blob: 692c1708bf0ab1fb3a6a7071edf6b1805cd89db5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Type-safe bindings for Zircon kernel
//! [syscalls](
pub mod sys {
pub use fuchsia_zircon_sys::*;
// Tuning constants for get_info_vec(). pub(crate) to support unit tests.
pub(crate) const INFO_VEC_SIZE_INITIAL: usize = 16;
const INFO_VEC_SIZE_PAD: usize = 2;
// Implements the HandleBased traits for a Handle newtype struct
macro_rules! impl_handle_based {
($type_name:path) => {
impl AsHandleRef for $type_name {
fn as_handle_ref(&self) -> HandleRef<'_> {
impl From<Handle> for $type_name {
fn from(handle: Handle) -> Self {
impl From<$type_name> for Handle {
fn from(x: $type_name) -> Handle {
impl HandleBased for $type_name {}
/// Convenience macro for creating get/set property functions on an object.
/// This is for use when the underlying property type is a simple raw type.
/// It creates an empty 'tag' struct to implement the relevant PropertyQuery*
/// traits against. One, or both, of a getter and setter may be defined
/// depending upon what the property supports. Example usage is
/// unsafe_handle_propertyes!(ObjectType[get_foo_prop,set_foo_prop:FooPropTag,FOO,u32;]);
/// unsafe_handle_properties!(object: Foo,
/// props: [
/// {query_ty: FOO_BAR, tag: FooBarTag, prop_ty: usize, get:get_bar},
/// {query_ty: FOO_BAX, tag: FooBazTag, prop_ty: u32, set:set_baz},
/// ]
/// );
/// And will create
/// Foo::get_bar(&self) -> Result<usize, Status>
/// Foo::set_baz(&self, val: &u32) -> Result<(), Status>
/// Using Property::FOO as the underlying property.
/// # Safety
/// This macro will implement unsafe traits on your behalf and any combination
/// of query_ty and prop_ty must respect the Safety requirements detailed on the
/// PropertyQuery trait.
macro_rules! unsafe_handle_properties {
object: $object_ty:ty,
props: [$( {
query_ty: $query_ty:ident,
tag: $query_tag:ident,
prop_ty: $prop_ty:ty
$(,get: $get:ident)*
$(,set: $set:ident)*
) => {
struct $query_tag {}
unsafe impl PropertyQuery for $query_tag {
const PROPERTY: Property = Property::$query_ty;
type PropTy = $prop_ty;
impl $object_ty {
pub fn $get(&self) -> Result<$prop_ty, Status> {
impl $object_ty {
pub fn $set(&self, val: &$prop_ty) -> Result<(), Status> {
object_set_property::<$query_tag>(self.as_handle_ref(), val)
// Creates associated constants of TypeName of the form
// `pub const NAME: TypeName = TypeName(path::to::value);`
// and provides a private `assoc_const_name` method and a `Debug` implementation
// for the type based on `$name`.
// If multiple names match, the first will be used in `name` and `Debug`.
macro_rules! assoc_values {
($typename:ident, [$($(#[$attr:meta])* $name:ident = $value:path;)*]) => {
impl $typename {
pub const $name: $typename = $typename($value);
fn assoc_const_name(&self) -> Option<&'static str> {
match self.0 {
$value => Some(stringify!($name)),
_ => None,
impl ::std::fmt::Debug for $typename {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
f.write_str(concat!(stringify!($typename), "("))?;
match self.assoc_const_name() {
Some(name) => f.write_str(&name)?,
None => ::std::fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.0, f)?,
mod bti;
mod channel;
mod clock;
mod clock_update;
mod cprng;
mod debuglog;
mod event;
mod eventpair;
mod exception;
mod fifo;
mod futex;
mod guest;
mod handle;
mod info;
mod interrupt;
mod iommu;
mod job;
mod pager;
mod pmt;
mod port;
mod process;
mod profile;
mod property;
mod resource;
mod rights;
mod signals;
mod socket;
mod stream;
mod task;
mod thread;
mod time;
mod vcpu;
mod version;
mod vmar;
mod vmo;
pub use self::bti::*;
pub use self::channel::*;
pub use self::clock::*;
pub use self::clock_update::{ClockUpdate, ClockUpdateBuilder};
pub use self::cprng::*;
pub use self::debuglog::*;
pub use self::event::*;
pub use self::eventpair::*;
pub use self::exception::*;
pub use self::fifo::*;
pub use self::futex::*;
pub use self::guest::*;
pub use self::handle::*;
pub use self::info::*;
pub use self::interrupt::*;
pub use self::iommu::*;
pub use self::job::*;
pub use self::pager::*;
pub use self::pmt::*;
pub use self::port::*;
pub use self::process::*;
pub use self::profile::*;
pub use self::property::*;
pub use self::resource::*;
pub use self::rights::*;
pub use self::signals::*;
pub use self::socket::*;
pub use self::stream::*;
pub use self::task::*;
pub use self::thread::*;
pub use self::time::*;
pub use self::vcpu::*;
pub use self::version::*;
pub use self::vmar::*;
pub use self::vmo::*;
pub use fuchsia_zircon_status::*;
/// Prelude containing common utility traits.
