blob: 838bdbebf020a3595337a4f8182a17c9a0a75e0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Type-safe bindings for Zircon resources.
use crate::{ok, AsHandleRef, Handle, HandleBased, HandleRef, Resource, Status};
use bitflags::bitflags;
use fuchsia_zircon_sys as sys;
/// An object representing a Zircon 'debuglog' object.
/// As essentially a subtype of `Handle`, it can be freely interconverted.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub struct DebugLog(Handle);
bitflags! {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct DebugLogOpts: u32 {
impl DebugLog {
/// Create a debug log object that allows access to read from and write to the kernel debug
/// logging facility.
/// Wraps the
/// [zx_debuglog_create]((
/// syscall.
pub fn create(resource: &Resource, opts: DebugLogOpts) -> Result<DebugLog, Status> {
let mut handle = 0;
let status =
unsafe { sys::zx_debuglog_create(resource.raw_handle(), opts.bits(), &mut handle) };
unsafe { Ok(DebugLog::from(Handle::from_raw(handle))) }
/// Write a message to the kernel debug log.
/// Wraps the
/// [zx_debuglog_write]((
/// syscall.
pub fn write(&self, message: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Status> {
// TODO( Discussion ongoing over whether debuglog levels are supported, so no
// options parameter for now.
let status = unsafe {
sys::zx_debuglog_write(self.raw_handle(), 0, message.as_ptr(), message.len())
/// Read a single log record from the kernel debug log.
/// The DebugLog object must have been created with DebugLogOpts::READABLE, or this will return
/// an error.
/// Wraps the
/// [zx_debuglog_read]((
/// syscall.
// TODO( Return a safe wrapper type for zx_log_record_t rather than raw bytes
// depending on resolution.
pub fn read(&self) -> Result<sys::zx_log_record_t, Status> {
let mut record = sys::zx_log_record_t::default();
// zx_debuglog_read options appear to be unused.
// zx_debuglog_read returns either an error status or, on success, the actual size of bytes
// read into the buffer.
let raw_status = unsafe {
&mut record as *mut _ as *mut u8,
// On error, zx_debuglog_read returns a negative value. All other values indicate success.
if raw_status < 0 {
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{cprng_draw, Signals, Time};
use fidl_fuchsia_kernel as fkernel;
use fuchsia_component::client::connect_channel_to_protocol;
// expect_message_in_debuglog will read the last 10000 messages in zircon's debuglog, looking
// for a message that equals `sent_msg`. If found, the function returns. If the first 10,000
// messages doesn't contain `sent_msg`, it will panic.
fn expect_message_in_debuglog(sent_msg: String) {
use fuchsia_zircon::{Channel, HandleBased};
let (client_end, server_end) = Channel::create();
let service = fkernel::DebuglogResourceSynchronousProxy::new(client_end);
let resource =
service.get(fuchsia_zircon::Time::INFINITE).expect("couldn't get debuglog resource");
// This test and fuchsia-zircon are different crates, so we need
// to use from_raw to convert between the fuchsia_zircon handle and this test handle.
// See for details.
let resource = unsafe { Resource::from(Handle::from_raw(resource.into_raw())) };
let debuglog = DebugLog::create(&resource, DebugLogOpts::READABLE).unwrap();
for _ in 0..10000 {
match {
Ok(record) => {
let len = record.datalen as usize;
let log = &[0..len];
if log == sent_msg.as_bytes() {
// We found our log!
Err(status) if status == Status::SHOULD_WAIT => {
.wait_handle(Signals::LOG_READABLE, Time::INFINITE)
.expect("Failed to wait for log readable");
Err(status) => {
panic!("Unexpected error from zx_debuglog_read: {}", status);
panic!("first 10000 log messages didn't include the one we sent!");
fn read_from_nonreadable() {
let resource = Resource::from(Handle::invalid());
let debuglog = DebugLog::create(&resource, DebugLogOpts::empty()).unwrap();
assert!( == Some(Status::ACCESS_DENIED));
fn write_and_read_back() {
let mut bytes = [0; 8];
cprng_draw(&mut bytes);
let rand = u64::from_ne_bytes(bytes);
let message = format!("log message {}", rand);
let resource = Resource::from(Handle::invalid());
let debuglog = DebugLog::create(&resource, DebugLogOpts::empty()).unwrap();