lookup to find.
ByteView copy{static_cast<std::byte*>(aligned_ptr), bytes.size()};
info_[topic] = copy;
return fit::ok(copy);
fit::result<Error> TaskHolder::JobTree::Read(DumpFile& real_file, bool read_memory, FileRange where,
time_t date) {
// If the file is compressed, this will iterate with the decompressed file.
for (DumpFile* file = &real_file; where.size >= kHeaderProbeSize;
// Read the whole uncompressed file as a stream. Its size is unknown.
where = FileRange::Unbounded()) {
ByteView header;
if (auto result = file->ReadEphemeral(where / kHeaderProbeSize); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
} else {
header = result.value();
if (uint32_t word; memcpy(&word,, sizeof(word)), word == Elf::Ehdr::kMagic) {
return ReadElf(*file, where, date, header, read_memory);
std::string_view header_string{
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
if (cpp20::starts_with(header_string, kArchiveMagic)) {
return ReadArchive(*file, where, header, read_memory);
// If it's not a compressed file, we don't grok it.
if (!DumpFile::IsCompressed(header)) {
// Start streaming decompression to deliver the uncompressed dump file.
// Then iterate to read that (streaming) file.
auto result = file->Decompress(where, header);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
file = result.value().get();
return fit::error(Error{"not an ELF or archive file", ZX_ERR_NOT_FILE});
fit::result<Error> TaskHolder::JobTree::ReadElf(DumpFile& file, FileRange where, time_t date,
ByteView header, bool read_memory) {
Elf::Ehdr ehdr;
if (header.size() < sizeof(ehdr)) {
return TruncatedDump();
memcpy(&ehdr,, sizeof(ehdr));
if (!ehdr.Valid() || ehdr.phentsize() != sizeof(Elf::Phdr) ||
ehdr.type != elfldltl::ElfType::kCore) {
return fit::error(Error{"ELF file is not a Zircon core dump", ZX_ERR_IO_DATA_INTEGRITY});
// Get the count of program headers. Large counts use a special encoding
// marked by PN_XNUM. The 0th section header's sh_info is the real count.
size_t phnum = ehdr.phnum;
if (phnum == Elf::Ehdr::kPnXnum) {
Elf::Shdr shdr;
if (ehdr.shoff < sizeof(ehdr) || ehdr.shnum() == 0 || ehdr.shentsize() != sizeof(shdr)) {
return fit::error(Error{
"invalid ELF section headers for PN_XNUM",
auto result = file.ReadEphemeral(where / FileRange{ehdr.shoff, sizeof(shdr)});
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
if (result.value().size() < sizeof(shdr)) {
return TruncatedDump();
memcpy(&shdr, result.value().data(), sizeof(shdr));
phnum =;
// Read the program headers.
ByteView phdrs_bytes;
if (ehdr.phoff > where.size || where.size / sizeof(Elf::Phdr) < phnum) {
return TruncatedDump();
} else {
const size_t phdrs_size_bytes = phnum * sizeof(Elf::Phdr);
auto result = file.ReadEphemeral(where / FileRange{ehdr.phoff, phdrs_size_bytes});
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
} else {
phdrs_bytes = result.value();
if (phdrs_bytes.size() < phdrs_size_bytes) {
// If it doesn't have all the phdrs, it won't have anything after them.
return TruncatedDump();
// Parse the program headers. Note they occupy the ephemeral buffer
// throughout the parsing loop, so it cannot use ReadEphemeral at all.
// Process-wide notes will accumulate in the Process.
Process process(*this);
if (read_memory) {
// The back-pointer is needed by Process::ReadMemoryImpl.
process.dump_ = &file;
// Per-thread notes will accumulate in the thread until a new thread's first
// note is seen.
std::optional<Thread> thread;
auto reify_thread = [this, &process, &thread]() {
if (thread) {
zx_koid_t koid = thread->koid();
// Construct a new empty thread since only that constructor is public.
// Then we can use the private move-assignment operator on it.
auto it = process.threads_.emplace_hint(process.threads_.end(), koid, *this);
auto& [thread_koid, placed_thread] = *it;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(thread_koid == koid);
// Ignore duplicates here since they do no real harm.
if (placed_thread.empty()) {
placed_thread = *std::move(thread);
// Parse a note segment. Truncated notes do not cause an error.
auto parse_notes = [&](FileRange notes) -> fit::result<Error> {
// Cap the segment size to what's available in the file.
notes.size = std::min(notes.size, where.size - notes.offset);
// Read the whole segment and keep it forever.
