blob: b35123d523c03f4b2ee7f5df8191fad529688195 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Type-safe bindings for Zircon port objects.
use {
guest, ok, AsHandleRef, GPAddr, Handle, HandleBased, HandleRef, Packet, Signals, Status,
Time, VcpuContents,
fuchsia_zircon_sys as sys,
/// An object representing a Zircon
/// [port](
/// As essentially a subtype of `Handle`, it can be freely interconverted.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub struct Port(Handle);
/// The contents of a `Packet`.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum PacketContents {
/// A user-generated packet.
/// A one-shot signal packet generated via `object_wait_async`.
/// A guest bell packet
/// A guest mem packet
/// A guest I/O packet
/// A guest VCPU packet
/// Pager packets
/// Contents of a user packet (one sent by `port_queue`). This is a type-safe wrapper for
/// [zx_packet_user_t](
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct UserPacket(sys::zx_packet_user_t);
/// Contents of a signal packet (one generated by the kernel). This is a type-safe wrapper for
/// [zx_packet_signal_t](
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct SignalPacket(sys::zx_packet_signal_t);
/// Contents of a guest bell packet generated by the kernel. This is a type-safe wrapper for
/// zx_packet_guest_bell_t
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct GuestBellPacket(sys::zx_packet_guest_bell_t);
/// Contents of a guest memory packet generated by the kernel. This is a type-safe wrapper for
/// zx_packet_guest_memory_t
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct GuestMemPacket(sys::zx_packet_guest_mem_t);
/// Contents of a guest I/O packet generated by the kernel. This is a type-safe wrapper for
/// zx_packet_guest_io_t
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct GuestIoPacket(sys::zx_packet_guest_io_t);
/// Contents of a guest VCPU packet generated by the kernel. This is a type-safe wrapper for
/// zx_packet_guest_vcpu_t
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct GuestVcpuPacket(sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_t);
/// Contents of a pager packet generated by the kernel. This is a type-safe wrapper for
/// zx_packet_page_request_t
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct PagerPacket(sys::zx_packet_page_request_t);
impl Packet {
/// Creates a new packet with `UserPacket` data.
pub fn from_user_packet(key: u64, status: i32, user: UserPacket) -> Packet {
Packet(sys::zx_port_packet_t {
key: key,
packet_type: sys::zx_packet_type_t::ZX_PKT_TYPE_USER,
status: status,
union: user.0,
/// Creates a new packet with `GuestMemPacket` data.
pub fn from_guest_mem_packet(key: u64, status: i32, mem: GuestMemPacket) -> Packet {
let mut raw = sys::zx_port_packet_t {
packet_type: sys::zx_packet_type_t::ZX_PKT_TYPE_GUEST_MEM,
union: Default::default(),
// transmute_copy doesn't work because the mem packet is too small and
// transmute_copy requires that Dst is not larger than Src.
// Note that at the time of writing this only applied to arm64 builds;
// x64 builds work fine with transmute_copy. This is because the
// underlying `zx_packet_guest_mem_t` struct has a different size on x64
// vs arm64.
let bytes: &[u8; std::mem::size_of::<sys::zx_packet_guest_mem_t>()] =
unsafe { mem::transmute(&mem.0) };
/// Creates a new packet with `GuestIoPacket` data.
pub fn from_guest_io_packet(key: u64, status: i32, io: GuestIoPacket) -> Packet {
let mut raw = sys::zx_port_packet_t {
packet_type: sys::zx_packet_type_t::ZX_PKT_TYPE_GUEST_IO,
union: Default::default(),
// transmute_copy doesn't work because the io packet is too small and
// transmute_copy requires that Dst is not larger than Src.
let bytes: &[u8; std::mem::size_of::<sys::zx_packet_guest_io_t>()] =
unsafe { mem::transmute(&io.0) };
/// Creates a new packet with `GuestVcpuPacket` data.
pub fn from_guest_vcpu_packet(key: u64, status: i32, vcpu: GuestVcpuPacket) -> Packet {
Packet(sys::zx_port_packet_t {
packet_type: sys::zx_packet_type_t::ZX_PKT_TYPE_GUEST_VCPU,
union: unsafe { mem::transmute_copy(&vcpu.0) },
/// The packet's key.
pub fn key(&self) -> u64 {
/// The packet's status.
