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// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Type-safe bindings for Zircon clock objects.
use crate::ok;
use crate::{AsHandleRef, ClockUpdate, Handle, HandleBased, HandleRef, Time};
use bitflags::bitflags;
use fuchsia_zircon_status::Status;
use fuchsia_zircon_sys as sys;
use std::{mem::MaybeUninit, ptr};
/// An object representing a kernel [clock], used to track the progress of time. A clock is a
/// one-dimensional affine transformation of the [clock monotonic] reference timeline which may be
/// atomically adjusted by a maintainer and observed by clients.
/// As essentially a subtype of `Handle`, it can be freely interconverted.
/// [clock]:
/// [clock monotonic]:
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub struct Clock(Handle);
bitflags! {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct ClockOpts: u64 {
/// When set, creates a clock object which is guaranteed to never run backwards. Monotonic
/// clocks must always move forward.
/// When set, creates a clock which is guaranteed to never jump either forwards or
/// backwards. Continuous clocks may only be maintained using frequency adjustments and are,
/// by definition, also monotonic.
/// When set, creates a clock that is automatically started and is initially a clone of
/// clock monotonic. Users may still update the clock within the limits defined by the
/// other options, the handle rights, and the backstop time of the clock.
/// Fine grained details of a [`Clock`] object.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ClockDetails {
/// The minimum time the clock can ever be set to.
pub backstop: Time,
/// The current ticks to clock transformation.
pub ticks_to_synthetic: ClockTransformation,
/// The current clock monotonic to clock transformation.
pub mono_to_synthetic: ClockTransformation,
/// The current symmetric error estimate (if any) for the clock, measured in nanoseconds.
pub error_bounds: u64,
/// An observation of the system tick counter which was taken during the observation of the
/// clock.
pub query_ticks: sys::zx_ticks_t,
/// The last time the clock's value was updated as defined by the clock monotonic reference
/// timeline.
pub last_value_update_ticks: sys::zx_ticks_t,
/// The last time the clock's rate adjustment was updated as defined by the clock monotonic
/// reference timeline.
pub last_rate_adjust_update_ticks: sys::zx_ticks_t,
/// The last time the clock's error bounds were updated as defined by the clock monotonic
/// reference timeline.
pub last_error_bounds_update_ticks: sys::zx_ticks_t,
/// The generation nonce.
pub generation_counter: u32,
impl From<sys::zx_clock_details_v1_t> for ClockDetails {
fn from(details: sys::zx_clock_details_v1_t) -> Self {
ClockDetails {
backstop: Time::from_nanos(details.backstop_time),
ticks_to_synthetic: details.ticks_to_synthetic.into(),
mono_to_synthetic: details.mono_to_synthetic.into(),
error_bounds: details.error_bound,
query_ticks: details.query_ticks,
last_value_update_ticks: details.last_value_update_ticks,
last_rate_adjust_update_ticks: details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks,
last_error_bounds_update_ticks: details.last_error_bounds_update_ticks,
generation_counter: details.generation_counter,
/// A one-dimensional affine transformation that maps points from the reference timeline to the
/// clock timeline. See [clock transformations].
/// [clock transformations]:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ClockTransformation {
/// The offset on the reference timeline, measured in reference clock ticks.
pub reference_offset: i64,
/// The offset on the clock timeline, measured in clock ticks (typically normalized to
/// nanoseconds).
pub synthetic_offset: i64,
/// The ratio of the reference to clock rate.
pub rate: sys::zx_clock_rate_t,
impl From<sys::zx_clock_transformation_t> for ClockTransformation {
fn from(ct: sys::zx_clock_transformation_t) -> Self {
ClockTransformation {
reference_offset: ct.reference_offset,
synthetic_offset: ct.synthetic_offset,
rate: ct.rate,
/// Apply affine transformation to convert the reference time "r" to the synthetic time
/// "c". All values are widened to i128 before calculations and the end result is converted back to
/// a i64. If "c" is a larger number than would fit in an i64, the result saturates when cast to
/// i64.
fn transform_clock(r: i64, r_offset: i64, c_offset: i64, r_rate: u32, c_rate: u32) -> i64 {
let r = r as i128;
let r_offset = r_offset as i128;
let c_offset = c_offset as i128;
let r_rate = r_rate as i128;
let c_rate = c_rate as i128;
let c = (((r - r_offset) * c_rate) / r_rate) + c_offset;
c.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|_| if c.is_positive() { i64::MAX } else { i64::MIN })
/// [Clock transformations](
/// can be applied to convert a time from a reference time to a synthetic time. The inverse
/// transformation can be applied to convert a synthetic time back to the reference time.
impl ClockTransformation {
pub fn apply(&self, time: Time) -> Time {
let c = transform_clock(
pub fn apply_inverse(&self, time: Time) -> Time {
let r = transform_clock(
Time::from_nanos(r as i64)
impl Clock {
/// Create a new clock object with the provided arguments. Wraps the [zx_clock_create] syscall.
