blob: e078963f4b535c27c239a4b71e2e0b406e383ac1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Type-safe bindings for Zircon clock update objects.
//! Example usage:
//! ```rust
//! clock.update(ClockUpdate::builder().approximate_value(updated_time)).expect("update failed");
//! let update = ClockUpdate::builder().rate_adjust(42).error_bounds(1_000_000).build();
//! clock.update(update).expect("update failed");
//! ```
use crate::Time;
use fuchsia_zircon_sys as sys;
use std::fmt::Debug;
/// A trait implemented by all components of a ClockUpdateBuilder's state.
pub trait State {
/// Records the contents of the internal state to the supplied `clock_update_args_v2_t` struct.
fn add_args(&self, args: &mut sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t);
/// Records the validity in the supplied bitfield.
fn add_options(&self, options: &mut u64);
/// A trait implemented by states that describe how to set a clock value.
pub trait ValueState: State {}
/// A trait implemented by states that describe how to set a clock rate.
pub trait RateState: State {}
/// A trait implemented by states that describe how to set a clock error.
pub trait ErrorState: State {}
/// A `ClockUpdateBuilder` state indicating no change.
pub struct Null;
impl State for Null {
fn add_args(&self, _: &mut sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t) {}
fn add_options(&self, _: &mut u64) {}
impl ValueState for Null {}
impl RateState for Null {}
impl ErrorState for Null {}
/// A `ClockUpdateBuilder` state indicating value should be set using a
/// (reference time, synthetic time) tuple.
pub struct AbsoluteValue {
reference_value: Time,
synthetic_value: Time,
impl State for AbsoluteValue {
fn add_args(&self, args: &mut sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t) {
args.reference_value = self.reference_value.into_nanos();
args.synthetic_value = self.synthetic_value.into_nanos();
fn add_options(&self, opts: &mut u64) {
impl ValueState for AbsoluteValue {}
/// A `ClockUpdateBuilder` state indicating value should be set using only a synthetic time.
pub struct ApproximateValue(Time);
impl State for ApproximateValue {
fn add_args(&self, args: &mut sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t) {
args.synthetic_value = self.0.into_nanos();
fn add_options(&self, opts: &mut u64) {
impl ValueState for ApproximateValue {}
/// A clock update state indicating the rate should be set using the contained ppm offset.
pub struct Rate(i32);
impl State for Rate {
fn add_args(&self, args: &mut sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t) {
args.rate_adjust = self.0;
fn add_options(&self, opts: &mut u64) {
impl RateState for Rate {}
/// A clock update state indicating the clock error should be set using the contained bound in
/// nanoseconds.
pub struct Error(u64);
impl State for Error {
fn add_args(&self, args: &mut sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t) {
args.error_bound = self.0;
fn add_options(&self, opts: &mut u64) {
impl ErrorState for Error {}
/// Builder to specify how zero or more properties of a clock should be updated.
/// See [`Clock::update`].
/// A `ClockUpdateBuilder` may be created using `ClockUpdate::builder()`.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ClockUpdateBuilder<V: ValueState, R: RateState, E: ErrorState> {
value_state: V,
rate_state: R,
error_state: E,
impl<V: ValueState, R: RateState, E: ErrorState> ClockUpdateBuilder<V, R, E> {
/// Converts this `ClockUpdateBuilder` to a `ClockUpdate`.
pub fn build(self) -> ClockUpdate {
impl ClockUpdateBuilder<Null, Null, Null> {
/// Returns an empty `ClockUpdateBuilder`.
fn new() -> Self {
Self { value_state: Null, rate_state: Null, error_state: Null }
impl<R: RateState, E: ErrorState> ClockUpdateBuilder<Null, R, E> {
/// Sets an absolute value for this `ClockUpdate` using a (reference time, synthetic time) pair.
/// Reference time is typically monotonic and synthetic time is the time tracked by the clock.
/// Adding an absolute value is only possible when no other value has been set.
pub fn absolute_value(
reference_value: Time,
synthetic_value: Time,
) -> ClockUpdateBuilder<AbsoluteValue, R, E> {
ClockUpdateBuilder {
value_state: AbsoluteValue { reference_value, synthetic_value },
rate_state: self.rate_state,
error_state: self.error_state,
impl<E: ErrorState> ClockUpdateBuilder<Null, Null, E> {
/// Sets an approximate value for this `ClockUpdateBuilder` using a synthetic time only.
