blob: af6de4d0ae8e39b9d8030ff377d3febfe15a6fcf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <string_view>
#include "core.h"
#include "dump-tests.h"
#include "job-archive.h"
#include "test-file.h"
#include "test-tool-process.h"
// Much reader functionality is tested in in tandem with testing
// the corresponding parts of the dumper. This file has more reader tests that
// only use the dumper incidentally and not to test it.
namespace {
using namespace std::literals;
TEST(ZxdumpTests, ReadZstdProcessDump) {
// We'll verify the we can read the compressed dump stream by piping the raw
// dump stream directly to the zstd tool to compress as a filter with pipes
// on both ends, and then using the reader to read from that pipe. (This
// explicitly avoids using the ZstdWriter to have an independent test that
// reading canonically compressed data works too.)
zxdump::testing::TestToolProcess zstd;
std::vector<std::string> args({"-1"s, "-q"s});
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(zstd.Start("zstd"s, args));
zxdump::testing::TestProcessForPropertiesAndInfo process;
// Set up the writer to send the uncompressed data to the tool.
zxdump::FdWriter writer(std::move(zstd.tool_stdin()));
// The write side of the pipe is closed when the writer goes out of scope,
// so the decompressor can finish.
// Now read in the compressed dump stream and check its contents.
zxdump::TaskHolder holder;
auto read_result = holder.Insert(std::move(zstd.tool_stdout()), false);
ASSERT_TRUE(read_result.is_ok()) << read_result.error_value();
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(process.CheckDump(holder, false));
// The reader should have consumed the all of the tool's stdout by now,
// so it will have been unblocked to finish after its stdin hit EOF when
// the writer's destruction closed the pipe.
int exit_status;
// The zstd tool shouldn't complain.
EXPECT_EQ(zstd.collected_stderr(), "");
TEST(ZxdumpTests, ReadMemoryElided) {
zxdump::testing::TestFile file;
zxdump::FdWriter writer(file.RewoundFd());
zxdump::testing::TestProcessForMemory process;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(process.Dump(writer, nullptr));
zxdump::TaskHolder holder;
auto read_result = holder.Insert(file.RewoundFd());
ASSERT_TRUE(read_result.is_ok()) << read_result.error_value();
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(process.CheckDump(holder, true));
TEST(ZxdumpTests, ReadMemoryString) {
zxdump::testing::TestFile file;
zxdump::FdWriter writer(file.RewoundFd());
zxdump::testing::TestProcessForMemory process;
zxdump::TaskHolder holder;
auto read_result = holder.Insert(file.RewoundFd());
ASSERT_TRUE(read_result.is_ok()) << read_result.error_value();
auto find_result = holder.root_job().find(process.koid());
ASSERT_TRUE(find_result.is_ok()) << find_result.error_value();
ASSERT_EQ(find_result->get().type(), ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PROCESS);
zxdump::Process& read_process = static_cast<zxdump::Process&>(find_result->get());
// Simple string test.
auto result = read_process.read_memory_string(process.text_ptr());
ASSERT_TRUE(result.is_ok()) << result.error_value() << " reading 0x" << std::hex
<< process.text_ptr();
EXPECT_EQ(zxdump::testing::TestProcessForMemory::kMemoryText, *result);
// Wide-character string test.
auto result = read_process.read_memory_wstring(process.wtext_ptr());
ASSERT_TRUE(result.is_ok()) << result.error_value() << " reading 0x" << std::hex
<< process.wtext_ptr();
EXPECT_EQ(zxdump::testing::TestProcessForMemory::kMemoryWideText, *result);
// Unterminated (limited) string test.
auto result = read_process.read_memory_string(
process.text_ptr(), zxdump::testing::TestProcessForMemory::kMemoryText.size() / 2);
EXPECT_EQ(result.error_value().status_, ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
TEST(ZxdumpTests, ReadMemoryStringElided) {
zxdump::testing::TestFile file;
zxdump::FdWriter writer(file.RewoundFd());
zxdump::testing::TestProcessForMemory process;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(process.Dump(writer, nullptr));
zxdump::TaskHolder holder;
auto read_result = holder.Insert(file.RewoundFd());
ASSERT_TRUE(read_result.is_ok()) << read_result.error_value();
auto find_result = holder.root_job().find(process.koid());
ASSERT_TRUE(find_result.is_ok()) << find_result.error_value();
ASSERT_EQ(find_result->get().type(), ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PROCESS);
zxdump::Process& read_process = static_cast<zxdump::Process&>(find_result->get());
// Simple string test.
auto result = read_process.read_memory_string(process.text_ptr());
EXPECT_EQ(result.error_value().status_, ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
// Wide-character string test.
auto result = read_process.read_memory_wstring(process.wtext_ptr());
EXPECT_EQ(result.error_value().status_, ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
TEST(ZxdumpTests, ReadMemoryMisaligned) {
zxdump::testing::TestFile file;
fbl::unique_fd fd = file.RewoundFd();
// This constructs an archive that will place the ELF dump file's contents at
// an alignment of 2 mod 4.
struct MisalignedHeader {
char magic[zxdump::kArchiveMagic.size()];
zxdump::ar_hdr remarks_hdr;
char remarks_body[2] = {'x', '\n'};
zxdump::ar_hdr dump_hdr;
static_assert(sizeof(MisalignedHeader) % sizeof(int) == 2);
constexpr auto fill_header = [](zxdump::ar_hdr& hdr, std::string_view name, size_t size) {
constexpr auto fill = [](cpp20::span<char> chars, std::string_view pfx) {
memset(, ' ', chars.size());
pfx.copy(, chars.size());
fill(hdr.ar_name, name);
fill(hdr.ar_date, "0");
fill(hdr.ar_uid, "0");
fill(hdr.ar_gid, "0");
fill(hdr.ar_mode, "400");
fill(hdr.ar_size, std::to_string(size));
fill(hdr.ar_fmag, zxdump::ar_hdr::kMagic);
// Set up the writer to start streaming just after where the header will go.
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(fd.get(), sizeof(MisalignedHeader), SEEK_SET),
<< strerror(errno);
zxdump::FdWriter writer(std::move(fd));
zxdump::testing::TestProcessForMemory process;
// Now that the dump has been written, compute its size to fix up the header.
fd = file.RewoundFd();
struct stat st;
ASSERT_EQ(0, fstat(fd.get(), &st));
const size_t file_size = static_cast<size_t>(st.st_size);
ASSERT_GT(file_size, sizeof(MisalignedHeader));
const size_t dump_size = file_size - sizeof(MisalignedHeader);
// Fill in the header now that the file size is known.
MisalignedHeader misaligned_hdr;
zxdump::kArchiveMagic.copy(misaligned_hdr.magic, sizeof(misaligned_hdr.magic));
fill_header(misaligned_hdr.remarks_hdr, std::string(zxdump::kRemarkNotePrefix) + "x.txt", 1);
fill_header(misaligned_hdr.dump_hdr, "core", dump_size);
ASSERT_EQ(pwrite(fd.get(), &misaligned_hdr, sizeof(misaligned_hdr), 0),
// pwrite doesn't move the file position, so the reader will see the archive
// headers.
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(fd.get(), 0, SEEK_CUR), 0);
zxdump::TaskHolder holder;
auto read_result = holder.Insert(std::move(fd));
ASSERT_TRUE(read_result.is_ok()) << read_result.error_value();
} // namespace