blob: f84918cee5bee4fecdb394632155f3d8c9e7fea4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/elfldltl/note.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/zxdump/elf-search.h>
#include <array>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "dump-tests.h"
#include "test-file.h"
namespace std {
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<std::byte>& bytes) {
for (std::byte byte : bytes) {
char buf[3];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02x", static_cast<unsigned int>(byte));
os << buf;
return os;
} // namespace std
namespace zxdump::testing {
using ::testing::AllOf;
using ::testing::Contains;
using ::testing::Field;
using ::testing::IsEmpty;
using ::testing::Not;
using ByteVector = std::vector<std::byte>;
struct ElfId {
ByteVector build_id;
std::string soname;
uint64_t base = 0;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ElfId& id) {
return os << "{ build ID: " << id.build_id << ", SONAME: \"" << id.soname << "\", 0x" << std::hex
<< id.base << " }";
auto MakeElfId(std::initializer_list<uint8_t> id, std::string_view soname) {
ByteVector bytes;
for (uint8_t byte : id) {
return ElfId{std::move(bytes), std::string(soname)};
// The generated .inc file has `MakeElfId({0x...,...}, "soname"),` lines.
const std::array kElfSearchIds = {
#include ""
auto ElfIdEq(const ElfId& id, bool use_soname) {
return AllOf(Field("build ID", &ElfId::build_id, id.build_id),
use_soname ? Field("SONAME", &ElfId::soname, id.soname)
: Field("SONAME", &ElfId::soname, IsEmpty()));
auto HasElfSearchIds(bool use_soname) {
auto has_ids = [use_soname](auto... ids) {
return AllOf(Contains(ElfIdEq(ids, use_soname)).Times(1)...);
return std::apply(has_ids, kElfSearchIds);
// This is called before dumping starts to make callbacks.
void TestProcessForElfSearch::Precollect(zxdump::TaskHolder& holder, zxdump::ProcessDump& dump) {
dump_ = &dump;
// This is the callback made from DumpMemory for each segment.
// It needs the dumper pointer saved in Precollect.
fit::result<zxdump::Error, zxdump::SegmentDisposition>
TestProcessForElfSearch::DumpAllMemoryWithBuildIds(zxdump::SegmentDisposition segment,
const zx_info_maps_t& maps,
const zx_info_vmo_t& vmo) {
if (segment.filesz > 0 && zxdump::IsLikelyElfMapping(maps)) {
auto result = dump_->FindBuildIdNote(maps);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
segment.note = result.value();
return fit::ok(segment);
void TestProcessForElfSearch::StartChild() {
.name = {kChildName},
fbl::unique_fd read_pipe;
int pipe_fd[2];
ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe(pipe_fd)) << strerror(errno);
.fd = {.local_fd = pipe_fd[STDOUT_FILENO], .target_fd = STDOUT_FILENO},
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(TestProcess::StartChild({"-d", "-D"}));
// The test-child wrote the pointers dladdr returned as module base addresses
// for the main and DSO symbols. Reading these immediately synchronizes with
// the child having started up and progressed far enough to have finished all
// its loading before the process gets dumped.
FILE* pipef = fdopen(read_pipe.get(), "r");
ASSERT_TRUE(pipef) << "fdopen: " << read_pipe.get() << strerror(errno);
auto close_pipef = fit::defer([pipef]() { fclose(pipef); });
std::ignore = read_pipe.release();
ASSERT_EQ(2, fscanf(pipef, "%" SCNx64 "\n%" SCNx64, &main_ptr_, &dso_ptr_));
void TestProcessForElfSearch::CheckDump(zxdump::TaskHolder& holder) {
auto find_result = holder.root_job().find(koid());
ASSERT_TRUE(find_result.is_ok()) << find_result.error_value();
ASSERT_EQ(find_result->get().type(), ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PROCESS);
zxdump::Process& read_process = static_cast<zxdump::Process&>(find_result->get());
auto name_result = read_process.get_property<ZX_PROP_NAME>();
ASSERT_TRUE(name_result.is_ok()) << name_result.error_value();
std::string_view name(name_result->data(), name_result->size());