// TODO: should this type be wrapped?
pub fn status(&self) -> i32 {
/// The contents of the packet.
pub fn contents(&self) -> PacketContents {
match self.0.packet_type {
sys::zx_packet_type_t::ZX_PKT_TYPE_USER => {
sys::zx_packet_type_t::ZX_PKT_TYPE_SIGNAL_ONE => {
PacketContents::SignalOne(SignalPacket(unsafe {
sys::zx_packet_type_t::ZX_PKT_TYPE_GUEST_BELL => {
PacketContents::GuestBell(GuestBellPacket(unsafe {
sys::zx_packet_type_t::ZX_PKT_TYPE_GUEST_MEM => {
PacketContents::GuestMem(GuestMemPacket(unsafe {
sys::zx_packet_type_t::ZX_PKT_TYPE_GUEST_IO => {
PacketContents::GuestIo(GuestIoPacket(unsafe {
sys::zx_packet_type_t::ZX_PKT_TYPE_GUEST_VCPU => {
PacketContents::GuestVcpu(GuestVcpuPacket(unsafe {
sys::zx_packet_type_t::ZX_PKT_TYPE_PAGE_REQUEST => {
PacketContents::Pager(PagerPacket(unsafe { mem::transmute_copy(&self.0.union) }))
_ => panic!("unexpected packet type"),
impl UserPacket {
pub fn from_u8_array(val: [u8; 32]) -> UserPacket {
pub fn as_u8_array(&self) -> &[u8; 32] {
pub fn as_mut_u8_array(&mut self) -> &mut [u8; 32] {
&mut self.0
impl SignalPacket {
/// The signals used in the call to `object_wait_async`.
pub fn trigger(&self) -> Signals {
/// The observed signals.
pub fn observed(&self) -> Signals {
/// A per object count of pending operations.
pub fn count(&self) -> u64 {
/// Get a reference to the raw underlying packet.
pub fn raw_packet(&self) -> &sys::zx_packet_signal_t {
impl GuestBellPacket {
/// The guest physical address that was accessed that triggered the bell.
pub fn addr(&self) -> GPAddr {
impl GuestMemPacket {
pub fn from_raw(mem: sys::zx_packet_guest_mem_t) -> GuestMemPacket {
/// The guest physical address that was accessed that triggered this signal.
pub fn addr(&self) -> GPAddr {
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
impl GuestMemPacket {
/// Size of the access.
/// Returns `None` should it find and invalid size in the packet.
pub fn access_size(&self) -> Option<guest::MemAccessSize> {
match self.0.access_size {
1 => Some(guest::MemAccessSize::Bits8),
2 => Some(guest::MemAccessSize::Bits16),
4 => Some(guest::MemAccessSize::Bits32),
8 => Some(guest::MemAccessSize::Bits64),
_ => None,
/// Whether or not data should be sign extended.
pub fn sign_extend(&self) -> bool {
/// Register number of the Rt operand of the faulting instruction.
pub fn reg(&self) -> u8 {
/// For `AccessType::Write` this is the data that was being written.
pub fn data(&self) -> Option<guest::MemData> {
if let guest::AccessType::Write = self.access_type() {
self.access_size().map(|size| match size {
guest::MemAccessSize::Bits8 => guest::MemData::Data8( as u8),
guest::MemAccessSize::Bits16 => guest::MemData::Data16( as u16),
guest::MemAccessSize::Bits32 => guest::MemData::Data32( as u32),
guest::MemAccessSize::Bits64 => guest::MemData::Data64(,
} else {
/// Type of access (read or write).
pub fn access_type(&self) -> guest::AccessType {
match {
true => guest::AccessType::Read,
false => guest::AccessType::Write,
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
impl GuestMemPacket {
/// Specifies the default operand size encoded by the CS descriptor.