Elf::NoteSegment segment;
if (auto result = file.ReadPermanent(where / notes); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
} else {
segment = result.value();
// Iterate through the notes.
for (auto [name, desc, type] : segment) {
// All valid note names end with a NUL terminator.
if (name.empty() || name.back() != '\0') {
// Ignore bogus notes. Could make them an error?
// Check for a system note.
if (name == kSystemNoteName) {
auto result = ReadSystemNote(desc);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
// Check for a kernel note.
if (name == std::string_view{kKernelInfoNoteName}) {
auto result = ReadKernelNote(type, desc);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
// Check for a dump date note.
if (name == kDateNoteName) {
if (desc.size() < sizeof(process.date_)) {
return CorruptedDump();
memcpy(&process.date_,, sizeof(process.date_));
// Check for dump remarks.
if (cpp20::starts_with(name, kRemarkNotePrefix)) {
process.remarks_.emplace_back(name.substr(kRemarkNotePrefix.size()), desc);
// Check for a process info note.
if (name == kProcessInfoNoteName) {
if (type == ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC) {
zx_info_handle_basic_t info;
if (desc.size() < sizeof(info)) {
return CorruptedDump();
memcpy(&info,, sizeof(info));
// Validate the type because it's used for static_cast validation.
if (info.type != ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PROCESS) {
return CorruptedDump();
auto result = AddNote(process.info_, type, desc);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
// Not a process info note. Check for a process property note.
if (name == kProcessPropertyNoteName) {
auto result = AddNote(process.properties_, type, desc);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
// Not any kind of process note. Check for a thread info note.
if (name == kThreadInfoNoteName) {
if (type == ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC) {
// This marks the first note of a new thread. Reify the last one.
zx_info_handle_basic_t info;
if (desc.size() < sizeof(info)) {
return CorruptedDump();
memcpy(&info,, sizeof(info));
// Validate the type because it's used for static_cast validation.
if (info.type != ZX_OBJ_TYPE_THREAD) {
return CorruptedDump();
// Start recording a new thread. This is the only place that
// constructs new Thread objects, so every extant Thread has the
// basic info. But we don't validate that the KOID is not zero or a
// duplicate. Such bogons don't really do harm. They will be
// visible in the threads() list or to get_child calls using their
// bogus KOIDs, even if they are never in the ZX_INFO_PROCESS_THREADS
// list. That behavior is inconsistent with a real live process but
// it's consistent with the way the dump was actually written.
} else if (!thread) {
return fit::error(Error{
"first thread info note is not ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC",
auto result = AddNote(thread->info_, type, desc);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
// Not a thread info note. Check for a thread property note.
if (name == kThreadPropertyNoteName) {
if (!thread) {
return fit::error(Error{
"thread property note before thread ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC note",
auto result = AddNote(thread->properties_, type, desc);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
// Not a thread property note. Check for a thread state note.
if (name == kThreadStateNoteName) {
if (!thread) {
return fit::error(Error{
"thread state note before thread ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC note",
auto result = AddNote(thread->state_, type, desc);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
// Ignore unrecognized notes. Could make them an error?
return fit::ok();
// Validate a memory segment and add it to the memory map.
auto add_segment = [where, &process](uint64_t vaddr,
Process::Segment segment) //
-> fit::result<Error> {
if (vaddr % process.dump_page_size() != 0) {
return fit::error(Error{
"ELF core file PT_LOAD segment p_vaddr not page-aligned",
if (segment.offset % process.dump_page_size() != 0) {
return fit::error(Error{
"ELF core file PT_LOAD segment p_offset not page-aligned",
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(segment.memsz > 0);
if (!process.memory_.empty()) {
const auto& [last_vaddr, last_segment] = *process.memory_.crbegin();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(last_segment.memsz > 0);
if (vaddr <= last_vaddr) {
return fit::error(Error{
"ELF core file PT_LOAD segments not in ascending address order",
if (vaddr < last_vaddr + last_segment.memsz) {
return fit::error(Error{
"ELF core file PT_LOAD segments overlap",
// Adjust the offset to place it within the archive, if any.
if (where.size < segment.offset) {
return fit::error(Error{
"ELF core file PT_LOAD p_offset past end of file",
if (where.size - segment.offset < segment.filesz) {
return fit::error(Error{
"ELF core file PT_LOAD p_filesz past end of file",
segment.offset += where.offset;
process.memory_.emplace_hint(process.memory_.end(), vaddr, segment);
return fit::ok();
while (!phdrs_bytes.empty()) {
Elf::Phdr phdr;
if (phdrs_bytes.size() < sizeof(phdr)) {
return TruncatedDump();
memcpy(&phdr,, sizeof(phdr));
phdrs_bytes = phdrs_bytes.subspan(sizeof(phdr));
if (phdr.type == elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kNote && phdr.memsz() == 0 && phdr.filesz > 0) {
// A non-allocated note segment should hold core notes.