/// Designed for use like `use fuchsia_zircon::prelude::*;`
pub mod prelude {
pub use crate::{AsHandleRef, DurationNum, HandleBased, Peered};
/// Convenience re-export of `Status::ok`.
pub fn ok(raw: sys::zx_status_t) -> Result<(), Status> {
/// A packet sent through a port. This is a type-safe wrapper for
/// [zx_port_packet_t](
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct Packet(sys::zx_port_packet_t);
/// A "wait item" containing a handle reference and information about what signals
/// to wait on, and, on return from `object_wait_many`, which are pending.
pub struct WaitItem<'a> {
/// The handle to wait on.
pub handle: HandleRef<'a>,
/// A set of signals to wait for.
pub waitfor: Signals,
/// The set of signals pending, on return of `object_wait_many`.
pub pending: Signals,
/// Wait on multiple handles.
/// The success return value is a bool indicating whether one or more of the
/// provided handle references was closed during the wait.
/// Wraps the
/// [zx_object_wait_many](
/// syscall.
pub fn object_wait_many(items: &mut [WaitItem<'_>], deadline: Time) -> Result<bool, Status> {
let items_ptr = items.as_mut_ptr() as *mut sys::zx_wait_item_t;
let status = unsafe { sys::zx_object_wait_many(items_ptr, items.len(), deadline.into_nanos()) };
if status == sys::ZX_ERR_CANCELED {
return Ok(true);
ok(status).map(|()| false)
/// Query information about a zircon object.
/// Returns `(num_returned, num_remaining)` on success.
pub fn object_get_info<Q: ObjectQuery>(
handle: HandleRef<'_>,
out: &mut [Q::InfoTy],
) -> Result<(usize, usize), Status> {
let mut actual = 0;
let mut avail = 0;
let status = unsafe {
out.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8,
&mut actual as *mut usize,
&mut avail as *mut usize,
ok(status).map(|_| (actual, avail - actual))
/// Query multiple records of information about a zircon object.
/// Returns a vec of Q::InfoTy on success.
/// Intended for calls that return multiple small objects.
pub fn object_get_info_vec<Q: ObjectQuery>(
handle: HandleRef<'_>,
) -> Result<Vec<Q::InfoTy>, Status> {
// Start with a few slots
let mut out = Vec::<Q::InfoTy>::with_capacity(INFO_VEC_SIZE_INITIAL);
let mut actual = 0;
let mut avail = 0;
loop {
let status = unsafe {
let uninit = out.spare_capacity_mut();
uninit.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8,
&mut actual as *mut usize,
&mut avail as *mut usize,
match Status::ok(status) {
Err(status) => return Err(status),
Ok(()) if actual == avail => {
unsafe { out.set_len(actual) };
return Ok(out);
Ok(()) => {
if avail < out.capacity() {
// This should only happen if there's a bug somewhere
return Err(Status::INTERNAL);
// The number of records may increase between retries; reserve space for that.
let needed_space = avail * INFO_VEC_SIZE_PAD;
out.reserve_exact(/* amount to grow */ needed_space - out.capacity());
/// Get a property on a zircon object
pub fn object_get_property<P: PropertyQuery>(handle: HandleRef<'_>) -> Result<P::PropTy, Status> {
// this is safe due to the contract on the P::PropTy type in the ObjectProperty trait.
let mut out = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::<P::PropTy>::uninit();
let status = unsafe {
out.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8,
ok(status).map(|_| unsafe { out.assume_init() })
/// Set a property on a zircon object
pub fn object_set_property<P: PropertyQuery>(
handle: HandleRef<'_>,
val: &P::PropTy,
) -> Result<(), Status> {
let status = unsafe {
val as *const P::PropTy as *const u8,
/// Retrieve the system memory page size in bytes.