/// Returns a `None` should it find an invalid size in the packet.
pub fn default_operand_size(&self) -> Option<guest::CSDefaultOperandSize> {
// TODO: use try_from when it is stable.
match self.0.default_operand_size {
2 => Some(guest::CSDefaultOperandSize::Bits16),
4 => Some(guest::CSDefaultOperandSize::Bits32),
_ => None,
impl GuestIoPacket {
pub fn from_raw(io: sys::zx_packet_guest_io_t) -> GuestIoPacket {
/// First port number of the attempted access
pub fn port(&self) -> u16 {
/// Size of the access.
/// Returns `None` should it find an invalid size in the packet.
pub fn access_size(&self) -> Option<guest::PortAccessSize> {
match self.0.access_size {
1 => Some(guest::PortAccessSize::Bits8),
2 => Some(guest::PortAccessSize::Bits16),
4 => Some(guest::PortAccessSize::Bits32),
_ => None,
/// Type of access (read or write).
pub fn access_type(&self) -> guest::AccessType {
match self.0.input {
true => guest::AccessType::Read,
false => guest::AccessType::Write,
/// For `PortAccessType::Write` this is the data that was being written.
pub fn data(&self) -> Option<guest::PortData> {
union DataUnion {
bit8: [u8; 4],
bit16: [u16; 2],
bit32: [u32; 1],
if let guest::AccessType::Write = self.access_type() {
unsafe {
let data = &DataUnion { bit8: };
self.access_size().map(|size| match size {
guest::PortAccessSize::Bits8 => guest::PortData::Data8(data.bit8[0]),
guest::PortAccessSize::Bits16 => guest::PortData::Data16(data.bit16[0]),
guest::PortAccessSize::Bits32 => guest::PortData::Data32(data.bit32[0]),
} else {
impl GuestVcpuPacket {
pub fn from_raw(vcpu: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_t) -> GuestVcpuPacket {
pub fn contents(&self) -> VcpuContents {
match self.0.r#type {
sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_type_t::ZX_PKT_GUEST_VCPU_INTERRUPT => unsafe {
VcpuContents::Interrupt {
mask: self.0.union.interrupt.mask,
vector: self.0.union.interrupt.vector,
sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_type_t::ZX_PKT_GUEST_VCPU_STARTUP => unsafe {
VcpuContents::Startup {
entry: self.0.union.startup.entry,
sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_type_t::ZX_PKT_GUEST_VCPU_EXIT => unsafe {
VcpuContents::Exit { retcode: self.0.union.exit.retcode }
_ => panic!("unexpected VCPU packet type"),
impl PagerPacket {
/// Returns the page request command.
pub fn command(&self) -> sys::zx_page_request_command_t {
/// Returns the range for the page request.
pub fn range(&self) -> std::ops::Range<u64> {
self.0.offset..self.0.offset + self.0.length
impl Port {
/// Create an IO port, allowing IO packets to be read and enqueued.
/// Wraps the
/// [zx_port_create](
/// syscall.
/// # Panics
/// If the kernel reports no memory available to create a port or the process' job policy
/// denies port creation.
pub fn create() -> Self {
unsafe {
let mut handle = 0;
let opts = 0;
let status = sys::zx_port_create(opts, &mut handle);
"port creation always succeeds except with OOM or when job policy denies it",
/// Attempt to queue a user packet to the IO port.
/// Wraps the
/// [zx_port_queue](
/// syscall.
pub fn queue(&self, packet: &Packet) -> Result<(), Status> {
let status = unsafe {
sys::zx_port_queue(self.raw_handle(), &packet.0 as *const sys::zx_port_packet_t)
/// Wait for a packet to arrive on a (V2) port.
/// Wraps the
/// [zx_port_wait](
/// syscall.
pub fn wait(&self, deadline: Time) -> Result<Packet, Status> {
let mut packet = Default::default();
ok(unsafe { sys::zx_port_wait(self.raw_handle(), deadline.into_nanos(), &mut packet) })?;
/// Cancel pending wait_async calls for an object with the given key.