auto result = parse_notes({phdr.offset, phdr.filesz});
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
} else if (phdr.type == elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kLoad && phdr.memsz > 0) {
uint64_t page_size = std::max<uint64_t>(process.dump_page_size_, phdr.align);
if (!cpp20::has_single_bit(process.dump_page_size_)) {
return fit::error(Error{
"ELF core file PT_LOAD p_align not a power of two",
process.dump_page_size_ = page_size;
if (read_memory) {
const Process::Segment segment{phdr.offset, phdr.filesz, phdr.memsz};
auto result = add_segment(phdr.vaddr, segment);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
if (process.koid() == 0) { // There was no ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC note.
return CorruptedDump();
// In case there was system info in this or another process or job dump but
// no PT_LOADs, use that to set the page size.
if (process.dump_page_size_ == 1) {
if (uint64_t page_size = system_get_page_size()) {
if (!cpp20::has_single_bit(page_size)) {
return fit::error(Error{
"system page size not a power of two",
process.dump_page_size_ = std::max(process.dump_page_size_, page_size);
if (process.dump_machine_ == elfldltl::ElfMachine::kNone) {
process.dump_machine_ = ehdr.machine;
// Looks like a valid dump. Finish out the last pending thread.
return PlaceDump<&Job::processes_>(std::move(process));
fit::result<Error> TaskHolder::JobTree::ReadArchive(DumpFile& file, FileRange archive,
ByteView header, bool read_memory) {
// The first member's header comes immediately after kArchiveMagic.
archive %= kArchiveMagic.size();
header = header.subspan(kArchiveMagic.size());
if (archive.empty()) {
return fit::ok();
// This holds the current member's details.
MemberHeader member{};
FileRange contents{};
// This parses the header into member and contents, and consumes them from
// archive.
auto parse = [&archive, &member, &contents](ByteView header) //
-> fit::result<Error, bool> {
if (auto result = ParseArchiveHeader(header); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
} else {
member = result.value();
archive %= sizeof(ar_hdr);
if (member.size > archive.size) {
return TruncatedDump();
contents = archive / member.size;
archive %= member.size + (member.size & 1);
return fit::ok(true);
// This reads and parses the next header, consuming the member from archive.
auto next = [&](bool probe = false) -> fit::result<Error, bool> {
ByteView header;
if (auto result = file.ReadProbe(archive / sizeof(ar_hdr)); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
} else {
header = result.value();
if (probe && header.empty()) {
return fit::ok(false);
if (header.size() < sizeof(ar_hdr)) {
return TruncatedDump();
return parse(header);
// Parse the first member header.
if (auto result = parse(header); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
if ( == ar_hdr::kSymbolTableName) {
// An archive symbol table was created by `ar`. `gcore` won't add one.
// Ignore it and read the next member.
if (archive.empty()) {
return fit::ok();
if (auto result = next(); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
std::string_view name_table;
if ( == ar_hdr::kNameTableName) {
// The special first member (or second member, if there was a symbol table)
// is the long name table.
if (auto result = file.ReadPermanent(contents); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
} else {
name_table = {
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(result.value().data()),
if (archive.empty()) {
return fit::ok();
if (auto result = next(); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
// Any note members will collect in this Job.
Job job{*this};
// Process one normal member. It might be a note or an embedded dump file.
auto handle_member = [&]() -> fit::result<Error> {
// Check for an info note.
if (auto info = JobNoteName<zx_object_info_topic_t>(kJobInfoName,;
info.is_error()) {
return info.take_error();
} else if (info.value()) {
const zx_object_info_topic_t topic = *info.value();
ByteView bytes;
if (auto result = file.ReadPermanent(contents); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
} else {
bytes = result.value();
if (topic == ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC) {
zx_info_handle_basic_t basic_info;
if (bytes.size() < sizeof(basic_info)) {
return CorruptedDump();
memcpy(&basic_info,, sizeof(basic_info));
// Validate the type because it's used for static_cast validation.
if (basic_info.type != ZX_OBJ_TYPE_JOB) {
return CorruptedDump();
if (job.date_ == 0) {
job.date_ =;
return AddNote(job.info_, topic, bytes);
// Not an info note. Check for a property note.
if (auto property = JobNoteName<uint32_t>(kJobPropertyName,; property.is_error()) {
return property.take_error();
} else if (property.value()) {
auto result = file.ReadPermanent(contents);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
return AddNote(job.properties_, *property.value(), result.value());
// Check for a system note.
if ( == kSystemNoteName) {
auto result = file.ReadEphemeral(contents);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
return ReadSystemNote(result.value());
// Check for a kernel note.
