blob: 4fce9ffbe8407a16ee3960cc1f0cec2ae9b5f197 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Including this header makes zbitl::View<efi_file_protocol*> and
// zbitl::Image<efi_file_protocol*> specializations available to access ZBI
// files via the EFI filesystem. For smart-pointer types for efi_file_protocol
// (using unique_ptr, as in <phys/efi/file.h> EfiFilePtr), there is also an
// owning specialization.
#include <memory>
#include <efi/protocol/file.h>
#include "storage-traits.h"
namespace zbitl {
template <>
class StorageTraits<efi_file_protocol*> {
using error_type = efi_status;
static std::string_view error_string(error_type error) {
// TODO(mcgrathr): efi error strings
return "<EFI error>";
/// Offset into file where the ZBI item payload begins.
using payload_type = uint64_t;
static fit::result<error_type, uint32_t> Capacity(efi_file_protocol* file);
static fit::result<error_type> EnsureCapacity(efi_file_protocol* file, uint32_t capacity_bytes);
static fit::result<error_type, payload_type> Payload(efi_file_protocol* file, uint32_t offset,
uint32_t length) {
return fit::ok(offset);
static fit::result<error_type> Read(efi_file_protocol* file, payload_type payload, void* buffer,
uint32_t length);
template <typename Callback>
static auto Read(efi_file_protocol* file, payload_type payload, uint32_t length,
Callback&& callback) -> fit::result<error_type, decltype(callback(ByteView{}))> {
std::optional<decltype(callback(ByteView{}))> result;
auto cb = [&](ByteView chunk) -> bool {
result = callback(chunk);
return result->is_ok();
using CbType = decltype(cb);
auto read_error = DoRead(
file, payload, length,
[](void* cb, ByteView chunk) { return (*static_cast<CbType*>(cb))(chunk); }, &cb);
if (read_error.is_error()) {
return read_error.take_error();
return fit::ok(*result);
static fit::result<error_type> Write(efi_file_protocol* file, uint32_t offset, ByteView data);
static fit::result<error_type> DoRead(efi_file_protocol* f, payload_type offset, uint32_t length,
bool (*)(void*, ByteView), void*);
template <class Deleter>
class StorageTraits<std::unique_ptr<efi_file_protocol, Deleter>>
: public StorageTraits<efi_file_protocol*> {
using Base = StorageTraits<efi_file_protocol*>;
static fit::result<error_type, uint32_t> Capacity(
const std::unique_ptr<efi_file_protocol, Deleter>& file) {
return Base::Capacity(file.get());
static fit::result<error_type> EnsureCapacity(
const std::unique_ptr<efi_file_protocol, Deleter>& file, uint32_t capacity_bytes) {
return Base::EnsureCapacity(file.get(), capacity_bytes);
static fit::result<error_type, payload_type> Payload(
const std::unique_ptr<efi_file_protocol, Deleter>& file, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) {
return Base::Payload(file.get(), offset, length);
static fit::result<error_type> Read(const std::unique_ptr<efi_file_protocol, Deleter>& file,
payload_type payload, void* buffer, uint32_t length) {
return Base::Read(file.get(), payload, buffer, length);
static fit::result<error_type> Write(const std::unique_ptr<efi_file_protocol, Deleter>& file,
uint32_t offset, ByteView data) {
return Base::Write(file.get(), offset, data);
} // namespace zbitl