/// Wraps the
/// [zx_port_cancel](
/// syscall.
pub fn cancel<H>(&self, source: &H, key: u64) -> Result<(), Status>
H: AsHandleRef,
let status = unsafe { sys::zx_port_cancel(self.raw_handle(), source.raw_handle(), key) };
bitflags! {
/// Options for wait_async
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct WaitAsyncOpts: u32 {
/// When set, causes the system to capture a timestamp when the wait triggered.
// When set, causes the port to not enqueue a packet for signals active at
// the time of the zx_object_wait_async() call.
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{DurationNum, Event};
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
fn port_basic() {
let ten_ms = 10.millis();
let port = Port::create();
// Waiting now should time out.
assert_eq!(port.wait(Time::after(ten_ms)), Err(Status::TIMED_OUT));
// Send a valid packet.
let packet = Packet::from_user_packet(42, 123, UserPacket::from_u8_array([13; 32]));
// Waiting should succeed this time. We should get back the packet we sent.
let read_packet = port.wait(Time::after(ten_ms)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_packet, packet);
fn wait_async_once() {
let ten_ms = 10.millis();
let key = 42;
let port = Port::create();
let event = Event::create();
let no_opts = WaitAsyncOpts::empty();
.wait_async_handle(&port, key, Signals::USER_0 | Signals::USER_1, no_opts)
// Waiting without setting any signal should time out.
assert_eq!(port.wait(Time::after(ten_ms)), Err(Status::TIMED_OUT));
// If we set a signal, we should be able to wait for it.
assert!(event.signal_handle(Signals::NONE, Signals::USER_0).is_ok());
let read_packet = port.wait(Time::after(ten_ms)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_packet.key(), key);
assert_eq!(read_packet.status(), 0);
match read_packet.contents() {
PacketContents::SignalOne(sig) => {
assert_eq!(sig.trigger(), Signals::USER_0 | Signals::USER_1);
assert_eq!(sig.observed(), Signals::USER_0);
assert_eq!(sig.count(), 1);
_ => panic!("wrong packet type"),
// Shouldn't get any more packets.
assert_eq!(port.wait(Time::after(ten_ms)), Err(Status::TIMED_OUT));
// Calling wait_async again should result in another packet.
assert!(event.wait_async_handle(&port, key, Signals::USER_0, no_opts).is_ok());
let read_packet = port.wait(Time::after(ten_ms)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_packet.key(), key);
assert_eq!(read_packet.status(), 0);
match read_packet.contents() {
PacketContents::SignalOne(sig) => {
assert_eq!(sig.trigger(), Signals::USER_0);
assert_eq!(sig.observed(), Signals::USER_0);
assert_eq!(sig.count(), 1);
_ => panic!("wrong packet type"),
// Calling wait_async_handle then cancel, we should not get a packet as cancel will
// remove it from the queue.
assert!(event.wait_async_handle(&port, key, Signals::USER_0, no_opts).is_ok());
assert!(port.cancel(&event, key).is_ok());
assert_eq!(port.wait(Time::after(ten_ms)), Err(Status::TIMED_OUT));
// If the event is signalled after the cancel, we also shouldn't get a packet.