if (auto kernel = JobNoteName<uint32_t>(kKernelInfoNoteName,; kernel.is_error()) {
return kernel.take_error();
} else if (kernel.value()) {
auto result = file.ReadPermanent(contents);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
return ReadKernelNote(*kernel.value(), result.value());
// Check for dump remarks.
if (cpp20::starts_with(, kRemarkNotePrefix)) {
auto result = file.ReadPermanent(contents);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
job.remarks_.emplace_back(, result.value());
return fit::ok();
// This member file is not a job note. It's an embedded dump file.
return Read(file, read_memory, contents,;
// Iterate through the normal members.
while (true) {
// Specially-encoded member names are actually indices into the name table.
if (!HandleLongName(name_table, member)) {
return CorruptedDump();
if (auto result = handle_member(); result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
if (archive.empty()) {
auto result = next(true);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
if (!result.value()) {
// End of the archive. Reify the job.
if (job.koid() != ZX_KOID_INVALID) {
// Looks like a valid job.
return PlaceDump<&Job::children_>(std::move(job));
if (job.info_.empty() && job.properties_.empty()) {
// This was just a plain archive, not actually a job archive at all.
// If there were any dump remarks, attach them to the superroot.
std::move(job.remarks_.begin(), job.remarks_.end(),
return fit::ok();
// This job archive had some notes but no ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC note.
return CorruptedDump();
fit::result<Error> TaskHolder::JobTree::ReadSystemNote(ByteView data) {
// If it's already been collected, then ignore new data.
if (system_.IsObject()) {
return fit::ok();
std::string_view sv{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, data.size()};
StringViewStream stream{sv};
return fit::ok();
const rapidjson::Value* TaskHolder::JobTree::GetSystemJsonData(const char* key) const {
if (system_.IsObject()) {
auto it = system_.FindMember(key);
if (it != system_.MemberEnd()) {
return &it->value;
return nullptr;
template <>
std::string_view TaskHolder::JobTree::GetSystemData<std::string_view>(const char* key) const {
const rapidjson::Value* value = GetSystemJsonData(key);
if (!value || !value->IsString()) {
return {};
return {value->GetString(), value->GetStringLength()};
template <>
uint32_t TaskHolder::JobTree::GetSystemData<uint32_t>(const char* key) const {
const rapidjson::Value* value = GetSystemJsonData(key);
return !value ? 0
: value->IsUint() ? value->GetUint()
: value->IsNumber() ? static_cast<uint32_t>(value->GetDouble())
: 0;
template <>
uint64_t TaskHolder::JobTree::GetSystemData<uint64_t>(const char* key) const {
const rapidjson::Value* value = GetSystemJsonData(key);
return !value ? 0
: value->IsUint64() ? value->GetUint64()
: value->IsNumber() ? static_cast<uint64_t>(value->GetDouble())
: 0;
std::string_view TaskHolder::system_get_version_string() const {
return tree_->GetSystemData<std::string_view>("version_string");
uint32_t TaskHolder::system_get_dcache_line_size() const {
return tree_->GetSystemData<uint32_t>("dcache_line_size");
uint32_t TaskHolder::system_get_num_cpus() const {
return tree_->GetSystemData<uint32_t>("num_cpus");
uint64_t TaskHolder::JobTree::system_get_page_size() const {
return GetSystemData<uint64_t>("page_size");
uint64_t TaskHolder::system_get_page_size() const { return tree_->system_get_page_size(); }
uint64_t TaskHolder::system_get_physmem() const {
return tree_->GetSystemData<uint64_t>("physmem");
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
fit::result<Error> TaskHolder::InsertSystem() { return tree_->InsertSystem(); }
fit::result<Error, Buffer<>> Process::ReadLiveMemory(uint64_t vaddr, size_t size,
ReadMemorySize size_mode) {
if (!live_memory_) {
live_memory_ = std::make_unique<LiveMemory>(tree().live_memory_cache());
return live_memory_->ReadLiveMemory(vaddr, size, size_mode, live(), tree().live_memory_cache());
fit::result<Error, std::reference_wrapper<Task>> Job::get_child(zx_koid_t koid) {
return tree().GetChild<&Job::children_, &Job::processes_>(*this, koid);
fit::result<Error, std::reference_wrapper<Thread>> Process::get_child(zx_koid_t koid) {
return tree().GetChild<&Process::threads_>(*this, koid);
fit::result<Error, std::reference_wrapper<Task>> Job::find(zx_koid_t match) {
if (koid() == match) {
return fit::ok(std::ref(*this));
return tree().FindChild(*this, match);
} // namespace zxdump