/// Synthetic time is the time tracked by the clock. The reference time will be set to current
/// monotonic time when the kernel applies this clock update, meaning any delay between
/// calculating synthetic time and applying the update will result in a clock error. Adding an
/// approximate value is only possible when no other value has been set and when no rate has
/// been set.
pub fn approximate_value(
synthetic_value: Time,
) -> ClockUpdateBuilder<ApproximateValue, Null, E> {
ClockUpdateBuilder {
value_state: ApproximateValue(synthetic_value),
rate_state: self.rate_state,
error_state: self.error_state,
impl<E: ErrorState> ClockUpdateBuilder<Null, Null, E> {
/// Adds a rate change in parts per million to this `ClockUpdateBuilder`.
/// Adding a rate is only possible when the value is either not set or set to an absolute value
/// and when no rate has been set previously.
pub fn rate_adjust(self, rate_adjust_ppm: i32) -> ClockUpdateBuilder<Null, Rate, E> {
ClockUpdateBuilder {
value_state: self.value_state,
rate_state: Rate(rate_adjust_ppm),
error_state: self.error_state,
impl<E: ErrorState> ClockUpdateBuilder<AbsoluteValue, Null, E> {
/// Adds a rate change in parts per million to this `ClockUpdateBuilder`.
/// Adding a rate is only possible when the value is either not set or set to an absolute value
/// and when no rate has been set previously.
pub fn rate_adjust(self, rate_adjust_ppm: i32) -> ClockUpdateBuilder<AbsoluteValue, Rate, E> {
ClockUpdateBuilder {
value_state: self.value_state,
rate_state: Rate(rate_adjust_ppm),
error_state: self.error_state,
impl<V: ValueState, R: RateState> ClockUpdateBuilder<V, R, Null> {
/// Adds an error bound in nanoseconds to this `ClockUpdateBuilder`.
pub fn error_bounds(self, error_bound_ns: u64) -> ClockUpdateBuilder<V, R, Error> {
ClockUpdateBuilder {
value_state: self.value_state,
rate_state: self.rate_state,
error_state: Error(error_bound_ns),
/// Specifies an update to zero or more properties of a clock. See [`Clock::update`]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ClockUpdate {
options: u64,
args: sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t,
impl ClockUpdate {
/// Returns a new, empty, `ClockUpdateBuilder`.
pub fn builder() -> ClockUpdateBuilder<Null, Null, Null> {
/// Returns a bitfield of options to pass to [`sys::zx_clock_update`] in conjunction with a
/// `zx_clock_update_args_v2_t` generated from this `ClockUpdate`.
pub fn options(&self) -> u64 {
impl<V: ValueState, R: RateState, E: ErrorState> From<ClockUpdateBuilder<V, R, E>> for ClockUpdate {
fn from(builder: ClockUpdateBuilder<V, R, E>) -> Self {
let mut args = sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t::default();
builder.value_state.add_args(&mut args);
builder.rate_state.add_args(&mut args);
builder.error_state.add_args(&mut args);
let mut options = sys::ZX_CLOCK_ARGS_VERSION_2;
builder.value_state.add_options(&mut options);
builder.rate_state.add_options(&mut options);
builder.error_state.add_options(&mut options);
Self { options, args }
impl From<ClockUpdate> for sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t {
fn from(clock_update: ClockUpdate) -> Self {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn empty_update() {
let update = ClockUpdateBuilder::new().build();
assert_eq!(update.options(), sys::ZX_CLOCK_ARGS_VERSION_2);
sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t {
rate_adjust: 0,
padding1: Default::default(),
reference_value: 0,
synthetic_value: 0,
error_bound: 0,
fn rate_only() {
let update = ClockUpdate::from(ClockUpdateBuilder::new().rate_adjust(52));
sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t {
rate_adjust: 52,
padding1: Default::default(),
reference_value: 0,
synthetic_value: 0,
error_bound: 0,
fn approximate_value() {
let update = ClockUpdateBuilder::new()
sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t {
rate_adjust: 0,
padding1: Default::default(),
reference_value: 0,
synthetic_value: 42,
error_bound: 62,
fn absolute_value() {
let update = ClockUpdateBuilder::new()
.absolute_value(Time::from_nanos(1000), Time::from_nanos(42))
sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t {
rate_adjust: 52,
padding1: Default::default(),
reference_value: 1000,
synthetic_value: 42,
error_bound: 62,