assert!(event.signal_handle(Signals::USER_0, Signals::NONE).is_ok()); // clear signal
assert!(event.wait_async_handle(&port, key, Signals::USER_0, no_opts).is_ok());
assert!(port.cancel(&event, key).is_ok());
assert!(event.signal_handle(Signals::NONE, Signals::USER_0).is_ok());
assert_eq!(port.wait(Time::after(ten_ms)), Err(Status::TIMED_OUT));
fn guest_mem_packet() {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
const GUEST_MEM_PACKET: sys::zx_packet_guest_mem_t = sys::zx_packet_guest_mem_t {
addr: 0xaaaabbbbccccdddd,
cr3: 0x0123456789abcdef,
rip: 0xffffffff00000000,
instruction_size: 8,
default_operand_size: 2,
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
const GUEST_MEM_PACKET: sys::zx_packet_guest_mem_t = sys::zx_packet_guest_mem_t {
addr: 0x8877665544332211,
access_size: 8,
sign_extend: true,
xt: 0xf3,
read: false,
data: 0x1122334455667788,
#[cfg(target_arch = "riscv64")]
const GUEST_MEM_PACKET: sys::zx_packet_guest_mem_t =
sys::zx_packet_guest_mem_t { addr: 0x8877665544332211, reserved: [0; 3] };
const KEY: u64 = 0x5555555555555555;
const STATUS: i32 = sys::ZX_ERR_INTERNAL;
let packet =
Packet::from_guest_mem_packet(KEY, STATUS, GuestMemPacket::from_raw(GUEST_MEM_PACKET));
assert_matches!(packet.contents(), PacketContents::GuestMem(GuestMemPacket(packet)) if packet == GUEST_MEM_PACKET);
assert_eq!(packet.key(), KEY);
assert_eq!(packet.status(), STATUS);
fn guest_io_packet() {
const GUEST_IO_PACKET: sys::zx_packet_guest_io_t = sys::zx_packet_guest_io_t {
port: 0xabcd,
access_size: 4,
input: true,
data: [0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd],
const KEY: u64 = 0x0123456789abcdef;
const STATUS: i32 = sys::ZX_ERR_NO_RESOURCES;
let packet =
Packet::from_guest_io_packet(KEY, STATUS, GuestIoPacket::from_raw(GUEST_IO_PACKET));
assert_matches!(packet.contents(), PacketContents::GuestIo(GuestIoPacket(packet)) if packet == GUEST_IO_PACKET);
assert_eq!(packet.key(), KEY);
assert_eq!(packet.status(), STATUS);
fn guest_vcpu_interrupt_packet() {
// Unable to use 'const' here because we need Default::default to initialize the PadBytes.
let guest_vcpu_packet: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_t = sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_t {
r#type: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_type_t::ZX_PKT_GUEST_VCPU_INTERRUPT,
union: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_union_t {
interrupt: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_interrupt_t {
mask: 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
vector: 0x12,
padding1: Default::default(),
padding1: Default::default(),
reserved: 0,
const KEY: u64 = 0x0123456789abcdef;
const STATUS: i32 = sys::ZX_ERR_NO_RESOURCES;
let packet = Packet::from_guest_vcpu_packet(
assert_matches!(packet.contents(), PacketContents::GuestVcpu(GuestVcpuPacket(packet)) if packet == guest_vcpu_packet);
assert_eq!(packet.key(), KEY);
assert_eq!(packet.status(), STATUS);
fn guest_vcpu_startup_packet() {
let guest_vcpu_packet: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_t = sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_t {
r#type: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_type_t::ZX_PKT_GUEST_VCPU_STARTUP,
union: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_union_t {
startup: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_startup_t { id: 16, entry: 0xffffffff11111111 },
padding1: Default::default(),
reserved: 0,
const KEY: u64 = 0x0123456789abcdef;
const STATUS: i32 = sys::ZX_ERR_NO_RESOURCES;
let packet = Packet::from_guest_vcpu_packet(
assert_matches!(packet.contents(), PacketContents::GuestVcpu(GuestVcpuPacket(packet)) if packet == guest_vcpu_packet);
assert_eq!(packet.key(), KEY);
assert_eq!(packet.status(), STATUS);
fn guest_vcpu_exit_packet() {
let guest_vcpu_packet: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_t = sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_t {
r#type: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_type_t::ZX_PKT_GUEST_VCPU_EXIT,
union: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_union_t {
exit: sys::zx_packet_guest_vcpu_exit_t { retcode: 12345678, reserved: 0 },
padding1: Default::default(),
reserved: 0,
const KEY: u64 = 0x0123456789abcdef;
const STATUS: i32 = sys::ZX_ERR_NO_RESOURCES;
let packet = Packet::from_guest_vcpu_packet(
assert_matches!(packet.contents(), PacketContents::GuestVcpu(GuestVcpuPacket(packet)) if packet == guest_vcpu_packet);
assert_eq!(packet.key(), KEY);
assert_eq!(packet.status(), STATUS);