name = name.substr(0, name.find_first_of('\0'));
EXPECT_EQ(name, std::string_view(kChildName));
std::vector<ElfId> found_elf;
auto maps = read_process.get_info<ZX_INFO_PROCESS_MAPS>();
ASSERT_TRUE(maps.is_ok()) << maps.error_value();
auto first = maps->begin();
do {
auto [next, last] = zxdump::ElfSearch(read_process, first, maps->end());
if (next != last) {
const zx_info_maps_t& segment = *next;
auto detect = zxdump::DetectElf(read_process, segment);
ASSERT_TRUE(detect.is_ok()) << detect.error_value();
cpp20::span phdrs = **detect;
EXPECT_THAT(phdrs, Not(IsEmpty()));
auto identity = zxdump::DetectElfIdentity(read_process, segment, phdrs);
ASSERT_TRUE(identity.is_ok()) << identity.error_value();
EXPECT_GT(identity->build_id.size, zxdump::ElfIdentity::kBuildIdOffset);
auto id_bytes = read_process.read_memory<std::byte, zxdump::ByteView>(
identity->build_id.vaddr + zxdump::ElfIdentity::kBuildIdOffset,
identity->build_id.size - zxdump::ElfIdentity::kBuildIdOffset);
ASSERT_TRUE(id_bytes.is_ok()) << id_bytes.error_value();
std::string soname;
if (identity->soname.size != 0) {
auto result = read_process.read_memory<char, std::string_view>( //
identity->soname.vaddr, identity->soname.size);
ASSERT_TRUE(result.is_ok()) << result.error_value();
soname = **result;
.build_id{id_bytes.value()->begin(), id_bytes.value()->end()},
.base = segment.base,
first = last;
} while (first != maps->end());
EXPECT_THAT(found_elf, HasElfSearchIds(true));
// Only the main executable should have no SONAME.
EXPECT_THAT(found_elf, Contains(Field("soname", &ElfId::soname, IsEmpty())).Times(1));
// That module's base should be what dladdr said in the child.
EXPECT_THAT(found_elf, Contains(AllOf(Field("soname", &ElfId::soname, IsEmpty()),
Field("load address", &ElfId::base, main_ptr()))));
// Similar pair for the DSO module.
EXPECT_THAT(found_elf, Contains(Field(&ElfId::soname, kDsoSoname)).Times(1));
EXPECT_THAT(found_elf, Contains(AllOf(Field("soname", &ElfId::soname, kDsoSoname),
Field("load address", &ElfId::base, dso_ptr()))));
void TestProcessForElfSearch::CheckNotes(int fd) {
auto must_read = [fd](auto&& span, off_t pos) {
cpp20::span data(span);
ssize_t nread = pread(fd,, data.size_bytes(), pos);
ASSERT_GE(nread, 0) << strerror(errno);
ASSERT_EQ(data.size_bytes(), static_cast<size_t>(nread));
zxdump::Elf::Ehdr ehdr;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(must_read(cpp20::span(&ehdr, 1), 0));
std::vector<zxdump::Elf::Phdr> phdrs(ehdr.phnum);
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(must_read(phdrs, ehdr.phoff));
std::vector<ElfId> found_elf;
for (const zxdump::Elf::Phdr& phdr : phdrs) {
if (phdr.type == elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kNote) {
ByteVector bytes(phdr.filesz, {});
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(must_read(bytes, phdr.offset));
elfldltl::ElfNoteSegment<elfldltl::ElfData::k2Lsb> notes(bytes);
for (const auto& note : notes) {
if (note.IsBuildId()) {
.build_id{note.desc.begin(), note.desc.end()},
.base = (&phdr)[-1].vaddr,
EXPECT_THAT(found_elf, HasElfSearchIds(false));
for (const auto& module : kElfSearchIds) {
const uint64_t base = module.soname.empty() ? main_ptr_ : dso_ptr_;
auto base_eq = Field("load address", &ElfId::base, base);
EXPECT_THAT(found_elf, Contains(AllOf(ElfIdEq(module, false), base_eq)));
} // namespace zxdump::testing
namespace {
TEST(ZxdumpTests, ElfSearchLive) {
zxdump::testing::TestProcessForElfSearch process;
zxdump::TaskHolder holder;
auto insert_result = holder.Insert(process.handle());
ASSERT_TRUE(insert_result.is_ok()) << insert_result.error_value();
TEST(ZxdumpTests, ElfSearchDump) {
zxdump::testing::TestFile file;
zxdump::FdWriter writer(file.RewoundFd());
zxdump::testing::TestProcessForElfSearch process;
zxdump::TaskHolder holder;
auto read_result = holder.Insert(file.RewoundFd());
ASSERT_TRUE(read_result.is_ok()) << read_result.error_value();
} // namespace