/// [zx_clock_create]:
pub fn create(opts: ClockOpts, backstop: Option<Time>) -> Result<Self, Status> {
let mut out = 0;
let status = match backstop {
Some(backstop) => {
// When using backstop time, use the API v1 args struct.
let args = sys::zx_clock_create_args_v1_t { backstop_time: backstop.into_nanos() };
unsafe {
sys::ZX_CLOCK_ARGS_VERSION_1 | opts.bits(),
&args as *const _ as *const u8,
&mut out,
None => unsafe { sys::zx_clock_create(opts.bits(), ptr::null(), &mut out) },
unsafe { Ok(Self::from(Handle::from_raw(out))) }
/// Perform a basic read of this clock. Wraps the [zx_clock_read] syscall. Requires
/// `ZX_RIGHT_READ` and that the clock has had an initial time established.
/// [zx_clock_read]:
pub fn read(&self) -> Result<Time, Status> {
let mut now = 0;
let status = unsafe { sys::zx_clock_read(self.raw_handle(), &mut now) };
/// Get low level details of this clock's current status. Wraps the
/// [zx_clock_get_details] syscall. Requires `ZX_RIGHT_READ`.
/// [zx_clock_get_details]:
pub fn get_details(&self) -> Result<ClockDetails, Status> {
let mut out_details = MaybeUninit::<sys::zx_clock_details_v1_t>::uninit();
let status = unsafe {
out_details.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8,
let out_details = unsafe { out_details.assume_init() };
/// Make adjustments to this clock. Wraps the [zx_clock_update] syscall. Requires
/// [zx_clock_update]:
pub fn update(&self, update: impl Into<ClockUpdate>) -> Result<(), Status> {
let update = update.into();
let options = update.options();
let args = sys::zx_clock_update_args_v2_t::from(update);
let status = unsafe {
sys::zx_clock_update(self.raw_handle(), options, &args as *const _ as *const u8)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
fn create_clocks() {
assert_matches!(Clock::create(ClockOpts::empty(), None), Ok(_));
assert_matches!(Clock::create(ClockOpts::MONOTONIC, None), Ok(_));
assert_matches!(Clock::create(ClockOpts::CONTINUOUS, None), Ok(_));
assert_matches!(Clock::create(ClockOpts::AUTO_START | ClockOpts::MONOTONIC, None), Ok(_));
assert_matches!(Clock::create(ClockOpts::AUTO_START | ClockOpts::CONTINUOUS, None), Ok(_));
// Now with backstop.
let backstop = Some(Time::from_nanos(5500));
assert_matches!(Clock::create(ClockOpts::MONOTONIC, backstop), Ok(_));
assert_matches!(Clock::create(ClockOpts::CONTINUOUS, backstop), Ok(_));
Clock::create(ClockOpts::AUTO_START | ClockOpts::MONOTONIC, backstop),
Clock::create(ClockOpts::AUTO_START | ClockOpts::CONTINUOUS, backstop),
fn read_time() {
let clock = Clock::create(ClockOpts::MONOTONIC, None).expect("failed to create clock");
assert_matches!(, Ok(_));
fn get_clock_details() {
// No backstop.
let clock = Clock::create(ClockOpts::MONOTONIC, None).expect("failed to create clock");
let details = clock.get_details().expect("failed to get details");
assert_eq!(details.backstop, Time::from_nanos(0));
// With backstop.
let clock = Clock::create(ClockOpts::MONOTONIC, Some(Time::from_nanos(5500)))
.expect("failed to create clock");
let details = clock.get_details().expect("failed to get details");
assert_eq!(details.backstop, Time::from_nanos(5500));
fn update_clock() {
let clock = Clock::create(ClockOpts::MONOTONIC, None).expect("failed to create clock");
let before_details = clock.get_details().expect("failed to get details");
assert_eq!(before_details.last_value_update_ticks, 0);
assert_eq!(before_details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks, 0);
assert_eq!(before_details.last_error_bounds_update_ticks, 0);
// Update all properties.
