blob: de108b4d1b1c613cc0c5aac6702daded5181eb63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "live-memory-cache.h"
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <lib/zx/process.h>
#include <lib/zxdump/buffer.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "buffer-impl.h"
namespace zxdump {
namespace {
const size_t kPagesize = zx_system_get_page_size();
} // namespace
cpp20::span<const std::byte> TaskHolder::LiveMemoryCache::Page::contents() const {
return {contents_.get(), kPagesize};
TaskHolder::LiveMemoryCache::Page::~Page() {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(refs_ == 0);
// Remove this page from the per-process cache index.
TaskHolder::LiveMemoryCache::PageRef::~PageRef() {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(page_.refs_ > 0);
if (--page_.refs_ == 0) {
// When a page goes from some refs to no refs, it counts as cached.
TaskHolder::LiveMemoryCache::PageRefPtr TaskHolder::LiveMemoryCache::NewPage(
Process::LiveMemory& owner, uint64_t vaddr, PageContentsPtr contents) {
// Page is only constructed here and held in std::unique_ptr<Page>.
auto page = std::make_unique<Page>(owner, vaddr, std::move(contents));
// Insert the raw pointer into the owner's cache index.
// The Page destructor will remove it from the index.
// The new page starts with one ref, owned by the return value.
PageRefPtr ref = std::make_unique<PageRef>(*page);
// Move the ownership to the end of the shared cache list, in MRU position.
// This will be removed and destroyed only be OnCachedPage, below.
return ref;
TaskHolder::LiveMemoryCache::PageRefPtr TaskHolder::LiveMemoryCache::Reuse(Page& page) {
// Simply slice it out of the list and move it to the end (MRU position).
// Return a new reference to the now-MRU page.
return std::make_unique<PageRef>(page);
void TaskHolder::LiveMemoryCache::OnCachedPage() {
// One more page is now cached.
cache_size_ += kPagesize;
void TaskHolder::LiveMemoryCache::PruneCache() {
if (cache_size_ <= cache_limit_) {
// There are now too many pages cached, so drop the LRU cached page. The
// pages with refs don't count towards the cache size, so there must be a
// page with no refs in the list. But in LRU order there might be pages
// with live refs earlier in the list. They are kept there so that as soon
// as their last ref is dropped by the past Process::read_memory caller
// later destroying their Buffer, that page is eligible to be reclaimed
// before pages from Process::read_memory calls more recent than that one.
auto head = cache_.begin();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(head != cache_.end());
while (head->has_refs()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(head != cache_.end());
// This returns the std::unique_ptr and so deletes the Page.
// The Page destructor removes itself from its owner's cache index.
fit::result<Error, Buffer<>> Process::LiveMemory::ReadLiveMemory(
uint64_t vaddr, size_t size, ReadMemorySize size_mode, const LiveHandle& handle,
TaskHolder::LiveMemoryCache& shared_cache) {
zx::unowned_process process(handle.get());
auto read_one_page = [this, process,
&shared_cache](uint64_t page_vaddr) -> fit::result<Error, PageRefPtr> {
if (auto it = cache_index_.find(page_vaddr); it != cache_index_.end()) {
// Found a cached page. Mark it as reused and get a fresh reference.
return fit::ok(shared_cache.Reuse(*it));
// This page isn't available in the cache, so read it from the process.
TaskHolder::LiveMemoryCache::PageContentsPtr contents(new std::byte[kPagesize]);
size_t bytes_read = 0;
if (zx_status_t status =
process->read_memory(page_vaddr, contents.get(), kPagesize, &bytes_read);
status != ZX_OK) {
return fit::error{Error{
.op_ = "zx_process_read_memory",
.status_ = status,
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(bytes_read == kPagesize,
"zx_process_read_memory on aligned address %#" PRIx64
" returned %#zx bytes vs expected page size %#zx",
page_vaddr, bytes_read, kPagesize);
return fit::ok(shared_cache_.NewPage(*this, page_vaddr, std::move(contents)));
uint64_t first_page = vaddr & -kPagesize;
uint64_t last_page = (vaddr + size - 1) & -kPagesize;
// Most reads will fit inside a single page.
if (first_page == last_page || size_mode == ReadMemorySize::kLess) {
auto result = read_one_page(vaddr & -kPagesize);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
Buffer<> buffer;
buffer.data_ = (**result)->contents().subspan(vaddr & (kPagesize - 1));
if (size_mode == ReadMemorySize::kExact && buffer.data_.size_bytes() > size) {
buffer.data_ = buffer.data_.subspan(0, size);
buffer.impl_ = *std::move(result);
return fit::ok(std::move(buffer));
// The request spans multiple pages, so we'll read separate whole
// pages and then copy out of them into a plain BufferImplVector.
const size_t page_count = ((last_page - first_page) / kPagesize) + 1;
std::vector<PageRefPtr> pages;
while (first_page <= last_page) {
PageRefPtr page;
if (auto result = read_one_page(first_page); result.is_ok()) {
page = *std::move(result);
} else {
return result.take_error();
first_page += kPagesize;
auto copy = std::make_unique<internal::BufferImplVector>();
for (PageRefPtr& ref : pages) {
// Take ownership of the page so it can die as soon as its data is copied.
PageRefPtr page = std::move(ref);
auto contents = (*page)->contents().subspan(vaddr & (kPagesize - 1));
if (contents.size_bytes() > size) {
contents = contents.subspan(0, size);
copy->insert(copy->end(), contents.begin(), contents.end());
vaddr &= -kPagesize;
vaddr += kPagesize;
size -= contents.size_bytes();
Buffer<> buffer;
buffer.data_ = cpp20::span(*copy);
buffer.impl_ = std::move(copy);
return fit::ok(std::move(buffer));
} // namespace zxdump