/// Wraps the
/// [zx_system_get_page_size](
/// syscall.
pub fn system_get_page_size() -> u32 {
unsafe { sys::zx_system_get_page_size() }
/// Get the amount of physical memory on the system, in bytes.
/// Wraps the
/// [zx_system_get_physmem](
/// syscall.
pub fn system_get_physmem() -> u64 {
unsafe { sys::zx_system_get_physmem() }
/// Get number of logical processors on the system.
/// Wraps the
/// [zx_system_get_num_cpus](
/// syscall.
pub fn system_get_num_cpus() -> u32 {
unsafe { sys::zx_system_get_num_cpus() }
mod tests {
use super::prelude::*;
use super::*;
fn wait_and_signal() {
let event = Event::create();
let ten_ms = 10.millis();
// Waiting on it without setting any signal should time out.
assert_eq!(event.wait_handle(Signals::USER_0, Time::after(ten_ms)), Err(Status::TIMED_OUT));
// If we set a signal, we should be able to wait for it.
assert!(event.signal_handle(Signals::NONE, Signals::USER_0).is_ok());
event.wait_handle(Signals::USER_0, Time::after(ten_ms)).unwrap(),
// Should still work, signals aren't automatically cleared.
event.wait_handle(Signals::USER_0, Time::after(ten_ms)).unwrap(),
// Now clear it, and waiting should time out again.
assert!(event.signal_handle(Signals::USER_0, Signals::NONE).is_ok());
assert_eq!(event.wait_handle(Signals::USER_0, Time::after(ten_ms)), Err(Status::TIMED_OUT));
fn wait_many_and_signal() {
let ten_ms = 10.millis();
let e1 = Event::create();
let e2 = Event::create();
// Waiting on them now should time out.
let mut items = vec![
WaitItem {
handle: e1.as_handle_ref(),
waitfor: Signals::USER_0,
pending: Signals::NONE,
WaitItem {
handle: e2.as_handle_ref(),
waitfor: Signals::USER_1,
pending: Signals::NONE,
assert_eq!(object_wait_many(&mut items, Time::after(ten_ms)), Err(Status::TIMED_OUT));
assert_eq!(items[0].pending, Signals::NONE);
assert_eq!(items[1].pending, Signals::NONE);
// Signal one object and it should return success.
assert!(e1.signal_handle(Signals::NONE, Signals::USER_0).is_ok());
assert!(object_wait_many(&mut items, Time::after(ten_ms)).is_ok());
assert_eq!(items[0].pending, Signals::USER_0);
assert_eq!(items[1].pending, Signals::NONE);
// Signal the other and it should return both.
assert!(e2.signal_handle(Signals::NONE, Signals::USER_1).is_ok());
assert!(object_wait_many(&mut items, Time::after(ten_ms)).is_ok());
assert_eq!(items[0].pending, Signals::USER_0);
assert_eq!(items[1].pending, Signals::USER_1);
// Clear signals on both; now it should time out again.
assert!(e1.signal_handle(Signals::USER_0, Signals::NONE).is_ok());
assert!(e2.signal_handle(Signals::USER_1, Signals::NONE).is_ok());
assert_eq!(object_wait_many(&mut items, Time::after(ten_ms)), Err(Status::TIMED_OUT));
assert_eq!(items[0].pending, Signals::NONE);
assert_eq!(items[1].pending, Signals::NONE);
pub fn usize_into_u32(n: usize) -> Result<u32, ()> {
if n > ::std::u32::MAX as usize || n < ::std::u32::MIN as usize {
return Err(());
Ok(n as u32)
pub fn size_to_u32_sat(n: usize) -> u32 {
if n > ::std::u32::MAX as usize {
return ::std::u32::MAX;
if n < ::std::u32::MIN as usize {
return ::std::u32::MIN;
n as u32