.absolute_value(Time::from_nanos(999), Time::from_nanos(42))
.expect("failed to update clock");
let after_details = clock.get_details().expect("failed to get details");
assert!(before_details.generation_counter < after_details.generation_counter);
assert!(after_details.last_value_update_ticks > before_details.last_value_update_ticks);
assert_eq!(after_details.error_bounds, 52);
assert_eq!(after_details.ticks_to_synthetic.synthetic_offset, 42);
assert_eq!(after_details.mono_to_synthetic.reference_offset, 999);
assert_eq!(after_details.mono_to_synthetic.synthetic_offset, 42);
let before_details = after_details;
// Update only one property.
clock.update(ClockUpdate::builder().error_bounds(100)).expect("failed to update clock");
let after_details = clock.get_details().expect("failed to get details");
assert!(before_details.generation_counter < after_details.generation_counter);
after_details.last_error_bounds_update_ticks > before_details.last_value_update_ticks
> after_details.last_rate_adjust_update_ticks
assert_eq!(after_details.error_bounds, 100);
assert_eq!(after_details.ticks_to_synthetic.synthetic_offset, 42);
assert_eq!(after_details.mono_to_synthetic.synthetic_offset, 42);
fn clock_identity_transformation_roundtrip() {
let t_0 = Time::ZERO;
// Identity clock transformation
let xform = ClockTransformation {
reference_offset: 0,
synthetic_offset: 0,
rate: sys::zx_clock_rate_t { synthetic_ticks: 1, reference_ticks: 1 },
// Transformation roundtrip should be equivalent with the identity transformation.
let transformed_time = xform.apply(t_0);
let original_time = xform.apply_inverse(transformed_time);
assert_eq!(t_0, original_time);
fn clock_trivial_transformation() {
let t_0 = Time::ZERO;
// Identity clock transformation
let xform = ClockTransformation {
reference_offset: 3,
synthetic_offset: 2,
rate: sys::zx_clock_rate_t { synthetic_ticks: 6, reference_ticks: 2 },
let utc_time = xform.apply(t_0);
let monotonic_time = xform.apply_inverse(utc_time);
// Verify that the math is correct.
assert_eq!(3 * (t_0.into_nanos() - 3) + 2, utc_time.into_nanos());
// Transformation roundtrip should be equivalent.
assert_eq!(t_0, monotonic_time);
fn clock_transformation_roundtrip() {
let t_0 = Time::ZERO;
// Arbitrary clock transformation
let xform = ClockTransformation {
reference_offset: 196980085208,
synthetic_offset: 1616900096031887801,
rate: sys::zx_clock_rate_t { synthetic_ticks: 999980, reference_ticks: 1000000 },
// Transformation roundtrip should be equivalent modulo rounding error.
let transformed_time = xform.apply(t_0);
let original_time = xform.apply_inverse(transformed_time);
let roundtrip_diff = t_0 - original_time;
assert!(roundtrip_diff.into_nanos().abs() <= 1);
fn clock_trailing_transformation_roundtrip() {
let t_0 = Time::ZERO;
// Arbitrary clock transformation where the synthetic clock is trailing behind the
// reference clock.
let xform = ClockTransformation {
reference_offset: 1616900096031887801,
synthetic_offset: 196980085208,
rate: sys::zx_clock_rate_t { synthetic_ticks: 1000000, reference_ticks: 999980 },
// Transformation roundtrip should be equivalent modulo rounding error.
let transformed_time = xform.apply(t_0);
let original_time = xform.apply_inverse(transformed_time);
let roundtrip_diff = t_0 - original_time;
assert!(roundtrip_diff.into_nanos().abs() <= 1);
fn clock_saturating_transformations() {
let t_0 = Time::from_nanos(i64::MAX);
// Clock transformation which will positively overflow t_0
let xform = ClockTransformation {
reference_offset: 0,
synthetic_offset: 1,
rate: sys::zx_clock_rate_t { synthetic_ticks: 1, reference_ticks: 1 },
// Applying the transformation will lead to saturation
let time = xform.apply(t_0).into_nanos();
assert_eq!(time, i64::MAX);
let t_0 = Time::from_nanos(i64::MIN);
// Clock transformation which will negatively overflow t_0
let xform = ClockTransformation {
reference_offset: 1,
synthetic_offset: 0,
rate: sys::zx_clock_rate_t { synthetic_ticks: 1, reference_ticks: 1 },
// Applying the transformation will lead to saturation
let time = xform.apply(t_0).into_nanos();
assert_eq!(time, i64::MIN);